Yu-Gi-Oh! Forever/Characters
A list of the Loads and Loads of Characters in the Fan Fiction series Yu-Gi-Oh Forever.
Currently under construction.
The Five-Man Band
Yugo Muto
The lead protagonist and only son of famous duelist Yugi Muto. Following in his father's footsteps, he wields the legendary Dark Magician strategy, even though he's been nursing a years-old inferiority complex regarding his father's fame.
- Anime Hair: Pointy like his father's, but Yugo's is entirely blond.
- Big Eater
- Dark Is Not Evil: The Dark Magician strategy.
- Defeating the Undefeatable: He has a way of doing this with the majority of his opponents, including Seta Kaiba (who wields an advanced version of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon strategy), Malachi Jordan (Intercontinental champion and Ax Crazy at the time), and Keisuke Odachi (the chief villain of the JUDAS arc who wielded the revived God Cards).
- The Determinator
- Dynamic Entry: Via Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu? at the end of the JUDAS arc.
- Fan Nickname: "Golden Boy," given to him by reviewers.
- Fighting Your Friend: Does this with Jenna during the Intercontinental arc when she's less than pleased with him for underestimating her prowess. And he's later forced to do it with Seta during Dueltropolis.
- Fingerless Gloves
- A Friend in Need
- Hair of Gold
- The Hero
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Seta.
- Hidden Eyes: Done to show when he's significantly upset or if his Berserk Button has been pressed.
- Hot-Blooded
- I Am Not My Father: It serves as a Berserk Button for him in early arcs.
- I Know Mortal Kombat: Pulls this on two thugs while in Egypt, by splitting a la Johnny Cage. Yes, he really does know kung fu.
- Kids Are Cruel: The kids he encountered in his past.
- Missing Mom: She died when he was two years old.
- Not a Morning Person: The only way to get him out of bed is to remind him that he has to eat breakfast.
- Quest for Identity: Most of the story is about him seeking to be acknowledged for his own merits instead of being known simply as the son of the King of Games.
- Ryu and Ken: He's the Ken to both Seta's and Janus's Ryus.
- Tranquil Fury
- What the Hell, Hero?: He's on the receiving end of this a grand total of three times. The first time is during the Intercontinental arc, where Kyo chews him out for his Jerkass behavior toward Jenna during their duel; the second time is during the JUDAS arc, where Seta lectures him (complete with Punched Across the Room) over ditching the True Companions to go to Egypt to face the titular evil organization without trusting his friends to help him; and the the third time is during the Dueltropolis arc, where nearly the whole adult supporting cast calls him out for making a Deal with the Devil that will potentially cost several hundred lives at Tokyo Dome. In the first instance, he pulls a My God, What Have I Done?; in the third case, he responds with an Armor-Piercing Question.
Would you just stand by and do nothing while the bad guys took one of your closest friends away from you?
Seta Kaiba
The son of Seto Kaiba and successor to the Blue-Eyes White Dragon strategy. His rivalry with Yugo is fierce but friendly, a huge moving away from their fathers' past rivalry.
- The Atoner
- Badass Biker
- Badass Longcoat: It's Kaiba tradition, after all.
- Catapult Nightmare: He has one during Dueltropolis. It's an omen of things to come...
- Cool Bike: It's designed to look like the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.
- Cool Car: His personal limousine is designed to look like—what else?--the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.
- Cool Plane: He has a helicopter that's designed to look like...well, you figure it out.
- Enemy Within: Ophiuchus the Imperial.
- Evil Costume Switch
- Evil Me Scares Me
- Friendly Rival: To Yugo, in stark contrast to his father's younger days.
- Graceful Loser
- Heroic BSOD: After his Backstory is revealed.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Yugo.
- I Am Your Opponent: Invoked toward Jude Lassiter during the JUDAS arc when Yugo attempts to have a rematch with the man; this is because he has his own personal score to settle with Lassiter.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons: Well, yeah.
- It's All My Fault: His view of the Zodiacs infiltrating Dueltropolis. He's more right than even he realizes.
- The Lancer
- Light Is Good: His Blue-Eyes White Dragons.
- Missing Mom: She died when he was 4.
- Mr. Exposition
- Power Tattoo / Mark of the Beast: It's intended to distract from the real danger to his person.
- Ryu and Ken: He's one of the two Ryus to Yugo's Ken.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Even though it's dyed.
Jenna Wheeler
The daughter of Joey Wheeler and, predictably, one of Yugo's closest friends. Like her father before her, she wields the power of the Red-Eyes Black Dragon.
- Action Girl
- The Big Guy / The Chick
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Does Not Like Shoes: She wears sandals, but will kick them off at the most appropriate opportunity.
- Heroic BSOD: When Yugo leaves for Egypt in the JUDAS arc. Miki has to give her an Armor-Piercing Slap to get her to pull herself together.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons: Her Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Armed Dragon sets.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: With Yugo.
Kyo Bakura
The son of Ryou Bakura, and one of the voices of reason for Yugo's group. He uses an Archlord deck strategy.
- Barrier Warrior: His Wall of Revealing Light trap card allows him to be this.
- Beware the Nice Ones: If he deliberately smashes his glasses, get ready for a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown.
- Big Eater: He competes with Yugo in this.
