< Xiaolin Showdown

Xiaolin Showdown/WMG

Dashi is Omi's ancestor

Which might explain Omi's mysterious past and his connection to the Xiaolin-Heylin war.

  • Dashi and Omi do look similar: they share almost identical facial features (Black Bead Eyes and narrow, elongated eyebrows), and both of them are yellow (the only characters to be so). This might have been a Color Coded for Your Convenience way to indicate a relationship.

Jack's hair is actually just orange-red

He dyes it a deeper shade of red so that it seems eviller; which is why Good!Jack's hair is more orange than red.

Rai is the reincarnation of Dashi, and Omi is the reincarnation of Chase Young

Over the course of the series, Raimundo resembles Dashi's character more and more as a brilliant but lazy badass, and Dashi did use attacks that demonstrated a wind theme. Also, only Rai could open the puzzle box, which may show he simply got over being evil but could also mean he was the only one who could use the box to trap Wuya's soul (Jack just released her- a much simpler magical task). Meanwhile, Omi is convinced he is chosen to be the most powerful of the monks and on several occasions did anything it took to become stronger than everyone else. This is like Chase Young when Bean used the same desires to get Chase to drink the Lao Mang Long soup. Chase Young spent season 2 going after Omi because a) he knew that with his former soul Omi would be driven to become a very powerful martial artist, and b) he didn't want his soul to influence him through Omi.

  • Which could suggest that Dashi was the Xiaolin Dragon of Wind/Xiaolin Leader and Chase Young WOULD'VE been the Xiaolin Dragon of Water if he didn't do a 180-degree turn towards evil - we can blame the Lao Mang Long Soup for that.
  • If the above concept is true, then it begs the question of who the Xiaolin Dragons of Fire and Earth were during Dashi's time. I suppose it's all left to speculation - or fanfic inspiration.
  • Unless Master Monk Guan was the Dragon of Earth; he fits the bill, having the same kind and steady personality that Clay has. Which only leaves the Xiaolin Dragon of Fire - if personalities can also be reincarnated, the Dragon of Fire could have been very much like Kimiko: an intelligent, yet very short-tempered girl.

How can you be the reincarnation of someone who is still alive?

Well, I can't really answer here, but post this question in the discussion forum above and I would be happy to answer your question.

This new 'Redakai' show is a rip off of Xialon Showdown.

They come in a group to find mystical objects that evil-doers want to have also. A challenge is issued and the terrain changes slightly.

The Bad Future in "Time After Time" wasn't caused by Omi not being there.

It was caused by Dojo not being there. Without Dojo, the rest of the team had no way of locating Shen Gong Wu, and thus Jack (using the Shen Gong Wu detector he built) was able to get enough of them to turn the odds in his favor and enslave the rest of the world. Why Dojo decided to travel to the future with Omi even though he would presumably have lived another 80 years anyway is anyone's guess.

  • Not necessarily. When Dojo was kidnapped by Chase Young, the monks simply planted a tracer on Jack and followed him to the Wu.

Good Jack is what could have happened if Jack's parents actually paid attention to him.

He's dressed in a very stereotypical 'rich kid' way, has a more reasonable hair color (relating to the theory above), and generally sounds good-hearted, if a little naïve and unaware of his surroundings. He didn't offer to fix the Mantaray when it was broken in the Ying-Yang World, even though we all know he would if he could -- he never learned how to use mechanics. It stands to reason that with all the money his family has, Jack probably would have turned out something like this had things gone a bit differently.

The group of Dragons that cam before Omi and Co. consisted of Dashi (Wind), Chase Young (Water), Guan (Earth), and Wuya (Fire).

Dashi and Chase are easy enough to explain; Dashi is free-spirited, lazy, yet knowledgeable, like Raimundo, and we've already seen the comparisons in character, personality, and such between Chase and Omi that it bears no explanation. Guan has a strong will, able body, and a calm demeanor belying a fierce warrior not unlike Clay. Wuya was most likely a Dragon of Fire, because of how easily she seems to create and manipulate it to her needs, like trapping Jack and Omi in floating rings of fire. Her turn to evil could easily be explained as her being unable to control her rage and fiery temper, unlike Kimiko, and ended up falling to the side of evil all to easily as a result. As to how she can summon Rock creatures, it'd be no far stretch to imagine that the fantastical powers she garnered through her transition to evil allowed her to steal elemental chi, in this case, Guan's, allowing her to manipulate Earth as well as Fire.

Based on the preview, the new series will be about collecting upgraded versions of the Shen Gong Wu

Chronicles is a reboot

I just got that kind of feeling from the preview

Chronicles will be nothing like the "preview."

Because that three-minute clip was not a preview. According to Hui herself, it was a work-in-progress clip that was accidentally leaked and has thus gone viral. If this is the preview, then Jack is completely derailed, Chase looks like a girl, and all of the Wu have different names... thus, among other reasons, cue massive Internet Backdraft that even Hui may not be able to curb before the Spring release. Conversely...

If Chronicles is like the "preview"...

The dragons will have split up to find more Wu, because according to a French article the Xiaolin Temple has somehow been destroyed. Meanwhile, evil will have matured in the form of Jack Spicer, and Chase Young will be Not So Stoic... and call Wu "doohickies." New and unnecessary characters will be added, with heaping helpings of Character Derailment for and perhaps a Darker and Edgier storyline if they don't Retcon half the episodes. The Fan response will be somewhere between reactions to the animation changes to American Dragon: Jake Long and the general reaction to New Coke, with a heaping helping of They Changed It, Now It Sucks.

The preview/WIP of Chronicles is just to test the fan reactions

They made a short video that had concepts the XS crew are playing with, they are just trying to see what fans like and what they don't like to make a good XS sequel.

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