The Reconstruction/Characters
Characters of The Reconstruction. Note that the placement of names of many characters could be considered spoilers, so you probably shouldn't read this until you've completed the game.
Six Stars
This folder contains all playable characters and members of the guild. Except for the sixteenth one, character names will not be marked as spoilers, so read at your own risk.
Dehl Sikohlon

"My life for Wadassia."
Race: Shra-Sikohlon. Class: Whiteblade. Human-normalized age: 22 (real age: 110-113)
In-game description: "A polite, peaceful young shra, he tries to fit in with the people of Wadassia. A gate guard for the city's defense army. A well-balanced fighter with no outstanding strengths or weaknesses, he arrived in Wadassia one day 10 years ago."
Raised as a Sikohlon, Dehl tries to act like a human. As such, he is extremely orderly and obedient to human rules, even if others look down on him for being a shra. He feels that this is his duty, as he has lived in Wadassia ever since he came to the mainland, and he says it has granted him great hospitality—although one may wonder about the validity of that claim. At the advice of his friend Sicious Qualstio, he creates the guild Six Stars as a way of performing tasks to help the city—though he is torn between his duties as a city guard and his duty as 'leader' of the guild (a title he disagrees with).
Dehl is also very stoic, peaceful, and compassionate as part of his upbringing among the Sikohlon, a clan of pacifists. There seems to be something slightly off about him compared to the rest of them, though, such as his willingness to wade into combat and the sadness in his eyes...
...That's because he was horribly traumatized as a child. His father attempted to create a virus that spread through bloodshed, as a way of deterring violence -- this was the Blue Plague. However, he overdid it, and made the virus deadly instead of just a deterrent. Somehow, he found out that shra blood could resist the infection -- and so he killed everyone on Dehl's island to gather blood samples and isolate a cure. He failed though -- when Dehl was the only one left, Dehl's pseudo-magic powers manifested, leading to the Accidental Murder of his father. Dehl then took a Plague-infected Moke (the only survivor) with him to the mainland, leading to the spread of the Blue Plague in the first place. Dehl has major guilt issues over this, which is why he's trying to be The Atoner.
- Accidental Murder: Of his father, in self-defense.
- An Ice Person
- Berserk Button: The si'shra come pretty close to this for him; the only time his normally calm and pacifistic resolve fractures prior to chapter 6 is when he's about to confront the si'shra warden. He actually wants to charge straight into battle and dissuades any attempt at diplomacy.
- Possibly justified, since all the Sikohlon seem to have been taught from a young age to loathe the si'shra.
- The Berserker: Turns into one after his Freak-Out in chapter 6.
- Character Development: And how! By the end of chapter 5, he goes from being a soft-spoken Extreme Doormat content to do thankless deeds to a celebrity and symbol of hope for the entire world, as well as a capable leader of a large and varied guild.
- This is symbolically represented by his Eleventh-Hour Superpower at the end of chapter 5 -- a change in armor from his simple Sikohlon robe to a massive suit of full plate mail, after which he almost looks like a different person. They both have similar color and designs, meaning that, superficially, they represent the same things—purity, goodness, orderliness, and all that. However, the implications they carry are incredibly different—one is the attire of a simple pacifist, while one is that of a warrior.
- Amazingly, this is also deconstructed in a sense. Dehl finds that this transformation is not entirely positive -- to take on such a mantle, he must abandon many of his previous ideals, and he himself hates the man he has become.
- Chaste Hero: As evidenced by his conversations with Kidra, who says Double Entendre lines every five seconds. To be fair, he is a shra.
- The Chosen One: According to Fell, anyway.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Extreme Doormat: To a disturbing degree.
- Foil: To Qualstio and Skint.
- Freak-Out: In chapter 6. He does not take well to seeing the city he had sworn to protect burned to the ground, and makes an almost complete 180 in his personality, becoming a Byronic Hero Berserker. He snaps out of it in the ending, though...we hope.
- The Hero: Subverted due to his passive personality and Technical Pacifist-ness. He doesn't actually do a whole lot of leading and is barely even able to claim the title of "main character" (as corresponded by the fact that he actually can be dropped from the active party).
- Heterosexual Life Partners: He and Qualstio have shades of this. Justified, since when Dehl came from the mainland, he had just witnessed his entire family being killed, and had only an infirm Moke for companionship. Qualstio helped him and gave him shelter at the first opportunity, and so he's practically the only family substitute Dehl's had for a decade.
- It's All My Fault: It's revealed in chapter 6 that he has major guilt issues over bringing the Blue Plague to the mainland.
- Man in White
- Magic Knight / Jack of All Stats
- The Messiah: Deconstructed. Much as he wants to, he can't be a perfect Ideal Hero -- no one can -- but unfortunately, he doesn't realize this in time, and the stress causes him to snap.
- Mighty Glacier: Initially. If you put points into his passive skill line, he becomes a Lightning Bruiser.
- The Paladin: Of the non-religious variety.
- Personality Powers: His elemental affinity is Cold.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Dehl is the blue, Qualstio is the red. Lampshaded by Qualstio with their support quote:
"A little cliché, don't ya think?"
- Self-Made Orphan: By accident. Also, his father was trying to off the offspring, so it's not like he had much of a choice.
- Stockholm Syndrome: There are hints that he has this, at least somewhat—despite his claims that Wadassia has been nothing but hospitable to him, the many scenes where he is reviled and insulted by the townspeople speak otherwise. Also, rather creepily, there are some conversations where it seems like he honestly believes the racist mentality of the Wadassians to be right—that he is a non-person. It could just be an act to avoid conflict, but there is one scene that suggests otherwise...
- The Stoic: Lampshaded by Tehgonan, who is baffled by Dehl's insistence that he never feels anger.
- Stoic Woobie: And how.
- Not So Stoic: His Freak-Out.
- Technical Pacifist: In stark contrast with most Sikohlon, who are Actual Pacifists. He's also okay with killing the Exclusively Evil monsters. Even though they have minds and souls.
- Deconstructed when he actually does kill people in front of a Sikohlon child. He gets a rather nasty What the Hell, Hero? speech afterwards and is banished from the Sikohlon family.
- Technicolor Sclerae: Yellow, like most shra.
- 24-Hour Armor: After he gets his armour upgrade.
- Weapon of Choice: A blunted Cool Sword (that still deals Slashing damage).
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: When he was younger. In the present...
Zargos D'Rath

