Artificer, Variant (3.5e Class)

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An artificer on his way to barter for new crafting materials.


sorcerer the artificer is in a position of potentially great magic combined with extraordinary crafting abilities. learns to channel raw arcane magic through his veins into a permanent permeable form through magic items. With his enhanced skills he also receives a supernaturally high level of ability with all the skills that he pursues that deal with his crafting expertise; and can make mundane and magical items of varying qualities with ease. Another key difference between sorcerers and artificers is that artificers also are able to shape divine magic by establishing a connection to the magic's deity, but his abilities are wholly innate without requiring the service of the god. Artificers are also able to break down and reclaim components from previously created magical items through a process called rending, and they commonly use this ability to fuel their own creations and projects.

Making an Artificer

Artificers are not like other individuals that are found throughout worlds; they do not gain exceptional martial prowess naturally like the fighter, they do not receive a multitude of different skills like the rogue and while they are able to mimic the spell requirements for magical item creation they are unable to cast any spells at all. Instead of the abilities others receive, an artificer is greatly defined by what he makes over the course of his life. His abilities are defined by the items that come into his possession, so unlike other classes he is not forced into any one position or role. With the significant reductions in what the artificer's crafting extolls it becomes easier for them to pick which specialties to fulfill. In addition, this allows the artificer to more easily change what he does later in life as long as he is willing to spend the time and resources to arm himself appropriately.

Artificers learn their craft in the manner of wizards and sorcerers, that is, through years of study. Their saves are not amongst the worst due to their experience with avoiding accidents from their dabblings with magic, and their skills are partly limited seeing how most of artificer's great abilities are gained through magical devices they fashion that increase their capabilities. An artificer can craft items at reduced expense which, with some effort, modify their abilities to make them similar in power to whatever pursuit they choose or has chosen them. The key for any artificer is to decide what path they wish to be skilled at or decide which paths they can augment by shifting their foci early in their career, and to create items that suit these pursuits as economically as possible.

Abilities: The most important attribute for every artificer is Intelligence for their spell requirements. In order to use Mimic Spell the artificer must meet the attribute level requirement to make the item (i.e. if the item being crafted requires a 9th level arcane spell an Intelligence score of 19 is required and the character level can be no less than 18th level). Other attributes are dependent on the artificers chosen path and goals, as an artificer wanting to be a melee combatant would do poorly if he possessed only 8 Strength.

Races: Dwarves and gnomes are the most common artificers, as they both have a deeply ingrained love for working with items. Dwarves enjoy turning metals like steel into works of art and gnomes excel at jewel crafting: pouring care and love into their work. Humans also make proficient artificers though they are usually motivated by monetary gain or the prospects of power instead of true love for crafting items. Any race is physically capable of becoming an artificer; however races which do not answer the call of the forge tend to have significantly less artificers on average. NPC artificers will normally travel between major cities or set up in a major city to support their profession.

Alignment: Any alignment is acceptable for artificers, though most will gravitate towards law and neutrality. Craftsmen work is highly ordered, and follows a natural law in order to execute a product that is of the highest quality. Artificers generally do not care how their creations are used, instead caring that their works are the pinnacle of their ability and crafted with devoted attention.

Starting Gold: 3d4x10 gp (75 average starting gold).

