Tokyo Akazukin
Tokyo Akazukin, also known as Tokyo Red Hood, follows the story of an eleven-year-old girl who calls herself (and dresses like) Little Red Riding Hood, on a quest to find her true love, Mr. Wolf... so that he can eat her. Literally. She searches for him by sleeping with a series of male pedophiles, killing each of them when he reveals himself to not be Mr. Wolf by failing to devour her flesh (though only the tail end of this is shown, with the sex petering out as the series progresses). The police attempt to stop her career as the world's youngest Serial Killer, but they have their work cut out for them, what with her wide array of powers.
Needless to say this is NSFW.
Tropes used in Tokyo Akazukin include:
- Asshole Victims: Most of Akazukin's victims are, at best, pedophiles, though some of them are police who are simply trying to stop a deranged Serial Killer.
- Anti Christ: Mr Wolf.
- Anti-Anti-Christ: What Lupo acts like
- Axe Crazy: Akazukin and Kisa Vanitas most prominently.
- BFS: The sword Akazukin manifests in her fight with Kisa Vanitas.
- Black and Gray Morality: Technically. The protagonists are an Ax Crazy Little Red Fighting Hood although, before she was given amnesia, she was a completely good and shy person, before her Mind Wipe and told to perform as much bad deeds as possible, an incubus, a slacker that was one of her former assistants before she was given amnesia, an Italian cannibal who sends her off on missions to butcher people, and the only "good" woman, a four-armed girl that is innocent... aside from her assassin status. The antagonists consist of serial killers and angels.
- Bring My Red Jacket: Akazukin herself, as opposed to the usual Little Dead Riding Hood
- Cat Boy: Ruka, one of the rare male examples.
- Cheerful Child: Even when Akazukin is doing unspeakable things to her victims. Especially then.
- Combat Sadomasochist: Akazukin and Kisa Vanitas.
- Cool Big Sis: Arosa comes off as a Bizzaro-world version to Akazukin.
- Creepy Child: Akazukin's very cheerfulness makes her creepy.
- Cult: Arosa runs one which seems sex-based.
- Curtains Match the Window: Ruka.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Kisa.
- Demon Lords and Archdevils
- Dual-Wielding: Vivian, at the same time as Guns Akimbo.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Akazukin is often shown as almost dead white.
- Enfant Terrible: Akazukin, and how!
- Eyes of Gold: Akazukin and Ruka
- Girlish Pigtails: Akazukin wears hers in braids, Kisa Vanitas has hers loose.
- Good Thing You Can Heal
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Ruka and Kisa Vanitas
- Grimmification: Perhaps one of the most extreme cases out there.
- Gorn
- Gratuitous Italian
- Guns Akimbo: Vivian, at the same time as Dual-Wielding.
- Holy Halo: Kisa Vanitas has one over each pigtail
- Horny Devil: An young looking incubus.
- Humanoid Abomination: Akazukin certainly qualifies. She's sometimes referred to as Alucard's child for a reason.
- I'm a Humanitarian: The "good guys" base of operations is Stomaco Di Ferro, a very specialist butchery. The child killer in an early chapter also eats his victims.
- Interplay of Sex and Violence: Most obvious with Kisa Vanitas
- Light Is Not Good: God doesn't care about the fact he's sending a murder-addicted angel to Earth, but it's clarified he's desperate to stop the end of the world. One of his soldiers, a giant, also doesn't want to fight Red Hood and her friends.
- The Big Bad is an angel.
- Little Miss Badass: Akazukin kills three odd SWAT members that vaguely know about her real identity, via hair. It goes on from there.
- Little Red Fighting Hood: Our heroine
- Magnetic Heroine
- Meaningful Name: Lupo is Italian for "Wolf."
- Meganekko: Vivian
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Vivian
- Mugging the Monster: Those who try to molest or rape Akazukin quickly finds the tables turned.
- Same thing with the bunch of rapists meeting Kisa Vanitas.
- Parental Incest: Lupo's yearning for his mother is quickly twisted into a disturbing obsession for her.
- Prehensile Hair: When Akazukin's hair get freed from the Girlish Pigtails, bad things happen.
- Redemption in the Rain: The end of the series.
- Say It with Hearts: Every other speech bubble, mostly Akazukin.
- Scenery Censor: All the darn time, given how often Akazukin or her opponents are running around naked.
- Shout-Out: There's a panel in the second to last chapter where Mr Wolf holds Akazukin exactly the same way Unit 01 holds Kaoru right before crushing him.
- Stripperiffic: Kisa Vanitas' outfit combines Zettai Ryouki with Combat Stilettos, and a Mini-Dress of Power featuring a cross-shaped dress cutout, a whole lot of Underboobs, a Cleavage Window and an Impossibly Low Neckline.
- Arosa the Witch seems to be a bit fond of dressing like a dominatrix.
- Tears of Blood: Kisa Vanitas in her post cat appearance.
- Troubling Unchildlike Behaviour: Smoking is the least of these.
- Xanatos Gambit: It's set up by one angel, who apparently was in love with Akazukin since the beginning of time, and tries to wipe out everyone else to start this romance over again. Since Akazukin is practically unkillable and she won't fall for anyone else, the only outcome is his preferred outcome.
- Winged Humanoid: Ruka. Kisa Vanitas has wings, but they're mounted to her arms and aren't for flight.
- Woman in White: Kisa Vanitas at first glance.
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