[to Skint] "That answers nothin'! Where ye of the Crown or the Spear? Which side bought ye out?"
"Skint... if ye just wanted t'help your own kind, why'd you get involved in the Revolt at all?"
Race: Human. Class: Trudge Knight. Age: 33
In-game description: "A former soldier and ambassador to neighboring areas, Zargos and his wife want to travel abroad for their own enjoyment. Strong-bodied and proficient at boosting ally morale through Rushing in battle, he is a retired member of the Trudge Knights."
Zargos is a proud member of the Trudge Knights, a group of loyalists who fought for the Wadassian crown when the peasants' revolt broke out 10 years ago. He met his wife, Santes, on the battlefield. He also has experience as an ambassador, and as such, has traveled extensively. Despite his equipment and fighting style, he is actually far calmer and more level-headed than his wife.
Tensions flare between him and Skint when he notices Skint has the same platemail as him. This platemail was only given to those who participated in the war, and it doesn't look like Skint fought for the Crown... If only he knew the truth. In fact, he does later learn that Skint wasn't such a bad guy, and eventually does come to terms with him.
- Battle Couple: With Santes. Their support combination is centered around this.
- The Berserker: You'd think he'd be this, due to his weapon of choice and stats...but he's actually much more level-headed than his wife.
- Arguably, Santes might actually fit this, due to her willingness to dive headlong into danger.
- Fiery Redhead: Subverted.
- Foil: To Santes.
- Genius Bruiser: He's very knowledgeable due to traveling the world before settling down in Wadassia.
- Shock and Awe
- 24-Hour Armor
- Weapon of Choice: An Axe to Grind
- Write Who You Know: According to Word of God, he and Santes were based on a real-life roleplaying couple the developer knew.
Santes D'Rath

Race: Human. Class: Blessed Corps. Age: 29
In-game description: "A well-trained battle priest and gifted healer of the fallen, Santes is highly inquisitive and can converse for days. Adept at curing the body and the soul, and a wielder of wrathful Divine type magic. Veteran of the Blessed Corps association."
Santes is a proud member of the Blessed Corps, a group of healers who have outposts and hospitals all across the world. She is equally interested in the "smiting" aspect, though. She tends to have her head in the clouds and be generally fickle and weird, but she is still a loyal and devoted friend to the guild. She is also highly inquisitive, and tends to barrage passerby with questions about whatever city she's in.
- Action Girl: To an extent. Though she is a healer, she's equally capable at inflicting damage.
- All Women Love Shoes
- Battle Couple: With Zargos. Their support combination is centered around this.
- Brainy Brunette: Zig Zagged. She does have a good education and is a member of a respected organization of healers (she even has half-moon spectacles). However, she is also a rather...eccentric.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Foil: To Zargos.
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul: Inverted.
- The Glasses Come Off: Averted.
- Light'Em Up
- 24-Hour Armor
- Weapon of Choice: Simple Staff
- White Magician Girl: She has the weapon and skills, but does not have the personality. She's also more of a Combat Medic.
- Write Who You Know: According to Word of God, she and Zargos were based on a real-life roleplaying couple the developer knew.
Tehgonan Clapian

Race: Human. Class: Spectrumancer. Age: 11
In-game description: "A brash, smarmy young man from a well-to-do family, he is nonetheless incredibly gifted in certain magical arts. Proficient at elemental manipulation, and enchanting or dispelling squares in battle. Presently skipping out on school."
Tehgonan is a Bratty Half-Pint who skips his classes to join Six Stars. He is extremely rude and standoffish, as well as a bit of a bigot due to his upbringing in a shra-hating family. He and Qualstio take a liking to one another due to their similar outlooks on life.
As one might expect, he goes through substantial growth throughout the story, eventually realizing that his prejudices against shra were incorrect, and that he should continue Metzino's research so that everyone can contribute to society equally.
Also, this is incredibly obvious, but Taru is his father. He comes from a long line of bigots, which is why he had such negative views of shra pounded into his head.
- Black Bead Eyes: Averted; unlike almost every other character, his eyes are drawn with irises.
- Hair of Gold: Subverted.
- Character Development: Lampshaded by Qualstio after his sidequest.
"Okay. Who are you, and what have you done with the real Tehgonan?"
- Full Name Ultimatum: After successfully completing his sidequest, this is played quite straight by his mother when she catches up to him in Fortifel after he spent some indeterminate time (you can do his sidequest early in Chapter 4) with Six Stars without asking proper permission.
"Tehgonan Aloysius. Clapian!"
- Glass Cannon: He has the potential to be extremely powerful if you're good at setting up elemental enchantments. However, all of his stats are pathetically low and his skills have high costs.
- Jerkass: He's slightly less of a prick than his father, but is still quite the Bratty Half-Pint. He gets better.
- Light'Em Up: He can manipulate literal light, plus a bit of geomancy on the side.
- Magikarp Power: He starts off as a pathetic Squishy Wizard, with terrible stats and high-cost, gimmicky abilities. However, if you take the time to level up his "Geomancer" passive skill, he becomes incredibly powerful—those gimmicky abilities get increased chances of success, making them legitimately useful in combination with other party members' attacks. But best of all is his final skill, 'Geo God', which gives him incredible boosts to his Body and Soul stats, which are otherwise pathetically low. Suddenly, he stops being so squishy and his skills can be put to formidable use.
- Parental Substitute: Qualstio seems like he may border on this for Tehgonan while he's in the guild. The two interact a lot, with Qualstio often giving him moral and practical guidance.
- Weapon of Choice: Magic Wand
Fero Flael

