Kung Pow! Enter the Fist
"Betty has gone too far. Killing is wrong. And bad. There should be a new, stronger word for killing. Like... badwrong. Or... badong. Yes. Killing is badong. From this moment, I will stand for the opposite of killing: Gnodab."—The Chosen One
An evil man kills an entire family to get at a baby that is destined to become the Chosen One. The baby escapes, grows up in the wild, fights off attackers by ripping their clothes into shred-bikinis, joins a school of martial artists who loudly admit that they wear push-up bras, eventually meets the evil man -- who, in the intervening years, has changed his name to Betty -- and later fights a cow. He is also the Chosen One because his tongue has a face on it; its name is Tonguey.
Oh, and there are French aliens.
No, really.
A refreshing comedy that's stupid -- but amusingly so -- Kung Pow! Enter The Fist is a 2002 film written and directed by lead actor Steve Oedekerk. The film uses footage from an obscure kung-fu movie called Tiger and Crane Fist, along with newly-shot and bluescreened footage (mainly to insert Oedekerk into the film), to create a rather anarchic parody of kung-fu movies in general. Virtually every line is insane -- and very quotable; it was difficult choosing which one to put up at the top -- and everyone's voice (save Whoa) is dubbed over by Oedekerk himself.
A sequel, Kung Pow 2: Tongue of Fury, was due to follow; it's been in Development Hell for years, though. Word of God states that Oedekerk is (still) trying to find the right Hong Kong movie(s) to lift scenes from.
- Aluminum Christmas Trees: Some martial arts schools actually "trained" students they considered unworthy like Wimp Lo was "trained", and certain forms of Chinese martial arts do go to considerable lengths to toughen up the practitioner's skin (although not usually to the point of breaking a thermometer in their student's hands).
- Anachronism Stew: Let Ling's dad know if you see a Radio Shack.
- And That's Terrible: See the "killing is badong" speech above.
- And Your Little Dog, Too
- Animal Reaction Shot: Dog, when Ling takes her top off. Also when Betty is demonstrating his ability to take blows.
- Animals Hate Him
- Arc Words: "Open your mouth!"
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: Wimp Lo, despite being laughably incompetent.
"Face-To-Foot style, how'd ya like it?!"
- Balls of Steel: This is one of Master Pain's / Betty's powers.
- Wimp Lo apparently thinks he has this, considering his secondary style is Nuts-to-Your-Fist.
- And the Chosen One learns the hard way that, no, he does not have this power. At all. He might not even have balls after the test run.
- Bits of Me Keep Passing Out: The Chosen One is subjected to The Paralyzer, and then flails his arms around wildly trying to defeat Betty.
- Blade Run: Done by the baby Chosen One during the prologue.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: An intermission occurs midway through, where the characters tell the audience to go buy snacks. Whoa is, suprisingly, about the only character in the movie itself aware of the fourth wall, breaking it repeatedly.
Whoa: We will meet many more times...in the sequel!
- Brick Break: During his training montage, the Chosen One goes to punch a board, stops inches from it, then extends his index finger. The board explodes, sending the two men behind it flying.
- Bullet Time: Used during the cow fighting scene to parody The Matrix.
- Butt Monkey: "I must apologize for Wimp Lo. He is an idiot. We purposely trained him wrong, as a joke."
- Calling Your Attacks: Wimp Lo's attacks.
Wimp Lo: My nuts to your fist style!
- Betty also shouts "Paralyzer!" and "Another Paralyzer!" when attacking The Chosen One.
- Catch Phrase: Betty had "Shirt ripper!"
- Character as Himself: Tonguey is credited to "Escobar Tongue."
- The Chosen One: The hero has No Name Given other than "Chosen One".
- Also, Chosen One's dog is creatively named Dog.
- Clothing Damage: "Shirtripper!"
- Cloudcuckoolander: Everyone in the movie.
- Chosen One slightly less. Comes across clearly compared with Ling and her father.
- Curse Cut Short: "I'm gonna count to three, and if I hear one more squeak, I'm gonna take his shoes and shove 'em up his-"
- Defeat by Modesty
- Department of Redundancy Department: Betty, about The Chosen One: "I'll kill him. I'll kill him dead."
- "Like with, with a, rock or something. Like a, like a stone..."
- A Dog Named "Dog": The Chosen One's pet dog, Dog. Who is never in the same frame as The Chosen One. Ever.
- Dying Declaration of Love: Ling says this to the Chosen One, though she does survive.
- Evil Sounds Deep: The masked antagonist that Chosen One confronts early in the film.
"OPEN... YOUR... MOUTH!!!!"
- Fighting with Chucks: Gopher Chucks!
- Fluffy the Terrible: Betty.
- Foreshadowing: One of the Council's flying pyramids appears in the sky halfway though the movie.
- Gag Boob: "I am Whoa."
- Gag Dub
- Glove Snap: Happening off-screen in one scene.
Master Tang: Eeny meeny miney moe, I wonder where my glove will go...
