< Utawarerumono


These are the cast members of the Video Game Utawarerumono. As always, beware of spoilers especially in how the page itself is organized: Characters are listed in the order they are either recruited or when not applicable the order in which they are encountered.

Party Members


Initially the unnamed protagonist of the series, he is found gravely injured in the forest by Eruru, a local of the area. Eruru and her grandmother nurse him back to health over the following few days but he is unable to remember his name or who he is. Even without a history, Hakuoro becomes a well respected member of the village community where he was found. He is given the name of Eruru and Aruru's late father by their grandmother after he helps rid the village of an angry and rampaging tiger deity.

  • Amnesiac God
  • Asskicking Equals Authority -- Once he invaded Kenashikourupe and renamed it, he is elected its emperor. Then reverses to Authority Equals Asskicking when other kingdoms come knocking and he takes point in battle.
  • Cool Mask
  • Deal with the Devil -- Contracts sworn in his name will grant you some boon such as power or influence, but you apparently have to swear your soul to serve him. Subverted in that unlike Diy he does not appear to demand anything from those who show themselves willing to make such a contract. He even breaks the contract he has with Eruruw so she'll stop following him, but she doesn't.
  • Death Seeker Rather sad variant. Hakuorou is actually the sane half of a Physical God who is partially responsible for the whole plot, and when he and his Evil Twin are trapped in the same body, he traps the madness half in the same physical shell as himself so the Badass Crew of retainers he built up can destroy his monstrous power forever, or at least for a REALLY long time. The good news is that it works out rather well, and it heavily implied Death Is Cheap takes effect and that the sane half is reborn to rejoin Eruruw.
  • Defeat Means Friendship -- So long as he doesn't kill you.
  • Four-Star Badass
  • Humongous Mecha his Eleventh-Hour Superpower basically looks like an Eva Unit from Neon Genesis Evangelion crossed with Godzilla.
  • Improbable Weapon User: He wields a tessen.
  • Lightning Bruiser: When he goes One-Winged Angel.
  • Literal Split Personality
  • Mask of Power -- Copying his mask also appears to grant some degree of immortality and super strength. Worked well for the scientists until he turned them all into jelly. Not so much for the Shakukopor.
  • Physical God
  • Reincarnation -- He actually isn't and it's never implied that he is, however, it's highly likely that part of the reason the villagers are so quick to trust him is due to the close resemblance he bears to the original highly respected Hakuoro, Eruruw and Aruruw's father. Teoro in particular seems to automatically treat him like this at first.
  • Renaissance Man -- Blacksmithing, chemistry, agriculture, tactics, statesmanship, politics, hand to hand combat, archaeology, hunting... Not much he can't do.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge -- Such an incredible rampage that the sane part of his mind asked his surrogate daughter to seal him to stop his rampage, but she could only split him in two and put his two sides to sleep for long periods of time followed by catastrophic battle with himself.


A pharmacologist and physician in training. She finds Hakuoro unconscious in the woods while scrounging for herbs. Her name comes from a flower that exists only within the fiction of the story. Her and her sister, Aruru were orphaned when their mother died giving birth to Aruru and their father for unknown reasons. She lives with her grandmother as an apprentice.


The young head of a small clan that lives deep in the forest near Yamagira, Oboro supported his clan by living as a brigand.

Dori & Gura

Identical twins, these are Oboro's most devoted vassals. While they pale in importance to their master as the series goes on, they are still dauntless fighters.

  • Ambiguous Gender: It's hard to be certain whether Dori & Gura are male, female, or even one male and one female. It doesn't help matters that the anime lacks the game's scene where they explicitly tell Hakuoro that they are boys, always portrays them with their tails exposed (which the first five or so episodes portray as something only women do -- indeed, until episode 6 is seen, it's easy to believe that only women have tails), and their voice is quite hard to place as either masculine or feminine.
  • The Archer: Their primary combat role, specialising in creating a Rain of Arrows.
  • Black Comedy Rape: In both the anime and the game, there is a scene where they ply Oboro with sake and then end up naked in bed together. And in the game, there's a second scene where Oboro passes out and they eagerly accept the task of dragging him back to his room.
  • Color Coded for Your Convenience: Dori - Blue. Gura - Red. Surprisingly averts Red Oni, Blue Oni.
  • Dropped a Bridget On Him: On Hakuoro in the game, and they seem rather disappointed to hear that he doesn't want them to prove they are men.
  • Single-Minded Twins


Before her home country of Nan-Tunku was invaded by Shakukoporu, Karura was a princess of the royal family. When young, she covered the escape for her brother Derihourai and their servant, Katumau during the invasion. Karura spent the remainder of her adolescent life up to the present day in captivity before eventually escaping, killing her captors aboard the transport ship she was on. She is found at the crash site of the vessel surrounded by the bodies of the crew.

