Weekend Warriors (roleplay)

Where do you stand?

Weekend Warriors was a play-by-post online roleplaying game, now concluded. The archived site can be found here.

Starting in 1951, The Company, a research group dedicated to finding the missing link between human beings’ current state and their full potential, injected Imprint X322 into newborns in hospitals throughout the country. These children developed superhuman powers, each varying from the next according to the child's unique biology. The Agency, a unit from the United States government, shut down The Company and now searches for its experiments in order to exploit their power (or remove it, if necessary).

This role play begins during a time of social unrest. High crime rates plague the city, and recently there’s been rioting against a slew of newly introduced policies. High unemployment rates and the lowest standard of living within the state have left residents frustrated -- angry and willing to do anything to survive.

Our idea of a superhero has been crafted—molded since we were young. Just a click of the remote took us to Superman, the very definition of the word. We saw him utilize his enhanced agility and strength to defeat the unethical schemes of Lex Luthor, his arch-nemesis. When all was right, he ran to the shadows to become a common man named Clark Kent. He then battled everyday evils, such as staplers, traffic jams, and the pain of unrequited love.

Though he was portrayed as a civilian, he was never considered one. He was always alien to us, as most well-known superheroes are. It’s never an average man without a run-in with toxic fluids or bites from strange creatures who saves the day, but for these citizens, that all changes...

Weekend Warriors' concept is strongly influenced by comics, television, and movies such as Scott Pilgrim, Kick Ass, and Heroes. It’s relaxed, character-driven, and allows for new sub-plots alongside the existing one.

Tropes used in Weekend Warriors (roleplay) include:


  • Action Girl: Lucy, Kate, Lola, June, Bex, Clara, Anya, Samantha... and the list goes on.
  • Adorkable: Jac, Michael, Sienna, Billy, Humbert, Claude, Adrian, Aiden, Pyro... and the list goes on.
  • The Alcoholic: Lola certainly qualifies, as does Lucy.
  • Alpha Bitch: Matilda, she would qualify for the characteristics of a spoiled brat, but she hasn't relied on her parents for money... ever.
    • Gracie was probably this in high school, although at home she tried to pretend she wasn't.
  • Animal Eye Spy: Lorelei can do this.
  • Animate Inanimate Object: Honoria can hear objects speak to her thanks to her power. She often has conversations with wine bottles.
  • Anything That Moves: Issac, Michael, Gracie, Quinn, Kate, Mo, Damian, Cammie, Cleo... Anyone from the Ho Club really.
  • Armoured Closet Gay: Noah. HE'S NEVER COMING OUT OF THE CLOSET. NEVER.
  • Arranged Marriage: Cleo and Claude have on of these, neither are too excited about it.
  • The Atoner: Marcus, who wants to atone for creating super powers, and in the process accidentally killing his own son. Loren, who is attempting to make up for his past with the Triads.
  • Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: Kate and Mo's relationship seems to be built mostly on this trope... Except when they're busy being cute.
    • The same seems to apply to the Morrill siblings, who banter at each other almost constantly and yet are more than ready to drop everything to defend the family from outer forces.
  • Ax Crazy: Daisy will kill you for a (delicious) sandwich and Damian takes murder as a lab routine, his only emotional connection being to his also seemingly detached twin sister.
  • Badass Beard: Clive’s more distinguishable feature.
  • Badass Family
    • The Morrills: You've got Lucy, who wanders around being undercover and baddass. There's Aiden who's working for the Blue Anchor. Gracie, while a criminal is totally being a really good one. Camilla is a vigilante. Eddie's got his own business at 17. Diana is a cop who can always tell when people are lying. And those are just the played characters. The Dragon of West Elm St sure as hell is a badass.
    • The Grays: There's Harold, who's running an organization for the good of man kind. His wife who's kind of worked her way to the top of the Agency. And while Jackson doesn't have a lot of badass attitude, he looks it.
    • The Agnesi: Mob family that rules the city -- have you met Marcello?
  • Badass Gay: Noah exemplifies this.
  • Badass Grandpa: Harold ”Houdini” Gray Jr, leading a super power revolution at age 47.
  • Badass Normal: Bex, whose power has nothing to do with her badassery (unless you want baba ganoush)
  • Bad Dreams: Noah constantly has nightmares about his tours of duty.
  • The Beard: Lucy was this for Michael.
  • The Beast Master: Lorelei.
  • The Bechdel Test: The forum easily passes this test.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: Several couples, notably Kate and Mo back in 2001.
  • Better as Friends: Lucy and Michael. Also Kate and Cal. Really, Kate with any of her exes.
  • Betty and Veronica: There are quite a few of these.
    • Mo would consider Kate his Betty (who has been around since forever) against Lola his Veronica (with whom he had a mad rush love) although neither quite fit the stereotype.
    • On the other hand, Lola would be Betty for Flynn, while Hannah is Veronica.
    • Sienna has a Betty in Billy and a Veronica in Michael.
    • Michael would have Quinn as his Veronica, and Lucy as his Betty.
    • Lucy has Joa as her Betty (Joa's definitely more of the next door neighbor sort of guy... if you live in the Bronx), while Michael would be her Veronica.
    • Jamie has chosen Kevin to be her Betty, while Avery plays Veronica (although his personality would fit better with a Betty).
  • Bilingual Bonus: The increase of Lola's Spanish usage is directly proportionate to the current room temperature. Adrian, Joaquin and Mo seem to use it mostly with other Spanish speakers.
  • Bi the Way: Many, many people. Loren, Camilla, Bex. Some are pansexual (Kate, Michael, Gracie, Issac), but they sort of count in this.
  • Blessed with Suck: Some powers can come off as this.
    • Permanently stuck looking purple, whithering anything you touch, getting electrified every time you touch water? Come to the Stray House, we love this trope.
  • Butt Monkey: Adrian -- was voted dumb of dumb and dumbest in superlatives.
    • Jonathan. Even Marcus makes fun of poor Barney.
  • Camp Gay: Jesse lives and breathes this trope. Adrian also has a good bit of this.
  • Can't Have Sex Ever: Cassandra, due to her death touch. Deliah often feels this way, because extended physical contact with her causes illness.
  • The Clan: The Morrills, if there ever was one.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Tim, all the time. Honoria, occasionally.
  • Comic Trio: Where Issac would be The Leader, Mo would be the one following blindly, and Jackson would be the Only Sane Man.
  • Code Name: The Reapers and the Messengers have them
  • Corrupt Politician: The Mayor, Marcello Agnesi
  • Death Seeker: Noah. There is a reason he is always throwing himself into the most dangerous situations possible.
  • Dirty Business: Noah has done so much of this.
  • The Dragon: Marcello Agnesi; first to his brother and now to his niece. Nick Tam is a Dragon with an Agenda to his younger brother.
  • Dysfunctional Family: The Morrill’s who might or might not have a Tangled Family Tree. Also Damian and his bastard children... they're all a little crazy.
  • Empathic Healer: Kurage can calm people and take on hurts. Jeanette also has the ability to heal.
  • Ethical Slut: Michael, Honoria, Sam, Henri, Issac, Kate, Mo and Cammie.
  • Everybody Has Lots of Sex
  • Everyone Can See It
    • Kate and Mo: see their entire messed up relationship.
    • Quinn and Michael, who are so obvious that they would require special glasses not to see it.
    • Joa and Lucy.
    • Deliah and Mortimer have obvious feelings, but are both too emotionally stunted to figure it out.


