< Xiaolin Showdown

Xiaolin Showdown/Funny

  • This gem from the first episode:

Omi: And so, our grand quest begins. Follow me... TO VICTORY!!!!

(Beat as the rest of the Xiaolin Dragons stare on)

Omi (offscreen): ...I have no idea where I'm going.

Clay: You okay, Dojo?!
Clay: You don't have legs.

  • What was Jack Spicer's reaction to the furry-scorpion-thing Sabini landing on his face after trying to get the Monarch Wings? To scream EXACTLY like a little girl.
    • He also does this upon the awakening of Mala Mala Jong.
  • The blind old man being constantly confused about his location.
  • Clay's Loophole Abuse in the second episode.
  • Omi's messed up phrase from Something Jermaine:

Omi: Spill your internal organs!
Jack: What kind of sick people are you!?
Raimundo: Uh, I think what he's trying to say is "spill your guts".

  • And from Oil In The Family:

Omi The jig is down! You are at the top of the rope! Spoon over the Wu!
[[[Beat]] as every single character stops what they are doing to contemplate this]
Raimundo: (wobbles by) Bleurgh... (faints)
Jack: Oh! The jig is up, you're at the end of your rope, fork over the Wu! (does a victory dance)

  • Omi's reaction to Raimundo turning off the game he was playing.


  • Raimundo's deadpan reactions to Omi's bad idioms can be just as funny, if not more so, especially when he completely gives up on correcting the boy in the third season.

Omi: Dojo! Keep your ears on the game!
Rai, completely flat: Omi, you gotta be doing that on purpose.

  • Dojo's "magic trick" in Time After Time.

Dojo: It's the Queen of Hearts!
Chase: [deadpan] Seven of Spades.

  • The showdown for the Falcon's Eye. Omi's still in Nine Dragon mode and is as loopy as a Whoozy Shooter victim, leading to some immensely hilarious moments, hightlights include:
    • Poking Jack's nose while giggling and informing him, "You are very funny man! I like cake!" while making a literal :3 face.
    • Falling off his board mid-challenge, then standing in the middle of the snow lane, causing Jack crash into him while Omi yells, "HUUUUUG!" Jack's baffled expression during the hug really sells it.
    • Sliding up and then back down the final hill.
    • Jack challenges Omi to a Xiaolin Showdown. Omi pinches his nose.

Omi: Honk!
Jack: I'll take that as a yes...

  • Dojo's attempts to make Omi release him from a cage.

Dojo: (disguises as Master Fung) Omi, Dojo has escaped, you must unlock this cage!
Omi: You are not Master Fung.
Dojo: (disguises as a little girl) I'm scared! Please let me out!
Omi: Dojo, that will not fool me.
Dojo: (disguises as an old Chinese woman) Omi, this is your mother, open this cage right now!
Omi: I am an orphan!
Dojo: (disguises as Omi) Omi, it's Omi! You've got to let me out!

  • Omi's mullet in "Dreamscape."
  • "Is that luck - or a trap?" "SAME DIFFERENCE!"
  • Episode 9:

Omi: Who put this building in my way?!

    • Omi trying to use slang. It's the look of confusion on his face that sells it.
  • Pretty much anything involving the invisible mime box, but the kicker would have to be Raimundo's response to Clay finally figuring out that his friends are trapped in there:

Raimundo: (imitating Clay) Iiiit's sum - sort - of in-vis-e-ble baaaaaaax. Ai, took him long enough.

Jack: How come we don't have a relationship like that?
Wuya: I'm not your mommy. Now, pick up your toys, Jack, and let's go home.

