
Don Bluth's adaptation of the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale.

It sticks to the basic story fairly closely. A woman pines for a child and, magically, she is gifted with a little girl no bigger than her thumb. Thumbelina, as she is promptly named, is a happy person but secretly pines to meet someone tiny like herself. Over the course of the film, she gets into several misadventures with various characters who want to marry her (come to think of it, this is a pretty odd story). Eventually she finds the enchanted Fairy Prince of her dreams. They get married and Thumbelina transforms into a Fairy and good times are had by all.

Tropes used in Thumbelina include:
  • Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: Jacquimo wears only a hat, a scarf and boots.
  • Adaptation Distillation: Say what you will about the overall quality of the movie, but most of its weird and or confusing points (e.g., Thumbelina being born out of a flower and inexplicably growing wings at the end) were already in the original story by H. C. Andersen. The romance between Thumbelina and the fairy prince was, if you can believe it, even more abrupt in the fairy tale. Also, Thumbelina's toad suitor and the beetle were never heard from after their initial appearances, whereas the film expanded their roles.
  • Acrophobic Bird: Why doesn't Jacquimo just take Thumbelina on his back and fly her home?
  • Adorkable: Thumbelina.
  • All Animation Is Disney: When test audiences first saw this movie with the Warner Bros logo, the reviews were mediocre at best. When aired with the Disney logo, reviews on average were much higher.
  • All-Knowing Singing Narrator: Jacquimo.
  • Almost Kiss
  • Analogy Backfire: Jacquimo's examples of love conquering the impossible, suggesting he should probably read more:

Jaquimo: Samson loved Delilah... Romeo, et Juliet... oh, impossible!

Thumbelina: I think I'm gonna marry him.
The Nostalgia Chick: I mean I've known him for all of twelve hours!