  • Badass
  • BFS
  • Boobs of Steel -- One of the most buxom of the female cast and a ferocious fighter possessing Super Strength. In the anime, she's one of the few who can easily fend off Touka.
  • Bottle Fairy -- Just don't give any to Touka.
  • Chained by Fashion
  • Charles Atlas Superpower - Considering it takes over five ordinary guys to carry the sword she hefts without breaking a sweat, and the fact she's so stupidly overpowered she smashed a boulder with just one swing, she pretty much qualifies.
  • Effortless Amazonian Lift: She can easily carry Hakuoro around Bound and Gagged.
  • Hot Chick with a Sword
  • The Juggernaut -- Who can punch a mook's head clean off.
  • Last Of Her Kind -- Almost.
  • Lightning Bruiser -- Her personalized sword is too heavy for Kurou to lift with both arms yet she can swing it about with one.
  • Ms. Fanservice
  • Super Strength -- And how. She has such incredible strength that she kept breaking the swords she used in a single blow, eventually requesting her own sword, one that would be unbreakable. The sword in question is taller than she is and can barely be carried by six grown men. She swings it one handed half of the time.
  • Overly Long Name -- Her full name is Karurauatsuurei
  • That Man Is Dead -- Her reaction when one of her faithful retainers recognizes her much to his sadness. During the Nan-Tunku arc where the cast intervenes in a civil war brewing in her home country, she often says "you are mistaken. I am just a simple woman named Karura" when they address her by her old name.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair


Eruru's younger sibling. Her name is also from a fictional flower, one which thrives in close proximity to Eruru, thus giving them the title of "sister flowers". Her personality is strongly antisocial towards strangers and requires some positive impact in order for a friendship to be fostered.


The original Samurai General of Kenashikourupe, a calm and collected warrior with considerable intelligence and a master of the halberd. Though initially an enemy towards Hakuoro, his life is spared and he becomes Hakuoro's general, serving him loyally and faithfully throughout the story.

  • Badass
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni -- He's blue to Kurou's red.
  • Honor Before Reason -- He doesn't complain when he's imprisoned by his Bad Boss for losing a battle, and returns to his service without question for the final battle. He also insists on his boss performing a ritual suicide in the face of imminent defeat.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong -- He's aware of what a stupid jerkass the emperor is, but he swore his loyalty and he means to stick to it.
  • Seppuku -- He acts as the second to the emperor after the war is lost. When Hakuoro arrives, he also intends to kill himself but instead is pressed into service.


Benawi's closest friend and subordinate, a hotblooded brawler always eager for a good fight.


A member of the Evenkuruga tribe, Touka is exceptionally skilled with a sword due to her heritage.


Princess of the Onkamiyamukai, sent to the newfounded kingdom of Tuskuru to act as its official mediator.

  • Ambadassador
  • Beware the Nice Ones -- She doesn't seem to fight all out most of the time (see below spoilers) but when she does can be extremely dangerous.
  • Mama Bear -- At the end of her game-only miniarc with the baby, she starts to summon all her power against the main cast and is only stopped when Hakuoro's godly side partially takes over, commanding her to stop.
  • Winged Humanoid
  • Witch Species


Urutori's little sister, a childish girl who, uniquely amongst her people, has black wings.

Temporary Party Members


Nicknamed "Pops", this burly, axe-wielding man is the good-hearted, braggadocious "headman" of Yamagira Village and forms a fast friendship with Hakuoro.


Karurauatsuurei's younger brother. After he was rousted from his position as prince of the country, he formed a group of rebels named the Kenam in order to overthrow the current emperor Suonkasu. The country of Tuskuru aids him in his conquest on a request from Karura. After the defeat of Suonkasu, he is elected its emperor and re-names it after his sister.


Elderly warrior of the Evanguruga, sworn to the service of the Kunnekamun emperor.