"Do not let your mind be poisoned by the air [of Kir'Ssha] mine once was."
Race: Fih'jik. Class: Huntsman. Human-normalized age: 20 (real age: 10)
In-game description: "A friendly but shy Fih'jik hunter of wild game, he seeks to prowl upon the most dangerous creatuers in the wilds of the world."
Fero is a fih'jik who, like most of his kind, left to escape the chaos of his homeland. However, he is also a skilled hunter, and constantly seeks new game to test his skills on.
Unlike other fih'jik in the guild, he actually hails from Kir'Ssha. However, he has cut his ties and now has no loyalties to the Violet Sands. In his sidequest, he meets a group of other Kir'Sshan hunters, who mention that they once lost a member of their group to the wilds, and that he would be about Fero's age. It is never explicitly stated, but it's quite probable that Fero was this lost member. He claims he cannot remember, though.
- Alliterative Name
- The Archer
- Defector From Decadence: He was once a Kir'Sshan hunter, but has now cut his ties and is loyal to Do'Ssha.
- Fragile Speedster: Sort of. He has the highest Agility stat in the game (plus a ton of Agility-boosting support combos) and his skills have very long range due to his weapon of choice. However, to compensate, his attack power is a bit lacking compared to other characters'.
- Poisonous Person: Only in regards to his elemental affinity, though.
- The Stoic: In stark contrast to Ques and Lani.
- Technicolor Sclerae: His are neon green.
Sicious Qualstio

"Ohhh, so you've heard of me! I guess I won't have to tell you to stay outta my way."
Race: Fortian. Class: Invoker. Age: 26
In-game description: "Cynical and confident, Qualstio seeks to prove his abilities against the most powerful threats that inhabit the world. Proficient in a variety of kinds of elemental damage, particularly the Heat variety. Intentionally displaced from Fortifel."
Qualstio is a very strange fortian. He left his homeland at a young age, and unlike the stiff, orderly personality that is the norm for fortians, he is extremely frank, matter-of-fact, and somewhat fiery. He also seems to have a dislike of rules and authority. Despite these apparent contradictions, he has been a valued friend of Dehl every since he came to the mainland. It is odd that such conflicting personalities could become such stalwart friends, but perhaps they are more similar than they first appear...
Qualstio's hatred of Fortifel (and authority in general) is because, when he was still a child, the Councillords locked up his parents in Sanctifel for unexplained reasons. Qualstio was furious, and took out his rage on the council, leading to his reputation as a criminal and outcast. However, he eventually learns to control his anger and stay more grounded.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Deadpan Snarker: Indulges in this from time to time, though not as often as Ques.
- Foil: To Dehl.
- Catch Phrase: When characters express confusion over another character's decisions, his response is usually "I think I have an idea."
- Heterosexual Life Partners: He and Dehl have shades of this. Justified, since when Dehl came from the mainland, he had just witnessed his entire family being killed, and had only an infirm Moke for companionship. Qualstio helped him and gave him shelter at the first opportunity, and so he's practically the only family substitute Dehl's had for a decade.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: In fact, you will slowly realize that he is actually more moral than Dehl. Dehl is definitely more polite, but due to his Stockholm Syndrome and Extreme Doormat-ness, he is complicit in horrible things such as the slave trade, for no other reason than because they fall under the law's jurisdiction.
- Meta Guy: To a degree.
- Parental Substitute: He may border on this for Tehgonan while the kid is away from his parents. The two interact a lot, with Qualstio often giving him moral and practical guidance.
- Personality Powers: Oh yes. Also inverted, though, as he has a Cold-elemental spell too.
- Playing with Fire: Subverted, though, since he has an ice spell as well.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Qualstio is the red, Dehl is the blue. Lampshaded by Qualstio with their support quote:
"A little cliché, don't ya think?"
Lani Derra

"My life is discipline! Your mission becomes mine. Just tell me what to crush!"
Race: Fih'jik. Class: Wandertower. Human-normalized age: 26 (real age: 13)
A boisterous and incredibly tough fih'jik who joins Six Stars after being rescued from ttchitra and realizing she has nowhere to go. Though she was born in Do'Ssha, she has lived in Nal for most of her life.
This was for her to become strong enough to stand up to the Silver Army.
- Action Girl
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Mighty Glacier
- Shock and Awe: She doesn't actually have any powers like this, but it is her elemental affinity.
- Technicolor Sclerae: Blue-green, like most fih'jik.
- 24-Hour Armor
- Weapon of Choice: Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me

Dehl: You will be able to save many people if you join us.
Sirush: Myself...included.
Race: Human. Class: Professional. Age: 32
Sirush is a strange, perfectionistic, rather crazy man who speaks in fragmented sentences. He is always incredibly tense, and on the lookout for 'stalkers'. He claims that it is unsafe for Six Stars to associate with him, and that whoever is after him will take out them as well. He refuses to disclose personal information, or his purpose for doing anything.
He was once a member of an assassin's guild. However, one day, he messed up an assignment and ended up killing the wrong person. He was expelled from the guild for this failure, and lived in constant fear that they would take revenge, gradually leading to a complete mental breakdown. His wife couldn't take this, and had to leave him -- but this just made things worse, as Sirush thought that the assassins had taken her as a way of getting back at him. Eventually, though, Six Stars helps him overcome these issues...somewhat. This is helped by the fact that his stalkers are almost certainly dead after the destruction of the world.
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Bad Dreams
- Cloudcuckoolander: Until his personal sidequest has been completed, he does not seem to be reading from the same script as everyone else. He seems to be perpetually in his own little world and probably has very little understanding as to what's even going on most of the time.
- Contract on the Hitman: The reason why he's always on the lookout.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Glass Cannon: Sort of. Due to the way stat gains are handled, one can simply upgrade his defense, so that isn't a problem. However, all his skills consume very high amounts of health, and all of them are short-range, causing him to get attacked a lot as well.
- Hates Small Talk: On the very few occasions he speaks to his teammates, it's almost always a robotic tactical analysis of the situation.
- Mangst
- Strange Syntax Speaker: Possibly a result of his derangement, although it could also be the dialect of his assassin clique, evidenced by the fact that the assassins stalking him in his dream speak as he does, whereas others in the dream do not.
- Weapon of Choice: Knife Nut
Kidra Silvery

