Weebl and Bob

When come back, bring pie. Wanker.
The Everyday Happenings of Weebl (And Sometimes Weebl's Friend Bob), or just Weebl and Bob for short, is a Web cartoon produced by British animator Jonti "Weebl" Picking and shown on the website Weebls-Stuff.
The title characters are two egg-shaped, pie-loving, near-unintelligible fellows, modeled after the famous "Weebles" toys, who get into various odd adventures. Other characters include Weebl's bovine rival Wee Bull, an erudite Monkey who is probably the smartest character in the show despite not being toilet-trained, and Hairy Lee.
Picking is also responsible for a number of Ear Worm tunes that have gone Memetic Mutation in the intervening years. Badger Badger Badger (Mushroom Mushroom) is probably the one you're most familiar with, but he also did the "Magical [dead link] Trevor [dead link] " song [dead link] cycle [dead link] , not to mention a bunch of others which we will not bother listing because your brain would collapse under the sheer stuck-in-your-headness unleashed thereby. (Picking being Picking, he Lampshaded this eventually.)
Two other notable series on the website are Cat Face (found here) and On The Moon (found here).
The Weebl and Bob cartoons started on Newgrounds, and were also aired on MTV in the United Kingdom, under the title "Wobbl and Bob" due to Hasbro's trademark on Weebles.
- Ambiguously Gay: Weebel himself, most notably how he actually liked the telegram received in 'Posh Times' for about 2 seconds before correcting himself.
- Bob in 'Intervention,' who got VERY defensive when Weebl stated out of the blue that he thought Bob was gay.
- Artistic License: Biology: Babies
- A Simple Plan
- Awesome McCoolname: Team Laser Explosion.
- Department of Redundancy Department: Weebl and Bob's superhero aliases are Lord Exploserous Laser and Laserous Explosion Boy.
- Ax Crazy / Knife Nut: The titular character of the Mr Stabby shorts.
- Badass Mustache: Most of the Russian Dancing Men.
- Also, the guy with the Amazing Horse.
- How exactly has no one mentioned, you know, that song that is entirely ABOUT mustaches?
- Brain Bleach: Weebl comes up with a new logo for "Team Laser Explosion". Bob and the pear cannot unsee.
- Calling Your Attacks: "LASER PELVIS ATTACK!"
- Cats Are Mean: Not that you can blame them in this case.
- Cool Horse: Horse guy's amazing horse.
- Commedia Dell Arte Troupe: The "Team Laser Explosion" shorts, in which Monkey plays a different villain every episode.
- Eyedscreen The "Hentai" Episode.
- G-Rated Drug: To them, cheese: in the episode set in The Eighties, both of them sound suave and smarter in general, but after consuming a large amount of cheese (the pile of which is blocked out by a Censor Bar), they pass out and the following morning they gain their usual voices and mannerisms, which they curse the "cheeses" for.
- Indecipherable Lyrics: In Crabs.
- Insulted Awake: "Bob...Bob...oi, wanker!"
- Kanye WeI'm happy for you and I'm going to let you finish, but the chap in the other stall just had the greatest poo of all time!
- "Well, it was all right."
- Misplaced Wildlife: Where can you see tigers? Only in Kenya!
- Mundane Made Awesome: Narwhals!!!
- Where can ya see Lions? Only in Kenya!
- This trope is also the whole point of the Honorable Ninja Farm videos.
- Everyone loves Magical Trevor, 'cos the things that he does are ever so clever!
- He saw beans!
- Stephen! Stephen FRYYYYYYY!
- Musical Episode: Weebl and Bob occasionally do songs, frequently parodies.
- Naughty Tentacles/Black Comedy Rape: Happens in the "Hentai" episode.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Chris the Ninja Pirate. Who also appears to be a mushroom.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Team Laser Explosion. Both of their "costumes" consist of an elaborate helmet and chest laser emblem thing.
- Retirony: He was only one day away from his evil retirement!
- A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside An Enigma: In one short, Bob describes the flat-packed pie they bought from Piekia as "a conundrum wrapped in an enigma wrapped in pastry, wrapped in a lie."
- Rule 34: Parodied in Sexy Robots. Or at least, I HOPE it's a parody....
- The Waffles video is proof that there really are no exceptions...
- Something Completely Different: A number of examples, including "Team Laser Explosion", "The History of the World According to Weebl and Bob", and Bob's cartoons.
- Compared to his other examples of music, Ultrasound is strangely... normal.
- The site (Picking and a few other animators) does commissions; that one was for a British rapper called Johnny Massacre.
- There's also the Goovies, a series of movie parodies commissioned by the Cadbury Creme Egg company every Easter.
- Compared to his other examples of music, Ultrasound is strangely... normal.
- Surreal Humor: pretty much everything Picking's done since the beginning of Weebl's Stuff.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Weebl has problems with a baby. Bob calls a tactical air strike.
- The Rival: "Damn you, Wee Bull! You win this time!"
- Later becoming I Am Your Father
- Toilet Humor: At times.
- In "Amazing Horse", the horse's cock grows to huge lengths and the horserider sings about drinking
horse pisssweet lemonade.
- In "Amazing Horse", the horse's cock grows to huge lengths and the horserider sings about drinking
- Trademark Favorite Food: Mmmm, pie.
- The Unintelligible: Quite a few characters, even to the point where they've said twice that the only way they even understand is each is by reading their speech bubbles.
- Their distinctive speech appears to be produced by talking while keeping one's tongue flat on the bottom of one's mouth, and possibly mumbling just a little to exaggerate the affect.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Weebl and Bob fit this trope to a T.
- With Friends Like These...: Weebl and Bob, sometimes. (Weebl, mostly.)
- Where the Hell Is Springfield?: It is occasionally brought up that not even Weebl and Bob know where they are.