  • "C'mon, Rai, you can still win this!" "Just think: WHAT WOULD OMI DO?!"
  • Omi biting Monkey!Jack on the butt in retaliation for Monkey!Jack biting him on the butt.
  • Good!Jack. Just... Good!Jack. He's like Rock Lee on goodness steroids. Every move is punctuated by a girly ballet spin, a thumbs up, a sparkling smile, or some combination thereof.
    • (Everybody takes one step backwards. Good!Jack is blissfully unaware.)
  • From "Wu Got The Power":

Jack: That's brilliant! Why didn't I think of it?
Hannibal: My guess? An extra chromosome. Now bring me the Shen Gong Wu!

  • In episode 6, Omi demonstrates his foresight.

Raimundo: Tangle Web Comb!
Omi: I'm good.
[Comb backfires on Rai.]

  • In episode S3E04, "Omi Town" Omi leaves the temple for a while and the group try to do their Dragon Form. Kimiko jumps and lands right on her face.
  • This exchange from "The Life and Times of Hannibal Roy Bean":

Omi, to Kimiko: You are THE MALE!
Raimundo: Ah, that's 'you are the man'.
Clay, to Kimiko: Well, you're... definitely somethin'.

  • "Anyway, we're going to get to the Treasure of the Blind Swordsman first. Right, evil posse?!" (Robot posse cheers enthusiastically, save for one who is picking flowers.)
  • Three-second rule!
  • Raimundo Breaking the Fourth Wall in Hannibal's Revenge, complete with grins and thumbs up from the others. As one viewer on YouTube put it:

skellington15: The 4th Wall has suffered a humiliating defeat!

    • Master Fung makes an ominous statement.

Raimundo: Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, "Previously, on Xiaolin Showdown!"
(Everyone smiles and gives a thumbs-up)

  • Don't know what episode, but I just find this hilarious

Omi: He who is last to be laughing laughs most loudly!
Raimundo: What Omi did to that sentence we're going to do to you!

    • That was the episode where Jack Spicer unveils his new Evil Laugh. It is by far the most annoying sound you'll ever hear.
  • When everyone's sad about Clay leaving, Raimundo says that he misses Clay, as he can still make fun of Omi, but most of the time he doesn't get it. Cue Omi lamenting and halfway through he is outraged that Raimundo makes fun of him.
  • Jack writing Omi's evil theme music.
  • The hunt for the Shen Gong Wu begins!

Omi: Follow me, to victory! (walks offscreen.) ...I have no idea where I'm going.

  • The Chi Creature placing a set of toilet paper labeled econo size in Good!Jack's shopping cart.
  • Jack doesn't know how to dress himself according to Wuya. Different coloured socks.
  • Omi tries using the Serpent's Tail to find the Golden Tiger claws after sending it to the Earth's core. During the trip, he ends up in the middle of a farm, startling an old farmer. After Omi apologizes, the farmer says this little gem:

Farmer: *in a rather casual tone* Darn talkin' gophers.

  • Jack's left-field ability with winter sports:

(literally skating circles around Omi) I ask for knife-throwing lessons, Mom sends me figure skating. (imitates) "Never know when it'll come in handy!" Now I feel kinda bad for making a robot out of her juicer. (All completely deadpan.)

  • In "The Shard of Lightning," rapid-fire hilarity goes as follows: Jack Spicer epically wins, because it's actually a robot with better one-liners. Using the Shard of Lightning, they steal almost every Wu from the temple, pranking all the way (including Omi getting pantsed and handed a squirrel, plus the old "Saw Under the Floor" trick). Meanwhile, Wuya can't make her new "Mook" Catnappe do diddly-doo dah. Cue showdown featuring several betrayals aaand...

Omi: How do you stop an elephant from charging? You do not.

Omi (Impersonating Wuya with a cutout mask): Do not underestimate Jack. Those bubble bots are genius!
Clay (Impersonating Chase the same way while stroking a plush tiger): Spicer has taken his marshal arts skills to a new level!
Dojo walks onto the screen in a bathrobe
Raimundo: Dojo, get out of the shot!
Kimimo (Impersonating Hannibal Bean with a finger puppet): He is truly evil incarnate!

    • And it actually works.
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