Starting Age: Moderate as fighter

Table: The Artificer

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Infusions per Day
FortRefWill 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th
1st+0+2+0+2 Artificer Power,Infusions, Forge Master, Mimic Spell, Rending, Scribe Scroll, Artisan Bonus 2
2nd+1+3+0+3 Artificer Power, Detect Magic, Disable Trap 3
3rd+2+3+1+3 Artificer Power, Brew Potion, Craft on the Move, Craft Wondrous Item 31
4th+3+4+1+4 Energy Expansion 1, Identify, Craft Homonculus, Bonus Feat 32
5th+3+4+1+4 Artificer Power, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wand 331
6th+4+5+2+5 Artificer Power, Bio-Arcane Engine 332
7th+5+5+2+5 Artificer Power, Metamagic Spell Trigger 332
8th+6/+1+6+2+6 Energy Expansion 2, Bonus Feat 3331
9th+6/+1+6+3+6 Artificer Power, Craft Rod 3332
10th+7/+2+7+3+7 Artificer Power, Craft Construct, Spell Resistance 3332
11th+8/+3+7+3+7 Artificer Power, Metamagic Spell Completion 33321
12th+9/+4+8+4+8 Craft Master, Craft Staff, Energy Expansion 3, Forge Ring, Bonus Feat 33322
13th+9/+4+8+4+8 Artificer Power, Profane Fuel 33332
14th+10/+5+9+4+9 Analyze Dweomer, Artificer Power 433331
15th+11/+6/+1+9+5+9 Artificer Power 443332
16th+12/+7/+2+10+5+10 Energy Expansion 4, Bonus Feat 444332
17th+12/+7/+2+10+5+10 Artificer Power, Fabricate 3/day 444433
18th+13/+8/+3+11+6+11 Artificer Power 444443
19th+14/+9/+4+11+6+11 Artificer Power 444444
20th+15/+10/+5+12+6+12 Energy Expansion 5, Bonus Feat 444444

Class Skills (8 + Int modifier per level, x4 at 1st level)
Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (arcane) (Int),Knowledge (architecture and engineering) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int),Knowledge (planes) (Int),Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis),Spellcraft (Int) Speak Language, Use Magic Device (Cha)

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Artificers are proficient with all simple weapons, light armor, medium armor, and heavy armor but not with shields. In addition an Artificer is treated as proficient with all items they craft personally.

Artisan Bonus: An artificer gains a +1/2 HD (Minimum +1) bonus on Use Magic Device checks to activate an item of a kind for which he has the prerequisite item creation feat. For example, a level 5 artificer who has the Craft Wand feat gains a +2 bonus on checks to use a spell from a wand.

Infusions: An artificer is not a spellcaster, but he does have the ability to imbue items with magical infusions. Infusions are neither arcane nor divine; they are drawn from the artificer infusion list (see Chapter 5: Magic). They function just like spells and follow all the rules for spells. For example, an infusion can be dispelled, it will not function in an antimagic area, and an artificer must make a Concentration check if injured while imbuing an item with an infusion.

An artificer can imbue an item with any infusion from the list without preparing the infusion ahead of time. Unlike a sorcerer or bard, he does not select a subset of the available infusions as his known infusions; he has access to every infusion on the list that is of a level he can use. It is possible for an artificer to learn infusions that are not on the normal artificer infusion list. These might include ancient infusions he finds in the ruins of Xen'drik or secret infusions known only to the members of certain guilds or organizations. When he encounters such an infusion, an artificer can attempt to learn it by making a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + spell level). If this check succeeds, he adds the infusion to his list. If not, he can try again when he gains another rank in Spellcraft, assuming he still has access to the new infusion. To imbue an item with an infusion, an artificer must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the infusion level (Int 11 for 1st-level infusions, Int 12 for 2nd-level infusions, and so forth). The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Like spellcasters, an artificer can use only a certain number of infusions of a particular level per day. His base daily infusion allotment is given on the accompanying table. In addition, he receives extra infusions per day if he has a sufficiently high Intelligence score (see Table 1—1: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells, page 8 of the Player's Handbook). An artificer's infusions can only be imbued into an item or a construct (including warforged). He cannot, for example, simply imbue an ally with bull's strength. He must instead imbue that ability into an item his ally is wearing. The item then functions as a belt of giant strength for the duration of the infusion. He can, however, imbue bull's strength directly on a construct or a character with the living construct subtype, and infusions such as repair light damage and iron construct function only when imbued on such characters.

