< Vampire Cheerleaders
Vampire Cheerleaders/Characters
This page needs some cleaning up to be presentable. Some or all of these characters need descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description. |
The Vampire Cheerleaders
- All Women Are Lustful
- Badass Crew: Proven to a degree in Volume 3.
- Cute Monster Girl: What each one of them is, given their ages when made vampires.
- The Vamps
- Villain Protagonist: They are considerably less evil than others of their kind... but still Chaotic Neutral at best. Apart from anything else they're far too comfortable with brainwashing innocents for any other label.
- Nominal Hero: Have graduated to this since Volume 3, mostly due to their willingness to cooperate with PETM in exchange for a degree of protection and tolerance. Still doesn't mean they aren't shy of using their vampiric powers for their own gain (Suki especially), they just don't have any real reason to use them for malice anymore and mutually benefit from openly declaring their Cute Monster Girl status.
Heather Hartley
- Angst? What Angst?: Upon awakening after being fed on, she takes the news that shes now an undead rather well.
- Corrupt the Cutie: Mostly all of volume one as she discovers more of her powers. Vol 2 sees her rein it in a bit, probably out out penance for costing her school the big game.
- Easily Forgiven: She feeds on her school football team, making them too weak to play in the big game. Heather quickly comes up with a plan to drain the opposing team so they're on equal ground. Once the deed is done, Lori forgives her.
- Pet the Dog: convinced Lori to surrender peacefully to PETM to avoid any further bloodshed.
- Transhuman Treachery: Seems to ping pong this in the story, on one hand she can be as bad as her squad, using her powers to make people do what she want without a hint of remorse and not at all above using sexual preferences if it comes down to it. On the other, she does show concern for Leonard, him being a childhood friend, when the others abuse him for their chores. Even compliments him during the cheerleading competition when he was dolled up and used as a substitute for the missing Lori. In short, some of her humanity is there, she's just not afraid to use her vampire side either.
Lori Thurston
- Blondes Are Evil: Somewhat subverted, she worries about the safety of her squad and doesn't go too overboard on feeding that it can kill someone or attract attention. But she has a low opinion of humans and often times can be a bit of a bitch.
- Badass: Towards of Volume 3, her and Stephanie fight. she is shanked in the gut, is poisoned by garlic tainted blood, and gets staked in the spine, and is still ready to to keep fighting. Beforehand, she managed to outfight every other member of PMS.
- Compulsory School Age: Subverted. She has been returning to school every 20 years or so since at least 1892 of her own volition, apparently in a quest for the perfect senior year.
- Even Evil Has Standards; The vampire cheerleaders themselves who follow a very strict set of rules in regards to feeding. And if you violate these standards then Lori will be very unhappy with you and will have to have a word with you. Her strict rule approach doesn't apply to treatment of thralls, in this case, Leonard unfortunately for him.
- Fan Disservice The part where Lori got brutally raped by Bianca
- Mama Bear: She is incredibly devoted to every vampire she has ever sired. this is why.
- Lesbian Vampire: On this strip
- Older Than They Look: Her collection of high school tassels contains two '92s. That means one of them must be from 1892, meaning that she's approximately 138 years old assuming she was 18 at the time of being bitten.
- Rape as Drama: She got raped by Bianca this way
- Rapunzel Hair: It appears to be down to her ankles.
- The Cheerleader
- Vampire Monarch: Undoubtedly the leader of her undead crew, making sure they keep their vampire activity to a minimum so as not to attract hunters.
Zoe Weller
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Suki. Even lampshaded by Lori.
- Co-Dragons: Her and Suki are, at least in name as co-captains of the cheerleading squad.
- Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: Usually has to serve this role for Suki, to her exasperation.
- Sassy Black Woman: She seems to be off to a good start.
- The Lancer: Possibly, when Lori disappears, she fills in the role of squad leader quite well unlike Suki who keeps making dumb suggestions.
Suki Taft
- Asian Airhead
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Zoe.
- Beware the Silly Ones: She's usually more amusing then terrifying, despite being a vampire. then we see her in Volume 4 in a psychotic blood rage.......
- Cargo Ship: With "Kitty-chan", her vibrator.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Genki Girl: Pretty hyper most of the time.
- Jerkass: Very quick to mouth off and start a fight.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: On the other hand, she does have moments of showing empathy, even for total strangers, with no strings attached.
