Amusement Club
Akari Akaza
Voiced by: Shiori Mikami
The protagonist... sort of. 13-year-old Akari is just starting her first year of middle school, and she's excited to be reunited with her friends Kyouko and Yui, both a year older than her. She wastes no time joining her sempais in their "Amusement Club," and after that Hilarity Ensues -- often at her expense.
- Alliterative Name
- Black Comedy Rape: And poor Akari is on the receiving end of Chinatsu's Forceful Kiss.
- Butt Monkey: It seems the whole world is against the poor girl.
- Crazy Prepared: Shown to carry band-aids and tissues on her at all times.
- Decoy Protagonist
- Designated Victim: While everyone else gets only one kiss from Chitose's choco-intoxicated kissing spree, Akari gets three.
- Expressive Hair: Her odango buns pop off and reattach when she's surprised.
- Genki Girl
- Goofy Print Underwear: Most notably the missing ones with the big smiling crab on them.
- Idiot Hair
- Not a Morning Person: Starts the show oversleeping. In the last episode, she's the only one still in bed by the time everyone's brushing their teeth.
- Oblivious to Love: Could not catch onto Chinatsu's feelings for Yui, to the point that she wonders if it's become the norm for girls to want to kiss each other.
- Odango Hair: In one dream sequence she refers to it as her one and only distinguishing characteristic.
- Ordinary Middle School Student/The Generic Girl: Even her best friends say that her most remarkable trait is being unremarkable!
- Out of Focus: Her in-series Running Gag.
- Purple Eyes
- Red Headed Heroine: For a certain value of "protagonist".
- Third Person Person: Fitting as she is rather childish.
- Unsound Effect: "\Akkari~n/", the sound of a person turning invisible from sheer lack of presence.
- Who Is This Gal Again?
Kyouko Toshinou
Voiced by: Yuka Ootsubo
14-year-old Kyouko is a blonde ditz with a crush on Chinatsu and is a constant annoyance to Yui. Despite her laziness, she proves to be a cram test top-scorer and is also a doujin artist.
- Blue Eyes
- Brilliant but Lazy
- Catch Phrase: "Kyupi~n"
- Chaste Hero
- Fragile Flower: When she was younger she was very shy and prone to cry a lot.
- Genki Girl
- Otaku Surrogate: To the point that she drags Yui, Ayano, and Chitose to Comuket in Episode 5.
- Power Blonde: She's the de facto leader of the club, writes and illustrates a Mirakurun doujinshi, consistently ranks at the top of her class with barely a single night's study, and creates very accurate and detailed cosplay outfits.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Häagen-Dazs's Rum Raisin ice cream.
- Unknown Rival: To Ayano.
Yui Funami
Voiced by: Minami Tsuda
14-year-old Yui is Akari's childhood friend, as well as the club's sole voice of reason.
- Cool Big Sis: She's this to her clubmates, especially for Kyouko during their preschool days.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: Upon entering grade school, as a means of making herself look tougher for the sake of a crybaby Kyouko.
- The Stoic
- Not So Stoic: Unless it's one of Ayano's incredibly lame puns.
- Heh Heh, You Said "X": There's nothing hardly sexual about Ayano's puns, but Yui... boy, will she crack up at the slightest hint of it.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tomboy: As a kid. As shown in one episode, she still has trouble speaking in a "feminine" style.
- Wise Beyond Her Years: Yui's only 14, but lives in an apartment on her own. Justified in that a relative owns the apartment complex and is presumably keeping an eye on her.
Chinatsu Yoshikawa
Voiced by: Rumi Ookubo
13-year-old Chinatsu originally wanted to go to Tea Club, but ended up in the Entertainment Club. To her chagrin, her uncanny resemblance to Mikarurun makes her a frequent target of Kyouko's cosplay pursuits.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: A mild example. She's not that bad, but neither is she as innocent and sweet as she first appears (except where Yui is concerned). And then there's Episode 5.
- Black Comedy Rape: Practiced kissing on Akari after a confusing dialogue concerning the former's crush to Yui blew out of proportion.
- Bratty Half-Pint: In a Flash Back, she was pretty bratty as a little kid.
- Celebrity Resemblance: In-series, Chinatsu is a dead ringer for Mirakurun, much to Kyouko's delight and her dismay.
- Kyouko finally gets her to Cosplay—albeit reluctantly—as Mirakurun in episode 6 in order to entertain Mari.
- Cute Little Fang: When she's being mischievous.
- Forgotten Friend, New Foe: Inverted -- She doesn't remember being the bully who got into an altercation with Yui, Kyouko and Akari as kids.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Sempai-Kohai: With Yui.
- Terrible Artist
- Yandere: She's starting to show shades of this come Episodes 5-6.
Student Council
Ayano Sugiura
Voiced by: Saki Fujita
14-year-old Vice-President of the Student Council and a Tsundere par excellence.
- Full-Name Basis: "Toshinou Kyouko!!!"
- Student Council Vice President
- Those Two Girls: With Chitose.
- Tsundere: For Kyouko.
- You Gotta Have Reddish-Purple Hair
Chitose Ikeda
Voiced by: Aki Toyosaki
14-year-old member of the Student Council who is always seen together with Ayano.
- Blue Eyes
- Covert Pervert: When she has her glasses on. When she takes them off, you can drop the "covert" part.
- The Glasses Come Off: The yuri goggles come on.
- Intoxication Ensues: Becomes a very hyper, kissing machine after eating chocolate.
- Kansai Regional Accent
- Kissing Under the Influence: See Intoxication Ensues above.
