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    /wiki/Wii Uwork

    So what features and games do you think will be on this upcoming console?

    The new classic controller might be compatible with Brawl.

    • It's been confirmed that Game Cube games will be available for download on Virtual Console. Since Game Cube accessories aren't compatible with the Wii U, Nintendo needs to make a new classic controller with pressure-sensitive triggers to allow the full Game Cube controller functionality. We can infer that this controller will also be compatible with Super Smash Bros. 4, since Sakurai has made every conceivable control scheme compatible with Brawl (Wii Remote, Wii Remote + Nunchuck, Classic Controller Pro, and most importantly, Game Cube Controller). The catch is that Brawl is a Wii game, not a Game Cube game or a Wii U game, so there's no confirmation as to whether the new classic controller can be used with it. The controller will probably be plugged into the Wii U tablet, not the Wii Remote, so it wouldn't work the same way as the old classic controller. Therefore, there are at least two options for this to work out: 1. Brawl will be patched to be compatible with the Wii U classic controller. 2. The system treats the new classic controller just like any Wii controller, so it would already be fully compatible with Brawl.
      • Well this will cause some problems, because A. the new controller will probably be capable of playing the GC games with, since it has all the required buttons plus the bumper shoulder buttons like the gamecube. But if they release basically a new version of the classic controller which sounds like a touchscreenless/ir sensor/speaker/etc Wii U controller people will bitch to Nintendo saying why didn't they make the peripheral controller the new controller by default.
        • It's Nintendo. Of course gimmicks are their top priority.

    Donkey Kong Country Returns 2 will be on this.

    • Donkey Kong Country Returns looked great on the Wii, (3 times as much polygons as Metroid Prime!) so it would look even better here.
      • Pretty likely, especially considering that DKCR is the best-selling game that Retro Studios has ever worked on by itself[1]. Not to come up with a sequel would be financially idiotic.

    A new Pokémon Snap game is in development.

    • And why not? The controller would be perfect to use as a camera.

    The Super Title 64 Advance for Wii U will be "Omega" or "Ultimate"

    • The "u" logo looks like an Ω upside down vaguely, ultimate is obvious.
      • Or they'll just slap the letter U at the end of it and give it some connection to a university.

    A Crystal Chronicles and a Four Swords game will be on this

    • I mean COME ON. This is a system pretty much designed from the ground up to accompany these sorts of things.

    A classic controller will be released at launch, much like the Wii classic controller.

    • The tablet controller is clearly capable of playing the upcoming Super Smash Bros. installment, but to avoid alienating Melee and even Brawl veterans, they'd need to provide a more familiar controller. Specifically, one that wouldn't require your hands to be so far apart.
    • Like with the Wii classic controller, different games will be compatible with different controllers; some will be tablet-only, and some will be tablet-or-classic.
      • Problem here is the Wii Classic Controller was designed to make up for the lack of buttons/familiar layout on a Wiimote and Nunchuck that would really hobble Gamecube, N64 and SNES games. The Wii U's tablet thing, however, has the traditional layout and buttons, i.e. 4 face buttons, 4 shoulder buttons, d-pad and two analogue sticks. There would be no need to make up for any perceived lack of control options, classic games would simply turn the screen off. Wii games may have this problem, but the promo material suggests that the Wii U is fully compatible with Wii hardware.
    • Wii U is going to be compatible with Wii controllers, meaning you can use your existing classic controllers with it. No need for new ones.
      • Yes, there is a need. The classic controller pro, which is the currently produced model, doesn't have pressure-sensitive buttons, which are necessary for full Gamecube game functionality.

    A successor to Pokémon Stadium is in development.

    • Players would obviously use the controller to view party and select moves.
      • Very likely, since Pokédex 3D introduces models for the Gen V Pokémon.
        • And yet, the Gen I & II Pokemon will still use their N64 models. Guaranteed.
          • I wouldn't be so sure about that! Seeing the N64 models in PBR made me rather eyesore (Kangaskhan and Magmar especially), and Nintendo may put a stop this! There is an upcoming sequel to Pokédex 3D that will function as a National Pokédex, with Pokémon from all 5 gens. The models for the older Pokémon that we've seen so far definitely look newer, and plenty of the poses we've seen were not in Stadium/Stadium2/Colosseum/XD/PBR. New models and animations for ALL!

    If there is a classic controller, then most games after the initial debut will use it.

    Handheld-system-as-console-controller has been tried before with the Gamecube + Game Boy Advance combo, and it is at least theoretically possible to use a PlayStation Portable as a controller on a Playstation 3. This hasn't worked before.

      • This isn't a handheld system though, it doesn't do anything apart from the console.

    By the time the Wii U hits the market, 3D TVs will be common.

