Questions tagged [reverse-engineering]

Reverse engineering is the process of discovering the technological principles of a human made device, object or system through analysis of its structure, function and operation.

235 questions
6 answers

How valuable is secrecy of an algorithm?

On the surface, the inadvisability of security through obscurity is directly at odds with the concept of shared secrets (i.e. "passwords"). Which is to say: if secrecy around passwords is valuable, then by extension surely it must be of some value…
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15 answers

Should we protect web application source code from being stolen by web hosts through obfuscation?

Is it worth to obfuscate a java web app source code so that the web host cannot make wrong use of the code or even steal your business? If so, how should this be dealt with? How should we obfuscate? We are a new start up launching a product in…
11 answers

Can software passwords be bypassed by reverse engineering?

Let's say, on any software (that is installed on Client-Side OS), is it possible, to alter the software in such way (i.e. Zip Passwords) so for incorrect input it redirected to correct "result", like: Is it possible to alter software logic to…
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6 answers

Why would malware try to remove other malware?

Recently my php-based website got infected with malware (probably by a stolen ftp password). Basically, every 30 minutes a file frame_cleaner_php.php was uploaded, a HTTP-GET was done on it to execute it and it was removed. I was able to intercept a…
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4 answers

Why does malware periodically check

I'm looking at some malware PCAPs, e.g. . One of the things I've been seeing frequently is requests to alexa top million sites (e.g. yandex, google, yahoo). I've always considered this to be…
Fred Concklin
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8 answers

Is there a way to prevent someone from making his own client app for my webservice?

Say I have a RESTful web service and a commercial Android app on the front end which is used to interact with it. I may use SSL so that the endpoints are not visible, but someone could still do some reverse engineering to find them. I could also use…
Ana Mandic
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3 answers

Why can't reverse engineering be automated?

I am still in college for a Computer Security degree and took my first assembly language based class last semester. We touched upon the subject of reverse engineering and why it is an important part of fighting malware and ill-wished…
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4 answers

I feel like it's impossible to learn reverse engineering

I know how to use most of the tools in Kali like msfvenom and msfconsole and I can safely call myself a script kiddie. I learned the basics of C# and that helps me understand some of the things in C, but I still get easily lost. I know the basics…
Nikolay Atanasov
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2 answers

Identifying the author(s) of a piece of malware

When a new piece of malware appears, people can try to determine where it comes from, and who its authors could be. How do security experts attempt to identify the authors of a new publicly disclosed piece of malware? What techniques (e.g. reverse…
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2 answers

What is the difference between Ghidra and Ida?

Is there a comparison between Ghidra and Ida? Are there any specific features and functionality that Ghidra while Ida doesn't? Is there a good source (most preferably book) that explain Ghidra in detail?
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3 answers

Can I rely on these GitHub repository files?

I recently found the GitHub repository, but after I cloned it I noted that the comparison between the file compiled (using g++) from source, HLuna.cxx, and the binary included in the repository (HLuna) is…
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6 answers

Becoming a malware analyst?

So, I'm currently 16 and am considering a career in IT when I finish school. The thing that has intrigued me the most while growing up is malware. I've come across it so often and have often had to clean it up for family and friends (I also did it…
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2 answers

Facebook API : App Secret - possible misuse

I've recently find out that by simple quick look into compiled code of one of our applications, you can get both App ID (API Key) and App Secret for Facebook API I suppose that we should really keep App Secret (obviously from the word secret), so…
Marek Sebera
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7 answers

Any comprehensive solutions for binary code protection and anti-reverse-engineering?

Does anyone know of good products with comprehensive binary hardening and anti-reverse-engineering features? Or better, has anyone seen an independent review comparing products that perform these types of binary code protections? I've only found…
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1 answer

Skype opens base64-encoded JavaScript. What does it do?

I just came across a rather unusual problem, and I cannot figure out if it actually is a problem (or even security issue) or not. Upon opening Skype on MacOS, a popup window appears (multiple times, but with the exact same content), asking to choose…
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