"A home is destined to be fled."
Race: Human. Class: Flashcurve. Age: Undisclosed
A strange girl from Nal who talks in near-constant Double Entendres. Six Stars reluctantly allows her to join, though they sense something is amiss about her. She claims to be a regular girl, but is oddly talented at combat, and has extremely rare and expensive "sleeksteel" armor.
That's because she's actually a member of the Nal police. The secret police, that is, whose job it is to make sure the real police are doing their jobs correctly -- though of course, the real police's job in the first place was to make sure the old police didn't abuse their power either. Nal's government is a mess. Kidra realizes this in the ending, where she assists in the rebuild of Nal, and agrees with the people who say that a mess of guards, officers, and police, just makes everything worse and invites corruption.
- Action Girl
- Interspecies Romance: Implied in her support quotes with Ques and Kulkumatz. Also implied in her first conversation with Dehl.
- Personality Powers: Her elemental affinity is Heat.
- Playing with Fire: She doesn't actually have any powers like this, but it is her elemental affinity.
- Weapon of Choice: Knife Nut
Halia Falitza

"I...I see...through...the un-seeable..."
Race: Sactifellian. Class: Wonder Caller. Age: 18
Falitza was thrown into Sanctifel after trading her mind away to peer into the unseeable because she got bored with her studies. Her condition is ever-worsening. With the assistance of Six Stars, she can be liberated from Sanctifel. In a sudden flash of sanity, she manages to sign up and join their ranks. However, she quickly returns to spouting nonsense.
She enjoys babbling about "the sky", "the blue", and "fate", among other strange things. Though her mad phrases may seem like incoherent nonsense, there may be a few genuine truths to it for those who look carefully...
...this is because she isn't crazy in the first place. It turns out that she was so sick of being "little miss perfect" and having her parents hold her to ridiculous standards that she staged the entire "peer into the unknown" thing so that she wouldn't have everyone breathing down her neck. Unfortunately, it backfired, and before she could escape, her family threw her into Sanctifel. Perhaps she liked it there, though, since she never made any attempt to leave...
- An Ice Person
- The Fatalist: "The sky portends this, and all things." "The sky does not approve." "I must not disobey [the sky]!" And so on...
- Actually, not really. It's part of her act.
- Fiery Redhead: Inverted. Her element is actually Cold, in fact! Actually Double Subverted; she could indeed be described as rather fiery in her ending scene.
- Infallible Babble: Her cryptic predictions. Subverted, as she's actually sane and just analyzing the situation.
- Mad Oracle: Subverted.
- Obfuscating Insanity
- The Ophelia: Subverted, of course.
- Power of the Void: She apparently channels the "power of nonexistence", which manifests as some really weird spells, at the cost of her sanity. Technically, though, her elemental affinity is cold.[1]
- Strategy Schmategy
- Waif Prophet: She can see the future, rend a hole in reality, rip a being's life essence in twain, and peer into the minds of others. She is also a complete nutcase. Subverted in that her powers aren't innate; she got them by experimenting with dangerous and unknown magic and "peering into the unknown".
- Weapon of Choice: Good Old Fisticuffs (her of all people!)
Ques Mahesto (real name: Seku Muezza)

Race: Fih'jik-fortian. Class: Tactician. Human-normalized age: 68 (real age: 34)
Ques is a renown and published historian who is hired as the guild manager of Six Stars. However, after the initial year contract expires, he decides to join the guild proper and prove his tactical prowess in battle. He has a sharp tongue and biting wit, abilities he can actually put to use in battle.
Ques isn't his real name, though, as astute players might realize, since it doesn't follow the two-syllable naming scheme. He used to be a Do'Sshan assassin by the name of Seku Muezza, but he cracked during one assignment and fled to Wadassia. Since he was the leader, the group later fell apart and all but one, his sister, were captured and/or killed.
When he meets Syri, his sister, he claims he doesn't care about her or the Flightblades, but after she is captured by Kir'Ssha and almost certainly dies, he continues to hope against hope that she is still alive and kicking, desperately trying to think of what mischief she's gotten into at every opportunity. Which is kind of creepy and sad at the same time.
- Cool Old Guy: He's 68 in fih'jik years, but he's still a good fighter.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Deadpan Snarker: Oh yes.
- Mission Control: For the first half of the game.
- Non-Action Guy: Until he joins the guild proper, that is.
- Technicolor Sclerae: Blue.
- Weapon of Choice: Royal Rapier
- You Fight Like a Cow: One of his passive abilities revolves around this. In fact, he's so effective at it, it can break the target's will to fight.
Moke Sikohlon