    They said they were making it, but gave no release date.

      • I'm pretty sure they've already said somewhere that Nintendo consider the market penetration of 3D TVs to be too low to warrant it at this time.
      • I believe it's confirmed now.

    There will be a new F-Zero for the Wii U.

    The series has been dormant since '04. Now's the perfect time to bring back their other notable racer. Plus, just think about the eye-candy. GX was full-on Scenery Porn, and that was back in '03 for the Cube. In glorious 1080p HD, it would be like a Mushroom Samba-induced hallucination; so real, you must be tripping. Bring in Sega to co-develop it like you did with GX/AX, throw in 12-player multiplayer support like in Mario Kart Wii (or possibly more, but let's not get carried away here), retool/revamp/refine the online support, give us some nice and robust options for both single and multiplayer, and you've got yourself a very enticing game there, Nintendo.

    • Miyamoto hated what Sega did with GX/AX. I doubt Sega would be brought in again.
    • Regardless, it's as good a time as any for a revival.
    • Why don't we throw in a crazy crossover idea while we're at it? F-Zero: Burnout.

    A new Wario Ware game will also be made.

    • I'd love to see what Nintendo can do for new microgames.

    The Splatterhouse remake will be put on the Wii U.

    Because it'd be pretty unexpected. Also because this will probably never happen.

    Somehow! A Warrior Cats Video game will show up!

    Kingdom Hearts III will be available through cross-platform for this console.

    • I'm completely confident of this. First of all, Square Enix has a well-established game developing relationship with Nintendo. The upcoming Kingdom Hearts for the 3DS (which is a main, important title rather than a side-story) solidifies this. Second, Square Enix put Final Fantasy XIII on the Xbox 360. If they're willing to give a not-Sony system something as important as a main Final Fantasy game, let alone on the Xbox, they'd surely do it for Nintendo. Third, Kingdom Hearts was never an extremely graphically-demanding game. Even though Sony will doubtfully come out with a more powerful system, it wouldn't mean much in competition to a Wii U version of Kingdom Hearts because 1080p is probably good enough to handle anything Square Enix would come up with. Lastly, the controller has really good potential for Kingdom Hearts, and RPGS in general. The large touch screen would allow the player to select battle commands very quickly, and maybe have the settings menu (items, stats, etc.) available to view with the same kind of ease. The touch screen would also allow commands that require special timing (reaction commands, pressing buttons on prompt, etc.) a new way to be executed by the player.
    • There's a few problems with that theory: 1. It's Kingdom Hearts, a series where every game is exclusive to one console. 2. There was a lot of Internet Backdraft from the Final Fantasy Fan Dumb when it was announced that FF 13 would be on the Xbox 360, which may have led to Final Fantasy Versus XIII to be Play Station 3 exclusive to possibly "make up for it". 3. The 2 numbered titles in the series were exclusive to the PlayStation 2, which leads this troper to believe that KH 3 would be a Play Station 3 exclusive. I hope I'm wrong though, as it would be awesome to have KH 3 on multiple platforms.
      • Actually, in response to 1 and 2, not every game in the series is on one console, as four games in the series are found on Nintendo handhelds. Doesn't sound farfetched to me.
        • Yes they are. He meant that every KH game has been an exclusive. Plus if KH3 wasn't a Play Station 3 exclusive, most of the Wii U's features wouldn't be used, since the game have started from Play Station 3.

    Nintendo's answer to Achievements/Trophies will be....

    Its been revealed that Nintendo is doing away with Friend Codes and adopting an account-based online system, and more than likely there will be some kind of achievement system. They will be called...

    • Stars
      • "Stars" seems unlikely given that Nintendo's existing loyalty programme already uses Stars.
    • Medals
    • Coins
    • Stamps
      • It's too bad Sony took Trophies already, since of the Brawl-inspired collectibles, trophies sound more impressive than stickers.
    • Badges (ala Paper Mario)

    The latest main game in the Super Mario Bros. series will be called "Super Mario Universe"

    U for Universe, and it's the next step up from a galaxy. Not related to the fake one.

    The games that will be released on the Wii U

    Super Smash Bros. 4, De Blob 3, Pokepark Wii U, The Munchables 2, Mortal Kombat 10, Epic Mickey 2, SpongeBob Battle For Bikini Bottom 2

    • Super Smash Bros. 4 has been confirmed for the Wii U and the 3DS.

    The controller for the Wii U is inspired by the U Draw Wiimote add-on

    The add-on could be one of the design inspirations... this picture confirms the resemblance. [dead link]

    Sonic Generations will be ported to the Wii U.

    Considering the system's specs, and the series's generally greater success with the Nintendo consoles, it would make a lot of sense to bring it over eventually.