- Meganekko
- Nosebleed: Pretty much any time Ayano and Kyouko are in the same scene.
- Shipper on Deck: For Ayano/Kyouko. Very strongly.
- Smart People Wear Glasses
- Tareme Eyes
- Those Two Girls: With Ayano.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Pickled vegetables.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Himawari Furutani
Voiced by: Suzuko Mimori
A 13-year-old freshman and candidate for next year's Student Council Vice-Presidency.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: with Sakurako.
- Big Breasts, Big Deal: Type III.
- The Rival: To Sakurako.
- Tsundere: For Sakurako.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Sakurako Ohmuro
Voiced by: Emiri Katou
Another 13-year-old candidate for the Student Council Vice-Presidency.
- A-Cup Angst: Made worse by the fact that her chief rival for Student Council Vice-Presidency is rather well-stacked.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Himawari.
- Broken Record: The title of her character song "Kirai Janai Mon".
- Hair of Gold
- Hero Worshipper: Admires Akari for her helpfulness, to the point of imagining her as a super-powered champion of justice.
- The Rival: To Himawari.
- Throw the Dog a Bone: Apparently, she's the only one who cares about Akari and her presence, aside from Akari's siscon sister Akane.
- But unlike Akane, she treats her as a friend.
- Tsundere: For Himawari.
Rise Matsumoto
Voiced by: Saori Goto
The 15 year old current Student Council President... and a weirdly silent, barely-present one, at that.
- Hime Cut
- The Quiet One: When she does speak, her words are so quiet they almost go unheard.
- She Who Must Not Be Heard: Prior to her formal introduction in Episode 9, a row of ellipses would appear onscreen when she is speaking to Chitose.
- She Who Must Not Be Seen: Prior to her introduction Rise played this role, with only her hands visible at times.
- She Was Right There All Along: Suffers from an even less presence than Akari, as Chitose notes that she's been around the main cast a few times, much to their surprise.
- Last-Name Basis: Nishigaki-sensei always refers to her as "Matsumoto."
- Student Council President
- Short, Dark and Bishoujo: Despite being 15 she's shorter than the entire cast.
- Teacher-Student Romance: Of the Les Yay variant, with Nishigaki-sensei. When asked by Ayano what kind of experiments they do together, her reply is a furious blush.
- The Unintelligible/Intelligible Unintelligible: Nishigaki-sensei (and possibly Chitose) can understand what she says, much to Ayano's surprise.
Other Characters
Akane Akaza
Voiced by: Yui Horie
Akari's older sister.
- Eyes Always Shut: As shown in the manga.
- Retcon: In the early chapters of the manga, Akane was Akari's (unnamed) older brother. He was converted to a female character for the anime, and this change persisted into more recent manga.
- Sister-Sister Incest: Akane is infatuated with her younger sister.
- For all we know, though, Akari sees her as a Cool Big Sis.
- Schoolgirl Lesbian: As if stalking her own little sister wasn't enough, she has a relationship with Chinatsu's older sister Tomoko!
- Stalker Shrine: Including an Akari dakimakura (hugging pillow) covered in lipstick kisses.
Kaede Furutani
Voiced by: Aya Uchida
Himawari's younger sister.
- Cuteness Overload: Inspires this upon Sakurako.
- Morality Pet: For Sakurako.
- Wise Beyond Her Years
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Voiced by: Maaya Uchida
A relative of Yui who enjoys the Mirakurun Show Within a Show.
- Broken Pedestal: How she ultimately sees Mikarurun lookalike Chinatsu after seeing what kind of personality she has beneath the costume.
- Fan Girl: Of Mikarurun.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Strong Family Resemblance: With Yui.
Chizuru Ikeda
Voiced by: Momo Kuraguchi
Chitose's 14-year-old twin sister.
- Character Tics: In constrast to Chitose's nosebleeds, Chizuru drools at the sight of potential Les Yay situations.
- Green Eyes
- Meganekko
- Theme Twin Naming: Their given names are two kanji characters long, with one character in common (千).
- Tsurime Eyes
- Tsundere: Kyoko calls her this, much to her annoyance.
- Shipper on Deck: For Ayano/Chitose.
- Twincest: One of the chocolate-induced Chitose's victims in the final episode. After being kissed by her, Chizuru looks like she enjoyed it.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Tomoko Yoshikawa
Voiced by: Ayano Ishikawa
Chinatsu's older sister who has an implied relationship with Akari's older sister Akane.
- Schoolgirl Lesbian: Implied to be one with Akane.
Nana Nishigaki
Voiced by: Ryoko Shiraishi
A science teacher.
- Hot Scientist/Hot Teacher
- Mad Scientist: Of the sorts—she dabbles in various experiments, often with the very willing Rise as her guinea pig.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Stuff Blowing Up: The usual result of her experiments.
- Teacher-Student Romance: A Les Yay variant of the sorts, with Rise.
- Translator Buddy: Serves as this for Rise.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Fictional Characters
Voice: Ayana Taketatsu
- Detached Sleeves
- Girlish Pigtails: Both in normal and transformed states.
- Final Speech: Parodied as she keeps reviving to add more to it, going so far as to ask for a sandwich.
- Magical Girl
- Zettai Ryouiki
Voice: Aoi Yuuki
- Dark Magical Girl
- Detached Sleeves
- The Rival: To Mirakurun, naturally.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Unless Ayano is cosplaying as you.
Voice: Hikaru Midorikawa
- Robot Buddy: Apparently. He was Mirakurun's enemy in the manga.