< Weekend Warriors (roleplay)

Weekend Warriors (roleplay)/Characters

These are some of the characters running around in Weekend Warriors.


Anya Karkand

Actor: Kate Bosworth

Born with an obvious ability, Anya's father was a Russian Military man. She was immediately handed over to a sub-group of his organization and trained for Military and Spy purposes. Anya's brother was with one of their father's second-hand men in America and was kept from knowing about his sister. When the father died, she was determined to have some resemblance of family in her life and sought out her older brother. She found the BCA or more they found each other at the same time, and they told her that should she work with them they could help her with everything she needed to reunite with her brother. Now a few months in the Agency and she started awkwardly dating a local Police Officer, Cal.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Clara Gold

Actor: Tina Fey

Operations coordinator for the New Haven branch of the Agency, Clara Gold is an accomplished Agent who intends to continue to move up, despite the fact that there is a limitation on how far powered people can get.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Badass Bureaucrat: Clara will do anything, anything, for her agents. They just won't know it.
  • Lady of Black Magic: Too bad she's not a field agent any more. Clara uses her ability to its full effect only occasionally these days, but when she was younger, she would play with people constantly.
  • Mama Bear: To her agents, since she's never had kids. Though she doesn't show this off to the agents, that would mean showing she liked them!
  • Obstructive Bureaucrat: Many people might see Clara as being this.
  • People Puppets: Clara likes doing this to people with her abilities. It is often how she gets out of sticky situations.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: A lot of what Clara does is to earn her father's -- a five star general -- respect. Yes, despite the fact that she's 40, she still has daddy issues. She also has turned around and become rather like her father to the majority of the agents she deals with, so they will never know her nicer traits.

Damian Parker

Actor: Matt Bomer

Damian Parker is thirty years old, or so it seems to anyone looking at him. He is charming, flirtatious and skillful in the arts. Damian though is actually ninety years old and his a heartless killer. Once Hitman for the Mafia back in the 50s, Damian now works for the Agency unwillingly. His Immortality keeps him going at the same pace he had always been at. He doesn't feel regret, love, guilt, but he does enjoy the sight of blood and the feel of the kill. Oddly though he does have a soft spot that he tries to hide with all his will- his twin sister Lottie. She plays his conscience and whenever there is an action that she my not appreciate Damian will either call her to check her opinion or go against his bloodthirsty nature just to not upset her thoughts of him.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

June Weaver

Actor: Michelle Trachtenburg

June Weaver is a twenty four year old agent who has an icy and volatile personality. She was taken into the Agency after having an accident with her Super Strength at school. She came from a physically and verbally abusive home and was very grateful for the Agency when the took her in. As her time in the Agency progressed, she not only gained confidence but became a bloodthirsty and sadistic woman who enjoyed using the most extreme measures allowed to do her job. But, on February 26, 2011 she was tasked with bringing in her husband who had just developed the ability to become a human bomb. It ended with June snapping his neck and afterwards she vowed to find a way to take down the Agency as a way to get redemption for her sins.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Timothy Floss

Actor: Andrew Cooper

When Tim was 17 and his older sister moved away to college, things suddenly started to fall apart around him. His power, previously kept in check by Deliah's power, manifested. He basically exudes chaos. He quickly attracted Agency notice and was brought in when he started disintegrating people without meaning to. Now he has some hold over his ability but he's... a little weird. He is currently working with the Blue Anchor to help rescue Avery. Probably... sometimes its hard to tell with Tim.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Read any of his posts.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: Quite literally, Tim increases entropy, Deliah decreases it. Their powers are polar opposites. If they ever had an extended period of time together, however, they would balance one another's powers and actually make them not as polar. As kids, Deliah was more powerful, but Tim's ability was still there, counteracting the move agressive side effects of Deliah's power.
  • Talkative Loon: Don't get him started on bugs or snakes. He'll just go on and on forever. Also, normal conversations with Tim are next to impossible because of this.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Tim is extremely powerful, but he's also completely mad.

Blue Anchor Employee

Aiden Morrill

Actor: James McAvoy

Once a cop on the street, Aiden Morrill took a bullet while on duty, and ended up in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. When his childhood friend, Megan Wolfe, informed him that the Agency existed, Aiden, the consummate comic book fan, assumed the worse. When Pyro Tyler decided to start up the security division of the Blue Anchor, Aiden jumped at the chance to feel like a cop again. He now works there, and is determined to help all super powered people avoid the Agency's grasp.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Big Brother Mentor: To Eddie especially, somewhat to Gracie and Lucy.
  • Disability Superpower: Aiden didn't discover his ability until after he got shot.
  • In the Blood: A large part of why Aiden wanted to be a cop was because of his family.
  • Mind Over Matter: Aiden is still developing his telekinetic powers, but he's starting to get the hang of it.
  • Parasol of Pain: Aiden's weapon of choice is an umbrella. He uses his telekinesis to move it around.
  • Promotion to Parent: after his dad died, Aiden took on his dad's role.