- Cain and Abel: He's the Abel to Jan Shimizu's Cain.
- How Much More Can He Take?
- Let's Get Dangerous
- The Smart Guy
- Smart People Wear Glasses
Miki Taylor
Jenna's cousin, who moves to Domino City with her parents shortly after Seta arrives there. Her deck strategy revolves around a Knight theme.
- Action Girl
- Badass Adorable: Becomes this over time.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- The Chick / Kid Appeal Character
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: She doesn't react well when Jenna hints at being suicidal during her Heroic BSOD, bitch-slapping her and threatening even deeper violence if Jenna doesn't snap out of it. It works.
- The Ingenue: At first.
- Little Miss Badass
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: She's one of the younger characters among the duelists in this story, but she wields the power of several mighty monsters, including the Silent Swordsman series (which have varying effects revolving around negating Magic/Spell card effects).
Acquaintances and Allies
Blaze Redman
A world-renowned duelist who is famous for using Fire-attribute monsters. Has an ongoing rivalry with Wade Ocean.
- Cannot Spit It Out: She's initially hesitant to accept Wade's marriage proposal during Dueltropolis.
- Cool Big Sis: Becomes this for Miki.
- Fiery Redhead
- Kill It with Fire
- Playing with Fire
Wade Ocean
Blaze Redman's chief rival, famous for his Water-attribute monsters and in particular his "Umi" style.
- Dead Older Sister
- Giant Wall of Watery Doom: His deck theme includes this.
- Making a Splash
- Manly Tears: When explaining how his sister died.
- Shipper on Deck: For Marcus and Flora.
Flora Green
A duelist who utilizes a combination of Insect-type and Plant-type monsters.
- Green Thumb
- Informed Ability: Despite being touted as one of the world's best duelists, she never wins any of the duels she does take part in that are shown in-story. According to Word of God, this would have become a plot point in Eternal, with Flora slowly becoming The Resenter about it.
- Stepford Smiler
- When Trees Attack
Marcus Ironside
A duelist who specializes in Machine-type monsters.
- Anti-Hero: Somewhere between Type 1 and Type 3.
- The Atoner
- Bruiser with a Soft Center
- Cannot Spit It Out: Regarding how he really feels about Flora following the events of the JUDAS arc.
- Chekhov's Skill: Marcus’s past experience in the military, mentioned during the Kaiba Corp Challenge Cup and JUDAS Arcs, comes in handy during the final arc when he commandeers a helicopter and flies it to Tokyo Dome, where he then shoots the Big Bad with the chopper’s mounted Gatling guns.
- Eagle Land: Word of God says he's American.
- Gatling Good: During his Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- Jerkass -> Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Manly Tears: To show that he's Not So Stoic.
Shigeo Tatsunoko
A duelist who specializes in Ninja-themed monsters. He develops a rivalry with Miki.
- Clothes Make the Superman: He actually dresses like a ninja.
- Conservation of Ninjitsu: Shigeo follows a Ninja theme right down to his clothing, but duels more than he does actual ninja stuff.
- Friendly Rival
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja
- Ninja: As has been indicated already. However, given the scarcity of Ninja monsters in the real-world Trading Card Game at the time the story was written, several of Shigeo’s monsters more resemble Samurais than ninjas, and his strongest monster, Gilford the Lightning, doesn’t look anything like a ninja at all.
- Shipper on Deck: For Seta and Honey.
- Stealth Hi Bye: He does it once.
Raven Pegasus
The adopted son of Maximillion Pegasus, and Honey Pegasus' older biological brother. Unlike his father, his deck strategy revolves around the Different Dimension strategy.
- Crazy Prepared: Revealed during the JUDAS arc.
- Happily Adopted
- Jerkass -> Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Knight Templar Big Brother: Regarding his sister Honey, although he mellows over time.
- Parental Abandonment: His biological parents died in a plane crash.
- Shipper on Deck: For Seta and Honey, during Dueltropolis.
Honey Pegasus
Pegasus' adopted daughter and Raven's biological younger sister. Taking a page from her adopted father's book, she utilizes a deck strategy based on his legendary Toon monsters.
- Defeat Means Friendship: At Yugo's hands.
- Foot Focus: Her Adventure Monsters avatar, Maiden of the Moonlight.
- Girls Love Stuffed Animals
- Happily Adopted
- Heroic BSOD: When Raven's soul is stolen during the JUDAS arc.
- Parental Abandonment: See Raven's entry above.
- The Resenter: Toward Yugo, at first, because she feels his victory over Seta in the Kaibacorp Challenge Cup was a fluke (and as it turns out, because she has a crush on Seta).
- Toon: Her Toon deck, inherited from Pegasus.
- Toon Town: Toon World.
- Why Did It Have To Be Frogs?
Malachi Jordan
The British Intercontinental champion, and the main antagonist of the Intercontinental Arc. He experienced Defeat Means Friendship, but never made a complete Heel Face Turn.
- Aloof Big Brother: For his sister Miriam.
- Anime Hair: Think Yami Marik with blond hair.
- Anti-Hero: Type 3 -> Type 4.
- The Atoner
- Ax Crazy: Prior to the Defeat Means Friendship.
