Sealed with a Kiss
When the Official Couple kiss at or very near the ending of the series or film. If the kiss itself isn't the very last shot, it will probably be followed by their wedding, a dance, Riding Into the Sunset, or closing the bedroom door.
Chances are good this will precede any ending narration or title card that says "And they lived Happily Ever After."
Sometimes a sub-trope of Last-Minute Hookup. Not to be confused with Last Kiss.
As an Ending Trope, Spoilers ahead may be unmarked. Beware.
Examples of Sealed with a Kiss include:
- D.N.Angel ends with Daisuke and Riku sharing a kiss while Risa and Hitawi are hinted to hook up later. Actually, the only "hint" is that they could be seen as gazing at each other. Whether this actually was supposed to be a hint or not is debated in fandom.
- Simon and Nia in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Interestingly it's also a Last Kiss, since Nia's existence cannot be sustained any longer because she has Anti-Spiral data in her, and she fades away.
- Sailor Moon ends with Usagi and Mamoru kissing in the moonlight.
- Summer Wars ends with a kiss. The main character doesn't quite have the balls to do it, so his love interest has to take things into her own hands and give him a peck on the cheek. He collapses as a result.
- Corsair ends this way, with the protagonists kissing on the top deck of their ship.
- Tenshi ni Narumon ends with Noelle and Yuusuke kissing, mirroring their first kiss from the first episode. For some, Raphael and Mikael also count, though theirs is not 'that' visible
- Brigadoon Marin and Melan ends with the title characters kissing. It might be a good-bye, kiss, though, so this may actually be a Bittersweet Ending.
- Bakuman。 ends with Mashiro and Azuki kissing.
- Disney, naturally, Loves This Trope:
- Cinderella
- The Little Mermaid
- Robin Hood
- Beauty and the Beast
- Aladdin
- The Princess Diaries, which makes a big deal about the Foot Popping.
- Nancy and Edward in Enchanted—the Official Couple's True Love's Kiss came earlier.
- Sky High
- The Princess and the Frog...
- ...and Tangled in classic Disney tradition.
- High School Musical 2
- The first Fantastic Four film
- A movie version of the myth Jason and the Argonauts ends with Hera and Zeus watching Jason and Medea kiss. (They neglect to tell you what came next, of course...)
- The Princess Bride. "This kiss left them all behind."
- This is the standard ending for James Bond films, although the woman saying "Oh, James..." only came later. A few examples:
- Dr. No: Bond and Honey Ryder make out in a rescue raft while throwing away the mooring rope tying them to a Coast Guard ship.
- On Her Majesty's Secret Service is famous for lacking such an ending. Poor Tracy. ;-;
- The Man with the Golden Gun: Bond disconnects a phone call from M to make out with Mary Goodnight.
- The Spy Who Loved Me:
Gray: Bond! What do you think you’re doing?!
Bond: Keeping the British end up, sir.
- The Living Daylights: Kara Milovy is disappointed that Bond didn't attend her concert. Turns out he did, and sneaked into her dressing room. It's famous for being the most WAFFy ending of a Bond film.
- The ending of the tremendously Darker and Edgier Licence to Kill has a WAFFy ending as well.
- Tomorrow Never Dies: Bond declines rescue from the Royal Navy in South China Sea so he can make out with Wai Lin. Fridge Logic dictates that they would end up drowning, but oh well...
- Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace don't have any such scenes yet, and as such, only time will tell...
- Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs ends with Sam and Flint finally getting to kiss, punctuated by Brent yelling "Yeah! I'm a chicken!"
- Don Bluth's Thumbelina.
- Avatar
- The first Spider Man film subverts this trope. Mary Jane confesses her love to Peter and kisses him. Peter turns her down and insists that can only be friends, knowing that if Spiderman's enemies found out about her, she would be in constant danger. The second film plays it straight when the two kiss passsionately.
- Percy Jackson and The Olympians The Last Olympian gets Percy and Annabeth together. "And it was pretty much the best underwater kiss of all time."
Live Action Television
- In the series finale of Chuck, the last image is of Chuck and Sarah kissing on the beach.
- Sabrina the Teenage Witch
- The Musical Episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It's lampshaded just before it happens with the lyric "The curtains close on a kiss, God knows we can tell the end is near."
- In Scrubs's Season 8 finale (which was supposed to be the Grand Finale, but wasn't), the last image J.D. sees on the "Goodbye" sign is of him and Elliot kissing.
- The end of season four of Merlin more or less ends on the image of Arthur and Guinevere kissing as he crowns her Queen of Camelot (though there is a brief Sequel Hook afterwards involving Morgana in the forest).
Video Games
- The Playstation version of Chrono Trigger added a movie of Crono's and Marle's marriage to the standard ending. The same movie also shows Kino proposing to Ayla and Frog (in his human form) being knighted.
- The ending of the Witch Hunt DLC for Dragon Age can be the player character and Morrigan embracing before stepping off into the unknown.
Web Original
- Ruby Quest
- Kid Radd, only it ends right before the kiss, which pisses the hero to no end.
Western Animation
- Avatar: The Last Airbender
- Kim Possible... originally
- And then again at the ...uh...second finale of the series.
- Danny Phantom, then the Official Couple does a Riding Into the Sunset that ends the series.
- Gargoyles without the non-canonical third season.
- Word of God holds that, typically, gargoyles kiss by stroking each other's hair and brow ridges. Mouth-kissing gets picked up from humans. In that same last episode, Goliath strokes Elisa's hair.
- Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder has Fry and Leela finally kiss before the crew flies through a wormhole to escape Zapp.
- Sat AM Sonic the Hedgehog
- Robin and Starfire at the end of Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo. Cyborg remarks it's about time.
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