Aleks Tyler

Actor: Molly Quinn

To Be Filled in

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Adorkable: Usually males but not always!
  • Gadgeteer Genius: What good is Technopathy and being a genius if you don't make cool gadgets?!
  • Mundane Utility: Aleks is constantly using her Technopathy for rather mundane uses like ordering food or putting up orders at restaurants.
  • Technopath
  • Teen Genius: Even without her ability she'd have a genius IQ.

John (Pyro) Tyler

Actor: Alex Pettyfer

Owner and chef of The Blue Anchor. John Pyro Tyler grew up in Detroit and is known almost exclusively by his middle name. His parents worked much of the time he was growing up and he practically raised his little sister himself. Amid all the studying to please his father and keeping the house in working order and feeding everyone, he didn't socialize much. Much to his father's disapproval, Pyro went to culinary school in California before opening his own restaurant in New Haven. Now it's not just a restaurant, but a security service for supers. Complications all around.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Lola Aguirre

Actor: Michelle Rodriguez

Lola was raised in a very large family. She originally grew up in Puerto Rico, but when she was quite young her family had to move to San Francisco to live with her grandmother when their store was destroyed by vandals. When she was eighteen, she became a pro-boxer, and enjoyed a very lucrative career. However, when she was in her mid-twenties, something strange happened. She began to experience bad back aches, and soon the root cause was found. Lola is able to sprout wings from her back. This causes great pain, so she turned to alcohol to help it. Unfortunately, that just makes her wings come out even more. Her manager told her she had to quit fighting, since her wings could come out in the ring. Ashamed, she couldn't go back to her family, and instead ended up in New Haven. She found a boyfriend, and things were looking up for her, until he left her for someone else. Twice. Her alcoholism got worse, until she found another guy, who helped shake her out of her self-destruction.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Action Girl: She's tough. She's a fighter. She'll smash your face in her car door for crossing her.
  • But Your Wings Are Beautiful: Lola has never been proud of her wings, because they're the cause for her losing her boxing career. She doesn't like feeling like a freak.
  • Good Wings, Evil Wings: She has angel wings, and she fights for superhuman rights. You do the math.
  • Gratuitous Spanish: Even when she's not around her Spanish speaking ex-boyfriend Mo, she'll insert random Spanish phrases, curse words, and terms of endearment into her everyday speech.
  • The Ladette: Lola spends time drinking with the guys, and then will have no qualms going to bed with them if the mood strikes her.
  • Lady Drunk: She's essentially this, if you dial down the age a bit.
  • Real Women Don't Wear Dresses: Lola can count on one hand the amount of times she's worn a dress or a skirt.
  • Spicy Latina: Her PB is even the trope image!
  • Tsundere: With Mo.

Noah Pierce

Actor: Wentworth Miller

A haunted ex-soldier who suffers from PTSD. After he discovered there were other people out there with powers like him, he soon found out about the Blue Anchor and joined the security faction, mostly because he has very little control over his power and he wants to be around people who might be able to help him learn how to control his powers- or contain him, should he lose control.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Claire James

Actor: Natalia Vodianova

Claire James grew up in a very rich family. She was diagnosed at a young age with a very rare neurological disorder which prevents her ability to speak. She does, however, have the ability to communicate telepathically. She was raised to think she was beautiful, and that's all that mattered. She became a model in high school, and has since made that her career, despite the fact that she is the de facto heiress to the company title of CEO that her father holds at his cosmetic company after her brother left the family business for life as a police officer. She's a bit of a manipulative bitch, but she's trying to be a better person.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Always Second Best: Claire's brother is meant to be the CEO of his father's company, and Claire will never live up to her father's expectations, because she's a woman.
  • Disability Superpower: Claire was born with a speech disability, but makes up for it with her awesome mental superpower.
  • Manipulative Bastard: She knows how to get what she wants when she wants it. She'll do what it takes, even if that means destroying the lives of those around her.
  • Ms. Fanservice
  • Sibling Rivalry: Her and her brother grew up at odds, but this trope has since lessened as they've grown older and have relied on each other more.
  • Smarter Than You Look: Because of her career, people underestimate her intelligence. She's a mind reader. She's always going to know the right answer.
  • Statuesque Stunner: She stands at six feet even.
  • Weak but Skilled: How she manages to beat people up.

Cleo Sanford

Actor: Anna Paquin

Cleo is a girl from the rich part of town, who desperately wants to be part of the normal, middle class world. She was born an only child, and arranged to marry Claude Rousseau, who also happens to be a gay man. She became a psychiatrist when she learned of her power, which is to calm people with her mind. She wants out of her marriage, and she wants to find love in someone she can trust, whether it be a boy or a girl.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

David Cross

Actor: Caleb Landry Jones

A firefighter.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Evan Cross

Actor: Emma Stone

Newscaster Evan Cross is just a girl from downtown. Until she was 15 she had a bad stutter which was cured by joining debate team. Occasionally, while under stress, or when talking someone else with a stutter, the stutter reappears, but for the most part she's gotten over her issues as a teenager. Now she's out to have fun and is attempting to land a job as a lead news anchor for a major prime time network.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: Evan is a redhead who plays with fire.
  • Gender Blender Name: Occasionally people think she's a guy before meeting her.
  • Hot-Blooded: Linked with being an Ethical Slut, Evan is very passionate, though not a Fiery Redhead surprisingly. She appears, most of the time, to be pretty chill and laid back.
  • Hot Scoop: Both figuratively and actually. Evan's mother and father often refer to her job as "looking pretty in front of a camera".
  • Intrepid Reporter
  • Playing with Fire: Evan can set things on fire with her mind.
  • Pyromaniac: Using her ability makes Evan feel the urge to set things on fire more and more. Stress also brings this out in her. Flame soothes her.
  • Stutter Stop: Seeing a flame of some sort, or even thinking about one, has a calming effect on Evan allowing her to get rid of her stutter.