- Big Brother Mentor
- Blonde Guys Are Evil: Before his Defeat Means Friendship.
- Bloodbath Villain Origin: His past is not pretty.
- Brutal Honesty
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Deadpan Snarker
- Even the Guys Want Him: One reviewer admitted that if he was gay, he'd love Malachi sexually.
- Friendly Enemy: Sort of.
- Hair of Gold
- Jerkass -> Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Jerk Justifications: A combination of Type 1 and Type 3.
- Knight Templar Big Brother: He's very protective of his sister.
- Mr. Exposition
- The Nicknamer: He tends to call other duelists "(deck-theme)-user." For example, he calls Miki the "knight-user" because all of her Warrior-type monsters have some sort of knight theme. Duelists who've earned his respect get the privilege of him addressing them by their proper name.
- Not Good with People
- Parental Abandonment: His mother's dead, and his father's not in the picture.
- Slasher Smile: "You can't leave...we want to play!"
- Sour Supporter
- Unstoppable Rage: When he finds out just how badly Abel Drake screwed with his memories.
Miriam Jordan
Malachi Jordan's younger sister and the sole female in their specific group of True Companions. Her deck strategy revolves around the use of Magic/Spell cards, both to prevent opponents from attacking and to drain their life points.
- The Alcoholic: Shown during her dinner meeting with Pegasus in the Intercontinental arc; Pegasus muses to himself that it must be because of the Jordan siblings' Dark and Troubled Past. However, this trait never shows up again for the rest of the series following Malachi's Defeat Means Friendship at Yugo's hands.
- BFG: Her Wave Motion Cannon card.
- Goth: She dresses the part.
- Official Couple: With Luke.
- Parental Abandonment: Shared with Malachi.
Luke Jericho
One of Malachi's personal entourage, Miriam's boyfriend and David's older brother. He utilizes a Rock-themed deck.
- Bash Brothers: With David.
- Bruiser with a Soft Center
- Determinator: Which causes How Much More Can He Take? during Dueltropolis.
David Jericho
One of Malachi's personal entourage and Luke's younger brother. He utilizes a Beast-Warrior deck.
- Bash Brothers: With Luke.
- Butt Monkey
- Overshadowed by Awesome: Until he and Luke use several explosives to blow up the ARK from within.
- Shipper on Deck: For Luke and Miriam.
- Took a Level in Badass: He was intended to do this in Eternal.
Jillian Uriah
A 17-year-old girl who has been employed as a bodyguard despite her young age, and at the time of her debut is appointed as Seta Kaiba's personal bodyguard. Her deck strategy revolves around the famous Guardian monsters.
- Bodyguard Crush: Toward Seta, although she frequently denies it.
- Dark and Troubled Past: At a young age, she was forced to watch while her older sister was gang-raped, and then was unable to prevent her sister from committing suicide shortly afterward.
- Informed Ability: Despite her reputation as a bodyguard, she's not seen to actually do much body-guarding. It later leads to her Heroic BSOD.
- My Greatest Failure: Her inability to prevent Seta's Face Heel Turn, leading to a Heroic BSOD.
A computer program with sentience, introduced just prior to the start of the JUDAS arc. She's initially found by Miki one afternoon while wandering around the internet, and is (reluctantly) accepted by Kaiba after proving her capabilities as a super-computer program.
- Artificial Human
- Chekhov's Gunman: After her introduction, she's reduced to a relatively minor role providing tidbits of information to help the protagonists during the JUDAS arc, but otherwise doesn't play a much larger role in the story after that. Until Tokyo Dome, where Kaiba uses her as an anti-virus program to stop the Zodiacs' Take Over the World plot.
- Magical Computer
Janus Yuki
One of the two people in Forever who canonically defeat Yugo, and a second-year student in the Osiris/Slifer Red dorm at Duel Academy. He is also the son of Jaden Yuki and Alexis Rhodes, and wields his father's Elemental Hero deck with astonishing proficiency.
- The Ace: When first introduced in Forever.
- Broken Ace: Revealed to be this in the sequel story, Eternal.
- Badass Family: Having three of Duel Academy's most talented former duelists as his parents and his uncle, as well as having West Academy's two top duelists as his maternal cousins, works for him.
- Berserk Button: Harming his family or friends is one of the fastest ways to earn his wrath, as Fletcher in Eternal found out the hard way.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Big Eater: Rivaling Yugo and Kyo.
- Brilliant but Lazy
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Elemental Powers: His Elemental Hero deck.
- Fun Personified: Inherited from his father.
- Fusion Dance: His whole deck strategy revolves around this.
- Graceful Loser
- Hurting Hero: In Eternal.
- My Greatest Failure: Being unable to save Racquel in his Eternal back-story.
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Ryu and Ken: He's one of the two Ryus to Yugo's Ken.
- Shonen Upgrade: During the finals of the Dueltropolis tournament, he broke out his previously-sealed Neo-Space monsters in preparation for a rematch with Yugo.
- Stepford Smiler
- Super Mode: In Eternal, he gets a Yami-like personality named "Senshuken" after receiving the Shadow Charm Pendant. The Pendant's power actually unlocked a portion of Yubel's power that was imbedded in him fifteen years prior to the start of Forever.