Many infusions have long casting times, often 1 minute or more. An artificer can spend 1d10 hit points which can not be reduced by DR or other such abilities to imbue any infusion in 1 round (like a spell that takes 1 round to cast). Like a spellcaster, an artificer can apply metamagic feats he knows to his infusions. Like a sorcerer, an artificer can apply a metamagic feat to an infusion spontaneously, but doing this requires extra time. An artificer can craft alchemical items as though he were a spellcaster. An artificer cannot automatically use a spell trigger or spell completion item if the equivalent spell appears on his infusion list. For example, an artificer must still employ the Use Magic Device skill to use a wand of light, even though light appears on his infusion list.

Each day, an artificer must focus his mind on his infusions. He needs 8 hours of rest, after which he spends 15 minutes concentrating. During this period, the artificer readies his mind to hold his daily allotment of infusions. Without such a period of time to refresh himself, the character does not regain the infusion slots he used up the day before. Any infusions used within the last 8 hours count against the artificer's daily limit. An artificer never requires a divine focus to imbue an item with an infusion. In cases where an infusion duplicates a spell that requires either a material component or a divine focus, or requires either an arcane focus or a divine focus, the artificer uses the arcane material component or arcane focus.

Artificer Power (Ex): The artificer is a master craftsman and upon 1st level he learns to improve his crafting ability as he gains experience. By learning new techniques, creating new alloys and increasing the efficiency of his forge the artificer gains one of the three following powers to improve his ability to make objects, as indicated on Table: The Artificer.

Material Reduction: The artificer may choose this power to reduce the materials used in his crafts by a cumulative 20%. This power can never exceed 80% reduction for materials as this shows efficiency, not the ability to create materials out of thin air. This power only reduces the cost of an object, in the case of magical creations the full experience cost still needs to be expended (minus any adjustments by the Experience Reduction power). It also does not reduce the required time to create the item, that instead falls under the Quicken Manufacture power.

Experience Reduction: The artificer may choose this power to reduce the experience required in his crafts by a cumulative 20%. This power can never exceed 80% reduction for experience as this shows efficiency but a sacrifice is still required for the creation of magical items. This power only reduces the experience expenditure, it does not reduce the overall price in any way. It also does not reduce the required time to create the item, that instead falls under the Quicken Manufacture power.

Quicken Manufacture: The artificer may choose this power to increases the daily rate at which he crafts magical items by a factor (i.e. the first time this is selected the factor is x2 so you create 2000 gold pieces worth a day). Normally you create items at the rate of 1000 gp per day. This ability can be taken several times, and stacks with itself. Each time it is chosen, add another real factor (i.e. x2 becomes x4: 4,000 gold per day) to the value of a single magical item that the character can create per day. As this is a extraordinary ability, it stacks with other crafting bonuses, such as the Fast Item Creation feat.

Forge Master (Ex): Artificers are the undisputed masters of the forge. For each Crafting Skill that the artificer possesses he gets a inherent bonus equal to ½ of his artificer level to each creation roll.

Mimic Spell (Su): At 1st level an artificer can substitute raw power for knowledge when crafting or using magical items. The artificer is able to produce the required spell effect for any spell that he qualifies for. To use divine magic, he must access the deities domain with a check of his class level, but any Wisdom requirements are instead replaced by his class level/2; all arcane crafting requirements work off of his Intelligence score. The artificer's class level counts as his effective caster level for this ability but it does not give him the ability to use spells in any capacity except in the creation and usage of items. The artificer is still required to meet all other prerequisites of the spell (e.g. minimum caster level) in order to create a magical item, but the artificer is not required to study any materials in order to produce this effect; he will naturally feel the correct way to proceed and then can complete the item. The maximum spell level the artificer is allowed to use during crafting is the same as a wizard (i.e. level 3 is required for second level spells and it follows the wizard's progression).