Honoria Aufin

Actor: Annalee Suicide

Honoria's life was a run-of-the-mill affair, up until her teenage years. Then, in quick succession, her mother ran out on her family, Honoria's powers started to manifest, and she started getting tattoos. Honoria's power is the ability to 'hear' an object speak to her. This power scared and confused her when she was a teen. For a while, Honoria believed herself to be schizophrenic and, when she confessed her ability to her father and brother, they believed the same. Honoria was checked into a mental institution where she stayed for more than a year. She eventually got herself out by lying about being cured, when in reality Honoria still hears objects 'speak' to her on a regular basis. She has long conversations with her bar, often.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Jamie Hart

Actor: Corrine Bailey Rae

Avery Brewer's ex-wife and the mother of his child, Jamie is a quiet young woman who's had a hard life. The love of her life killed her brother and got sent to jail for it. Now she's paying the Family back for Avery's supposed debt, while dealing with her daughter developing strange new powers.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Jamie Simmons

Actor: Devon Bostik

Jamie is a bratty teenage Technopath with drug abuse issues. His father is a construction worker who's health is failing and his mother left when he was a child. Jamie is prone to being apathetic towards everyone but his dad and Aleksandra Tyler, believes himself to be a cut above the rest and is constantly getting himself in trouble with the law. Though, when convenient he chooses to hide behind a mask of innocence and pretend to be a sweet and shy boy.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Missing Mom: His mom left when he was a child and he hasn't seen or herd from her since.
  • Technopath
  • Teen Genius: He knows programming better than many in the business and has hacked into local government files as a prank. He also has a computer like ability to store information.
  • Black Eyes: His eyes are flat black and he's pretty prone to being fake and not so nice.

Kurage Nomura

Actor: Misaki Ito

Kurage was born to be a doctor. She grew up in a loving family with a deaf father whom she grew very attached to, which might have inspired her desire to help people. When she was a teen, Kurage developed the power to heal people with her touch and take on their aches and pains herself. Her power allowed her to perfect the craft of being a doctor, but she had to keep it a secret. Kurage's mother developed cancer when Kurage was in her twenties; Mrs. Nomura died a few years after and left her husband and two daughters to care for each other. Kurage, though normally a perky individual, struggles with all the stress from her new life as family caretaker.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Equivalent Exchange: To heal people, Kurage has to take on their injuries/illnesses.
  • Healing Hands
  • Hospital Hottie
  • Instant Sedation: What her calming power can do at times.
  • Meaningful Name: Kurage loves jellyfish and keeps one as a pet. "Kurage" (海月) is the word for jellyfish in Japan. Nomura's jellyfish is a breed which can grow in diameter to the size of a human being. In Japan, many women desire to keep jellyfish in their home as they are believed to have relaxing/healing qualities.
  • Missing Mom: Keiko Nomura died of cancer when Kurage was in her early twenties.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: Could describe Kurage and her sister, Chiyo.
  • Signed Language: Kurage's father is deaf, so Kurage and her sister both speak ASL to communicate with him.
  • Super Doc: Not only does Kurage have the ability to heal people and alter moods, she also has to treat supers on a regular basis.

Loren Zhou

Actor: Byung-Hun Lee

Loren and his twin brother Kevin, were born in China, but they'd immigrated over to America when they were around four years old. Their younger sister Becky (Bex) was born soon after. Through out his youth, him and his twin were inseparable. Kevin was the more reckless and volatile one, while Loren was more sensible. However, Kevin normally took the lead. The two twins got caught up in gangs early on and ended up joining the Triad in their college years. When Kevin was fatally injured on one of their missions, they were disowned, though Becky managed to convince their father to pay for Kevin's life saving operation. After spending the next few years in and out of jail, Loren decided enough was enough and left his life of crime (and his twin) behind. In order to redeem himself, the man decided to be a doctor and is now currently a medical student.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Big Brother Instinct: He tends to be very protective of those close to him, especially his baby sister and his twin brother.
  • Bi the Way: He's attracted to both genders, though he's not quite open about his attraction towards men.
  • Good Feels Good: Part of the reason he wants to become a doctor was because of this.
  • Good Is Not Nice: He's not exactly in line to win "friendliest guy of the year," but is more than willing to help others.
  • The Atoner: The more important reason as to why he wants to become a doctor.
  • Trickster Twins: Him and Kevin were this in their youth.

