< Two Best Friends Play

Two Best Friends Play/Shout Out

Pat: Doin' it! Making it! *singing* We're gonna make it after all!

    • Pat wonders if Cranky Kong's pissed off at Jumpman again.
  • During Earth Defense Force 2017:
    • Also:

Matt: It's dangerous to go alone!
Pat: What do you- What does that even mean?

  • During Dead Rising 2:
  • During Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood:
    • Matt refers to the plague mask doctor as a Death Note.
  • During Disaster: Day of Crisis:
  • During Ken's Rage:
  • During Marvel vs Capcom:
    • Matt insists that Dormammu's other name is Ghost Rider.
  • During Baby Maker Extreme (Xbox Live Indie game):
  • During Red Dead Redemption:

(shooting at the whore of steel)
Pat: Die monster! ...You have no place in this world!

  • During Mortal Kombat 9:

Matt: Oh, by the way, here's Subzero. For no raisin.

  • During Portal 2:

Pat: That's a, uhh, Material Emancipation Grid.
Matt: Wait, what? I don't listen to rap, dude.

    • Also:

Matt: He's temporarily incarcerated for pushing his mother down the stairs.
Pat: What does that even mean? That doesn't make any sense.
Matt: Only in America!
During the Piston Honda fight:
pat: dodge it, he's using his bushido blaster on you!
And also:
Pat: Man, this guy looks like he's from one of my Japanese animes!

  • During Heavy Rain:

Matt: If I could put a price tag on what this fucking bitch is worth it would be negative seventy-billion dollers.
Pat: That is what I would pay for her.

Pat: How about I cut off all your arms and legs and give you robot shit? Turn you into a retarded Jax.

Matt: I believe in you, so believe in yourself
Pat: Oh shut up
Matt: And then you can believe... believe in you, who believes in me
Pat: What are you talking about?!

Mat: Hello, my dear. My name is Kenpachi Ramasama.
Pat: Kenpachi Ramasama, why didn't you do your math homework?
Mat: Oh, I'm sorry. My toast wouldn't cook and then I had to become a Sailor Scout! (beat) RONIN WARRIORS!

Pat: Yeah Kaneda!
Matt: Tetsuo!

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