- Warrior Therapist
Supporting Characters
This list consists primarily of the parents of the main characters. Most if not all of them were main characters in their earlier respective canon series; here, they've been Demoted to Extra for the most part.
Yugi Muto
The previous protagonist of the canon Yu-Gi-Oh! series, and here the retired former Duel Monsters world champion. At the beginning of the story Yugi has been raising his son Yugo as a single father, with assistance from his mother (Yugo's grandmother) who lives with them. Yugi works as an archaeologist, historian and researcher alongside Ryou Bakura.
- Anime Hair / Multicolored Hair: Just the same as how you remember it.
- Disappeared Dad: Word of God says that according to this story's time-line continuity, Yugi doesn't have much of a relationship with his father, due to the other man's canonical absences on business trips. However, the senior Muto would have made an appearance in Eternal.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Pushes Yugo out of the way of an Exodia blast that ends up sending him to hospital.
- My Greatest Failure: His inability to see how much damage his celebrity status was doing to Yugo's self-esteem. Also, he blames himself for Rebecca's death at Odachi's hands.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Self-inflicted, as he feels that he is responsible for Odachi's Face Heel Turn.
- Shipper on Deck: For Yugo and Jenna.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: For Yugo, though he himself didn't realize it for quite some time.
Seto Kaiba
The well-known business mogul from the original Yu-Gi-Oh! series, he's still the CEO of Kaibacorp in this story's time-line, as well as being a single father who's been raising his 16-year-old son Seta for quite some time prior to the start of the time-line proper, and he's also a member of the Duel Monsters World Tournament Committee. The years have given him some much-needed Character Development from his younger days, though he's still recognizable as the Kaiba we all know and love (or hate).
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Badass Bookworm
- Deadpan Snarker: He's still got it.
- The Determinator
- Heroic BSOD: After Seta gets brainwashed and taken away by the Zodiacs.
- It's All My Fault: During his above-mentioned Heroic BSOD, he expresses the view that if he had never challenged Gozaburo to the fateful chess game way back in the original series, Mokuba and Ishizu would still be alive in the present and Seta wouldn't have become a People Puppet for the Zodiacs.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Large and In Charge: Naturally.
- Nice to the Waiter
- Papa Wolf
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Still excels at these.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money: Subverted this time around due to the years of Character Development he's received in this time-line.
- The Stoic
Ryou Bakura
No longer the recognizable Butt Monkey of the canon series, Ryou Bakura here is an archaeologist and researcher alongside Yugi Muto. His family relations are...complicated, judging from his very different interactions with his two sons.
- I Have No Son: Had this attitude regarding Jan after the latter's Face Heel Turn.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Toward Jan. As the latter reveals during his second confrontation with Kyo, this was because Jan's physical appearance reminded Ryou too much of the spirit of the Millennium Ring, leading to him treating Jan very coldly (albeit subtly so) in the past.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: An older version, but yes, fangirls, he still is.
Marik Ishtar
The former leader of the Rare Hunters from the first canon series, Marik in this story serves as Yugo's primary ally during the JUDAS arc, supplying him with a place to stay and sage advice, as well as rare cards to spruce up his deck.
- The Atoner: A case where his previous Karma Houdini status is revoked—he's serving a suspended sentence with the stipulation that he cannot travel outside of Cairo for a certain period of time.
- Happily Adopted: He has a daughter, Mariska, who he adopted after her parents died in a boating accident.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: He's Seta's uncle. This is a case where both characters are aware of the fact, but The Reveal is made to the reader.
- The Obi-Wan: Toward both Yugo and Seta.
- Training from Hell: He subjects Yugo and Seta to this, in terms of teaching them special strategies geared toward effecting a One Hit KO during duels.
Alexis Rhodes-Yuki
The wife of Jaden Yuki and mother of Janus, vice-principal of the central Duel Academy, and a member of the Duel Monsters World Tournament Committee.
- Action Mom
- Calling the Old Man Out: She takes Zane Truesdale to task for his "Well Done, Son" Guy status toward his children.
- Happily Married: With Jaden.
- Hot Mom
- Mama Bear: Not just for Janus, but for all her students.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Tranquil Fury
Zane Truesdale
A member of the Duel Monsters World Tournament Committee. When first introduced, he doesn't have a very good relationship with his two children, due to events in their shared past.
- Perpetual Frowner
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: To both of his kids, but especially his daughter Natasha. Both Alexis Rhodes-Yuki and his own son James slam him for it, following which he gets some Character Development.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Dr. Vellian Crowler
The head of the Obelisk Blue boys' dorm at Duel Academy.
- A Father to His Men
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Subverted this time around, as he has a very clear goatee.
The main antagonists of the JUDAS arc, this group consists of persons who believe (justifiably or not) that society or specific individuals have betrayed them in one way or another, and have come together to get revenge for said betrayals. The core group consists of seven individuals who wield the power of the revived Millennium Items and wear robes corresponding to the Roy G Biv color scheme; they have at their disposal a gang of Mooks who wear brown robes.
Keisuke Odachi
The Big Bad of the JUDAS arc, he is the leader of the eponymous cult-like organization and harbors a grudge against the Muto family. He possesses the power of the revived Millennium Puzzle, which basically gives him the ability to draw just the right card during duels, and he also controls copies of the revived Egyptian God cards.