Further because of their innate ability with all magical forms and items, whenever the artificer is required to roll a Use Magic Device check he may choose to multiply the result x3 once a day before making the roll. In addition, whenever an artificer uses an item successfully with Use Magic Device, he does not need to attempt the check ever again with that particular item. However, if a new item of the same type comes into his possession he is still required to attune himself to it prior to being able to use it from then on. However the artificer can only permanently attune one item per 2 artificer levels to himself, and this attunement ratio always rounds down (i.e. 0 items attuned at level 1). An artificer may choose to sever their attunement to an item freely though if they do so becoming attuned to the same item again will require a new Use Magic Device roll. Items which have been attuned are treated as having a CL equal to the Artificer's effective CL when wielded by the Artificer.

Rending (Ex): A 1st level artificer is capable of breaking down any existing magical item into the gold piece value from a magic item and use those funds to create another magic item. The artificer must spend a day with the item, and he must also have the appropriate item creation feat for the item he is salvaging. After one day, the item is destroyed and the artificer gains the gp value it took to create the item. This value is cannot be spent as gold, it may only be used in the creation of another magic item.

Scribe Scroll: At 1st level, an artificer gains Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat. An artificer need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for Scribe Scroll.

Disable Trap: At 2nd level, an artificer can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create the trap. An artificer can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. Usually the DC is 25 + the level of the spell used to create the trap. An artificer who beats a trap's DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with his party) without disarming it.

Detect Magic (Sp): At 2nd level the artificer is able to sense magic due to his innate working with it. He can cast detect magic at will as a standard action.

Brew Potion: At 3rd level, an artificer gains Brew Potion as a bonus feat. An artificer need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for Brew Potion.

Craft on the Move (Ex): Upon reaching 3rd level, an artificer is able to continue working on journeys as long as he has the appropriate equipment. The artificer can purchase and outfit a wagon for 2,000 gold pieces that will allow one to continue his work on the road, though nothing beyond the artificers personal belongings can be stored in the base wagon without getting in the way. In addition with this outfitted wagon the artificer can continue to work on items during periods of travel as long as the situation remains peaceful and the terrain he is traveling on is not severely degraded, where the artificer does not need to constantly drive the wagon, at 50% of his crafting rate. Since this is a specialty wagon, its construction takes one month after it is paid for until it is complete. An artificer may only have one wagon at a time that enables him to Craft on the Move.

Wagon Options: Once the wagon is purchased and fully equipped an individual artificer can purchase certain improvements over the course of his career for it. The costs of the wagon's improvements are expensive since they include everything that is modified. For example, if you add more weight to an overburdened cart you will split the wheels unless they are reinforced.

Secret Panel: A wagon with a secret panel allows an artificer to store up to two cubic feet or 100 lbs of items that require a DC (20+1/2 Class Level + Int Mod) Search check to be found. The secret panel costs 1,000 gold pieces to be installed into the cart with a DC of 25. For every two additional points the artificer decides to increase the DC the price rises by another 3,000 gold pieces. The DC cannot be changed after the panel is installed, unless it is removed which costs 500 gold pieces. A single wagon can possess no more than two secret panel compartments. If the artificer no longer uses a wagon with a secret panel with Craft on the Move, then the apartment becomes nothing more than ordinary extra storage space for the wagon.

Materials Bin: A wagon with a materials bin grants an artificer access to a large locked area where he can store raw materials used in crafting. The materials bin costs 500 gold pieces to put into his cart and is large enough to accommodate six cubic feet of material and up to 500 lbs. A material bin can be increased to double the normal size (12 cubic feet and 1000 lbs) for an additional 1,000 gold. If the artificer puts a lock on the bin it is created through normal lock procedures. If the artificer no longer uses a wagon with a materials bin with Craft on the Move, then the apartment becomes nothing more than ordinary extra storage space for the wagon.

Craft Wondrous Item: At 3rd level, an artificer gains Craft Wondrous Item as a bonus feat. An artificer need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for Craft Wondrous Item.