    • Incidentally, this is a step up from the Hans Christian Andersen fairytale, which has Thumbelina meet the prince for the first time, fall in love with him, and marry him at the very end of the story.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Thumbelina.
  • Furry Confusion: The Fairy Prince's pet bumblebee the only realistically drawn animal in the entire movie. According to some it's the fairy equivalent of a motorcycle, but it's still noticeable as there is a cartoony bee in the Jitterbugs gang. As a whole, the Jitterbugs look like they've wandered off the set of a different movie entirely.
  • Gag Boobs / Non-Mammal Mammaries: Mrs. Toad. They're not massive, exactly, but there's just no ignoring them.
  • Gay Paree: The prologue takes place here. Odd, since the rest of the film has nothing to do with Paris and given the author's nationality you would expect the story to take place in Denmark.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: The beetle spanking Thumbelina after her bug costume comes off, and her reaction to said spanking.
  • Happily Ever After
  • Heroes Want Redheads
  • He's a Friend: The dog wants to attack the prince, as Thumbelina forgot to greet him as a guest.
  • Humans Are Ugly: The opinion of the bugs at the club after Thumbelina's bug costume falls off.
  • Hurricane of Puns: The entirety of the Yer Beautiful Baby musical segment.
  • "I Am" Song: The title song.
  • Idiot Ball: Thumbelina. Every time she gets kidnapped, she keeps letting the kidnappers take advantage of her, and while she does eventually stand up for herself, it's not really until about ten minutes from the end of the movie. Yeah...
    • Well, she really has no other choice, you know. There really wasn't anything she could do.
    • Arguably justified by her sheltered existence. She takes Mrs. Toad's word for it that she'll be allowed to see her mother again later, Mr. Beetle pressures her to perform for him before helping her (and balks on the actual helping part), and Mrs. Field Mouse shoves her to marry Mr. Mole while the poor girl is in mourning over the apparent death of Cornelius.
  • In Case You Forgot Who Wrote It: The movie's full title is Hans Christian Andersen's Thumbelina.
  • The Ingenue: Thumbelina, to the point that she cannot defend herself in any way until the end of the movie.
  • Ink Suit Actor: Mrs. Toad was modeled after her voice actress. Jarringly so.
  • Interspecies Romance: Discussed by the mole.
  • "I Want" Song: "Soon".
  • Love At First Note
  • Marry for Love: Thumbelina. Ms. Field Mouse begs to differ.
  • Mars Needs Women: Against her will, Thumbelina is very popular with other species, though it's partially subverted at the end of Yer Beautiful Baby when the crowd realizes she isn't a bug, but "an ugly human". At first she takes it in stride and seems slightly annoyed about it, yet in the very next scene she has turned into an Emo Teen.
  • Missed Him by That Much: Don Bluth must love this trope.
  • Mole Miner
  • Non-Mammal Mammaries: Mrs. Toad. Good God, Mrs. Toad.
  • Non-Standard Character Design: See Furry Confusion above.
  • Painting the Frost on Windows: The fairies are responsible for changing the seasons.
  • Pep Talk Song: "Marry the Mole" is a strange pseudo-example. While Miss Field Mouse thinks she's giving Thumbelina good advice and encouragement, she's also telling her to marry someone for their money and that love is over-rated.
  • Pop Star Composer: Oh, Barry Manilow.
  • Random Events Plot: Thing is it's not all the movie's fault either, the original fairy tale is just that odd.
  • Rapunzel Hair: Even when Thumbelina has her hair in a high ponytail, it still goes down to her thighs.
  • Redheaded Hero: Thumbelina and Cornelius.
  • The Renaissance Age of Animation
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Prince Cornelius covers a surprising distance (considering his size), nearly dies in a frozen lake, and fights a large irate frog to save Thumbelina.
  • Sealed with a Kiss
  • She's A Man In The Original Fairy Tale: Ms. Field Mouse.
  • Shout-Out: Mr. Beetle's first name is Berkeley, though the ballroom sequence isn't a Busby Berkeley Number.
  • Songs of Solace: "Soon" is sung by Thumbelina to comfort herself because she's lonely. Her mother later sings it to comfort herself over her missing daughter.
  • Species Surname: Mrs. Toad, Mr. Beetle, Miss Field Mouse, and Mr. Mole.
  • Spexico: Los Sapos Guapos say they come from Spain. Yet the song has snippets of samba (Brazil), conga (Cuba), tango (Argentina), and mentions Mexican foods. Mrs. Toad may be parodying Charo, but her hairstyle looks more like that of Marie Antoinette (from France). And the Toad boys are dressed like Harlequins (from Italy). Spain is spelled as both Espana and Espagna. And though the troupe is called Los Sapos Guapos (The Handsome Toads), they seem more like frogs at times and Mrs. Toad says "ranitas" (frogs) once as well.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: In an equal-opportunity instance of this trope, almost every animal sports some kind of clothing or hairstyle that marks him or her as male or female.
  • Trailers Always Spoil: Yes, you see Thumbelina grow a pair of wings and her wedding with Cornelius right there in the trailer.
  • Troperiffic: The strongest amalgam of Disney tropes before Enchanted.
  • True-Blue Femininity: Thumbelina.
  • Villain Song: Depending on who you consider to be the villains and who are just mean, we have "On the Road", "Yer Beautiful Baby", and "Marry the Mole".
  • Wacky Wayside Tribe: Pretty much of the whole damn movie.
  • What Happened to the Mother?: This is something that's been bothering people about the original story. This is averted in the movie as we see clips of Thumbelina's mother worrying about where Thumbelina is. Later we see her at Thumbelina's wedding at the end of the film.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Cute?: Oh, hell yes, but it all comes from the original story. Thumbelina is courted, over the course of the story, by a toad, a beetle, and a mole. She finally marries the cute Fairy Prince.
    • And it's also played with (and again, it has roots in Andersen): the Beetle intentionally disguises Thumbelina for the Beetle Ball because, to bugs, she is ugly. When the disguise falls apart, she's jeered so badly that he has no problem helping the others kick her out.
  • Wonder Child
  • You Have Waited Long Enough: Miss Field Mouse pressures Thumbelina into marrying Mr. Mole when she has only just been notified of her true love's apparent death.
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