- Anime Hair: His is similar to Yugi's, but it's black with white highlights.
- A God Am I
- Bad Boss: To the point that Abel Drake is terrified of him.
- Civvie Spandex: When he's not wearing his JUDAS robe, he dresses like a Badass Biker.
- Evil Laugh
- Face Framed in Shadow: For several chapters after being first introduced, until Chapter 100.
- The Heavy: He's actually The Dragon to the Eldritch Abomination that JUDAS is seeking to resurrect.
- If I Can't Have You: How he crosses the Moral Event Horizon in his back-story.
- Love Makes You Evil
- Olympus Mons: The aforementioned God cards.
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Rainbow Motif: Among the JUDAS elites, he wears a red robe.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Stuff Blowing Up: Airplanes, primarily.
- Tattooed Crook: He has the kanji for "vengeance" tattooed over one eye.
- Visionary Villain
- You Have Failed Me...
- Your Soul Is Mine: His modus operandi for defeated opponents.
Jude Lassiter
A former lawyer for Kaibacorp, who attempted to use certain information against Kaiba for his own profit and was fired for it; as a result, he joined JUDAS to get revenge. He wields the power of the revived Millennium Rod, with which he has the power of Mind Control.
- Amoral Attorney: When he was still employed to Kaibacorp.
- The Dragon: To Odachi.
- Mind Control
- People Puppet: He can turn people into this with the Millennium Rod.
- Rainbow Motif: He wears a blue robe.
Abel Drake
A former historian who was ridiculed by his peers for proclaiming that magic was actually used to fight wars in ancient Egypt (sound familiar?) He wound up joining JUDAS, but also led his own cult called the Lightbearers on the side. He wields the revived Millennium Key, which allows him to unlock people's memories and shuffle them around as he wishes. Word of God gives his physical description as akin to Orochimaru, albeit with a more normal skin tone and different hair color—but he's no less of a Complete Monster.
- Affably Evil: He presents himself this way.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: He's guilty of mind-raping children, committing murder, and stealing taxicabs.
- Ax Crazy
- It Is Pronounced "Tro-PAY": Word of God pronounces his first name as "a-bell."
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: One of his powers with the Millennium Key.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Mind Rape
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Psycho Supporter
- Rainbow Motif: He wears a green robe.
- Smug Snake
- The Starscream: He appears to be this due to his independent actions, but Odachi confidently (and correctly) declares that the man is loyal to JUDAS.
- Who's Laughing Now?: It's hinted that the researchers who laughed at him were among his first victims after he joined JUDAS.
Michael Bronte
One of JUDAS's more bloodthirsty high-rankers, and the youngest of the seven, he wields the power of the Millennium Ring, which he uses to home in on the other Millennium Items. His deck strategy revolves around the Dark Scorpions.
- Abusive Parents: As revealed in his back-story, his stepfather physically abused him while his mother turned a blind eye.
- Blood Knight
- Cold-Blooded Torture: His preferred method of dealing with opponents during Shadow Games.
- Laughing Mad
- Rainbow Motif: He wears a violet robe.
- Self-Made Orphan: Because of his Abusive Parents.
- Slasher Smile
Judith Skye
The token female among JUDAS's higher-ranking members, but far from the only girl in the group, she wields the power of the Millennium Necklace, which allows her to see both the past and the future. Additionally, she uses Harpie Lady monsters in her deck strategy.
- Being Evil Sucks: She eventually comes to this conclusion.
- Broken Bird: Honey can't help but feel a little sorry for her after hearing her back-story.
- Cool Big Sis: Toward Jan Shimizu.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Death Seeker
- Despair Event Horizon: Her children were murdered by a pedophile serial killer, who got to walk despite witness testimony, and her efforts to appeal caused her husband to leave her, her friends and family to abandon her, and herself almost being Driven to Suicide.
- Love Makes You Evil
- Mama Bear
- My God, What Have I Done?: Triggered by a bad dream she had shortly after joining JUDAS.
- Redemption Equals Death
- Rainbow Motif: She wears a yellow robe.
- She Who Fights Monsters
- Sympathetic Murderer
Bernard Stone
One of the older members of JUDAS, and one of the more patient members of the high-ranking members. He wields the Millennium Scale, which allows him to weigh the heart of an individual against the Feather of Truth in order to gauge their honesty, and specializes in Trap cards.
- Bloodbath Villain Origin: Although considering his victims, one can hardly blame him.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Despair Event Horizon: He was a cop who got framed and locked away in an asylum for 12 years to cover up the truth, breaking his faith in the justice system.
- Face Death with Dignity
- Redemption Equals Death
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: In his back-story, prior to joining JUDAS proper.
- Rainbow Motif: He wears an orange robe.
- Sympathetic Murderer
- Trap Master
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He believed justice could be gotten from an affiliation with JUDAS.
Jonathan Maxell
One of the crueler members of JUDAS's seven leading figures, he bears a serious grudge against Flora Green's family, and later against Marcus Ironside. He wields the Millennium Eye, which allows him to read minds and predict his opponent's strategies.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Before joining JUDAS.
- Evil Laugh
- It's Personal: His grudge toward Flora, and later Marcus's toward him.
