Sen Gardner (3.5e NPC)

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Sen Gardner

CR 14

Female Human Sorcerers 3, Prestidigitator 1, Presto 10
CE Medium humanoid
Init/Senses /Listen 2, Spot 2
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10
hp (14 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will 6/6/13
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Base Atk/Grp +4/+3
Spells Known (CL 14th):
7th (3/day)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 18
SQ Metamagic Specialist(PHB2 p61), Magical Performance, Silent Prestidigitation, Still Prestidigitation, Compress, True Prestidigitation
Feats Double Cantrips, Extend spell, Enlarge spell, Toymaker, Parlour Tricks, Improved Prestidigitation, Improved initiative(+4 on initiative test), Investigator(+2 Gather info and search tests), Eschew Materials, Improved Synergy, Concentration Spell, Extend Spell List, Forge ring, Craftsman
Skills Appraise +9/(+11 see craft), Bluff +13, Concentration +16, Craft(alchemy) +13, Craft(Woodcraft)+ Craft(Woodcraft)+13, Craft(Herbalist) +13, Craft(Bookcraft) +15, Craft(Cooking)+13, Craft(Herbalist)+13, Craft(Smithcraft)+15, Craft(Stonecraft)+13, Craft(Taillor)+13, Craft(Woodcraft)+13, Decipher Script +3, Diplomacy +19, Disguise +8, Gather Information +15, Intimidate +5, Knowledge(arcana) +13, Knowledge(Geography) +4, Knowledge(History) +4, Listen +1, Move Silently +12, Perform(oratory) +10, Search +6, Sense motive +11, Sleight of Hand +12, Spellcraft +20, Spot +1, Use Magic Device +13.
Possessions spell components

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