  • Face Heel Turn: Deliah, after meeting Damian. Mortimer, after Deliah destroys his wife's body.
  • Fan Service: What do you mean my PB is showing too much skin?
  • The First Cut Is the Deepest: The main reason Michael sucks at relationships.
  • Five-Man Band:
    • The Messengers with...
      • Bex as The Hero: She started the group and is also the most well trained.
      • Adrian as The Lancer: The second one to join the group, and is pretty much the oposite of Bex.
      • Flynn as The Big Guy: He's an ex boxer and the only one in the group other than Bex with legitimate combat training.
      • Camilla as The Chick: She's the least combat oriented of the group and the most feminine (well, Adrian might be close...)
    • The Strays with...
      • Marcus as The Hero: He taught the Strays to handle their powers and take control of their lives.
      • Kate as The Lancer: Official second in command. She has been helping Marcus find strays for years.
      • Mo as The Big Guy: His interventions revolve around righting a wrong-- in a rather aggressive way. He's the only one with an offensive power.
      • Jeanette as The Medic: The Chick meets the Smart Guy. She's always there to fix everything and the only one aside Marcus who can keep the peace.
      • Avery as The Sixth Ranger: He came in quite late into the formation and has done very well at shaking the status quo.
      • Jonathan as The Team Pet: He's mostly there as a filler. A purple, combative, baseball bat enthusiast filler.
  • Freudian Trio:
    • Derelict:
      • Jackson -- Worrying about everyone and their mothers, making him the obvious Superego.
      • Mo and Issac -- Taking turns to play Ego and Id because neither can be fully committed to the role.
    • Blue Anchor Boys:
      • Jac (Superego) -- repressed, quiet, nervous around people.
      • Pyro (Ego) -- friendly, generally good guy, doesn't have a lot of extremes
      • Aiden (Id) -- most likely to get drunk and do something stupid (or something driven by passion), more extreme behavior then the others.
    • Elder Morrills:
      • Aiden (Superego) -- Big brother stereotype to the boot.
      • Lucy (Ego) -- Known to do crazy things, but also deeply committed to keeping everyone safe.
      • Gracie (Id) -- Former all-star girl turned high profile robber, need I say more?
    • Freudian Trio of Freudian Trios:
      • Anchor Boys (Superego) -- "I am worried we might be worrying too much."
      • Elder Morrills (Ego) -- "Once we're done shouting at each other we're going to save this city from the mob."
      • Derelict (Id) -- "Chaaaaaooossssssss!!!"
    • Strays:
      • Jeanette (Superego) -- calm, not involved in the crazy times that the other two are involved in.
      • Kate (Ego) -- holds Mo back from doing stupid shit... most of the time. Otherwise she's doing it with him.
      • Mo (Id) -- cause he's Mo.
  • Fluffy Tamer: Lorelei, with her giant snakes and bears and tigers and wolves and sharks and...
  • Friend to All Living Things: Lorelei.
  • Gayngst: Could describe what Michael's going through. Though it's more like...pangst.
    • Noah has a lot of this as well.
  • Gender Flip: An OOC game turned into an alternate universe in which the same relationships play out just a little... differently.
  • Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Or so Mo thinks until Kate and Lola hook up (or really any time Kate hooks up with a girl).
  • The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: Lucy and Gracie are this with Gracie being the "popular" one and Lucy being the "smart" (or in her case, tomboyish) one.
  • Grey and Gray Morality: None of the factions involved seemed to be entirely without guilt, they also all seem to be convinced they're right.
  • Gun Nut: NOAH. He has gun hoards in his house AND his car. He's even going to give Kate and Mo matching guns for their wedding present.
  • Handsome Lech: Caleb Flynn qualifies as this, though he thinks he's The Casanova
    • The same could be said of Mo.
  • Happily Married: All signs point towards this happening for Kate and Mo (one day, far in the future).
  • Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: Noah does this quite often to the point that someone needs to sing "If You Were Gay" to him.
  • Healing Factor: Noah, Kurage, Jeanette, and Damian.
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: Pyro and Aiden, they even sing about this. Issac and Mo also, though Issac isn't really heterosexual.
  • Hitman with a Heart: Joa, with Lucy being the "innocent" bystander.
  • Hooker with a Heart of Gold: Shannon
  • An Ice Person: Deliah's 2º power is freezing, turning water into ice by decreasing the entropy to absolute 0 (273 degrees Celsius). In order words, don't piss her off. Or she'll kill you with ice
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Noah and his army career.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Quite a few supers feel this way.
  • Interrupted Intimacy: How Kate finds out about Mo and Lola.
    • Kate and Mo seem to have a lot of these: one with Megan, another by Aiden, a third one with Mo stepping on Kate and Quinn... Should I go on?
    • Their genderflipped counterparts don't have anymore luck.
  • It's All My Fault: Noah blames himself for Jeremiah's death.
  • Jerkass Facade: Noah. He actively is an asshole to keep people from getting close to him.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Noah. He really is a genuinely nice guy, under all his... Problems.
  • Just Following Orders: Noah, while in the army.


