Unbalance x Unbalance

Unbalance x Unbalance (언밸런스x2) is a romance Manhwa by Dal-Young Lim (author) and Soo-Hyon Lee (artist).
One day, Jin-Ho Myung finds a wallet at a bookstore and returns it to its owner, who turns out to be Hae-Young Na, a young woman. However, Hae-Young quickly discovers that he took some money from her wallet, but eventually decides to consider it as a loan. Shortly afterwards, Jin-Ho goes to school at the start of the school year, only to find out that Hae-Young is his new homeroom teacher. As the misunderstandings and accidents continue, the two slowly begin their new relationship as student and teacher, unaware of their growing attraction to one another. That blooms into a forbidden romance.
The original Korean manhwa has been serialized since May 30, 2005. You can visit the official site (in Korean) here. There is also a Japanese language translation of this by Comic Valkyrie and Drama CD planned in Japan. The manhwa was on hiatus from November 2008 to October 2010 (possibly to let the Japanese version catch up), and has been on an irregular schedule since then, with a total of four post-hiatus chapters (73 through 76) published up to the present (July 2011). Infinity Studios published two volumes in English, but seems to be defunct now. The manga finally ended in 2011 with a total of 86 chapters.
Other works written by Dalyoung Im:
- Aflame Inferno
- Freezing
- Kurokami
- The Legend of Maian
- Onihime VS
- The Phantom King
- Re:Birth - The Lunatic Taker
- Zero: The Beginning of the Coffin
- Zero: Circle of Flow
Other works drawn by Soohyun Lee
- Accidental Pervert: Jin-Ho.
- All Just a Dream: Hae-Young Na tends to have vivid erotic dreams that she thinks would be real except for her waking up.
- All Love Is Unrequited: As is befitting for a work directed at the young male demographics.
- Attempted Rape
- Black Bra and Panties
- Bland-Name Product: Burger Queen, Starbock's Coffee, and Pizza Hot.
- Bob Haircut: Jae-Gyung had this hairstyle back when she was in high school.
- Bury Your Gays: Sort of implied to be Ami's backstory...
- But I Can't Be Pregnant: Averted.
- But Not Too Foreign: Caroline.
- Chessmaster: Ami Eun.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Ami Eun again.
- Christmas Cake: Hae-Young Na and Ji-Sun Myung.
- Creepy Cool Crosses
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Myung Jin-Ho all the way. On a glance he seems a fairly harmless, though a bit hotheaded fellow, but if you push him far enough... he gets downright terrifying.
- Delinquents: Yang Hee-Chul and his gang, Jin-Ho and Young-Gi used to be ones as well.
- Disappeared Dad: Hae-Young Na's dad, who previously before the story begins ran off with another woman.
- Dub Name Change: The Japanese version changed all the character names to Japanese names.
- Dude, She's Like, in a Coma: Hae-Young Na kissing Jin-Ho Myung when he's asleep on a hospital bed.
- Eagle Land: Everyone thinks Carrie is from America.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Caroline first appears in a single panel in chapter 6 (a photo from a magazine in the film club room, from an interview with Sung-Chul Na), prior to her introduction in chapter 37.
- Ecchi
- Erotic Eating: Carrie's reaction to the spicy tteokbokki.
- Eternal Prohibition: Yes, they sneak drinks sometimes.
- Fan Service: All the chapter introductions.
- Forceful Kiss: Ami Eun gives one of these to her teacher, Hae-Young.
- So does Jin-Ho, though Hae-Young is more receptive.
- Foreign Fanservice: Caroline, Hae-Young Na's half sister.
- Genre Shift: When the brawls start, you might think this has become a martial arts story.
- Groin Attack: Discussing eroticism in films led to this.
- Girlish Pigtails: Ji-Soo Ha (complete with the usual personality).
- Hadaka Apron: Caroline sports one on the cover page of chapter 46.
- Hot for Student: Hae-Young Na and Carrie, too.
- Hot for Teacher: Jin-Ho Myung AND Ami Eun.
- Back in the day, the now Chairman for Hae-Young Na's mom.
- Hot Teacher: Hae-Young and Caroline.
- Lampshaded a lot and invoked to the point where the chairman and most of the schoolgirls are complaining.
- Hypocritical Humor
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: It uses the word "Touch" in place of "Chapter".
- Ignore the Fanservice: Jin-Ho Myung managed it barely during The Braless Arc.
- Joshikousei
- Likes Older Women: Ami Eun and Jin-Ho, both seem to have a thing for older women.
- Love Dodecahedron: A chart a later chapter.
- Male Gaze
- Manipulative Bitch: Jae-Gyoung full stop.
- Missing Mom: There are suggestions in the story that Jin-Ho is estranged or separated from his mother, a possible cause for some of his behavior.
- Panty Shot: A lot.
- Parental Issues: Seemingly every character.
- Parental Substitute: Ji-Sun, Jin-Ho's aunt although she acts more like an older sister to him.
- Product Placement: VISIT SEOUL!
- Psycho Lesbian: Ami Eun is a mild example.
- Psycho Misandrist: Ami Eun.
- Makes sense, as Jin-Ho Myung used to be a gangster who had no respect for women.
- Say It with Hearts: Carrie.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Ami Eun.
- Smoking Is Cool: Hee-Chul Hyung.
- Thanks for the Mammary
- The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: Between Hae-Young and Caroline.
- The Tease: Caroline towards Jin-Ho and in chapter 50 Jin-Ho turns the tables on her with a result that could only be described as his Crowning Moment Of Awesome.
- The Worf Effect: Yang Hee-Chul is able to literally break Young-Gi. Young-Gi was shown to be a competent fighter and Jin-Ho was beaten by Young-Gi. Guess who beats Yang Hee-Chul.
- Too Kinky to Torture: Jin-Ho Myung.
- Tranquil Fury: Jin-Ho goes into one when he fights Yang Hee-Chul. And it's damn scary.
- Unlimited Wardrobe: Hae-Young Na.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Ha Ji-Soo.
- UST: Copious amounts between Jin-Ho and Na Hae-Young in later chapters.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Ami Eun.
- Will They or Won't They?
- Would Hit a Girl: Jin-Ho, who not only will hit a girl but will also literally beat the crap out of her then rant about it.