< Wii U


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    /wiki/Wii Uwork
    • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Even those Tainted by the Preview thought the implementation of near-field communication, which would make things such as point cards readable without having to enter codes, was a great addition.
      • The touch screen controller has been slightly redesigned, with the Start and Select buttons moved to the right side of the controller below the face buttons and the circle pads changed to analog sticks. For anyone who hated the 3DS circle pad, this is seen as a much needed improvement, and is going to stick close to the analog sticks Nintendo has been using since the N64 days. (YMMV of course, since there ARE those who found themselves proffering the circle pad over analog sticks)
      • Clickable sticks! May not sound like much, but in recent years clickable sticks have proven to be a must for certain games like first person shooters that use dual analog setups.
      • For some, the confirmation that the system will also have an alternate controller sold separately that will be touch screen free, using only buttons and sticks. The design resembles an Xbox 360 controller, not that many outside of the Fan Dumb are complaining.
      • The Miiverse. Basically Nintendo's twist on social networking, where people can take screenshots and post them online, talk with other Wii U owners, talk via video chat with friends, see what other people in your country are playing, and get help from other players. The Miiverse will also be incorporated into many Wii U games, and will not interrupt your gameplay (it's even possible to turn it off for players who don't want to see comments from other players show up).
      • Two words: Pikmin 3.
      • The Wii U now supports TWO Wii U Game Pads on one console now.
      • Virtual Console games from the Wii is transferable!
    • Broken Base: Gamers from all over are heavily divided on how this will work out. Some think it will be a disruptive console that will change the face of gaming again. Others believe that it will be doomed to failure when its competitors come out and the use of the touchscreen gimmick won't make a dent in the industry.
    • Ensemble Darkhorse: Nonspecific Action Figure (NSAF) from the sketch in the middle of this video.
    • Fan Dumb: People are complaining about the minigames in Nintendo Land (which people hope comes with the system), completely ignoring the fact that they're simply minigames that have nothing to do with their series except using their elements.
    • It's the Same, Now It Sucks/They Copied It, So It Sucks: A segment of the gamer population can't seem to get over the similarities the controller has to the iPad.
      • Though Iwata claims that the controller was conceptualized before the iPad was revealed to the public. This claim is supported by the fact that he expressed his dislike for the iPad.
        • Similar to how Sony PR claimed that the PlayStation Move was conceptualized before the Wii, and they expressed dislike for the Wii Remote. How far along either company really was is a mystery.
      • There's also the fact that a Play Station 3/PSVita combo can do may of the same functions as the Wii U and more, though people have pointed out that buying both is probably less practical(and more expensive) than getting it straight out of the box.
      • The Wii U Pro controller is already getting this from the Fan Dumb claiming it looks too similar to the Xbox 360 controller.
        • It actually resembles a Game Cube controller with the C Stick and Face Buttons swapped.
    • Tainted by the Preview: See totally radical below.
      • There's also people complaining that the E3 video itself was underwhelming.
    • Totally Radical: The pre-E3 2012 video.
    • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: The reduction of supported special controllers for multiplayer (Wii Remotes still have four-player functions, as an attempt to balance it out) has not been received well.
    • Memetic Mutation:
      • It prints money! In HD!
      • Many people have been shouting WIIUWIIUWIIU like ambulances whenever the Wii U is brought up.
      • Nonspecific Action Figure approves.
      This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.