Energy Expansion (Su): Upon reaching 4th level, an artificer increases his effective caster level when crafting by 1. Every 4 levels thereafter the artificer gains an additional effective caster level when crafting (2 at 8th, 3 at 12th, 4 at 16th, and 5 at 20th level). The bonus an artificer gets to his effective caster level, however, does not effect the level of spells that he can use.

Bonus Feat An artificer gains a bonus feat at 4th level and every four levels thereafter (8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th). For each of these bonus feats, the artificer must choose a metamagic feat or a feat from the following list: Attune Magical Weapon, Exceptional Artisan, Extra Rings, Extraordinary Artisan, Legendary Artisan, Wand Mastery, Cull Wand Essence, Rapid Infusion, Improved Homonculus.

Identify (Sp): At 4th level the artificer is able to determine an item's magical properties due to his expertise in crafting. He can cast Identify 5 times a day as the spell, except that he does not need to have any of it's material components.

Craft Homonculus: At 4th level, an artificer can create a homunculus as if he had the Craft Construct feat. He must emulate the spell requirements (arcane eye, mending, and mirror image) as normal for making a magic item, and he must pay all the usual gold and XP costs (though he can spend points from his craft reserve). An artificer can also upgrade an existing homunculus that he owns, adding 1 Hit Die at a cost of 2,000 gp and 160 XP. If an artificer gives his homunculus more than 6 Hit Dice, it becomes a Small creature and advances as described in the Monster Manual (+4 Str, —2 Dex, damage increases to Id6). The homunculus also gains 10 extra hit points for being a Small construct.

An artificer's homunculus can have as many Hit Dice as its master's Hit Dice minus 2. No matter how many Hit Dice it has, a homunculus never grows larger than Small. Note: An artificer is not limited to the the basic homunculus described in the Monster Manual. He can use this ability to construct other types of homunculi (such as the ones found on pages 284—287 of the Eberron Campaign Setting). The same rules apply.

Craft Magic Arms and Armor: At 5th level, an artificer gains Craft Magic Arms and Armor as a bonus feat. An artificer need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for Craft Magic Arms and Armor.

Craft Wand: At 5th level, an artificer gains Craft Wand as a bonus feat. An artificer need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for Craft Wand.

Bio-Arcane Engine: At 6th level, an artificer gains the ability to fuel their magic items with their own life force. Instead of using the charges in a magic item the artificer may opt to take 1d8 points of damage per charge being consumed.

Metamagic Spell Trigger (Su): At 7th level, an artificer gains the ability to apply a metamagic feat he knows to a spell trigger item (generally a wand). He must have the appropriate item creation feat for the spell trigger item he is using. Using this ability expends additional charges from the item equal to the number of effective spell levels the metamagic feat would add to a spell. For example, an artificer can quicken a spell cast from a wand by spending 5 charges (4 additional charges), empower the spell by spending 3 charges, or trigger it silently by spending 2 charges. The Still Spell feat confers no benefit when applied to a spell trigger item.

An artificer cannot use this ability when using a spell trigger item that does not have charges, such as prayer beads.

Craft Rod: At 9th level, an artificer gains Craft Rod as a bonus feat. An artificer need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for Craft Rod.

Craft Construct: At 10th level, an artificer gains Craft Construct as a bonus feat. An artificer need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for Craft Construct.

Spell Resistance (Ex): Upon reaching 10th level, an artificer becomes very resistant to magical energies due to his interactions with magic. The artificer gains spell resistance 10 + his artificer level. If the Artificer already has spell resistance from another source he may instead add 1/2 his artificer level to his SR or use value given by this class, whichever is higher.

Metamagic Spell Completion (Su): At 11th level, an artificer gains the ability to apply a metamagic feat he knows to a spell completion item (generally a scroll). He must have the appropriate item creation feat for the spell completion item he is using. The DC for the Use Magic Device check is equal to 20 + (3 * the modified level of the spell). For example, applying the Empower Spell feat to a scroll of cone of cold, creating a 7th-level effect, has a DC of 20 + (3 * 7), or 41. An artificer can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Int modifier.