Nancy Fisher

Karen Gillian

A reporter.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Nick Tam

John Cho

Eldest son of the Triad's previous Dragon Head, Nick was supposed to inherit his father's role when he died. However he passed this off to his younger brother Wei and took up the position of The Dragon to him, preferring to actually run the operation, as opposed to watching other people do the work.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Paloma Cox

Actor: Alexis Bledel

Paloma's normal life in Queens, New York was shattered when she stumbled upon a hidden box of pictures in the family basement. The pictures were of a family she had never seen before. When she confronted her father about the pictures, he confessed his secret: he had been married once before and had had children with the woman, but had abandoned them to start a new family elsewhere. His first wife and daughters had died in an apartment fire years after he'd left. The only living child from that marriage was his son, named Brian, who had been on the run for years. Paloma was disgusted by all the secrets that had been kept from her, so she left home in search of her missing half-brother. Now she's a painfully normal girl in a city that's all kinds of unusual.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Big Screwed-Up Family: What Paloma thinks she has.
  • Emancipated Child: Paloma basically emancipated herself from her parents, though she is of legal age.
  • The Fashionista: Paloma designs her own dresses and tries to keep up with all the current fashions, even if she can't afford it.

Quinn Silesky

Actor: Gaspard Ulliel

Brian Cox, aka. Quinn Silesky, was abandoned by his father and left to be raised by his mother and older sisters. When he was thirteen, his mother and sisters died in a housefire. He then turned to a life of crime, using his power of steam metamorphisis to become a thief. He was eventually caught, imprisoned, but then escaped. When he was on the run, he ended up in New Haven, and became a construction worker. He had a very loving relationship with a police officer, Sasha, but she was killed by an agent. Quinn killed the agent to avenge her death, and went even deeper into hiding.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Badass: Quinn murdered a guy, and then went for pancakes after. The rules don't apply for this one.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: Had this with Michael.
  • Big Brother Instinct: He is incredibly protective, particularly of his newfound half-sister Paloma.
  • Dark Secret: He was a petty thief, and is now a murderer and ex-convict. Who knows about this? No one.
  • Disposing of a Body: No one knows how he got rid of the agent's body, but the agent has been "missing" for more than year now.
  • Manly Gay: While he's technically bisexual, he's very manly.

Company Associate

Charlotte Turner

Actor: Emily Deschanel

Quiet, brilliant, Dr. Charlotte Turner has been around for 90 years, and it doesn't look like she's going to go anywhere any time soon. One of the early Company experiments, Charlotte was offered a position by the Company because her twin brother, Damian Parker, had escaped them, and with similar DNA they wanted to see the effects of the serum. Charlotte developed a power, but it was not a good one. She began to deage. Because of the instability of her power, she now goes back and forth between aging normally and deaging. The result is that she looks 30, at the moment, but is actually 90. Currently she is researching a way to remove abilities entirely, something she would like to share with other supers that have problems with their abilities.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Blessed with Suck: Some might say never getting past 33 is a blessing. Charlotte disagrees. Her ability also rewrites her bodies history. In one instance, Charlotte no longer believed her daughter was her own, and tried to drown her in the bathtub. She's never forgiven herself for this.
  • Broken Bird: Charlotte remains distant from people so she doesn't have to worry about loosing emotional attachment to them.
  • The Conscience: To her Twin brother, Damian.
  • Emotionless Girl: Even before she was experimented on, Charlotte preferred cold logic to emotion, though she has been known to have emotions, and even was married once.

Deliah Floss

Actor: Alona Tal

Until recently Deliah Floss's life was simple, quiet and organized. Then she found some information that indicated that her ability to reverse entropy had been given to her by a mysterious company. Quitting her job as a personal assistant to the DA, Deliah quickly found links to the Company, and came to work for them -- looking for those with powers already. In her search she came across Damian Parker, who's real age she discovered. Prying a little too much into his past, Damian tortured Deliah into killing him, revealing that her secondary abilities were much more dangerous then previously believed. Now she has vanished from her old life, and is searching for a way to permanently kill Damian.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Mortimer McCarthy

Actor: Alexander Fatkulin

Dr. Mortimer McCarthy, at your service.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Deadly Doctor: Mortimer is going around the city, cutting people up, and then bringing them to the hospital where he pretends to treat them until they die. Yeah, just a little.
  • Meaningful Name: Mortimer the Necromancer. One might wonder what his parents thought he would become.
  • Necromantic: He preserved his wife's corpse for ten years in the hopes that one day he could return her to life.


Dinesh Malik

Actor: Dev Patel

The son of two prominent doctors, Dinesh never was that into school, so he let his brothers go on to college, while taking up a job at a liquor store and decided to just have fun. Dinesh got involved with the Company so as to get a cool super power -- what he got was caffeine production. He is constantly hyper, and in general a very cheerful person. Now he plays in Derelict as their drummer, and is living with the other Fae. Din just wants to have fun.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Genki Guy: Dinesh's ability makes him extremely perky.
  • Motor Mouth: Dinesh can talk your ear off... almost literally.