"If I continue to wield such vileness, shall I one day become completely consumed by it?"
Race: Shra. Class: Fetormancer. Human-normalized age: 42 (real age: 210-214)
Moke was the servant of Dehl's father, and was taken along with Dehl to the mainland. However, he was infected with the Blue Plague, which took a toll on his memory, even though he survived. He now cannot remember anything before coming to serve the Sikohlons. He also has a strange condition that causes him to ooze foul, noxious slime from his scales. This condition drove him to study natural flora and poisons, and it eventually became his specialty. He is also highly intelligent and knowledgeable, as well as quite possibly having the greatest magical talent among all shra (who cannot use magic normally) on the planet. However, despite his element of choice and imposing physical frame, he is very compassionate and meek.
Tezkhra seems to recognize Moke and takes an interest to him, implying that Moke may be related to the creature that killed him. Also of note is that, in his sidequest, there appears to be a council of shra with greater magical talents, like him. He denies their offer to join the council, though, because he feels he still has a duty to his friends. What these "greater shra" actually are is a mystery. No definitive answer to either mystery is within this game, though.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Ditzy Genius: He is intelligent and oddly powerful, but he definitely lacks wisdom and social skills.
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul: Inverted.
- Glass Cannon: He's one of the most powerful and versatile attackers in the game, and though youll likely make him suitable for soaking up Body (and, to a lesser extent, Mind) attacks, his defenses start out virtually nonexistent.
- The Glasses Come Off: Averted.
- Personality Powers: Maimed, stomped on, and tossed out a window. Slightly reconstructed however, when his sidequest reveals the constructive and positive aspects of the Noxious element.
- Poisonous Person / Plaguemaster
- Technicolor Sclerae: Actually averted, which is in and of itself an example of the trope ( makes sense, trust us). He has normal white sclerae, unlike any other shra (or si'shra, for that matter) we've seen.
- Weapon of Choice: Knife Nut
- Why Did It Have To Be Bugs: Moke isn't that strong-willed of an individual normally, but he has a crippling fear of insects in particular.
- The Woobie
Rehm Sikohlon

"No one dies today. None of us, and none of them."
"None of us...none of them... So much for that promise."
Race: Shra-Sikohlon. Class: Whitewind. Human-normalized age: 27 (real age: 135-139)
A surprisingly feisty Sikohlon who doesn't object to charging into battle, but does object to actual killing. After he is sent off into the world, he makes a living by raiding pirate and slave vessels, with occasional help from the Wadassian navy. However, he and his crew fall on hard times, and have to make an honest living in Nal (or as honest a living one can make there, anyway) to raise enough money to repair their ship. While there, he comes across a fortian by the name of Padrino Metzino, who asks if he can come along with them.
Rehm agrees, and it proves to be a tragic mistake, for the Metzino line has a blood feud with another family. While en route to Fortifel, they are assaulted by a member of the rival family, who kills Sara when she tries to stop him. This drives Rehm into a complete breakdown and he decides he has no choice but to kill himself, since he's a failure as a captain. He tries to starve himself to death, but some Nalian slavers find and capture him before he can. He is then abused for decades as he destroys his memory due to alcohol being the only thing to dull the pain. Fortunately, he is later discovered and helped by Six Stars, who manage to help restore his self-confidence. He joins the guild as thanks.
- Blow You Away
- Dark and Troubled Past: In the present day.
- Dual-Wielding
- Heroic BSOD: After Vasra's death, he becomes largely unresponsive and extremely depressed, a disturbing contrast with his normally cheerful behaviour. Shortly after, he very narrowly avoids being Driven to Suicide.
- Interspecies Romance: Between him and Sara, possibly, given that he made a special nickname for her and calls her "my Vasra" at one point.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Man in White
- Personality Powers: He has powers over the weather, which fits with his carefree personality and the value he places on freedom.
- Playing with Fire
- Technicolor Sclerae: Sea blue.
- Weapon of Choice: Cool Swords

"You will help me find the proper placce to die. A placce where I may put my sspirit to resst."
Race: Shra. Class: Tu'Nuok. Human-normalized age: 167 (real age: 835-839)
An impossibly old shra who has been around since before the First Reconstruction. However, he knows he does not have long before he dies, and at first, his only request to Six Stars is to guide him to a place where his spirit can pass on peacefully. However, he is so impressed by their wisdom and the tales they tell of the outside world that he decides to join them, desiring to see the world that he has neglected for so long.
He dies in the epilogue, after realizing that the guild is where he truly belongs.
- Cool Old Guy: He's one hundred sixty-seven in shra years, but still alive and kicking.
- Grumpy Old Man: He acts like this at first, chiding Dehl and Alito as being weak due to their lack of instinct, and being generally terse and disagreeable. He becomes nicer once he joins the guild, though.
- Peaceful in Death: His ultimate goal is to find a place where he can pass on peacefully. He gets his wish in the epilogue.
- Soul Power
- Snake Talk
- Technicolor Sclerae: Neon green.
- 24-Hour Armor
- Weapon of Choice: Simple Staff
Yfus Crossar

"Why do you believe it must be stopped? Perhaps a war is exactly what we deserve."
Race: Fih'jik. Class: Sun Priest. Human-normalized age: 19 (real age: 9.5)
A sun priest of Kir'Ssha, though he was born in Do'Ssha. He eventually decides to go with his conscience and flees to Do'Ssha, though he is hated there for his status as a Kir'Sshan. He agrees to join Six Stars for protection, and so he can hold his head high once more.
He is the son of Divine Councillord Crossar, and the brother of Commandant Zaka.
- The Dandy: If you point at him in Quest Mode, he'll always be concerned with his shiny clothes. This might not be caused by vanity, instead being required for a Sun Priest, though.
- Deadpan Snarker: Has his fair share of moments. Lampshaded in his sidequest by his father.
- Defector From Decadence
- Light'Em Up
- Man in White
- Non-Action Guy: Though he does fight, his skills are more suited to healing and defense.
- Technicolor Sclerae: Light blue.
- 24-Hour Armor
- Weapon of Choice: Cool Sword

"I... I am home, so long as I serve my friends."
Alito is the well-educated servant of Metzino, and is treated much better than other shra. Because of his education, he is able to become the guild manager of Six Stars after Ques retires. Unlike Ques, he is very kind and polite (though he still has a sharp tongue in a few instances).
Alito is denied the privilege of ascending with the rest of the guild at their journey's end. This causes him to stay behind when the world is destroyed, and it is his leadership that prevents the people of Wadassia from dying out entirely.
- Mission Control: After Ques joins the guild proper.
- Non-Action Guy
- Technicolor Sclerae: Yellow, like most shra.
Character #16 (SPOILER WARNING)