Craft Master (Ex): At 12th level the artificer has reached an extent of his abilities. Any unsuccessful roll for the artificer regarding a Craft Skill enables him to recover half of the item's magic item creation costs. In addition the craft master gains 25% of the initial magic item creation cost's back in the form of an experience crystal.

Craft Staff: At 12th level, an artificer gains Craft Staff as a bonus feat. An artificer need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for Craft Staff.

Forge Ring: At 12th level, an artificer gains Forge Ring as a bonus feat. An artificer need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for Forge Ring.

Profane Fuel: At 13th level, an artificer gains the steal fragments of a creature's soul when they deal the killing blow. Whenever an artificer uses a magic weapon, wand, staff, scroll, or similar device to land the killing blow on a monster they may restore a number of charges equal to 1/4 the creature's HD divided up among their items as they wish.

Analyze Dweomer (Sp): At 14th level, an artificer discerns the nature of magical properties. He can cast analyze dweomer 5 times a day as the spell, except that he does not need to have any of it's material components.

Epic Artificer

Table: The Epic Artificer

Hit Die: d8

21stArtificer Power, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Fabricate 4/day
22ndArtificer Power, Bonus Feats
23rdCraft Epic Magic Arms and Armor
24thArtificer Power, Energy Expansion 6
25thArtificer Power, Craft Epic Staff, Fabricate 5/day
26thBonus Feats
27thArtificer Power, Crafting
28thArtificer Power, Bonus Feats, Energy Expansion 7
29thFabricate 6/day
30thArtificer Power, Bonus Feats

8 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Epic Forge Master (Ex): The artificer's inherent bonus for each Crafting Skill that he possesses continues to equal ½ of his total artificer level to each creation roll.

Epic Mimic Spell (Su): The artificer's class level continues to count as his effective caster level for Mimic Spell and for purposes of epic spells, but it does not give him the ability to use spells in any capacity except in the creation and usage of items.

Epic Spell Resistance (Ex): The artificer's spell resistance continues to equal 10 + his total artificer level.

Epic Artificer Power (Ex): The artificer continues to receive Artificer Power enhancements, as indicated on Table: The Epic Artificer. In addition to the base abilities provided by the Artificer Power options after 20th level the artificer is allowed to substitute the Efficient Item Creation feat for an Artificer Power selection.

Craft Epic Wondrous Item: At 21st level, an artificer gains Craft Epic Wondrous Item as a bonus feat. An artificer need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for Craft Epic Wondrous Item.

Epic Fabricate (Sp): At 21st level, an artificer is able to cast fabricate at will with Target: None and determine the end crafting product 4/day. Every 4 levels thereafter the artificer gains an additional usage of fabricate each day (5/day at 25th level, 6/day at 29th level).

Bonus Feats: The epic artificer gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic artificer bonus feats) at 22nd level and every four levels thereafter.

Epic Artificer Bonus Feat List: Additional Magic Item Space, Armor Skin, Damage Reduction, Efficient Item Creation, Energy Resistance, Epic Endurance, Epic Skill Focus, Fast Healing, Improved Spell Resistance, Polyglot

Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor: At 23rd level, an artificer gains Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor as a bonus feat. An artificer need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor.

Epic Energy Expansion (Su): At 24th level, an artificer continues to increases his effective caster level when crafting to 6 at 24th level, and 7 at 28th level. The bonus an artificer gets to his effective caster level, however, does not effect the level of spells that he can use.

Craft Epic Staff: At 25th level, an artificer gains Craft Epic Staff as a bonus feat. An artificer need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for Craft Epic Staff.

Epic Crafting (Ex): At 27th level an artificer has reached the pinnacle of his ability, and he is able to craft all types of items, except for artifacts.