Henri Vannes

Actor: Louis Garrel

Once an up-and-coming ballet dancer in France, Henri now works as a dance instructor in New Haven after a dance injury put him out of commission. Henri is dissatisfied with life and longs for the days when he had potential to be a star. He was one of the volunteers for Company experiments and has gained the power to shed glitter; he is not happy about this. Actually, Henri is happy about very little. He is one grumpy Frenchman.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Jesse O'Reilly

Actor: Mika

Jesse was born in Ireland to a woman from Lebanon and and Irish citizen. He was raised by his mother when his father left her, and was poor growing up. His mother died when he was young of a congenital disease. He was picked up by a New York Ballet Company for his natural talent, and moved to the United States. Unfortunately his career was cut short due to injury, and he moved to New Haven for a change of pace, working as a dance instructor. He is also INCREDIBLY gay.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • But Your Wings Are Beautiful: He was experimented on by Chromozone, and as a result he turns gold whenever excited. He finds this power incredibly embarrassing and something to try and hide.
  • Camp Gay: He's literally "the very crotch of the gay pride parade, thrusting into your face".
  • Cloudcuckoolander: He's living on a whole other planet, filled with sunshine, puppies and rainbows.
  • The Gift: He picked up dancing with no training whatsoever.
  • Parental Abandonment: His father left when he was a baby, and his mother died. Instant sad, just add water.

Family Member

Angiola Caltroni

Actor: Sarah Bolger

Angiola was raised in New York City by an overprotective mafia hitman father. She was incredibly sheltered, her father wanting to protect her from both the mafia life that she was unaware of, and the Agency. She tried to fight against this sheltering, and her father ended up jumping in front of a bullet meant for her. Struck with guilt, she was forced to move across the country to live with her Uncle Darius and Aunt Bernice, and inadvertantly involved herself with another mafia all over again.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Acrophobic Bird: She often won't use her power when in a situation that it could save her.
  • Child Prodigy: She graduated from high school early, and is a scientific genius.
  • It's All My Fault: She feels responsible for her father's death. Cue tears.
  • The Mafia: Her father was in the mafia, and now her Uncle and cousins are in the mafia in her new town.

Emilio Flores

Actor: Rodrigo Santoro

Dr. Emilio Flores is a Nebraska-born doctor of internal medicine. He values two things above all else: helping people, and his wife, Shannon. It was his love for Shannon that brought Emilio to where he is now. While working for a hospital in Nebraska, Emilio and Shannon fell in love. A rival for Shannon's love, Tulio Alvarez, framed Emilio for the murder of the hospital's director. Emilio was forced to flee from his hometown; he traveled across the United States until he reached New Haven, where he inadvertently treated a mobster's bullet wound. He was inducted into the Family against his will and now works as their personal doctor. Despite all this misfortune, the two most important things in his life have not changed.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Hannah Kutcher / Gracie Morrill

Zooey Deschanel

After being brought up by a family of cops whose main goal in life was to breed even more cops, Gracie one day decided she had had enough. Soon after finishing high school she left home only to come back many years later, now turned into a rather successful bank robber (having put her power to good use). Hannah is selfish, erratic and not entirely trustworthy, but she will flirt you to the ground. So meeting her won't be an entirely negative experience.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Michael Cox

Actor: Andrew Garfield

Michael Cox was born into privilege. His parents both came from obscene wealth and continued to grow wealthier by ostensibly setting up a successful antique dealership. The reality was that the Cox family was built on crime. Michael and his older brothers were taught from a young age how to maintain a criminal lifestyle. Bank robberies, fraud, extortion and the like were normal for Michael. Recently, Michael has opened his eyes to how terrible the mobster life can be - not just for himself, but for those around him.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Matilda Twist

Actor: Anna Popplewell

Golden Goose for the Family, Mati has always gotten her way because she can pay anyone to do anything. She can turn anything into gold, and she enjoys having this sort of power. She's just on the edge of being a psychopath -- enjoying mocking people and petty revenge, and it would only take a slight push to get her to fall over the edge.


Shannon Hayes

Actor: Christina Hendricks

Shannon's one true love is Emilio Flores. Unfortunately, that meant she would follow him to the ends of the earth, even when he's wrongfully purused by the law. She went after him in New Haven, and while searching for him got caught up in the treacherous world of prostitution. She is a sweet, kind, ex-nurse who would never hurt a fly. All she wants is to be together with her Emilio and away from the Family forever.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Bex Zhou or "B"

Actor: Tao Okamoto

Born without a power, Bex joined the FBI and from there was recruited to the Agency. After a serious injury turned her into a desk agent, Bex started to stalk the night as a vigilante and so began the Messengers. She recently quit her job at the Agency and had her mind wiped as a result. She is determined to make New Haven a better place, but she also wants to unlock the secrets of her past, and what exactly the Agency was trying to hide from her.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Action Girl
  • Badass Normal: She's 5'2" and can beat up almost anyone who comes near her using a variety of martial arts. The fact that she can summon eggplants is merely coincidental.
  • Weak but Skilled: How she manages to beat people up.