"Truthfully... I have lived more in the last Surface-year than in any time before."
Race: Shra-God. Class: Deity. Human-normalized age: Indeterminate
This character is first found as a spirit in the Drop, guarded by a being who claims that he's not part of the world. Six Stars brings the spirit to Rulian, who manages to resurrect his body from the spirit's memory. The shra that appears introduces itself as "Tezkhra", to the shock of everyone else. However, despite the name, Tezkhra actually seems to be very calm, orderly, and polite—practically the opposite of the historical Tezkhra. He says he really is a god, though, and is the creator of the shra people. His memory is hazy from dying and all, but travelling the world brings some of it back. He says that the last thing he remembers is being killed by a si'shra, so it is most likely that this killer stole his name and became the god of the si'shra religion.
...Actually, most of that is only half-true. Tezkhra is not actually divine—instead, he is one of the Sufficiently Advanced Aliens who terraformed and populated the planet in the first place. He manages to establish contact with his old friends in the ending, and tells them "I Choose to Stay", even though that means he will grow old and die.
- A God Am I: Though he acts more like, "Wait, I'm a god? Uh...sure, I'll go with that."
- Arm Cannon
- Badass Boast: Surprising, considering he's The Stoic normally.
Havan: Who are you?
Tezkhra: I am Tezkhra, creator of the shra people, and a god and overseer of your world...
- Cryptic Conversation: Or rather, cryptic monologue. Even when we do see his thoughts, they often take the form of this, using vague language and trailing off before fully explaining anything.
- His conversations with the Watchers are a straight example, though.
- Dark and Troubled Past: He died, for crying out loud!
- Mighty Glacier: One of the reasons why he's Overrated and Underleveled.
- Overrated and Underleveled: He specializes mainly in status effects and gimmicks, which, due to the strategical nature of the game, are more useful than most, but still makes him fall behind other characters that can dish out significantly more damage. Also, he's slower than molasses in January, and in a game where speed is the One Stat to Rule Them All, that hampers him quite a bit. (This can't even be cured by character support like with other Mighty Glaciers, since he has no support combinations.)
- Personality Powers: His elemental affinity is "Order".
- The Quiet One: When we are privy to his thoughts, though, he can be described as quite the chatterbox.
- Shrouded in Myth: He's actually the complete inverse of the mythological Tezkhra.
- Stone Wall: Unfortunately, in this game, the best defense is a good offense, so his talents are not particularly useful—this is the other reason why he's Overrated and Underleveled. He's virtually unkillable, especially since his abilities do not consume any energy, but only has one offensive ability that isn't even modified by attack stats!
- Technicolor Sclerae: Like Moke, averted, which is in and of itself notable.
- Weapon of Choice: Power Fist

"My life...for Wadassia."
Havan is the Prime Captain of the Blue Guard. Like Dehl, he is a steadfast defender of Wadassia, and, in fact, the two become fast friends when they meet. Havan is a very upright, law-abiding young man who can come off as a bit melodramatic sometimes. He also seems to know Fell, which is a bit odd.
- Chekhov's Gunman
- Large Ham
- Weapon of Choice: Ridiculously Huge Sword
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Subverted; he's a good guy. Actually double subverted; he's the Big Bad.
The Blue Guard

The Blue Guard is a fellow guild of Wadassia, led by Havan. Due to his friendship with Dehl, the two guilds vow to help each other and, by extension, the rest of the city. The Blue Guard follows in the footsteps Six Stars around the world, but they begin to appear out of their depth before long.
Havan's second-in-command and lifelong friend is the sorceress Adi. The third member of their guild is a shra named Cort, who, in fact, seems to embrace—not resent—subservience and obedience to his masters.
After Havan takes over the world, Adi and Cort remain by his side and share the spoils. However, the ragged appearance of their Character Portraits suggest he hasn't been entirely kind to them... Regardless, when tensions break out, they side with Havan and defend him to the death. Their motives for doing this and thoughts on their situation are ambiguous.
- Action Girl: Adi.
- Extreme Doormat: Cort.
- Goldfish Poop Gang: Done well. It's used to make sure you aren't thinking too much why they're still there more than halfway through the game and why the use for the artifact hasn't been explained yet; at the point where you'd normally start to get suspicious, there are bigger things at hand that push them off to the side.
- Leitmotif
- Snake Talk: Cort.
- Technicolor Sclerae: Cort has green ones.
- Weapon of Choice: Magic Wand for Adi, Blade on a Stick for Cort.

"Hmmhmm, but you won't [kill me], and do you know why not? Of course you do. You're smart."
Metzino is a friend of Qualstio's, and agrees to harbor the guild during their stay in Fortifel. He is (in)famous for his radical theories and inventions that rely on sources of energy other than magic. He has managed to stay out of trouble so far—and has even risen to a prestigious rank—but tensions between him and the Councillords are mounting, because this technology could forever change society...
His family line also has a blood feud with the Pazzato line, for unexplained reasons. The current Pazzato is the Mental Councillord, so the rest of the Council is easily able to manipulate events to force the two into a duel -- and no matter who dies, they will win. Metzino puts up a good fight against Pazzato using some kind of energy gun, but Pazzato eventually gets the best of him and throws him off the Faithall Tower. After his death, the Council destroys everything, and since he has no children, there will be no one to carry on his work. Well, except Brenetto, his faithful student who survived unscathed...except that he's never seen again after the apocalypse, so he's almost certainly dead as well.
- Killed Off for Real
- Non-Action Guy: Mostly.
- Sacrificial Lamb: He's either this or a Sacrificial Lion; though he only appears for one chapter and is killed off long before the actual Sacrificial Lions, he is only killed off at the very end of the chapter he appears in.
- Verbal Tic: "Hmmhmmhmmmm..."
Yacatec Yutli

