< The Runaway Guys

The Runaway Guys/Characters

/wiki/The Runaway Guyscreator

The Runaway Guys is a collaboration between Chuggaaconroy, Proton Jon, and Nintendo Capri Sun. They Let's Play games together, and plan to have a special guest for most of their projects. There are many tropes about them, now the player-specific tropes go here.

Tropes pertaining to multiple main Guys:

Multiple Runaway Guys

  • Butt Monkey:
    • Tim. He -- as Yoshi -- has been attacked by steam in Luigi's Engine Room, chased by a giant boulder in DK'S Jungle Adventure, bitten by a Pirahna Plant in Peach's Birthday Cake, and eaten by a giant fish on Yoshi's Tropical Island.
    • He also got the first Game Over in New Super Mario Bros. Wii. And got killed by the first Goomba. Appropriately, he's playing as Luigi.
    • Averted in the Mario Kart 64 filler; Tim actually won!
    • Also, the lone CPU gets this in an actual round. One of the rounds actually has the guys forming an Anti-CPU alliance.
    • And now the first death in Super Smash Bros.. Brawl.
    • Jon as well, mostly during DK's Jungle Adventure. Then Yoshi's Tropical Island. Then he won.


    • Chuggaaconroy has spells of being this every now and again, so that practically makes everyone these.
    • In New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Josh Jepson gets his turn at this; while NCS tends to die as often as him, he at least gathers more lives, meaning Josh usually has the least lives and the most deaths.
    • A large portion of the Great Maze in Subspace Emmissary can be summed up by "TIIIM!"
  • Chromatic Arrangement: Both in terms of characters in New Super Mario Bros and of names in Brawl, Chugga is Red (He's called the fearless leader), Jon is Blue (He's shown to be better at the games than the other two, while knowing the most,) and Tim is Green (The most laid-back and gentle of the three). Josh even fulfills the Yellow fourth member part of the trope.
  • Dream Team
  • Evil Laugh:
  • Griefer: Chugga plays this role very well.
  • Ho Yay: Enough for its own page.
  • Large Ham: Chugga is the Largest Ham of the entire group, as per his usual LP's where he sends his mic levels skyrocketing into the red zone. He really doesn't like it when things don't go his way.
    • When Jon is having a round in Mario Party that doesn't go his way, he starts shouting GAAAAAAAME. He also has quite a few freak-outs like this during other boards, especially Eternal Star.
    • Josh Jepson appears to be one as well.
  • Motor Mouth: Nintendo Capri Sun talks real fast. Chuggaaconroy does this as well, though mostly due to having a ton of things he wants to say.
  • One of Us: They say that they went to go see a The Protomen concert at PAX. Chuggaaconroy added that they were awesome.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Averted in the case of NCS, whom the two others address by his real name, Tim, quite often. Played straight with Chuggaaconroy, even though his real name, Emile, is widely known. And subverted by Proton Jon, whose nickname contains his real name. (No, it isn't Proton.)

Emile: His first name is Proton, his last name is Jon. Plot twist!

    • Ironically, NCS does usually call him "Proton" rather than "Jon".
    • Finally averted with Chuggaa in New Super Mario Bros. Wii in World 6.
  • Power Trio: Seems to border on Knight, Knave, and Squire at times.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni, Purple Oni: Chuggaa and Tim could be seen as this trope, while Jon rapidly switches between red and blue at times. The other two are always red and blue, though.
  • Verbal Tic: Chugga has a habit of suddenly saying "Luigi!" whenever NCS does something of note in the New Super Mario Bros. Wii videos.
    • Josh also did this a couple of times.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: The relationship between Jon and Chuggaa has definite shades of Type 2.
    • Especially prevalent in New Super Mario Bros., with them repeatedly trying to kill each other.
    • Guess what was Jon's and Chugga's most common death cause at the end... EACH OTHER.
      • Summed up well in this conversation:

Jon: *to Chugga* I hate you.
Chugga: No you don'-
Jon: YES I DO!

    • In New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Josh also joins in, getting a Type 2 relationship with both Jon and Chugga. Tim is the only one not hit by this.