    Sonic Generations will not be directly ported to Wii U...

    A trailer will be shown at E3 2012. It will begin as the original Sonic Generations teaser: Modern Sonic running along, jumps up into the air and the frame freezes as Classic Sonic appears behind him. Then, the two of them move from their happy-go-lucky jump into attack poses as the camera pans out to reveal Modern Mario and Classic Mario doing the same from the right side of the screen, with SMB-esque blocks in the background. Boom! Mario & Sonic Generations!

    The new Zelda game will be to the E3 tech demo what Wind Waker was to the Gamecube tech demo

    Nintendo showed a quick tech demo at Spaceworld 2000 of a high quality battle between Link and Ganondorf, but later announced the cel-shaded game Wind Waker. The Zelda game for the Wii U will similarily feature a less photo-realistic Zelda game as its debut Zelda game.

    • So the next Zelda game after Skyward Sword will be cel-shaded as well? ...You know, an HD Zelda with cel-shading might look pretty awesome.
    • Each tech demo consisted simply of Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess graphics scaled-up for the succeeding console as a point of comparison. Nintendo has never been lazy enough to simply reuse the previous console's graphics for a game built from the ground up for the new console. The new game will probably feature a graphical style that is completely new for the franchise.

    The WiiPad controller will eventually be sold separately and the Wii U will support more than one

    Just not now, since I'm guessing that the WiiPad is going to be sold at a loss instead of a profit. Once WiiPad pricing becomes profitable, it will start being sold separately.

    • Can we please call it the WiiTab instead? An in tablet, and not as in iPad? At least until Nintendo inevitably gives it its own name.
      • The problem with that name is that there's already a tablet computer called the WeTab.

    Handheld games will be made available for the Wii U.

    Using the controller. Everything from the classic Game Boy to the Nintendo DS.

    Mole Mania will have a Revival on Wii U.

    With the TV screen showing the main map and the controller showing the underground that Muddy tunnels into.

    Since the Wii U is backwards-compatible with them, the various controllers for the original Wii will still be used frequently.

    Games like Zelda and Wii Sports have benefited from having the more wand-shaped controller, and it seems unlikely that Nintendo would completely abandon these already polished control-schemes simply because the default controller for the new console is different. This could actually provide The Legend Of Zelda with some nifty control possibilities: the Wiimote and Nunchuk could be used for normal, Skyward Sword-type control, while the new Wii U touchscreen could be used for maps and Real Time Weapon Change.

    The gaming journalists covering the Wii U's introduction at E3 2011 are major Batman fans.

    This would explain why Batman: Arkham City got the loudest applause when the 3rd-party game roster trailer was shown.

    The next Mario & Luigi title will be on the Wii U.

    Since the next Paper Mario game is going to be for the 3DS, it's possible that Nintendo would switch around the two subseries as far as being on either the home console or handheld goes.

      • It's highly unlikely that they're going to make a new Mario and Luigi game, since Fawful died at the end of the third one.

    There will be a new Drawn to Life title for the Wii U.

    It's perfect. They tried a home console version with the drawing being done via motion control, which in my opinion, sucks. But a system like this, with a much bigger touch screen, would essentially be superior to even the DS for a drawing game.

      • That sounds iffy. Especially how the last game ended.

    The Wii U Metroid game will be simultaneously first-person and third-person.

    The television screen could show Samus from a third-person perspective where she can run around and jump in a manner similar to the 2D games and Other M. Meanwhile, the controller will show Samus in a first-person perspective akin to Metroid Prime, where the aiming is done by means of the controller's motion controls. Thus, the main screen would be used for exploration, while the controller's screen would be used for combat.

    Extrapolating further, let's say you have one of those "Finishing Blow" maneuvers from Other M. You could jump on top of the enemy and then, while up there, aim at specific weak spots around it's head and/or body. This could be helped by a Camera Lock On akin to Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, in that Samus can strafe around the enemy while still maintaining free aiming. Furthermore, the controller's screen could be used for different visors while keeping the main screen looking normal, in order to keep a consistently immersive feel.

    The wii U will be able to communicate with the 3Ds directly, both locally and online

    Considering the added emphasis online play, imagine what a four swords or crystal chronicles game could be like if you could combine those two. The wii U controller could be used by a 5th player, or an opposing player, rather like a DM. Alternately, a 3ds pokemon game and a wii U pokemon stadium type game could be cross compatible, allowing you to challenge players on their handhelds from your console, or trade pokemon.

    • This got pretty much confirmed by the announcement of the Super Smash Bros. game being for both systems with interactivity between the two.

    Wii U is just a working title

    Remember when the Ultra64, Dolphin or Revolution were announced? Remember how long those names stuck? Though this does point to the part codes being WIU, WEU or similar.