Son of the feudal lord of Yamagira Village and nephew of the region's king, Nuwangi grew up in Yamagira village, where he befriended Eluluu and had a childhood crush on her, but moving off to live with his father evidently spoiled and corrupted him. He disdained the simple life of Yamagira's villagers and delighted in tormenting them by exerting his "importance" over them. He was ultimately responsible for inspiring Hakuoro to lead the rebellion that saw his father and uncle dead and their kingdom toppled.

  • Deadly Change-of-Heart -- In the games. Crazy as it sounds, Eruruw DID eventually convince him a Heel Face Turn was in order. Too bad he got killed before he could try.
  • Not So Harmless: He's incompetent, but extremely vicious
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend: It's his own fault -- he somehow fails to realise that acting like an asshole doesn't impress Eluluu.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: In the anime. After he is captured near the end of the first miniarc, Eluluu begs for his life to be spared and he runs off into the woodlands. And nothing is ever heard of him again.
  • Yandere

Kuya Amururineuruka

The emperor of Kunnekamun.

  • A Child Shall Lead Them
  • Fantastic Racism -- Her people are almost always looked down upon and hated, something of a sore spot for her.
  • Humongous Mecha -- Her country's military power is based in the Av Kamiw.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia -- Given all the crap she has gone through by the time this kicks in, this is basically one of the best things that could have happened to her.
  • I Thought It Meant -- Kuya attempted to give Sakuya to Hakuoro as a mistress but described her housework skills as "Toko jouzu", literally "bed skilled" instead of "Toku jouzu" which is more appropriate. It becomes something of a running gag that she only thinks she knows what she's saying in regards to thinks like the red light district of a city.
  • Samus Is a Girl
  • Trauma-Induced Amnesia
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds -- By the end, she's being completely manipulated into fighting against the world, most of whom seem to hate her people. In the anime, she loses her kingdom and sees her closest friend and bodyguard slaughtered, so her mind is completely shattered and she reverts to infancy.


One of Kuya's nobles, he argues that they should use the Av Kamiw to unite the countries so that their people will no longer be oppressed.

  • My Master, Right or Wrong -- Subverted or played straight as you choose to interpret it. He follows Kuuya into a war he does not really approve of, but after she has agreed to stop fighting his master by this point is Diy.
  • Took a Level in Badass


A tittering, bloodcrazed psychotic who revels in the fact his Av Kamiw makes him practically invincible, allowing him to indulge his appetite for mindless slaughter.


The first of the Onkamiyamukai ever created, and somehow possessed of strong psychic powers. She was responsible for sealing away Witsalnemitea when he went on a rampage that the human part of his mind rebelled against, and may partially have been responsible for causing it to split into the two components that became Hakuoro and Dyii. Her spirit was somehow bound to the Onkamiyamukai and would occasionally reincarnate, her vessel being marked by the same black wings that she bore in life.

Minor Characters


Chieftain and healer of the village of Yamagira, and grandmother of Eluluu and Aruruu, she is responsible for healing Hakuoro's injuries and later gives him her son's clothes and name. She also bestowed the metal fan (or "lucky charm") that is Hakuoro's signature weapon. Dies saving Aruruu from being cut down by a swordsman, thus instigating Hakuoro's revolution.


Oboro's little sister, who has been weak and sickly since birth.

  • Babies Ever After -- Only in the game. In the anime, she dies offscreen between the ending and the epilogue.
  • Eyes Always Shut: Except in certain artwork.
  • Ill Girl: Makes it through the story, but dies during the timeskip to the epilogue.
  • Love At First Sight: Only without, you know, the seeing part. Hakuoro doesn't seem to really ever realize.


Teoro's beloved wife, who quite clearly wears the pants in the family.


Custodian and teacher of Kamyu and Urutori.

  • Butt Monkey: Most of his appearances have him getting abused or ignored to some extent.


Granddaughter of Genjimaru, her grandmother and/or mother was a native of Kunnekamun and so she does not appear to be of the same species as he is.

  • I Did What I Had to Do - Benevolent, nonmalicious variant, but only in the game. She requests her own grandfather cut the tendons in her legs so she can never move or of walk without help again just to prove she will never betray Hakuorou.
  • Wise Beyond Her Years - Despite her age, she proves absurdly mature where it counts.

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