Tropes pertaining to the main three Guys:


One of the main three Runaway Guys, Chuggaa is usually the best or at least better players of whatever game the group is playing. He also tries to annoy Proton Jon as much as possible and allow for situations where the viewers can laugh at the group's collective suffering. In Mario Party 1 and Mario Party 2, he played Donkey Kong, in Super Smash Bros, he played Ness, in Mario Kart 64, he played Wario, in New Super Mario Bros Wii, he played Mario, and in Kirby's Return to Dreamland, he played as Kirby. In the Tournament Arc of Super Smash Brothers Brawl, he played Lucas, and in Mario Power Tennis he played Bowser Jr.

  • The Ace: Not normally, but in Mario Power Tennis. To the point where Rodri is praised for being the only player to NOT be curb-stomped by him. Indeed, the guest players seem to see him as the Opposing Sports Team.
  • Adult Child: Played for laughs, and done intentionally, but his childish humor easily fits this trope.
    • Somewhat appropriate since he is the youngest of the three members.
  • Ambiguously Gay: Viewed by Proton Jon as this, thanks to A) his repeated usage of the word "suck", B) his Double Entendre style phrases, and C) the occasional Ho Yay moment. Mostly with Jon.
    • His hinted-at offscreen moments of...something [1] make Jon (and possibly the viewers) question this more. Strangely, he never shows any signs of this in his own LPs, so he could just be deliberately acting weird to make these videos funnier.
  • Anti-Hero: Type I or II normally. Becomes a Type V in New Super Mario Bros. Wii.
  • Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: He has a habit of being distracted, such as pointing out how nice the background looks, while in the middle of gameplay.
  • Attention Whore: Unable to let anyone else speak for more than a few seconds before interuppting them, constantly screaming over the other players and adamantally refuses to let anyone else be Player 1. Wouldn't be nearly as bad if it weren't for the fact that if anyone dares to call him out on it, be they a fan or a fellow Runaway Guy, they're immediately branded a hater and abused by almost all of Chuggaa's fanbase.
  • Awesomeness By Analysis: When Jon and Tim are asked on their formsprings what they genuinely like about Emile, they both say this is one of his best traits here [dead link] and here. [dead link] Since he's the one who provides detailed information on every game and edits all the videos, this is to be expected.
  • Berserk Button: Steve, as usual.
  • Better Than a Bare Bulb: If there is any form of coincidence, irony, or status quo change in either the game or with the three of them, Chuggaa will point it out sooner or later.
  • Born Lucky: As per his normal LP's, Chugga has huge strokes of luck in Mario Party, including winning the majority of the boards, having his stars switched with the leader at the last second thanks to Chance Time, and running into multiple Star Spaces in one turn. Subverted Trope concerning the dice rolls that determine turn order, as he keeps getting to move last.
    • Also, in the sequel, getting a last second hidden star on the final turn in Pirate Land, ultimately leading to his victory.
    • Jon points this out in Horror Land of Mario Party 2 and refers to it as Chugga's "stupid luck".
  • Buffy-Speak: Has begun doing this as of late. A good example:

Chugga: I'm an Olympic...person.

  • Butt Monkey: Normally not nearly as much as the others, but in Kirby's Return to Dream Land, he becomes the subject of plenty of verbal abuse from Jon.

Jon: This is my pool party...I invited all the cool kids from school...Don't know why Kirby's here though.

Chugga: Hey!

    • Even Tim gets in on this:

Chugga: I'm the American...person.

Jon: Dream? You're the American dream?

Tim: One more reason to move to Canada.