    • But...the Wii U already had one working title-Project Cafe. It seems highly doubtful that Nintendo would give a console two working titles in a row.
    • There are rumors going around that Nintendo really will change the name again, in order to distance the system from being unoriginal.

    Assassin's Creed for the Wii U will focus on Desmond having troubles with/getting better control over and exploiting the Bleeding Effect

    Depending on whether his conciousness is mostly with himself or mostly with the current Ancestor, the two screens will show different scenes, one showing Desmond the other the Ancestor, the one where he's most present will be at the big screen, and easy to grab your attention, the other one will be relegated to the tablet screen with a more muddy picture and harder to notice stuff happening. The controls will move both, though not neccesarily in the same way, and the tablet screen will closely mirror the main screen.

    There will be a Nintendo X Sega RPG as a new IP.

    Since Nintendo and Sega might want to expand the horizons besides making a another Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games, they might want to make a RPG similar to Namco X Capcom. But using Fire Emblem and Shining Force's gameplay style. It could work for the 3DS, as well. I kinda doubt this but it's a nice idea.

    • The Shining Force games were made by the group now known as Camelot Software and not with Sega anymore. Now the Valkyria Chronicles team...
      • It still could work out either way.

    Wii U will pull a Super Game Boy/Game Boy Player and allow you to play DS, DSiWare and 3DS (both card and download) games on it.

    • There's a touch screen on the controller, it's impossible not to take this route.

    Since it's not backward compatible with GameCube disks, GameCube games will be offered on the Wii U Virtual Console.

    • Confirmed at this point.

    A new Mario Kart game is planned.

    • It would be called Mario Kart Infinity. Since it will be the 8th game in the series, the infinity symbol (∞) would be perfect because it looks like an 8 on its side. Plus, how many real-life racetracks are in a figure 8 shape?
      • Also, new features and returning would include: Double Races, bikes, track editor, and a bigger selection of online races.

    The Wii U will have a color theme of Silver

    Because the Ps3 is black, 360 (started off at least) is white. and Nintendo is just that awesome.

    Baten Kaitos 3 will be on the Wii U

    Monolith is a developer for Nintendo and under contract to make a 3DS and Wii U title. Think about the possibilities of the touchscreen controller with Origins' battle system. Plus, Monolith's been teasing a new BK title with the concept art.

    Nintendo will again improve upon the Wii Remotes for this system

    They introduced the WM+ and then the WR+ midway through the systems lifetime, allowing it to make proper use of the systems capabilities. With more time and a more powerful system, they'll be able to really bump this up. Possibly by making it recalibrate more effectively and in mid-game, track distance and angle from the nunchuck, add more sensors to the nunchuck itself, and by giving it and the nunchuck a standard button layout(i.e. another analog stick and d-pad).

    Most of the tech demos will become part of full-fledged games.

    That Metroid-esque game and that hide-and-seek game will obviously become part of a new Wii Party or Wii Play. And that rhythm game is definitely hinting at a new Rhythm Heaven.

    One of the Wii U's Mii games (a la Wii Sports and Wii Play) will be...

    A fighting game. It will be a Smash Bros. clone, but with all the items and stages originating from the other various Mii games, with some original stuff. You'll be able to customize your character's movesets with attacks from the Smash Bros. games and give them different outfits, similarly to the Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games series.

    • Either that or they could be playable in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. game itself, see that game's WMG for more details.

    Stage Debut will be revived on Wii U...

    ...as a virtual social world not unlike Second Life, IMVU, etc. The concept of your Mii mingling with Nintendo characters like Pikmin, Mario, or the Animal Crossing kids will still be around, and there will be minigames unlike those in the Mii-based Wii games. Adventure elements like in StreetPass Mii Plaza's "Find Mii" will also be present.

    The Wii U Zelda will be an even bigger revolution for the series than Skyward Sword or Ocarina of Time...

    There have been three major shakeups in Zelda history: Adventure Of Link made the game a sidescroller with RPG Elements, but is often regarded as one of the weaker titles of the series; Ocarina brought the series into 3D and smashed right through the Polygon Ceiling; Skyward Sword used Wii Motion Plus to deliver a truly fresh Zelda game. What's the next step? Zelda meets Skyrim. While it's still driven more by the plot and isn't as open as Skyrim, it'll have a world just as expansive, if not moreso, with dungeons and bosses that would make even Molgera, Stallord and Koloktos green with envy. To top it all off, it'd combine this with Motion Plus and some really great items (No Slingshot allowed, and the Spinner would return with no time limit to how it could be used!) to make a game that puts every other game to shame!

    1. They're working on Mario Kart 3DS, but so are several other companies.
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