- My Own Grampa: As we learn in Volume 4, she would have never become a vampire had she not traveled to the past and made Lori a vampire first.
- OOC Is Serious Business: You know it's serious when she is completely terrified of whatever situation she's in.
- Too Dumb to Live: In Vol 2 when the snooty rivals manage to outwit the squad in retaliation for taking their training time, she suggest biting and turning them. Zoe has to remind her that would unleash a squad of unrestrained vampires loose in the building, exposing themselves in the process.
- The Hedonist: While all the VC members are driven by their baser passions to some degree, she's the one almost always driven by her impulses the most, which revolve around porn, blood, or whatever harebrained idea crosses her mind at the time, doing all the above with no other higher motive than simple pleasure.
Lesly Chandra
- Beware the Nice Ones: She can be scary when pissed off.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Marshmallow Hell: How Lesly gets the Ainley bitches out of the gym
- Only Sane Woman: Usually the voice of reason when Lori's away.
Vampire Cheerleaders Others
Leonard Duvall
Associated tropes:
- Butt Monkey: He seems to qualify for this in most of Vol 2 since he has gone from a Wanna be Vampire Hunter to a thrall.
- Crazy Prepared: Up till Plan BC, he was actully doing pretty good against the girls. Even having drank some holy water in the likely event they tried to bite him.
- Dragged Into Drag: As the deadline for the competition nears and Lori still missing, Heather does to him as a replacement for the cheerleading routine.
- Hero Antagonist: He shows signs of this.
- Or at least he did right up until the girls pulled out Plan BC and screwed him silly. He's cool with keeping their secret now. Or was until the PMS undid Plan BC.
- Took a Level in Badass: He was pretty clearly your factory standard geek, starting out. However the minute he realizes his best friend/prospective love interest has been turned into a vampire (which he actually realized was happening before she was turned), he immediately levels up to Crazy Prepared Badass Longcoat Vampire Hunter.
- Badass Decay: It doesn't last long however once the girls pull Plan BC on him. Next arc, he's practically their slave. Eventually reversed towards the end of Volume 3, thanks to the PMS de-glamouring him, and he further regains his badass credentials in Volume 4
- The Renfield: See above.
- Vampires are Sex Goddesses: He probably thinks so at this point.
- Still does, even after regaining his own will in Volume 3, but is more aware of the tradeoff.
Bianca Harrow
Associated tropes:
- Bi the Way/Depraved Bisexual: She flirts with Lori then she chaines her and rapes her and has sex with Vibius Priscus Until she killed him
- Bond Villain Stupidity: Of her own accord as she admits she before she would just outright eat her victims in the past, but now likes to savor them nice and slow. A good thing for Lori as it allows her to form a plan of escape.
- Gorgeous Gorgon
- Killed Off for Real: Here
- Neck Snap: How Lori deals with her.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old - probably well over two thousand
- Food Chain of Evil
Cressida Harrow
Associated tropes:
- Bad Boss: Once she learns her sister is dead, she heads to Las Vegas and instantly kills Bianca's servant in the cruelest way possible.
- Gorgeous Gorgon
- Kick the Dog: killing Bianca's servant in the cruelest way possible is a much worst kick the dog moment.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: The epilogue in the second book sets it up.
Vibius Priscus
Associated tropes:
- Pointy Ears: Since he is a vampire
- We Hardly Knew Ye
The Paranormal Mystery Squad
Tropes that The Paranormal Mystery Squad have in common:
- Dark Is Not Evil: The Squad Consists of a Goth, Werewolf, Wiccan and Dhampyr and they have a Bat as the Team Pet
- Five-Man Band
- The Hero: Stephanie
- The Lancer: Katie
- The Smart Guy: J.C
- The Big Guy: Shared between Katie and J.C as they both provide the strength in the group.
- The Chick: Charlotte
- Team Pet: Babs
- Token Evil Teammate: Lita
Stephanie Kane
Associated tropes:
- Badass: She fought with Lori in Volume 3 and was able to match Lori to the point they were at a standstill and had severely injured each other. Keep in mind Steph was little more than a very resourceful human At the time, and Lori is a fullblooded vampire with all the strength that would imply.
- Goth
- Jerkass: She is always so quick to point out someones flaws.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Very rarely comes up. But she does try to keep innocents out of the crossfire and looks out for her teammates if nothing else.