  • Call Back: Chugga has referenced the Runaway Guys videos in his then-current solo LP's -- Pikmin 2 and Luigi's Mansion. He specifically references "Don't Eat The Mushroom" whenever a poison mushroom shows up in the mansion.
    • This has continued into later LP's as well.
  • Catch Phrase: "Might as welllll JUMP!"
    • Not to mention it's almost always him saying "DOH I MISSED".
    • "That is not the point" is his usual rebuttal when Jon wins an argument with him.
    • "WHERE YOU AT?" whenever something goes his way.
    • Likes to say "Maybe-possibly-almost-not-quite" instead of just a simple "maybe" (or anything similar).
  • Character Development: He starts out in Mario Party rather normal, only having occasional Large Ham or Cloudcuckoolander moments, with pretty much the only real humour from him coming from his rivalry with Jon. By New Super Mario Bros. Wii, however, he's become much more entertaining.
  • Character Exaggeration / Flanderisation: After the incident in the first LP about him never having seen an Indiana Jones or Back to the Future film, Jon now reacts with exaggerated shock every time Chuggaa mentions he's seen any film.
    • Similarly, in Mario Party 2, Jon likes to exaggerate Chugga's love of the Wario "DOH, I MISSED" catchphrase (together with Chugga's encyclopaedic knowledge of games) by claiming Chugga has an annotated list of every single situation in the game where the catchphrase appears.
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: Jon informs us that Chuggaa has one of these.
    • Referenced again in Subspace Emissary 5.
  • Children Are Innocent: He cites himself as this. Josh laughs.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Not stupid, per se, but tends to not play too well in Subspace Emissary. However, when they reach normal matches rather than platforming, he proves to be quite competent.
    • He shows this even more in the bonus battle and tournament, doing amazingly well in both. He wins both of their matches in the bonus battle, and reaches fourth place in the tournament. And he likely could have gotten even higher, if he hadn't lost his first match due to a rolling crate spawning and ramming him offscreen.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: He's on the delivering side in Mario Power Tennis, constantly. He was one of the only ones to practice, though.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Almost as much as Jon.
  • Determinator: According to Jon's Formspring [dead link] , Chuggaa really wanted to be Player 1 in Kirby's Return to Dream Land since the three of them hadn't changed player numbers since the beginning, despite not being terribly good at the game. So he allegedly powered his way through the game in order to prove to Jon that he was capable of being Player 1. And he was, once the project began.
  • Doing It for the Art: Volunteered to partake in control stick spinning, despite the fact that none of the guys had to, just so the viewers would enjoy it.
  • Double Standard / Fantastic Racism: Played to very humorous effect and lampshaded every single time.
  • Grammar Nazi: Is the first to correct Jon whenever he says something like "Tim and me", reminding him to say "Tim and I" instead.
  • Griefer: Usually the one that screws the other guys out of victories.
  • The Hero: The unofficial leader, due to his gaming skill. Furthered by him always being Player 1, except in Subspace Emissary, where the guys took turns as Player 1, Player 2, and not playing.
  • Hidden Depths: In episode 3 of Kirby's Return to Dream Land, it's mentioned that he can beatbox.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Lost his tournament match against SuperJeenius, thanks in part to accidentally losing a life at low damage.
    • Later, he loses to Diabetus when he forces the match into Sudden Death. Though to be fair, if he didn't do that, he would've lost anyway, since Diabetus was about to kill him.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Tortures Jon with the "Move faster Pokey" line for fun, but reacts in pure agony whenever Jon mentions Steve.
  • Keet
  • Large Ham
  • Man Child
  • Mr. Exposition: He is often the one to know the most about the game they're LPing, and will supply information about the details and background of it as they play.
  • No Indoor Voice: Utterly screams whenever something really good or bad happens.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Subverted over the course of the Runaway Guys as a whole. Jon refers to him as Emile more often over time. Tim mostly just responds to others, therefore doesn't call the others by any name.
  • Out-of-Character Moment: He occasionally becomes angry or irritable, despite usually being the cheerful one. Most prominent examples are Bowser Land of Mario Party 2, the Precision F-Strike example below, and the Mario Party 2 recording failure story listed on their Epic Fail page.
  • Phrase Catcher / Fan Nickname: Jon and some of the tournament guests have taken to calling him "Mr. Conroy" in a crotchety old man voice.
  • Poke the Poodle: His revenge on Jon for trying to kill him is to not replace the batteries in Jon's controller until after the game is over.
  • Precision F-Strike: A hard one to hear; after they got a star coin which took them quite a while to get, only to have the only one alive, Jon, die at the end, Chugga says this:

Chugga: I never thought I'd say this. Fuck you, Proton Jon.

Proton Jon: Oh, so you're the one saying [you're] surrounded by idiots now!

  • Troll: It's difficult not to imagine Chugga making a trollface when he makes an Incredibly Lame Pun or screws Jon over. His teachers always said (and he agrees) that he does not work well with others, which explains why he acts differently than in his solo videos.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: He seems to want to impress Proton Jon (his inspiration to be an LPer) in the Super Smash Bros. Brawl playthrough.

Proton Jon

One of the three main Runaway Guys, Jon is also a great player, but is usually messed up by the game or Chuggaa. Tends to act like he's Surrounded by Idiots. In Mario Party 1, Mario Kart 64 and Mario Party 2, he played Mario, in New Super Mario Bros. Wii, he played Blue Toad, in Super Smash Bros, he played Captain Falcon, and in Kirby's Return to Dreamland, he played as Meta Knight.. In the Tournament Arc in Super Smash Bros Brawl, he played Ike, and in Mario Power Tennis he played Luigi.

