Wii Play

A game sold with Wii remotes made to help new players learn how to use the contraption for future purchases. Whether or not Wii Play became the Gateway Series Nintendo wanted it to be, it did manage to become the second best non-bundle selling game ever. There are nine different games.

1. Shooting Range

Similar to Duck Hunt, this helps you find your cursor and keep it on screen while aiming for targets.

2. Find Mii

A memory and matching game. Now that you can keep your cursor on screen, the game teaches you how to be more accurate and how to use two different buttons.

3. Table Tennis

Simulation of table tennis against a computer you must return a certain number of volleys to or your friends, who you just have to beat traditionally. This game introduces a new camera angle and helps improve player reaction time.

4. Pose Mii

You have to make your Mii perform various poses so that they can fit in different silhouettes. This game requires you to twist the Wiimote and helps the player learn to do this while hitting buttons and aiming.

5. Laser Hockey

This is a simulation of air hockey with pretty neon light graphics. It takes the twisting mechanic introduced in Pose Mii and makes you twist your wrist in different directions while the cursor is moving at high speeds.

6. Fishing

This game introduces the rumble mechanic as well as the concept of depth, as the you move the Wiimote further and closer to the screen in addition to left, right, up and down. Every fish is worth a different amount of points with a certain species becoming more valuable at certain periods of time.

7. Billiards

Billiards is a nine ball version of pool. This game deals with moving the wii mote further and closer to the screen again but the real focus is on teaching players how to hit things hard and how to tap lightly.

8. Charge

This is a cow racing game and the first game that requires you to hold the Wiimote sideways. You tilt the wiimote left and right to steer, tilt forwards and backwards to speed up or slow down and quickly raise it to jump.

9. Tanks

Here you take control of a One-Hit-Point Wonder tank and shoot shells at other tanks. You can also lay land mines. Nunchuck play is introduced in this game and it focuses on aiming in one direction while moving in another and avoiding enemy attacks.

Like Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort, Wii Play will be getting a Wii Motion Plus sequel called Wii Play: Motion

This Game Contains Examples Of...

  • 1-Up: reward for surviving in tanks.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: You can tell each enemy tank's attack pattern by its color
  • Color-Coded Multiplayer
  • Crowd Formation: Miis gather to watch your game of table tennis. The longer it goes the larger the crowd.
  • Everything's Better with Cows: Charge.
  • Floating in A Bubble: Bubbles contain an image of the pose required for your Mii to pop them.
  • Flying Saucer: These come to abduct your Mii in Shooting Range.
  • Goddamn Bats: Catching certain fish reduces your score, ignore them and they'll disappear but they can still mess up the chance to get the fish you really wanted.
  • Land Mine Goes Click: They can be manually detonated and blow up walls in tanks
  • Law of One Hundred: 100 returns nets you a gold medal in the one player version of table tennis
  • Light Gun Game: Shooting range
  • Lost in a Crowd: Find Mii
  • Painfully-Slow Projectile: Most shots in Tanks, including your own. Most of the time, the number shot, placement of lines and the fact that they ricochet off walls have to be put together to hit anything, which is just as well since one hit will do anything in.
  • Rule of Three: Stationary tanks, the most annoying enemy in the game, fire fast shells that ricochet off of the walls three times
  • Scoring Points: high enough scores will get you medals.
  • Shout-Out: The intended targets in shooting range are targets, pop cans, balloons and clay pigeons but the ducks from Duck Hunt occasionally fly by too and you can hear a dog's bark in the back ground.
  • The Catfish: The mystery fish, not too hard to catch but very hard to get within the bonus time.
  • Timed Mission: One player charge, two player it's a weird Racing Game.
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