"I trade in many things, as I said before. This land is a fount of riches, hza nek?"
Yacatec is a well-to-do shra and the head of the Berylbrine Outpost. The presence of a surname is rather odd, though, as shra don't normally have one... Six Stars attempts to gain favor with him when they decide to help the outpost, but it is soon revealed that, since the Berylbrine island is the homeland of the shra, slaves are among Yacatec's main exports. This disgusts the guild, but they are forced to comply with his demands, since he's the man in charge.
It is later revealed that he has a surname for a reason -- he's married to a human woman from Do'Ssha. He claims that all his skewed business practices were to raise money for his family, especially since war is breaking out in Do'Ssha.
Then, after the apocalypse, his family is murdered and he is enslaved by the si'shra -- an ironic fate. He helps Six Stars get through the Lord-God's spire after they free him.
- Alliterative Name
- Back for the Finale: Though it's done in a rather depressing manner. He appears in the final dungeon as a slave, and helps you get through said dungeon after you free him.
- Boomerang Bigot: Played with no laughs at all—he sells his own kind into slavery.
- Interspecies Romance: He has a human wife.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Debatably. Qualstio doesn't buy it.
- Laser-Guided Karma: He sells his own kind into slavery, but he's revealed to be a Jerk with a Heart of Gold due to Love Redeems. After the apocalypse, his wife is murdered, and he himself is enslaved by the si'shra.
- Love Redeems: He's a Jerk with a Heart of Gold because he has a loving family. Defied by Qualstio, who still thinks he's a horrible person, even if he does have a family.
- Nice Hat: He takes it off when he's not in the Lowlands, though.
- Pardon My Klingon: He does this twice; Early in chapter 4, he calls Tehgonan a "Zin d'an",[2] at which point Dehl snaps, "Yacatec, please do not call him that." Later, after the camp is threatened to be washed away by magical rain, he snaps at Ques, flinging what is presumably a heinous insult at him in his native language.
- Technicolor Sclerae: Yellow, like most shra.
- Verbal Tic: He likes to sprinkle random shra phrases into his speech. We're never given a translation as to what they actually mean, though.
- What Could Have Been: He was originally intended to be playable.
Syri Muezza

"We thought you were dead... T'was something far worse than death! You abandoned us! Your family! It's your fault!"
Syri is the last of the Flightblades, a group of assassins who defended Do'Ssha against their neighbors. She is highly intelligent and very skilled at stealth and subterfuge. When she overhears Six Stars expressing concern over the mounting tension between the two fih'jik cities, she offers to help. Also, Syri is the sister of Ques/Seku, who used to be the leader of the Flightblades. She blames him bitterly for causing the collapse of the Flightblades, which led to Syri being the only one left alive.
She eventually helps Six Stars get into Kir'Ssha, but on the way back to Do'Ssha, she is captured, and almost certainly dies during the Unstoppable Night.
- Action Girl: To an extent.
- She's Just Hiding: In-Universe; after she almost certainly dies during the Unstoppable Night, Ques desperately tries to convince himself she's still alive at every opportunity.
- Schrodingers Cat: Incredibly Lame Pun aside, she is captured right before the Unstoppable Night, and Ques says she will be left to die during it. However, it is possible (albeit very unlikely) that she escaped somehow and found a way to shelter.
- Technicolor Sclerae: Blue.
- What Could Have Been: She was originally intended to be playable.
- Eleventh-Hour Ranger: What she would have been.

"Ah, yes, yes! You are here, here to assist me, yes? Delicious!"
A young fortian inventor working on Magitech devices, specifically ones that count latent magical energies in the air.[3] He repeatedly appears giving you (optional) Fetch Quests for his materials. He finishes his work in chapter 4, though, and he has his tearful farewells with Six Stars afterwards. This is probably a form of shooing out the clowns, because the story gets even darker in chapter 5.
It turns out that he was a student of Metzino, which is the reason why he focuses on a fusion of magic and technology. He becomes very sad when he hears the news of his death in chapter 4, but Qualstio manages to cheer him up. Brenetto decides that even though his master is no more, he will still continue his research.
...Of course, he almost certainly dies in the apocalypse, as he's never seen or mentioned in the ending, so so much for that.
- Non-Action Guy
- Shoo Out the Clowns
- What Happened to the Mouse?: He's never seen or mentioned again after chapter 4, probably since he's such a minor side character, but the fact that he's not seen after the apocalypse means he's almost certainly dead... So, Metzino's work really has reached a complete and final end. No Magitech in the sequel, then!
Mahk Sikohlon

"Just remember the house rules. No weapons, no quarreling, no violent acts of any sort. That includes the sword you are so shakily trying to conceal, Brother Dehl."
Mahk is the First Father—the original founder of the Sikohlon clan. He sent the first three Sikohlon fathers (Dehl's, Rehm's, and Skint) out into the world a few centuries ago, but has noticed that the Sikohlon ideals haven't stuck. He has decided to raise a new batch of children to try again. He makes his home in Do'Ssha, and steadfastly upholds his ideals—not only does he disallow any weapons to be brought into his home, any arguing must be done outside as well. Children are so impressionable, after all, and he must be careful to raise them properly this time...
It is heavily implied that he dies in the Second Blackening (along with most of his clutch), making Dehl, Rehm, and Xopi the only surviving Sikohlons in the world.
In addition (don't read this unless you've seen the Golden Ending): Mahk is -- or was -- actually one of the Sufficiently Advanced Aliens who created and populated the world the game takes place in. After Tezkhra died, he went down to find him, but ended up Going Native. Why his personality is the complete inverse of what it was in I Miss the Sunrise, why he went native, and why he named his pacifist cult after weapon traders are all mysteries.
- Actual Pacifist: The father of all Actual Pacifists in the story, no less!
- Going Native
- Man in White
- Non-Action Guy
- Pimped Out Robe: A male variant. It's so impressive, in fact, that the narration refers to him as a "resplendent shra" before he introduces himself!
- Technicolor Sclerae: Yellow, like most shra.
Xopi Sikohlon