Flynn Allman

Actor: Garrett Hedlund

Former boxer, turned construction worker after a series of unfortunate incidents. Born and raised in New Haven, Flynn was an up and coming young boxer on his way to a national competition. Between qualifying and heading off to it, his parents were killed in a car accident. Flynn was shipped off to live with abuse, drug-dealing relatives. After a failed attempt to kill himself, he ran away and lived on the streets before upgrading to roaming the western part of the country doing odd labour. He moved back to New Haven after cops hauled him in and found out who he was and gave him his due inheritance. He currently works in construction and beats up bad guys in his spare time with the Messengers.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Telepathy
  • A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Read: People think about awful things a lot. If he had a dime for ever sexual fantasy he overheard...
  • Blessed with Suck: Mind-reading can be incredibly handy and Flynn probably wouldn't know what to do with himself if he suddenly stopped hearing thoughts, but they are also incredibly distracting and can cause problems when he learns things he wasn't supposed to find out.
  • The Runaway: Ran away at 17
  • The Quiet One: Flynn was raised in a nearly silent household and he never found it odd. He's not exactly talkative.
  • Five-Man Band: Of the Messengers, Flynn would be The Big Guy, though being able to read a bad guy's mind is pretty handy as well as his fight training.
  • Power Incontinence: Telepathy wouldn't be so bad if he could actually shut it off

Camilla "Cammie" Elliot or "C"

Actor: Felicity Jones

Cammie grew up the middle child in a family of passionate artists, but she always seemed to be the least spectacular of her immediate household. She tended to "flicker" from one art to the next, though in her teens she finally settled on the culinary arts. That was when her rather chaotic power of Sin Induction set in, and in order to prevent herself from hurting the ones she loves, Cammie ran away. She spent the next three years on the streets doing whatever she could to survive, which often included shoplifting, mooching of strangers and prostitution. However, at 18 she lucked out when a kindly diner owner named Jo took her in, employed her in his diner and helped her get her GED and a two year degree in the culinary arts. She would have stayed, but a mix of bordem and her uncontrollable powers set in and Cammie found herself on the road for a few more years. But, she found herself in New Haven and a mixed desire for stability and to help others got her to stay and join the Messengers. After an Agent started stalking her, she was taken to the Blue Anchor by Megan and now also works as a line cook there.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Anything That Moves: There are few people Cammie doesn't find sexually attractive...
  • Bad Power, Good Person: Her power is to induce sin, but she's a vigilante and pretty kind to strangers.
  • Blessed with Suck: Because of her power, she hasn't had a stable home in years.
  • Ethical Slut: She likes sex, and while lust may be a sin to some, it's not a sin in her eyes.
  • Good Bad Girl: She's a promiscuous girl, but not a bad one.
  • Plucky Girl: She's very bubbly and playful. It's hard to tell that her life hasn't exactly been ideal.
  • The Chick: She's the most feminine of the Messengers.
  • The Idealist: Because she sees people's worst sides, she likes to try and find their best. Sometimes it's not such a good idea, especially in her thread with Damian.
  • The Runaway: She ran away from home at fifteen.


Caleb Flynn

Actor: Jesse Williams

Born into an absurdly rich family, Cal never had to work. Luckily his parents raised him well enough that he wanted to work. He's been a police detective for several years now, and recently decided to run for office. He has the money, he thinks its time to clean up New Haven's political world.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Diana Morrill

Actor: Rachel McAdams

Diana is a human truth detector -- she can tell when people are saying things that are odds with reality. This makes her an excellent cop. She made detective quite young. However, Diana doesn't want to be a cop forever, she's studying to become a lawyer while also working a full time job. Currently she is working on the Aqua shooting, which is going to prove to be a bigger case then originally thought.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Exact Words: Diana is careful with her wording in order to keep herself from doing this.
  • Fair Cop: Diana is very aware of the fact that she's pretty. She doesn't flaunt it however.
  • Living Lie Detector: Even when the person doesn't know they are lying.

Jacques "Jac" James

Actor: Eddie Redmayne

Born the heir to a his dad's cosmetics chain, Jac was on the path to be a CEO. Or so his father had hoped. But, not only did Jac not like the idea of being a CEO, he didn't exactly have the necessary skills to do so. Awkward, shy and timid, he definitely was not head of a company material. Though, nor did those traits seem to be fitting of a police officer. However, that is the job Jac chose to and gave up his inheritance to do so. Though, the fact that he also developed the super power of empathy doesn't make cop work easy. But he tries.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Adorkable: He's shy and socially awkward, not to mention very sweet.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Don't let his attitude fool you however, he is a cop and does know how to fight quite well. Also, hurt his sister and you're screwed.
  • Fair Cop: While Jac doesn't find himself attractive (and actually believes his looks to be subpar), it is hard to argue against the fact that he is quite handsome.
  • Hair of Gold: He's blonde and one of the most pure and wholesome type guys you can meet.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: He's got baby blue doe eyes that match his sweet and innocent personalities.
  • Paralyzing Fear of Sexuality: At 26 year's old, he was finally given his first kiss.
  • Rebel Prince: He rejected a position as CEO to be a cop.
  • Shrinking Violet: Without a few shots of alcohol in him, he can't even go up and say hi.
  • Invisible to Gaydar: Fashion's not his thing nor is musical theater. He's not particularly neet and would rather geek out about comics than gossip.
  • The Empath
  • The Idealist: He likes to see the best in others, though that sometimes means having a pretty black and white view point.