  • Kindly Vet: Lorelei is the resident veterinarian and fits this trope to a T.
  • Kissing Under the Influence: How Aiden and Megan hooked up originally... actually so do Kate and Mo. Paula and Rosey love this trope... apparently.
    • This also happened to Jac and Noah, courtesy of Cammie's sin-induction powers.
  • The Ladette: Lucy, who spends an awful lot of time at the bar and hates to wear girly clothes, and Lola, who was a pro-boxer and clearly awesome. Sam, whose muse requires rum to make her appear. All can drink you under the table.
  • Lesbian Cop: Samantha Marlowe is one.
  • Lipstick Lesbian: Honoria, Kurage, Cassandra, Clara
  • Lonely Rich Kid: Michael, Angiola, Claude
  • Love Chart: plus an intense amount of spreadsheets. Love Chart
  • Love Dodecahedron: Kate and Mo had a wild night back in 2001 (and many more after the fact). Years later Mo met Lola, it didn't work. Lola had a rebound with Cal, then Michael, then Rick, and finally Flynn. Flynn was then heartbroken over Gracie, who happened to have slept with Kate, as did Cal (who has also slept with Gracie). And that's without adding Michael's connections.
  • Love Martyr: Lola borders on this with some of her exes, when she wasn't in a Masochism Tango. Bernice Cox is this with her husband.
  • The Mafia: The Agnesi Family
  • Not a Date: Pyro and Cammie go on one in a Karoke place.
  • Mafia Princess: Michael Cox, Emilia Agnesi, Angiola Caltroni
  • Manly Gay: Noah.
  • Military Brat: Noah comes from multiple generations of military men and women, including his father. He grew up in various military bases.
  • Military Superhero: Noah, though technically he's an ex-Military Superhero.
  • Misfit Mobilization Moment: Kate, Mo and Avery have one when they decide to get people out of the watchlist. Thus begun the MEGADOOM plot.
  • Mundane Utility: Many of the characters use their powers in a fairly mundane way.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Story of Noah's life. He's done a lot of bad things for various reasons.
  • Not Good with People: Lorelei, who does much, much better with animals.
  • Official Couple: Kate/Mo, Quinn/Michael, Shannon/Emilio, Billy/Sienna, Lucy/Joa
  • Odd Couple: Cal and Jac could be seen as having this sort of friendship with Cal being a charming playboy and Jac being a socially awkward virgin.
  • OOC Is Serious Business: Aleks during game night.



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