Elven Artificer Starting Package

Weapons: Longbow (composite optional)

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 6 + Int modifier.

Craft (armorsmithing)4Int-
Craft (weaponsmithing)4Int-
Craft (jeweler)4Int-
Craft (gem cutting)4Int-
Sense Motive4Int-
Use Magic Device4Int-

Feat: Weapon Focus (Longbow)

Gear: Studded leather, backpack, 2 waterskins, bedroll, tent

Gold: 3d4 gp

Tobias Gerald, Human Artificer vanquishing Clise the Tyrant.

Playing an Artificer

Religion: An individual that aspires to be an artificer won't have a preconception of religion. The artificer is a crafter first and foremost, and if they choose to be religious they generally will worship deities for blacksmiths and creators. Other deities that are worshiped by artificers tend to be gods or goddesses dealing with magic, creation, or order. If the artificer is not religious it does not negatively impact his abilities, so it is completely up to the individual whether he adheres to a religion or not.

Combat: An artificer's abilities are primarily limited by his crafting skill, as many enchantments can duplicate abilities of a class. This can help an artificer if he desires to fulfill a specific role, and artificer's are quite adept at fulfilling various functions. An artificer can make a suitable ranged and melee combatant, and his treatment of a party's equipment is a welcome support function for all sorts of parties.

Advancement: An artificer's advancements vary greatly depending on their decisions, on their personality, and what they expect to deal with throughout their life. With effort an artificer can qualify for a large number of prestige classes. Consult with your DM about starting an artificer higher than 1st level, since the expertise and disenchantment class features can vary greatly from the standard starting package.

Artificers in the World

Magic aids me but it does not consume me. The forge is my trusted companion and that is where I offer my prayers and devotions.
—Gordas Bulsham, Human Artificer

Daily Life: Artificers are masters of crafting unique and powerful items. They make them faster, better, and cheaper than any magic users that dabble in the arts of creation do. However there is a major drawback that most artificers face; out of all the items they create in any major area only a handful of people can afford them, and likely in smaller communities there is less than a handful of wealthy enough patrons to peddle their wares to. However, just because the artificer specializes in magical creations, this does not mean that he cannot create mundane items and he can craft them with speed and rates of success that surprise most normal individuals. Many blacksmiths despise artificers as they are quite capable of seriously reducing their business while they are nearby. Many armies, however, seek out artificers to join their ranks because of their crafting abilities.

Notable Artificers: Odim Swifthammer, High Artificer for Dwarven Kingdoms

Gordas Bulsham, owns the Lost Bauble, a highly disorganized equipment shop with various magical enchantments. The Lost Bauble has a portal to most major cities and even different planes. Travel can be secured for a small fee.

Tarthis Siviron, artificer for the wizards and clerics guild in the Elven Nations.

Organizations: Groups of artificers may organize into guilds for mutual protection if people insist that they are affecting their market's, and then take threats in an effort to get wares cheaper or for free from the artificers. While there is no requirement for an individual to join one of these organizations, they may find it extremely beneficial as this will allow them to receive the protection such a group would offer (a lord who finds he won't have anyone to craft for him, and can't do anything about it, might reconsider trumping up false charges against the character to steal his works).

NPC Reactions: In general NPCs are unlikely to realize that there is anything special about an artificer, as mostly they are looking for mundane items to either be repaired or to purchase things they need when they interface with artificers. In most cases NPCs will simply react to the character like he is a traveling blacksmith, and in most smaller communities an artificer will be hard pressed to find work without alerting NPCs of his broader crafting expertise. In addition, artificers have issues in smaller communities as they may have only a single smith and he might become angered if he is snubbed for a wandering tinkerer. Inhabitants in large cities that have an option between many different smiths may use the artificer if he offers appealing crafting amenities (e.g. churning out the same quality item in half the time is very tempting).