- Jerkass
- Kick the Dog
- Rainbow Motif: He wears an indigo robe.
Jan Shimizu
Kyo's estranged older brother, he left home and changed his last name several years before the start of the series. Eventually, he joined up with JUDAS, becoming one of their more elite members.
- Aloof Big Brother
- The Atoner: Becomes this in Eternal.
- Badass Longcoat
- Cain and Abel: He's the Cain to Kyo's Abel.
- Death Glare
- Face Heel Turn -> Heel Face Turn
- Freudian Excuse: His father was a "Well Done, Son" Guy toward him. It drove Jan away from home and led him to change his last name, in order to further distance himself from his family.
- Noble Demon
- Redemption Equals Death: But only temporarily.
The Zodiacs
A global organization with ties to all known governments and enough firepower to start their own world war if they ever felt like it. They serve as the main antagonist group of the Dueltropolis arc. The name of the organization also refers specifically to its special strike-force of twelve duelists (led by Zander Zabel) who infiltrate the Dueltropolis tournament. Each of the twelve has a Meaningful Name and a corresponding deck strategy. Their characterization was based on the Gung-ho Guns from Trigun.
Master Orion
The Big Bad of the Dueltropolis arc and, as it eventually turns out, of the entire series. Only those who are closest to him in the organization, like his personal butler and Zander Zabel, know who he is behind the shadows that frame his face, or underneath the hooded cloak he wears whenever he goes out...
- The Chessmaster: Set his plans for world domination into motion from as far back as before the time-line of the canon series. Even his actions during the Virtual World filler arc in the first series' anime adaptation played a pivotal role in his overall plans.
- Combat Pragmatist: He's not above personally putting a bullet into the protagonists as a back-up measure in case his main mode of executing his overall plan fails. Also, his soldiers will shoot anyone who attempts to resist them, once he gives the word.
- Cyborg
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: He's the only villain in the story who isn't interested in playing a card game for the fate of the world, especially after having already achieved his objective in Dueltropolis—until Yugo plays on his pride to force him to do so anyway. But even then, he's still smart enough to fix up a Sadistic Choice that will give him the victory no matter which choice the heroes make.
- Face Framed in Shadow: Up until his true identity is revealed.
- A Glass of Chianti
- I Control My Minions Through...: Mutual hatred of Kaiba Corporation, promises of grandeur, and lots of weapons and corporate and political connections. Brainwashing microchips too.
- Jerkass
- Kick the Dog: It's his hobby.
- Machine Worship
- Manipulative Bastard
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Sadistic Choice: Gives one to the heroes after he agrees to let Yugo duel Ophiuchus the Imperial for the fate of the world. If Yugo wins, Seta will be freed from the Ophiuchus brainwashing but in exchange the Zodiacs' hostages at Tokyo Dome will die; if Ophiuchus wins, Yugo dies.
- Smoking Is Cool
- Social Darwinist
- Ubermensch
- Visionary Villain
- Weapon of Mass Destruction: He's got several, one of the most prominent of which is a battleship-submarine that's armed to the teeth with high-tech weaponry to start war on a fairly decent scale.
- Wicked Cultured
- You Have Failed Me...: Done through Zander to any of the Zodiacs who have been eliminated from Dueltropolis.
Zander Zabel/"Capricorn the Blitzflash"
He is a leading figure in the Zodiac organization during the Dueltropolis arc, and the head of the similarly-named strike-force of twelve duelist assassins sent to infiltrate the eponymous tournament. He holds a particularly deep grudge against Seta due to events that took place prior to the start of the story.
- Badass Longcoat
- The Dragon: To Master Orion. And he's damn good at his job.
- Devil in Plain Sight
- Evil Counterpart: To Seta and later to Janus with his copied Destiny Hero deck.
- Evil Is Hammy
- Evil Redhead: Just think of Legato Bluesummers with red hair.
- Karmic Death: At the hands of his own Duel Monster after he treats said monster as nothing but a dispensable tool and ridicules the idea of Duel Monsters having independent feelings.
- Kick the Dog: He does this frequently. For a few specific examples, he basically tortures Luke during their match in Dueltropolis, and later pulls a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown on Kyo during their match in the quarter-finals. It bites him on the ass when he pulls it on his own monster during his duel with Janus on board the ARK.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Psycho for Hire
- Psycho Supporter: For Master Orion's plans.
- Shock and Awe: Part of his deck strategy.
- Something About a Rose: In his debut appearance, he tosses a rose to a couple of girls who've noticed his good looks.
- You Killed My Father: A charge laid against the Kaiba family due to their shared backstory.
Stephen Ingram/"Cancer the Scourge"
First mentioned during the Kaibacorp Challenge Cup arc as a bully who destroyed a painting meant for Kyo's mother just for giggles, he's revealed in person at the start of the Dueltropolis arc over 200 chapters later. As per his Zodiac code-name, his deck centers on "virus corruption" through the use of cards such as Crush Card Virus and Deck Devastation Virus.
- The Bully: In his back-story.
- The Dragon: To Zander.
- I Have You Now, My Pretty: It's implied that he crossed the Moral Event Horizon this way before his first in-story appearance in the present day. And he threatens to do it to Miki, following which Kyo delivers a Curb Stomp Battle.