- Groin Attack: One of
Master Pain'sBetty's special abilities allows him to resist shots to the groin. The Chosen One tries to see if he possesses this ability only to play the trope straight...- In the credits, we see an outtake of this scene.
Steve Oedekerk: "Oooooh! OK, I'm gonna need a cup."
- According to the DVD commentary, this scene from Tiger and Crane Fist is what led to it being picked.
- Taken up to eleven in a deleted scene from the final fight, where the Chosen One unleashes a barrage of kicks, punches, and headbutts upon Betty's naughty bits, to absolutely no effect.
- One of the deleted scenes features an attack with a groin as the Chosen One escapes from a torturer by beating him and his guards up with his... well... y'know.
- Harmful to Minors
- Heroic BSOD: Chosen One's inability to find a way to remove the metal spikes protecting Betty's weak points causes him to throw a major hissy fit.
- Hilarious Outtakes
- Hong Kong Dub: Parodied. At one point, Dog barks and lays down, at which point we hear the sound.
- The poor dubbing was one thing that critics hated about the movie.
- I Know Kung Faux: The "My-Face-to-Your-Foot style".
- Imperial China: Complete with
- Improbable Weapon User: Gopher Chucks!
- Inescapable Net: Spoofed. The hero is trapped in a net that isn't even big enough to cover his head.
Betty: Yessss, the tiny net is a death sentence. IT'S A NET AND IT'S TINY!
- Instant Chucks: See above.
- Intermission: Yep, there's one here, despite that it's only an 81 minute movie. Of course, the intermission is only about 15 seconds long.
- Intimidation Demonstration: Various times, such as the "gopher-chucks" scene where The Chosen One is scaring off his opponents by twirling his gopher-chucks, much like someone would show off normal nunchucks.
- It Makes Sense in Context: Define "sense".
- Just a Stupid Accent: Well, a variety of stupid accents.
- Killed Off for Real: Wimp Lo.
- Played for laughs when it turns out everyone else was Not Quite Dead.
Chosen One: Wait...if you're all alive, then surely Wimp Lo...Wimp!
- Chosen One runs over to Wimp's off-screen body, while flies buzz around*
Chosen One ...oh.
- Kung Foley
- Left the Background Music On: Played straight and lampshaded. Bonus points for actually being relevant to the plot.
- Lemony Narrator: "Ouchie!"
- "At that moment, the Chosen One learned a valuable lesson about iron claws...THEY HURT LIKE CRAP, MAN!"
- Master Tang gets in on it with a line of audible thought:
- "At that moment, the Chosen One learned a valuable lesson about iron claws...THEY HURT LIKE CRAP, MAN!"
"OK, so here were my options - A.) Quickly duck sideways, dodge the claw, then take him out with a spinning back kick, or B.) Take the claw in the face, then roll on the ground and die. (proceeds to take claw to the face) Hmm, should've gone with A."
- Lip Lock: Almost always ignored for humour, except when it is occasionally followed... for humour. Example:
Betty: People say that I do things that are not...(pause) correct-to-do.
- Attention is drawn to this quite often. Example: Oedekerk's character looks to be shouting something with a lot of emotion and the camera zooms in on his face, but you hear him say, in a less-than-excited voice, "I implore you to reconsider."
- The words Oedekerk is really yelling: "I'M SOMEBODY'S MOMMY!!"
- Parodied with Ling, whose line always end before her lips stop moving, so she ends most lines with "wee-ohh, wee-ohh" noises.
- Also with the ventriloquists, who never open their mouths.
- Attention is drawn to this quite often. Example: Oedekerk's character looks to be shouting something with a lot of emotion and the camera zooms in on his face, but you hear him say, in a less-than-excited voice, "I implore you to reconsider."
- Lull Destruction: Parodied, when a relatively wordless fight scene between the main villain and two random guys in the original movie is turned into a more talkative fight between Betty and a pair of ventriloquists.
- Made of Plasticine: Lampshaded by the narrator.
- Master of the Mixed Message: Ling is very indecisive about how much she loves the Chosen One. Even though she repeatedly flashes her breasts to him, she doesn't want him to think she's a slut.
- Moses in the Bulrushes: Subverted. The first woman who finds the Chosen One as a baby lying on the side of the mountain he's rolled half-way down stops, picks him up, and coos "So cute..." before bidding him farewell as she lobs him to roll down the other half of the mountain. (Where he is eventually found, and raised... by "various rodents".)
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Inverted when Master Pain changes his name to Betty.
- Nested Mouths: The sign of the Chosen One is that he has a cartoon face on his tongue.
- Nobody Here But Us Birds: "Nng, I'm just a birdie too...."
- No Indoor Voice: THAT'S A LOT OF NUTS!
- The Omniscient Council of Vagueness: "Nnnng... Yes, the Council!"
Mayor: Master, what exactly is the Evil Council's plan?
Betty: It is evil. Mnah hah, It is so evil! It is a bad, bad plan that will hurt many... people...that are good. I think it's great, because it's so bad.
