Zettai Shoujo Seiiki Amnesian
The sixth reincarnation of Chikane and Himeko, the eternally reborn Goddesses of Girls Love, of Kannazuki no Miko and Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora fame, also drawn by Kaishaku.
This time, Himeko is cast as a devout Christian priestess-in-training whose parents and "beloved" older sister Chika died in an accident some years ago. One day, after observing a total solar eclipse (taking place 46 years after the previous one), she finds a beautiful young woman pinned to the wall above the altar of her church with a katana. Astonishingly, the woman is still alive and utters Himeko's name but even more so, she is a spitting image of her late big sister Chika. With a little medical attention, the woman rapidly recovers enough to introduce herself as Chikane and explain that she doesn't remember anything else except Himeko's name and her own love for her. Said love manifests in repeated seduction attempts but also in the utter devotion to protect Himeko from all dangers.
Said devotion comes in handy when the villainous members of "Nine Days" show up, targeting Himeko, whom they believe to be the carrier of the "Absolute Sanctuary" and the "Dragon's Cry". Now Chikane is pretty much the only protector Himeko has got--not to mention that her resemblance to Chika repeatedly leaves her in a dazed state.
Considering the nature of the series, this manga if it becomes an anime will either be an OVA or an ONA.
This manga provides examples of following tropes:
- All Men Are Perverts: A Yuri Fan priest (Oogami), a Villainous Crossdresser, etc...
- All Women Are Lustful: A lot of the female characters have an "akogare" problem.
- Alpha Bitch: Mirei.
- An Arm and an eye: Homura.
- Ancient Conspiracy: The Nine Days. Apparently, they aim at nothing less that killing God.
- And This Is For: "...Himeko." Seven times in a row.
- Anthropomorphic Personification: It is implied the "Nine Days" are the incarnations of the Navagrahas.
- Arc Words: "Sanctuary", "Dragon's Cry".
- Artificial Limbs: Homura.
- Attempted Rape: It happens a lot in this series. Half of which perpetrated by Date.
- Barrier Maiden: Himeko.
- Barrier Warrior: Kokonoe with her traditional Japanese umbrellas.
- Berserk Button: Few of the characters have one.
- Blessed with Suck: Hayate has to dye her ribbons every time with her own blood to manipulate them.
- Body Horror: Having a katana in you and surviving it.
- Having your feet caught in hot melted asphalt and running on leg stumps after cutting off said feet without any hands.
- Break the Cutie: Happened to Chikane in chapter 11.
- Breast Attack
- Broken Bird: As a result of Break the Cutie.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: The way non-Days get their powers.
- Cloning Blues: Chikane briefly.
- Clothing Damage: Battles tend to cause this. Also, the Chikane x Himeko moments as well.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Chika and Chikane who are oblivious to everything that does not pertain to her/their love for Himeko, protecting Himeko, or Himeko herself.
- Combat Tentacles: Hayate and her ribbons.
- Continuity Nod: The manga possibly takes place 46 years after Kannazuki no Miko. The side story maybe Where It All Began in Kannazuki no Miko.
- Disproportionate Retribution: One fan did not show up at the cheering concert, suddenly every fans are responsible for Mashiro's death. The fact that the operation had a 50% chance is definitely entirely not related.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Done deliberately.
- Easy Amnesia: It isn't titled "Amnesian" for no reason.
- The head injury from Nine Days' execution might explained Chikane's amnesia.
- Ecchi: Of course.
- Eldritch Abomination: "Dragon's Cry".
- Elemental Powers
- Blow You Away: "Aiming Stardust" Shizuku
- Playing with Fire: "Gules Grenade Tempest" Homura
- Shock and Awe: "Purpure Zeus Geyser" Misuzu
- Expy: The whole Chikane-Himeko-Oogami triangle.
- Interesting as it mirrored Kannazuki no Miko with Oogami fell for Chikane and being good friend with Himeko instead.
- Chikane to Chika and Setsuna to Himeko in-universe. Setsuna-Chikane's relationship to Chikane-Himeko's relationship with Chikane still as the protector.
- Eye Scream: A Nine Day has one eye now thanks to Chikane.
- Fan Service: Chikane to Himeko, even when a Nine Day is watching. The whole series is loaded with this.
- Faux Symbolism: Chikane surviving an impaled wound hanging above a cross, hands stretched.
- Flash Back: The last chapter or two so far.