- Schoolyard Bully All Grown Up: By only a few years, but still.
Cassius Princeton/"Scorpio the Venom"
Son of famous Duel Academy student Chazz Princeton. He was a proud Obelisk Blue student before Principal Jaden Yuki changed the acadmey's structure to make all students spend two mandatory years in Osiris/Slifer Red, then two in Ra Yellow before spending the final two years in Obelisk Blue. Of course, being an elitist, Cassius bears a grudge against the Yuki family because of this; Zander used this to convince him to join the Zodiacs. He wields a strategy focusing on the Dark Scorpion monster strategy.
- Dick Dastardly Stops to Cheat: Marcus calls him out on it.
- Face Heel Turn: In his back-story.
- Jerk Jock
- The Resenter: As explained above.
Regina Brissett/"Sagittarius the Vermillion"
The first Zodiac to engage any of the duelists in the Dueltropolis tournament. She loves to fight and will kill anyone if she feels like it. Her deck strategy focuses on the use of Amazoness monsters.
Angel Snow/"Virgo the Zephyr"
A classmate of Janus Yuki's in the Ra Yellow dorm. She wields the power of the Harpie Lady monsters, as per her epithet.
- Freudian Excuse: She had a physically abusive, drunken adopted father.
- Noble Demon
Kyle Welling/"Taurus the Gamekeeper"
A member of the twelve-man strike team who dresses in green and wears a ninja-like mask.
James Truesdale/"Aries the Everstrong"
A high-ranking Obelisk Blue student at Duel Academy, Zane Truesdale's son and Natasha Truesdale's older brother. However, he holds both his father and sister in contempt, and looks down on duelists weaker than himself. He wields an Exodia strategy (without using Exodia Necross, unlike Jude Lassiter).
- Aloof Big Brother
- Blood Knight
- Cain and Abel: The Cain to Natasha's Abel.
- Calling the Old Man Out: He screams at an absent Zane (who's watching via video-camera feed), expressing his deeply-repressed rage at his father for making him put aside his grief at his mother's death in childbirth while delivering Natasha.
- Curb Stomp Battle: A natural result of him wielding Exodia. On orders from Master Orion, he seeks out Victor Greaves and Chris Gear to silence them in case they might reveal information about the Zodiacs following their disqualification from Dueltropolis. When he finds them, they realize what he’s there for and summon their ace monsters to defend themselves. James, in turn, coolly summons Exodia the Forbidden One—an Eldritch Abomination which guarantees an instant win in the Duel Monsters game. Cue Oh Crap expressions from Victor and Chris before the curb-stomping commences.
- Freudian Excuse: And a painful one it is.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Delivers one to Natasha when they duel in the Dueltropolis tournament.
- The Resenter: Toward his father and sister.
- Villainous Breakdown: Has one while revealing his back-story as well as the reason why he's The Resenter.
- You Suck: His view of duelists he perceives as weaker than himself.
Forrest Wiles/"Leo the Wildmaster"
A member of the Zodiacs who specializes in Beast-type monsters. He was previously a world-class duelist with a notorious lecherous reputation toward women.
Felix Sanchez/"Libra the Blackjack"
A member of the Zodiacs whose deck strategy revolves around a gambling theme. He is also the national Duel Monsters champion in his native Spain.
- Being Evil Sucks: The reason for his Heel Face Turn.
- Freudian Excuse: As he reveals in his back-story, he felt immense pressure from his family to take up their bullfighting tradition, even though he himself had no interest in the sport. The one time he participated, he was horribly injured and subsequently left home in shame.
- Friendly Enemy
- Scars Are Forever: He retains the scars he got from his ill-fated bullfighting attempt.
Chris Gear/"Gemini the Strife"
A member of the Zodiacs who uses two dueling strategies together—the Ancient Gears monster set in combination with a life-point restoration strategy.
- Humongous Mecha: The Ancient Gears.
- Scary Shiny Glasses
- Those Two Bad Guys: With Victor Greaves.
Victor Greaves/"Aquarius the Tombstone"
A member of the Zodiacs who uses Zombie-type monsters and scare tactics to intimidate his opponents.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Psycho for Hire
- Those Two Bad Guys: With Chris Gear.
Laurel Strong/"Pisces the Coldblood"
A member of the Zodiacs, and the second one to fight in Dueltropolis. She wields a Dinosaur deck strategy.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She initially presents herself as a friendly sort, but soon shows her true colors.
- Psycho for Hire
"Ophiuchus the Imperial"
The unofficial thirteenth member of the Zodiacs' dueling team, and the one designated to bear the organization's strongest monsters, copies of the Sacred Beast cards that were sealed underneath Duel Academy. Their purpose for infiltrating Dueltropolis is to make it possible to revive Ophiuchus to fighting form by reawakening his personality within a microchip implanted in Seta Kaiba's brain stem.
- Ax Crazy
- Badass Longcoat
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Creepy Monotone
- Cybernetics Eat Your Soul
- Deadpan Snarker
- Evil Is Not Pacifist
- Evil Is Stylish
- Kill It with Fire: Uria, Lord of Searing Flames.
- Large and In Charge
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: The individual Sacred Beasts. Uria, Lord of Searing Flames, Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder, and Raviel, Lord of Phantasms.