Lucy Morrill

Actor: Amelia Pool

The undercover cop working for the Family in order to bring them down, Lucy would have been perfect for the mob if it weren't for her family. Which is why her cover seems to be working. Now she's climbing the ranks and is determined to bring the Family to its knees. Of course, there are always complications to those sort of plans...

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Samantha Marlowe

Actor: Carla Gugino

Detective Samantha Marlowe is the daughter of a former chief of police. She's dedicated her life to justice and doesn't go easy on any kind of wrong-doer. Sam had a lover named Sofie whom she planned to make a life with. Sofie was also a police officer who worked as a sniper for the SWAT team. On a stint against a powerful drug leader named Harper, Sofie was shot and killed by Harper and Sam vowed to get revenge. Sam has fallen into alcoholism as of late, but it hasn't stopped her from continuing to pursue Harper.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Clive Winston

Actor: Ryan Hurst

Clive might look like a bear, but he's surprisingly fluffy inside. Well, not that fluffy. Just slightly. Due to his inability to control his powers he has lost most of his memories of his first three decades of life. After wandering aimlessly in the streets for a while, he was found by Marcus Adonie who in turn introduced him to Harold Gray. Since then Clive has obtained full control of his abilities and put together a new life for himself, consisting of his day job as a mechanic and his "night" job as a Reaper. While he does grunt a lot, he's actually quite loyal to those he's close to and will always be ready to help them.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Fake Memories
  • Papa Bear: It's not just about the looks.
  • The Stoic: This is mostly a self-defence mechanism as his powers usually provide him with far more emotions and conflicting memories than he would care to have.

Issac Arepo

Actor: Jackson Rathbone

To Be Filled in- Not yet Reaper but soon.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Naomi Sevan

Noomi Rapace

A gypsy and a memory-manipulator. Naomi was raised by a Cajun cook and an Armenian Roma man. She and her family toured around America selling trinkets, telling fortunes, and working on farms. After a day of being harassed by locals, their motorhome was lit on fire, killing their parents. Naomi and her brothers joined the circus and toured around for ten years. When the circus toured through the town her parents were killed in, Naomi strayed and found the men who had harassed her mother and nearly knifed them to death. She erased herself from the memories of the witnesses and lost track of the circus. She lives on a boat in New Haven selling her skills as an information extractor and memory alterer.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Circus Brat: Naomi started touring in the circus when she was quite young. It's home to her.
  • Hot Gypsy Woman: Naomi uses this trope to her advantage because that's what people want to see in their fortune teller


Avery Brewer

Actor: Didier Cohen

Currently in Agency holding.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Billy Williams

Actor: Lasse Pedersen

Recent addition to the Stray house, Billy can turn himself invisible. He discovered his ability in high school and has been using it constantly since then, working on his limits. Living a high-stressed homelife and being prone to anxiety, Billy took up smoking to try to get in a with a cool crowd and calm his nerves. Smoking led to stealing a pack of cigarettes when he could. It escalated into full scale shoplifting facilitated by his power. But when Billy was nearly caught when giving his mother a handbag that he'd stolen, he ran away from home and supported himself on his thievery until he became a stray.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Cassandra McCool

Actor: Roxane Mesquida

Cassandra is a resident of Marcus Adonie's stray house. She lived for about a year on the streets after having run away from home. While on the streets, she made friends with a girl called Neko and the two became nearly inseparable. Cassie was forced to leave the street life behind when a police officer discover Neko and she camping out on private property, but Cassie soon found shelter with the Strays. Cassandra has the power to wither organic material with her touch. She wears gloves so she can complete normal tasks, but it isn't enough to satisfy her. Cassie hopes to one day control her power and lead a normal life.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Guillermo Lopéz

Actor: René Pérez

Second stray to join the house, with a big mouth and a quick temper, Guillermo always seems to be in trouble. However, he does try to stay out of it and help the strays, who have been his surrogate family for years. Despite his rough attitude which might often make him come out as an idiot, he has a big heart and loyalty to spare, always ready to take on lost causes and help the helpless. Mo is currently busy trying to get Avery out of the agency, figure out his new power and finally committing to Kate after years of making a mess out of it. He also takes night classes at Law School and drives a tow truck.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Hadley Wright

Actor: Jennifer Lawrence

The Mayor's estranged daughter, Hadley ran away from home after she caused her mother's death. She found a place amongst The Strays, but has never been able to let herself fully fit in. She's so afraid of her Asphyxiation ability that she keeps most everyone at arms reach, especially since she has killed more people with it- always by accident. After her encounter with Clive, the last two years of living with the Strays are practically erased and replaced with random non-coherent ones. She is no longer the same lost person begging to be saved because she no longer remembers the pain she has put herself through around others with abilities.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Jeanette Genereaux

