Zero: The Beginning of the Coffin
Other works written by Dalyoung Im:
- Aflame Inferno
- Freezing
- Kurokami
- The Legend of Maian
- Onihime VS
- Phantom King
- Re:Birth - The Lunatic Taker
- Unbalance x Unbalance
- Zero: Circle of Flow
Other works drawn by Park Sung-woo:
- Chun Rhang Yhur Jhun
Zero: The Beginning of the Coffin (제로: 시작의 관, Jero: Sijagui Gwan) is a 10 volume Manhwa by Dall-young Lim (story) and Park Sung-woo (art). The Japanese version is published by Comic Valkyrie.
Based on a PC video game of the same title, Zero is the prequel to the PC game and encompasses a story in which a young man must protect himself and his two sisters from those who are after their special abilities. Having been born in a secret government laboratory that cultivated telepathic powers within humans, Shuuichi and his two sisters, Sumire and Katsumi, are forced to endure a difficult life as test subjects until their escape. Years later, these siblings are still being sought after by unknown organizations that are after Shuuichi's powers as he is what they refer to as the "zero-sample" with the ability to cause "zero-shock."
- Badass
- Beard of Evil
- Berserk Button: Shuuichi doesn't like being called "White Hair" and mess with his family and friends is just asking for a whuppin'
- Also do not kill weak people for no reason around Yushin, he will rip your arm off.
- Bishonen: Shuuichi
- Brother-Sister Incest: It's hinted that Shuuichi and Sumire have done this and Katsumi is the result of this. It is also hinted that Akira was forced to rape Ayaka.
- Subverted in Suuichi and Sumire's case seeing as she is a bio robot.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Akira and Ayaka vs Shuuichi. He had to hold back so that he would not kill them both.
- Defeat Means Friendship: Or in this case love. Ayaka falls in love with Shuuichi after he defeats her and her brother. Shuuichi even tried to get Akira to molest his own sister as payback for what he did to Harue.
- Disappeared Dad
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Shuuichi
- Elaborate University High
- Fight Magnet: The main character!
- Flash Step: They call it Energy stream
- Grand Theft Me: One of Hasegawa's abilities on weaker fighters and the Bio-robots.
- Healing Hands: Sumire
- Heroic BSOD: Shuuichi near the end, he gets sexed out of it.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Shuuichi at the very end
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Shuuichi wishes he could just live and not have to fight. He's fine with the teleporting though.
- I Will Wait for You: Why Akira thinks that Ayaka never got married.
- The Idiot From Osaka
- Karma Houdini: Hasegawa
- Kill the Cutie: Harue. The point is driven home when when the readers clearly see that all that remains of her is an arm -- the only part of her that Shuuichi managed to protect from the powerful attack that was directed toward them.
- Knife Nut: Yushin really likes his knife.
- Mega Manning: After Shuuichi fights someone, win or lose, he generally will start to use their powers in the next fight he gets into.
- Mind Screw
- New Transfer Student: Shuuichi
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Yu-Shin, he's much stronger than he lets on.
- Parental Incest: It's how Shuuchi came to be and his little sister/daughter Katsumi
- Playing with Fire: Roniel's forte Shuuichi starts using it after he goes nuts
- Promotion to Parent: Harue willing became the parent of two orphan children once she started getting the stipend from EPS.
- Power At a Price: Yeah Shuuichi's new super powers make him a match for just about anyone and he can regrow his arms, but if he didn't Heroic sacrifice himself, it was gonna kill him really quickly. His cells could not keep up.
- Psychic Powers
- Rape as Drama
- Teleporters and Transporters: Teleporting is so common in battle that many ESP fights start with someone throwing down and anti teleport.
- Unstoppable Rage: Shuuichi after after he fails to protect Harue from Roniel's attack
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Shuuichi
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Sumire
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: This combined with Unstoppable Rage when Shuuichi first goes all Zero transform after Harue dies
- Women in Refrigerators