- Freud Was Right: Protecting Himeko's "Sanctuary".
- Gainaxing: Chikane, and Chika too.
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Oogami seems to be quite a Yuri Fanboy.
- Girls Love: Well, duh.
- Gorn: A lot of the violence leads to this.
- Government Agency of Fiction: Kagome Agency is supposed to protect Himeko but some of its members are really Not So Different from Nine Days.
- Green Thumb: Abeno the Sephirot.
- Groin Attack: Misuzu.
- Handsome Lech: Chikane.
- Heroic BSOD: Chikane during those 16 m0nths of chapter 11's aftermath.
- Hot Chick with Seven Sword: Chikane. Well okay, it's actually "only" two swords.
- Immortality: Via a Healing Factor for Date.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Chikane. Homura.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Chikane's name minus the "E" gives you "chikan" or molestor.
- That is not how Japanese name work!
- It Gets Worse: The severity of the situation seems to escalate, no matter what the Kagome does. Kannazuki no Miko is one-upped with not one, but both priestesses defecting to the dark side, with only an Anti-Hero wielding the power capable of fighting them. Said Anti-Hero has... serious issues.
- I Will Definitely Protect You: Chikane's attitude towards Himeko.
- Japanese Christian
- Knight in Sour Armor: Chikane to Himeko.
- Lightning Bruiser: Ougami the Bullet.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: Chikane. The role has since passed on to Setsuna.
- Meaningful Name: Chikane.
- Mighty Glacier: One of the Nine Days. With Unstoppable Rage as a bonus.
- Moral Guardian: One of the teachers.
- Nosebleed: Oogami has a tendency to burst in whenever Chikane is molesting Himeko, with predictable results.
- Not What It Looks Like: Subverted. Chapter 8 is exactly what it looks like.
- Nuns Are Mikos: Himeko. Subverted perphaps?
- Nun-Too-Holy: Himeko, after she, uh, defected to the side of the Nine Days.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Chikane maybe this as hinted in chapter 7.
- Oedipus Complex: Why the trap is so misogynistic.
- Pants-Free: Chikane. Setsuna.
- Playboy Bunny: Chapter 3.
- Punny Name: Sort of. Himeko refers to her late sister as "Chika-nee", so she is reasonably confused when her new acquaintance introduces herself as "Chikane", in addition to looking and acting exactly like Chika.
- Psycho Lesbian: Every single female character, except Himeko.
- Also Chikane still is one, but she is so mild in comparison to the others.
- Rank Inflation: There is mention of S-Class powers.
- Rated "M" for Manly: Hayami.
- Reincarnation Romance: A basic premise of the The Cross Triangle < Kannazuki no Miko > Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora > Hazama No Uta > Himegami No Miko > Zettai Shoujo Seiiki Amnesian > etc.... series.
- Revenge Before Reason: Kuroi.
- Running Gag: Chikane being a chikan or jikan towards Himeko.
- Samaritan Syndrome: Setsuna was raised with this mindset.
- Say It with Hearts: Occasionally.
- Shades of Conflict: It is unclear whether it is Black and Gray Morality or Gray and Gray Morality or even Evil Versus Evil, but that there is no White to be spoken is definite.
- She's All Grown Up: Himeko 16 months later.
- Shout-Out: A male Nine Day expresses that he is not into Chikane's Gag Boobs, reminds you of Kannazuki no Miko?
- Sister Sister Incest: Implied between Himeko and Chika in a flashback.
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: Hayami.
- Super Mode: Chikane gets one when fighting Chika-nee-san. Insert Super Saiyan jokes here.
- Super Speed: Hayami the Jet.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Chikane. Chika-nee.
- Tempting Fate: "Don't worry, even if I'm just a clone, my feeling for Himeko is real." Cue not the next scene, but the next panel, Himeko figuring out that the real Chika-nee is with the Nine Days, and defects accordingly. It Gets Worse.
- Time Skip: Chapter 13 onwards happens after 16 months later.
- Unsettling Gender Reveal: "Th..This cute girl's "little bear"...!?"
- Unusual Euphemism: "Little bear", "Magnum", "Justice".
- X Meets Y: This is starting to look like Ikki Tousen meets Mnemosyne.
- Villainous Crossdresser: One of the Nine Days.
- You Have Failed Me... and You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: What happens to members of the Nine Days who attempt to divulge their secrets.