  • The Ace: Although bad luck or his teammates tend to screw him over. Cemented when he won the Brawl Tournament Arc. Subverted in the Mario Tennis arc, where he was the very second loser.
  • Berserk Button: His old catchphrases, such as "Move faster Pokey".
    • Insulting his mother is shown to be one in the first episode of Horror Land.
  • Canada, Eh?: The other two comment on his dialect.

Chugga: Well, you say "zed"!
Jon: *gasp* OH NO, I'M CANADIAN.


    • The latter part of the Subspace LP took place at his home in Canada. Chugga frequently states that he's in "enemy territory", and at one point Jon realizes he can kick Chugga out of his house.
    • He even claims he is allowed to deport Chugga from Canada, or at least put him under citizen's arrest.
    • In Western Land in Mario Party 2, they Lampshade the rather Canadian way Jon says "No."
  • Catch Phrase: "GAAAAAAAAME!"
    • He also seems to be turning "Get off my plane!" and "GO AWAY!" into this.
    • During Mario Party, he says "PENTAGON PUNCH!" a few times, referring to Mario's rather pentagon-shaped glove.
  • Cluster F-Bomb / Precision F-Strike: More often than the other two main guys.
  • Character Development: He's not nearly as much of a Token Evil Teammate, Large Ham, or Deadpan Snarker in Mario Party as he is in future playthroughs.
  • Deadpan Snarker: As per his usual LP's:

Jon: It's about time.
Emile: ...Shut up.

  • Disproportionate Retribution: The reason he's trying to kill Chuggaa's player avatar in New Super Mario Bros. Wii is for Chuggaa throwing a pillow at him. Though he did get a black eye from it, because it wasn't a normal, "fluffy," type of pillow. It was one of those hard cushions used for back support.
  • Fake Nationality: Not true, but accused of this. Someone called him out on pretending to be Canadian, despite the fact that he is genuinely Canadian.
  • Flanderization: In Mario Party, he tends to be a jerk sometimes, but only when it's justified or Played for Laughs. In New Super Mario Bros. Wii, he becomes an outright Token Evil Teammate whose sole purpose is to kill Chugga.
    • Subverted somewhat, as he seems to go back to normal during Subspace Emissary.
  • For the Evulz: After getting over Chuggaa nearly giving him a black eye, he's still determined to make Chuggaa use a continue. When asked why, he simply says "Because I can!"
  • Handicapped Badass: During the Smash Bros. filler video, he beat Chuggaa and Tim, while using a controller he wasn't used to.
    • During the Tournament, it was revealed that he didn't get a lot of sleep and was tired beforehand. And he won anyway.
  • The Lancer/The Smart Guy
  • Only Sane Man: Likes to think he is, at least.
  • Purple Oni: The calm and collected one during Mario Party (most of the time). Switched to red from blue when New Super Mario Bros. Wii started up. Ironic, considering he plays Blue Toad. Yes, Jon not only shares this trope with another Runaway Guy, but has actually been on both ends of the trope's spectrum.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: His frequent "Bye guys!" moments in New Super Mario Bros. Wii.
    • Also occasionally jokingly does this later on, such as near the end of the first episode of Kirby's Return to Dream Land:

Chugga: (trying to wrap up the episode) This has been...
Jon: Me flying away. (as he does just that)

  • Take That, Audience!: Chuggaa has his fun sometimes, but Jon makes fun of the Fan Dumb among the Guys' fanbase more than anyone else.
  • Third Person Person: When playing as Captain Falcon in Brawl.
  • Token Evil Teammate: During New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Especially towards Chugga after the pillow incident.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Goes from somewhat annoyed with Chugga in Mario Party to outright trying to kill him (and occasionally Josh) in New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Even more after Chugga accidentally gives him a black eye.
    • He goes back to "normal" in Subspace Emissary, though he still tries to annoy Chugga whenever possible.
  • Troll: In episode 14 of Mario Bros., he actually starts being more annoying again because he hasn't "been trolling enough" apparently.
    • He Tries very hard in the last videos to get Chugga killed enough times to have to use a continue. He even asked Josh and Tim to help. (It failed.)
    • He had the most teammate kills, and was Chugga's leading cause of death.
    • Not to mention his tendency to bring up the Steve meme at every available opportunity.