Actor: Alison Lohman

One of the longest staying Strays (along with Mo). She became a stray back in 2001. Her parents divorced when she was young and Jeanette spent most of her time with her father. Her older sister Julienne was favored by their mother. Jeanette ran away from home after an incident when she got drunk off her power and got into a car accident where her sister was injured.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Only Sane Man: For some reason, Jeanette is often the only one left with common sense.
  • The Medic: With hear healing ability, Jeanette is a fixer of all things. And a hop, skip and a jump away from being The Smart Guy
  • Team Mom: With her level head and lack of real family, Jeanette is quite maternal to the younger strays, happy to offer advice.
  • The Runaway: Jeanette left home after getting into a car accident and injuring her older sister, who Jeanette viewed as the favorite of the two
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: But does that mean people listen to her? No
  • The Unfavorite: Out of two sisters, Jeanette's sister Julienne did a better job at being the daughter their mother wanted

Kate Patel

Actor: Hannah Simone

Marcus Adonie's right hand, despite recent events, Kate Patel was the first stray he met, and the one who gave him a cause. Kate appears to be wonderfully calm to those that don't know her, passionate about helping other supers and has a way of making people like her. Except when she doesn't like you. Then you're just screwed (or you're Mo, in which cause you're still screwed). Kate is currently focused on getting Avery back from the Agency, blaming herself for the fact that he was captured in the first place, while also figuring things out with Mo.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Berserk Button: Other people, especially romantic interests, calling Guillermo, Mo. Unfortunately its a very sticky nickname, so it makes it difficult for everyone else.
  • Cool Big Sis: To most of the Strays.
  • Ethical Slut: Kate believes that sex is a very natural and normal part of the human condition. She's... very sexual.
  • I See Dead People: Kate hears dead people.
  • Kicking Ass in All Her Finery: Kate always wears heels. So much so that when she doesn't its a clear sign of something different happening.
  • Ms. Fanservice: See image above.
  • Seers: Kate's third power is precognition. The future, however, is malleable.
  • Slap Slap Kiss: With Mo
  • Super Senses: Her ability to Find things stems from this.
  • Team Mom: Sometimes, almost always when in a small group of Strays (see the beginning of Megadoom. She'll often take on this role if Jeanette isn't around.
  • Tsundere: of the Type B variety, Mo being the person who pushes her buttons. Especially at the beginning of their relationship.
  • Twofer Token Minority: Even if no one ever remembers she's Jewish (not even Mo).

Marcus Adonie

Actor: Don Cheadle

Leader of the Stray house, ex-researcher for Chromo Zone.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Reiko "Rei" Matsumoto

Actor: Utada Hikaru

Rei is your typical snarky tomboy and lives at Marcus's house of Strays. For the first fifteen years of her life, she was just your regular kid, messing around, getting in trouble and sometimes getting into a fight or two. Then she developed the power to transfer pain and on that very day her best friend was being picked on by a bully. In her attempts to stop the bully, she reveled her powers to guy and he found a way to send the Agency on her tail. After that Rei went on the run and lived off mostly shoplifting and street dancing. She probably wouldn't have lasted much longer if Marcus hadn't found her and she's been living with him ever since.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Bi the Way: She never really cared about her own gender and she doesn't care about other people's gender.
  • Blessed with Suck: Her power is pain transfer, which mainly means pain absorption for her.
  • Boyish Short Hair
  • Lady Looks Like a Dude: She looks like a dude, but she is female. Though, she never bothers to correct others when they think she's male.
  • Little Miss Snarker: Rude comments are like her bread and butter.
  • Missing Mom: Her mom died not long after giving birth to her. Rei never thinks about it much, though her dad does.
  • One of the Boys: She tends to hang out with the male Strays more than the female ones.
  • The Runaway: She ran away at 15.

Sienna Cross

Actor: Ellen Page

A Stray with an incredibly troubled past, Sienna was found by Marcus after she escaped from the mental institution that her parents sent her to so they wouldn't have to deal with her power. Ironically, her power isn't mental at all. She has the ability to hypnotize people with her movements, which appear very broken up and and "shuttery". She has very little control over this power, and can't have people look at her, or else they will succumb to the effects. This has made her very nervous, self-deprecating and introverted, sticking mainly to her room with her sketchpad. Fortunately, she's found a fellow introvert to share her weirdness with; her boyfriend Billy Williams. She hopes to stop making people stop dead in their tracks when she looks at them, so she can have more friends.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Adorkable: Sienna is shy, sweet, and has very dorky tendencies.
  • The Idealist: Unfortunately, Sienna has been burnt by this trope quite often. She thinks everyone is good, and that they should be given the benefit of the doubt almost always.
  • Moe: Sienna is so awkward and defenceless even some of the toughest characters around feel the need to hug her and comfort her from time to time.
  • Shrinking Violet: Sienna is afraid of almost anyone, and won't speak unless spoken to quite often.
  • The Woobie: Sienna's backstory definitely makes her one.

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