- Mercy Kill: How She views slaying monsters that were born human. She initially plans to do this with her sister, but is talked down by JC and Charlotte.
- She Who Fights Monsters: Her hatred of cryptids has some unfortunate levels.
- Gets worn down as the series progresses. When Katie becomes a werewolf, she learns to accept that, and by the end of Volume 3 and the start of Volume 4 she's mostly decided to live and let live with the VC squad. It all but disappears when she becomes the queen of a bunch of moth cryptids and becomes a cryptid herself.
- Van Helsing Hate Crime: She who believes all cryptids are evil roughly stemming what happened to her parents. Things gets complicated when her sister is turned into a werewolf and the newest member of their team is revealed to be a Dhampyr.
- And in Volume 4 she becomes one herself, which utterly demolishes her prejudices.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Katie Kane
Associated tropes:
- A Date with Rosie Palms: All but outright stated to be what She was doing here.
- Cute Monster Girl
- Emergency Transformation: Somewhat, she gets infected with lycanthropy but Charlotte manages to use a spell so she doesn't become a mindless creature.
- Idiot Hair: She has one sticking up in the back. Reflects her tendancy to act without thinking.
- Near-Rape Experience: What Theodore tried to do to her twice, with his father's encouragement.
- No Periods, Period: Averted. Katie seems to delight and using her teenaged PMS as an excuse to ignore diplomacy (and propriety).
- Our Werewolves Are Different
Charlotte Roth
Associated tropes:
- Adorkable: Usually when she's fumbling spells or referencing some old show
- Big Breasts, Big Deal: Type one.
- Cute Wiccan
- Mismatched Eyes
- She's Got Legs: Does she ever!
J.C. Summerfeild
Associated tropes:
- Dhampyr
- The One Guy
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Black eyes due to the B&W style of the comic but same thing.
- Sixth Ranger: Joins up in the first volume on behalf of PETM. Second volume he's quit the organization to work with PMS full time.
Associated tropes:
Associated tropes:
- Big Bad: of Volume Two
- Defeat Means Friendship: In her case its more like defeat means bonded
- Demonic Possession: The body she has isn't her real one (in fact its the corpse of a recently deceased woman), her true form is a black mist.
- Fun Size: Pfft...
- Horned Humanoid
- Our Demons Are Different
- Our Ghosts Are Different: She somehow bonded to Katie after her defeat and now stuck as a spirit haunting the group.
- Seventh Ranger: Unwillingly
- The Vamp
- Winged Humanoid
Tropes that PETM have in common:
Marcy O'Keeffe
Associated tropes:
- Lawful Stupid: Is more concerned about an "innocent cryptid" than the thousands of people said cryptid's actions are going to put at risk.
- Obstructive Bureaucrat: With some overlap of Too Dumb to Live - seeing as she contacted offices in Washington to confirm that K'AAN'NGUA is protected by the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Effectively making it impossible for the military to do anything to stop it. You know, despite the fact that it will probably kill everyone.
- Invisible to Gaydar: Is a lesbian, as confirmed by J.C.
Mr. Lomax
Associated tropes:
Tropes that Cryptids have in common:
- Exclusively Evil
- Big Bad Each major story arc had a Cryptid as a Big Bad
- Volume One has Theodore Campbell
- Volume Two has K'AAN'NGUA being its Bigger Bad with Lita/Lilita serving as the Big Bad
- Monster of the Week
Deer Woman
Associated tropes:
Mr. Campbell
Associated tropes:
Theodore Campbell
Associated tropes:
Unknown Insect Cryptid
Associated tropes:
K'AAN'NGUA/The Great One
Associated tropes:
- Bigger Bad: of the second volume
- Colossus Climb
- Eye Scream: here
Sea Monster
Associated tropes:
Paranormal Mystery Squad Others
General Briggs
Associated tropes:
- Four-Star Badass: Apparently ready to lead an attack on K'aan'ngua from the front lines. His moment of glory gets stolen by O'Keefe when she gets the President to order him to retreat. He gets even by having the PMS team cleared of their community service much to O'Keefe's chagrin.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: He is put in charge the incident in Volume 2 comes off sympathetic to the PMS crew, and most definately does not like O'Keefe's presence and interfeerence.
- The Brigadier: Fits to a tee.
Associated tropes:
- Back to Vampire Cheerleaders
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