Nintendo Capri Sun

Another of the main three players, Nintendo Capri Sun (also just "NCS" or "Tim") is the quietest and nicest of the three. This usually means Chuggaa and Jon will beat him, though he's not by any means bad at games. In Mario Party 1, Mario Kart 64 and Mario Party 2, he played Yoshi, in New Super Mario Bros Wii, he played Luigi, and in Kirby's Return to Dreamland, he played as King Dedede. In Super Smash Bros, he initially played Yoshi in his match against Chugga, then switched to Fox for the remainder of the video. In the Tournament Arc in Super Smash Bros Brawl, he played Diddy Kong, and in Mario Power Tennis he played Yoshi.

  • Apologetic Attacker
  • Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: It's been theorized by the other Guys that the reason he keeps dying in the games is because he's not paying much attention as he plays.
    • This was definitely present in the final stages of Subspace Emissary, where Tim died or caused the others to die constantly. Reached its logical conclusion in this superb Non Sequitur right at the end.
  • Badass Decay: One of the most noticeable things about him on this channel is that he's a lot worse at games than usual. On some occasions, this is a Justified Trope, though. This also applies to his performance in Subspace Emissary after doing considerably better in the filler episodes of the last LP.
  • The Big Guy
  • Blue Oni: Even calmer and more careful than Jon was in Mario Party. Plus, it sticks during the transition to New Super Mario Bros. Wii.
  • Catch Phrase: Aside from the ones from his regular playthroughs, he has taken to usually using a simple "Dahh!" when he screws up, rather than yelling, cussing, or narrating what just happened like Chugga and Jon.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Somewhat. He tends to talk to himself in the background, usually while others are talking over him, so viewers will often only catch snippets of what he's saying and wonder what the hell's running through his mind. This can often lead to an Orphaned Punchline.
  • Dark Horse Victory: Teased for Yoshi's Tropical Island, but Jon won instead. Tim did, however, win earlier at Wario's Battle Canyon.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Occasionally, but definitely not as much as the others.
  • Gasshole: NCS belches several times in just about every video.
    • Lampshaded once when they pointed out that someone other than him belched.
    • On Yoshi's Tropical Island, once the rest of the group got a whiff of something, he admits he'd passed gas three times by that point.
  • Hidden Depths: He shows that he is very skilled at button mashing in Mario Party 2. He even avoids being caught by Chugga in Crane Game, when Chugga had 40 seconds to go.
  • Mad Libs Catchphrase: Eventually, he keeps making his 'in the bathroom' joke, but replacing the last word with anything relevant.
    • He also does this with his "A bee?!" catchphrase, switching it out with anything relevant that rhymes, such as "A key?!"
  • Magikarp Power: After struggling through much of the New Super Mario Bros. Wii run, he ends up practically carrying the team come the final stage.
  • The Medic: During New Super Mario Bros. Wii, he usually pops the other players' bubbles.
  • Nice Guy: Tim is very gentle compared to the others, only stealing from the CPU during Mario Party. He also never dicks over anyone else during NSMB Wii, either by intentionally using them as springboards or grabbing them and throwing them down pits.
    • This also adds a bit of Fridge Brilliance as to his low score on Mario party; nice guys finish last.
    • He's begun abiding by this a bit less in later playthroughs; while he doesn't act like a total jerk and avoids screwing with the others when they need to use teamwork, he has stopped going easy.
  • Only Sane Man: Almost the entire time in New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Also during other games, though to a somewhat lesser extent.
  • Out-of-Character Moment: Any time NCS sends his voice skyrocketing for one reason or another (to the extent he outdid even Chugga) usually ends up catching everyone involved off guard.
  • Power Creep, Power Seep: NCS is normally a very good gamer, having done quite a few Self Imposed Challenges and the like [2]. However, since the Mario Party LP started, he's been the Butt Monkey of the group, having both lost more coins than he's earned and placing in dead last in at least half of the boards. Fans speculate he's holding back and will go One-Winged Angel at an opportune moment. And as of Episode 16, they may be right.
    • He seems to be getting this in New Super Mario Bros. Wii. So far, he's died on the first Goomba, lost more lives than anyone else, and was the first player to have to use a continue. This can mostly be attributed to his nice guy nature in refusing to use everyone else as springboards, and falling to his death (except once). And as Josh Jepson pointed out in a comment, he actually feels he's doing worse than Tim because Tim never uses the bubble mechanic. On the bright side, he's collected a good majority of the Star Coins so far, but the LP is too early on to say for sure if this will be a constant.
      • He does seem to be doing better than Josh now, but he's still miles behind Chugga and Jon in the long run.
    • This was lampshaded in a Facebook post:

[Chuggaaconroy]: Tim can do 3-heart runs of Zelda, beat Contra on Hard with no continues, and even beat Super Ghouls & Ghosts, yet despite all this, he does not understand the concept of pressing A to not die.