Mayor: I see. I think.
- One-Scene Wonder:
- The "That's a lotta nuts!" salesman.
- Woah, the woman with one breast who comes to test the Chosen One's prowness.
- Overly Long Gag: A scene near the beginning is around two minutes of Whip-Zooms accompanied by dramatic musical stings.
Ling: "Chosen One!"
C.O.: "I'm coming!"
(this goes on for 5 minutes)
- The Paralyzer: Betty's signature attack is the Trope Namer.
- Plot Hole: During the final battle, there's no explanation as to how Master Betty loses his iron claws or what The Chosen One is holding at the start of the battle. (In the original film, Jimmy Wang Yu's character uses fireworks fuse to burn the cable that connects the claws. That part got left out of this film entirely.)
- Portmanteau: "Killing is wrong. And bad. There should be a new, stronger word for killing. Like badwrong, or badong. Yes, killing is badong. From this moment, I will stand for the opposite of killing: gnodab."
- Product Placement: "Oh, Taco Bell, Taco Bell, Product Placement for Taco Bell!"
- "Tell me... if you see... a Radio Shack."
- "Ba na na na na, Neo! Ba na na na na na na, Sporin!"
- If you look closely when during the scene in which Betty goes to fight one of the two old men (someone clarify his name) and during the zoom out you can see people moving tables and on the left side you can clearly see a Hooters.
- When The Chosen One goes to buy nuts, there is a shelf of Pringles behind him.
- Raised By Various Rodents
- Real Trailer, Fake Movie: Sadly, Kung Pow II: Tongue Of Fury will probably never happen.
- A lot of the shots used for it are taken from deleted scenes.
- The Rival: Wimp Lo
- Rule of Cool: The Chosen One is able to do fifteen backflips in mid-air before landing and is able to do push-ups without touching the ground (he holds himself airborne by blowing the ground).
- Schizo-Tech: Played for Laughs.
Master Pain: "Mmmmm... lighter."
- Sequel Snark: It spends a good deal of time at the end of the movie showing a full trailer for the sequel, made up mostly of scenes deleted from the first movie. Naturally, no such movie exists (though an unrelated sequel is currently in Development Hell).
- Shirtless Scene
- Shout-Out: To The Lion King in the form of Mushufasa, who calls the Chosen One "Simba" before finally settling on "Chosimba One".
Mushufasa: (fading back into the clouds) "This... is CNN."
- Sissy Villain: Played straight and inverted. Wimp Lo has a very high voice and is indeed wimpy, but Betty has a low voice and is pretty manly despite the name, and the Chosen One has his own points of sissyness.
- Early on, he is assaulted by a large masculine man who says "Your days are over, Mister" in a high-pitched lisp. The Chosen one shreds his clothes into a bikini, which causes him to wrap his arms around himself as if to protect his modesty and run off crying.
- Smoke Out: Averted when the smoke is too small and conditions are too windy to hide the ninja.
- Suicidal Overconfidence:
Wimp Lo, you must be careful. Your confidence is disproportional to your abilities.
- The Stinger: No one actually recovered Master Tang after his "death" scene, and the crew just laugh as a hawk arrives to eat him. Also, save the whales.
- Stock Footage
- Tethercat Principle: A hawk is eating Master Tang. Fade to black.
"Hey, just because you fade to black doesn't mean he stopped. He's still eating me! I promise!"
- Theme Music Power-Up: Betty has a guy with a boom box playing "Can't Touch This" and "Baby Got Back". Also when the Chosen One changes the music to "Black Betty"
"Beware... his song... about big butts. He... beats you up while he plays it!"
- Throw It In: Oedekerk was originally going to have an entire cast of actors providing voices, instead of just him. Then he did a couple test scenes as Evil Betty and Master Tang and it was so fun and funny that he kept going.
- Translation: "Yes": "______________________________________________________ I dunno."
- Trivially Obvious: "Behold the two symbols. One of them...over here. The other one...over here." That's all we ever learn about them.
- Verbal Tic: Developed to fill time when the characters are still talking on the film but have run out of dialogue. Eventually leads to this exchange:
Betty: Nnnnnng...
Ling: Wee-ooh! Wee-ooh!
Betty: Nnnnnng...
Ling: Wee-ooh! Wee-ooh!
Betty: Nnnnnng...
Ling: WEE! [Kicks random mook] OOH! [Beats another one]
- Walking the Earth: "So on he walked... and sometimes, drove... and occasionally, partied with the desert creatures."
- The War Sequence: The Chosen One faces down the army of the Evil Council... in the sequel.
- A smaller one (that we actually see) occurs near the beginning.
- Wimp Fight: Wimp Lo. Justified, as the dojo deliberately trained him wrong "as a joke".
- Which is, apparently, what some ancient martial arts schools actually did to those they felt were less than worthy.
- Wrestler in All of Us: The Cow has a mean piledriver.
- You Fight
LikeA Cow
"We will meet again, Chosen One. Many more times. In the sequel."