Artificers Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can research artificers to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (arcana)
10Artificers are highly skilled craftsmen, and can create items rapidly.
15An artificer can create magical items in a superior fashion to other classes, but does not possess the ability to conjure magic.
20Artificers are able to break down magical items and use the materials remaining to create new magic items.

Artificers in the Game

Artificers are designed to remove a lot of the issues that prevent parties from making their own magical items by improving the barriers of crafting; i.e. their experience expenditures are improved, the long downtime that is associated with crafting for most classes is not as long for artificers. Also, artificers bring versatility and flexibility to a party through a plethora of items, and free up other characters to focus on their specific roles.

As NPCs, artificers are the most likely candidate to run something akin to a "magic item shop" in the world where their campaign began in. Without artificers dealing in the magic item trades, many people view the creation of magical items as a deeply problematic occurrence due to the large expenditures of experience and downtime to create the items. Typical artificer NPCs include retired individuals that have given up on adventuring, and instead uses his crafting abilities full time.

Adaptation: Magical enchantments that can be tailored to the characters should not be underestimated. With this class you can not only add versatility to the party, but at higher levels you are potentially able to fill an additional spot on top of your initial roles with superior weaponry and moderate expertise. In addition, being able to continue making items on the move removes a lot of downtime that people dislike while you make their items and adds another element of versatility to your party.

Sample encounter: Tryst Farmon was apprenticed as a blacksmith at an early age. He dreamed of being a great warrior and learned everything available from the blacksmith with the hope of making great weapons and armor to wear. At the age of ten a traveling artificer came into town to do some business and found that Tryst had the power to empower weapons, and took him on as an apprentice. To the great dislike of the blacksmith, Tryst left his town to adventure with the artificer. He learned quickly and Tryst was well on his way to becoming a capable artificer, when his master's traveling forge was attacked. His master was slain and he was bound and sold into slavery to a man that insisted he work day and night to outfit his gladiators, until one night Tryst managed to strangle him after an inspection of his forge. Tryst managed to escape the holding areas and ran to a nearby town to buy passage on a caravan heading west, where he once again apprenticed himself to make money to start forging his own gear. Now with all of his equipment assembled he is trying to find the men that killed his master artificer teacher.

EL 8:

Tryst Farmon

CR 8

Male Human Artificer 8
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init/Senses +4/Listen +2, Spot +2
Languages Common, draconic
AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18
(+6 armor, +2 natural armor, +1 Dodge)
hp 42 (8d6 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +7/+2/+8
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee +1 Longsword +10/+5 (1d8+4/1920)
Base Atk/Grp +6/+1/+9
Special Actions Detect magic at will, identify 5/day, Mimic Spell
Combat Gear amulet of natural armor +2, belt of giant strength +4, +2 chain shirt, +1 longsword
Abilities Str 12 (16), Dex 10, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 10
SQ Artificer Power: Material Reduction 20% Experience Reduction 30% Quicken Manufacture x2, Craft on the Move, Energy Expansion 2, Forge Master, Mimic Spell, Rending
Feats Armor Proficiency (medium), Brew Potion, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Improved Initiative, Jack of All Trades, Martial Weapon Proficiency (longsword) Simple Weapon Proficiency, Scribe Scroll, Weapon Focus (longsword)
Skills Appraise +14, Craft (alchemy) +18, Craft (armorsmithing) +18, Craft (weaponsmithing) +18, Craft (varies) +18, Concentration +12, Diplomacy +11, Knowledge (arcane) +12, Sense Motive +13, Use Magic Device +11
Possessions combat gear plus 250gp, bedroll, backpack, Craft on the Move wagon with a base secret panel, grappling hook, rope, tent

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gollark: Suuuuure.
gollark: I think you're forgetting that hard disks have firmware in them, like most other devices.
gollark: I'm sure you'd like to think so.
gollark: Since it's insecure, I can just RCEize it and install Windows.
gollark: Too solar.
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