    • Chuggaa finally came out and just asked him about it, and Tim responded that it's the control sticks in general that mess him up so bad. The evidence matches up, as all the games he's pulled off incredibly well were before the advent of analogue sticks. Also, the fact that there are more players on the screen was mentioned.
    • He's doing better now in Mario Party 2, but unfortunately the Random Number God is still causing his overall performance to suffer.
  • Pungeon Master: Not to the same extent as Chuggaa, but he does make quite a few puns. And they're generally given a warmer reception.
  • The Quiet One: A common complaint in the earlier Mario Party videos is that the normally very talkative NCS was being far too quiet; all three contributors promised that he would come out of his shell in later videos. And so he did, but he's still definitely the quietest of the three.
    • He does do a lot of talking, though, but mainly to himself in the background.
    • Subverted twice in the filler videos. In Super Smash Bros.. his 'Let's get ready to rumble!' was so loud and long it left Jon and Chugga dumbfounded, then when he won in the lost recording of Mario Kart, his Big Yes reached Chuggaa levels of loud.
    • And definitely subverted as of Episode 7 of Subspace Emissary -- probably because they are recording at Jon's house and not a hotel, so he doesn't have to worry about waking people up.
      • Jon also mentions in his interview with LPCatchPhrases that NCS is a generally quiet and shy person, so part of it is probably him warming up to his new team members.
  • Some Call Me... Tim: Literally.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Not doing much better, but he isn't completely losing New Super Mario Bros. Wii like with Mario Party.
    • While still the only one to never win a match, he did KO Jon once or twice during the Smash Bros. filler video, and then won Rainbow Road during the Mario Kart video.
    • He's also gotten loads better as of Mario Party 2. However, due to Jon and Chugga also being a bit better and luck usually not going in his favour, this tends to not show as well as it should.
    • The Mini-Game coaster showed that he got exceptional in playing the mini-games, particularly Hot Rope Jump. The challenge is that you have to jump fifty times and he did it on his first try!

Tropes pertaining to guest Guys:

Josh Jepson

The special guest Runaway Guy during the New Super Mario Bros. Wii LP, where he played Yellow Toad. Later, he returned to compete in the Smash Bros. Brawl tournament. He played as Link, and in Mario Power Tennis he played Koopa Troopa.

  • Berserk Button: People making fun of his name by connecting him to George Jetson.
    • He dislikes lava.
    • He also quickly grows tired of people replying to his Catch Phrase "I'm Josh Jepson, but you knew that already" with "You're Josh Jepson?" and "Oh my god you guys, Josh Jepson's here!", as Chugga learns. Several times.
  • Butt Monkey: He is always trying to get 1-Ups, but thanks to bad luck, dying too much, and Jon hogging them, he can never get enough.
    • In the Smash Bros. Brawl Imitational Tournament, he is the first of the guys to lose a match and be sent to the "losers" side of the bracket (shortly followed by Tim). Then, later in his match against Chuggaa, he almost never landed a single hit on him, with the Shy Guy racers doing most of the damage for Josh.
  • The Chick: During his time with the Guys. Lampshaded by Chuggaa.
  • Clothes Make the Superman: Lucahjin jokes in Mario Power Tennis that his socks are the reason he ever does good.
  • Colbert Bump: He's Josh Jepson. But be honest, how many people who didn't subscribe to him knew that already, before the New Super Mario Bros. Wii LP?
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Things go his way in Episode 11. Even after that, he's able to pull off some pretty Badass stunts now and then.
  • Hates Being Touched: Implied in his introduction:

Chugga: I'm Chuggaaconroy with the special guest!
Josh: Yes... don't touch me please...