- Olympus Mons: His deck strategy revolves around the three Sacred Beasts.
- People Puppet
- Person of Mass Destruction
- Physical God: The Sacred Beasts. Ophiuchus is considered the strongest Zodiac because of his proficiency in wielding them.
- Playing with Fire: Uria again.
- Power Trio: The Sacred Beasts.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: With Seta as the can.
- Shock and Awe: Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder.
- Slasher Smile
- Soft-Spoken Sadist
- Split Personality: Of Seta.
- Super Soldier
- That Man Is Dead: Being referred to as Seta presses his Berserk Button.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill
- Transformation Trauma: When he first appears.
A computer virus created by the Zodiac organization originally to serve as an information thief for Kaiba Corp.
- Artificial Human: In cyber-space.
- Contagious AI
- Magical Computer
- The Virus
Characters in Yu-Gi-Oh! Eternal
Jaden Yuki
The principal of the central Duel Academy. Mentioned several times but never actually seen during Forever, he becomes a regular supporting character in Eternal, where he's quite controversial for having changed the former hierarchical structure of Duel Academy to create a sense of equality amongst the school's three dorms.
- Berserk Button: Harming his wife, his son, or any of his students is never a wise idea.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Invincible Hero: Which is the reason he only duels once before the story's cancellation.
- Bumbling Dad: During the story's sillier moments.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Fatal Flaw: His impulsive nature, which leads directly to The Worf Effect and soon afterward almost gets him killed for real.
- Happily Married: To Alexis Yuki (nee Rhodes).
- Kaleidoscope Eyes
- Papa Wolf: Not just for Janus, but for all the students under his care.
- Super Mode / Super-Powered Evil Side: He's still combined with Yubel, in a Continuity Nod to the fourth season of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.
- Warrior Therapist
- The Worf Effect: Against Park Fletcher. It's justified in this case since Fletcher had backup waiting alongside him that Principal Yuki didn't know about including among the school's own security detail.
Drake Phoenix
Janus' primary rival in Eternal, he's the son of Aster Phoenix and the successor to the family's fortune and his father's Destiny Hero deck.
- Berserk Button: Insinuating that Janus is in any way better than him, or insulting Racquel's memory, is not a good idea.
- Evil Counterpart: Himself to Janus, and his Destiny Heroes to the Elemental Heroes.
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Manipulative Bastard
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: To Janus.
- The Resenter: He makes Kaiba's past rivalry with Yugi look civil in comparison.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money and Connections
Cassara Blackstone
A classmate of Janus' who often gets exasperated with his screwball antics. She later becomes the student editor of the school paper.
- Action Girl
- Intrepid Reporter
- Only Sane Man: At times.
- Plucky Girl
- Tsundere: Type B, usually toward Janus.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Janus. Word of God acknowledges that had the story continued, their relationship would have gradually developed into a quiet affection and then eventually just short of being an all-out Official Couple.
Vasha Morrison
One of the elite students of Obelisk Blue and the resident queen bee of the student body. Has a rivalry with Cassara.
Calhoun Vincente
Another elite Obelisk Blue student and the resident Jerk Jock. He's Vasha's boyfriend.
Blair Flannigan
In the original Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, she was a recurring character with a crush on Jaden. Here, she's a teacher at Duel Academy who's a hit with her students because of, well, non-scholarly reasons.
- Deadpan Snarker: Toward her fellow teacher, Miles Crosskill.
Crosskill: (to Dr. Crowler) You might be confused about which gender you're supposed to be, but at least I have the right plumbing!
Blair: But I'll bet the plumbing doesn't work.
Jewel Duelist
A mysterious duelist who dresses in a hooded jacket with a mask that covers the lower half of her face. She possesses the power of the Crystal Beasts and uses her dueling abilities to fight crime.
- Disappeared Dad: Word of God says he would have been revealed to be Jesse Anderson.
- The Lost Lenore: There was speculation among reviewers that the Jewel Duelist was actually Janus and Drake's childhood friend Racquel, based on (among other things) Principal Yuki's and Pegasus' familiar approach toward her.
- The Obi-Wan: To Janus.
Park Fletcher
The Big Bad of the Duel Academy Takeover arc, he was a former teacher who resigned due to disagreements over Jaden Yuki being appointed principal of the institute. Since that time, he'd been operating from the shadows, waiting for his opportunity to overthrow Principal Yuki's administration.
- Death From Above: He utilized a Satellite Cannon deck strategy.
- Fate Worse Than Death: Janus causes him to see everything in the color red.
- Jerkass
- The Resenter: Toward Principal Yuki.
- Would Hit a Girl: This sets off Janus and Jaden's mutual Berserk Button.
- Would Hurt a Child
Gabriel Roman
A past Duel Monsters World Champion, he retired from dueling after an unfortunate (and unrevealed in-story) incident. Drake Phoenix seeks him out as a potential member of his House of Cards, and Gabriel agrees, albeit reluctantly (as Drake is using blackmail to coerce him).
- The Atoner
- It's All My Fault: Although it never gets developed before the story's eventual discontinuation, Word of God acknowledges that he blames himself for not being able to save his fiancee, who was raped and murdered in their hotel room while he was participating in that year's Duel Monsters World Championships.