Tropes pertaining to Multi-Player Guests:

Donnabellez (played Yoshi in SSBB)

  • Adorkable
  • Big No: A milder version when she gets beaten.
  • Butt Monkey: Alongside Josh, he and she are both the first losers of the entire tournament.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: She lost a stock after accidentally using one of her own techniques to fall into a pit on the stage.
  • Southern Belle: She kind of has that accent.

Lucahjin (played Ganondorf in SSBB, played Peach in Mario Power Tennis)

ALoyalGamer (played Marth in SSBB, played Mario in Mario Power Tennis)

Super Jeenius (played Zelda/Sheik in SSBB)

Goodbye. Nice knowing you.

  • Tempting Fate: Gets hit with Mario's Final Smash after someone pointing out how no one went for the Smash Ball.
  • Troll: Kind of a mixture between Chuggaa's style of trolling and Jon's.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Not a villain, but he came off as rather upset by losing.
  • Worthy Opponent: Jon says he sees him as this, even though they never fought each other in the tournament.

DiabetusRP (played Mario in SSBB)

  • The Ace: Somewhat; he made it to the semi-finals through the loser's bracket and was responsible for the elimination of two main Guys, so he definitely has enough skill to be classified as this.
  • Crystal Dragon Jesus: Chuggaa regards him as "The Jesus of Let's Playing" (as Slowbeef is the God of Let's Playing).
  • Deadpan Snarker: Given what he's made himself known for, it's not a surprise.
  • Foreshadowing / Lying Creator: The Guys mentioned at one point that they'd meet up with him, and later it was confirmed he would not be their guest player. And here he is now. Not lying per se, but it was tricky.
  • Funny Background Event: He keeps getting invested in one of these (the polar bear on the Ice Climbers' stage).
  • Handicapped Badass: Does well in the tournament, despite being sleepy.
  • Hero-Killer: Defeats Chuggaaconroy for good in sudden death, even after Chuggaa was buying himself time to kill him there first, and previously Diabetus had knocked Tim out of the Tournament. He's responsible for two out of three Runaway Guys losing the tournament.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Loses a life (and his first match) by trying to grab a Bob-Omb.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: Cracked a few during his second match.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: Realizes that the cost of winning another match means he'd have to stay awake late at night for even longer.
  • The Unexpected
  • The Quiet One: Not as much as ALoyalGamer, but more than other guest fighters, he likes to be quiet and focus on playing. He eventually makes some jokes and puns starting with his second match.
  • Running Gag: Mentioning that he's sleepy and that he's playing while asleep.

SyKhotic (played Lucas in SSBB)

  • The Ace: Aside from Jon, he is the only competitor to have never lost a match. At least until he fought Jon. Twice.
  • Canada, Eh?
  • Curb Stomp Battle: On the giving end, to Lucahjin. Of course, there is a lampshade hung.
    • And later, on the receiving end from Jon. Twice.
  • Flat What: See Mind Screw below.
  • I Have Many Names
  • Mind Screw: In-universe; considers SuperJeenius's dodging of the lava wall in Norfair to be this, if his flabbergasted reaction is anything to go by.

SyKhotic: What.

SuperJeenius: Problem?

  • My Name Is Not Hulk Hogan
  • The Quiet One: Doesn't say much in his first or third battle, but opened up more in the second.
  • Running Gag: Introducing himself by several different names (all of which actually apply to him) at the start of his battles.

CloudFangLP (Played Shy Guy in Mario Power Tennis)

  • Ascended Fanboy: He went from uploading clips of the Guys' videos, to participating in one of them, though he did already have his own Let's Plays.
  • Hero-Killer: He knocked Tim out of the tournament.

PurpleRodri (Played Daisy in Mario Power Tennis)

  • The Ace: Reaches second place and comes exceptionally close to beating Chugga, who won his previous matches via Curb Stomp Battle.
  • Cross Player: Played as Daisy in the tennis tournament.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: Delivers one unto ALoyalGamer in their tennis match.
  • Les Yay / Crack Pairing: The joke that he's not only with Daisy, but that he's also female and with Daisy.
  • Person as Verb: Chuggaa and Josh say, "Ready to Rodri."

Jon Paula (Played Mario in Mario Power Tennis)

JP: Yeah, that makes sense.

  1. For example, he apparently tried to kiss everyone one night
  2. including beating Contra on Hard WITHOUT DYING
  3. Chugga and SyKhotic both use Lucas in the tournament
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