Xopi is a young shra in the care of Mahk. He is very quiet and shy, but he eventually takes a liking to Dehl, asking him questions about the large, strange outside world he comes from.
This trust is betrayed when Dehl snaps and grievously wounds two Nalian slavers (who may or may not have just been trying to shelter him during the Unstoppable Night) due to Big Brother Instinct instead of trying to diplomatically solve the conflict like he normally does. This horribly traumatizes the Wide-Eyed Idealist Xopi, and when he tells Mahk, Mahk becomes furious and expels Dehl from the Sikohlon family.
However, after the Second Blackening blinds him and kills all his brothers, he forgives Dehl and begs him never to leave him alone again. Dehl will presumably become his Parental Substitute in the sequel.
- Actual Pacifist
- Non-Action Guy
- The Quiet One
- Technicolor Sclerae: Blue.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: At first.
The Scourge Clad (Skint and Aryn)

"Your mouth may belie you, but perhaps your veins will speak truth to me instead!"—Skint
The Scourge Clad is a guild of sorts that originated in Nal—though it is composed of only two people, the monstrous shra Skint and the quiet, secretive fih'jik Aryn. Skint is very cold, terse, and rude toward Six Stars—Dehl in particular, who he calls a "whelpling". Skint also has a sword lodged through his back—he claims it was put there by one he had sworn to protect, and is now permanently embedded in his back due to his extreme Healing Factor. His motives are mysterious, and he does not seem to abide by many laws or morals. Zargos also notices that he has magma-forged platemail, which was only given to those who participated in the Nalian Revolt—and he doubts Skint fought for the Crown...
It turns out that Skint is a Well-Intentioned Extremist who wishes to free the shra people from decades of enslavement. He offers Dehl the opportunity to join him in this endeavor, but Dehl refuses, since it is against everything he has learned since coming to the mainland. The two part ways and never see each other again. Of course, when the apocalypse happens, these motives make Skint the prime candidate for the "Lord-God", but Dehl is in for a rude awakening -- Skint actually tried to fight against the Lord-God during the guild's absence, but failed, and requests a Mercy Kill when they meet.
But it goes deeper than that: Skint was, in fact, the third Sikohlon father, and before the revolt, was actually a guard-captain serving Wadassia -- eerily similar to Dehl. Being betrayed by a close friend and cursed by the world as the "scourgelord" was the reason he changed into such a hateful, bitter man. In a way, he serves as a warning of what Dehl could turn into if he was betrayed by a close friend, cursed by the world, and forced into exile...but fortunately, that'll never happen, right?.
Aryn is even more of a mystery. She speaks in whispers, and only in the fih'jik language, yet she seems wholly devoted to Skint and his cause.
This is because she, too, has devoted her life to the freedom of the shra people. Unfortunately, she is torn to shreds by the si'shra once she and Skint try to assault the Lord-God.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Skint.
- Foil: Skint to Dehl.
- Half the Man He Used To Be: Skint's final fate. The actual bisection happens off-screen, but we do see him after the fact -- heavily bleeding, with his spinal column exposed. Fortunately, though, he dies from a relatively painless Mercy Kill instead of bleeding to death.
- In the Hood: Aryn.
- Ironic Death: Aryn is killed by the people who she devoted her life to saving.
- Leitmotif: Though it's also used as a generic Mood Motif.
- The Quiet One: Aryn. She speaks only to Skint, and even then only in whispers.
- May be justified, though, as the one time she speaks audibly, it's in the fih'jik language—it's possible she doesn't know the human tongue.
- Reverse Moles
- Sacrificial Lion: Both of them.
- Technicolor Sclerae: Skint has yellow ones, like most shra. We never see Aryn's eyes, but she probably has blue or green, like most fih'jik.
- 24-Hour Armor: Skint. Justified, since having a freaking sword through his back makes it impossible to take off.
- The Unfought
- Well Intentioned Extremists
Mental Councillord Pazzato

As a Councillord, Pazzato is unrivaled in mastery of his element. Of the Councillords, he is actually the least antagonistic toward Six Stars, even casually asking them for help with a task. However, this is merely a clever ruse to distract them while he duels Metzino. For he has a blood feud with the Metzino line, and eventually wins the duel due to his signature telekinesis technique. Qualstio is enraged when he sees this, and, along with the guild, avenges Metzino's death soon after.
- Friendly Enemy: As a Councillord, he is opposed to Qualstio and Metzino, but, compared to the other Councillords, he seems pretty ambivalent toward them and even allows them to partake in the light harvest. Cruelly subverted, however; it's only an act to distract Six Stars long enough to set up a duel with Metzino.
- Mind Over Matter: His signature technique.
Commandant Zaka Crossar

"Thus, [the people] must battle. Blade to blade...father against son, brother...against brother..."
- Heroic Sacrifice: After he is defeated, he kills himself so that Kir'Ssha will become demoralized and retreat, instead of invading Do'Ssha.
- Knight Templar: Natch.
- Light'Em Up
- Man in White
- Noble Demon: "I love my people. All of them, great and small. It pains me to see them suffer so." He isn't lying. He gives Six Stars the opportunity to kill him, which will demoralize the Silver Army enough to stop their advance, and when defeated, actually commits suicide so that this will happen.
- Technicolor Sclerae: Yellow, which is pretty odd for a fih'jik.
- Weapon of Choice: Blade on a Stick
The Lord-God
"It sounds like the game is afoot, then! The winner shall inherit the ashes of the world!"
A monstrous being who garnered the support of the si'shra after the apocalypse, then used them to sweep up the ashes and kill or enslave any survivors. There can be no hope of reconstruction so long as he lives—but can Six Stars truly fell a god?
Actually, they can -- because he isn't a god at all. He's Havan. It turns out that, as a matter of fact, Havan was the first person Fell approached as a "chosen one", not Dehl. He and his guild performed her tests for years while being told that they were chosen and were the ones who would ascend. However, after Havan finds and becomes obsessed with his relic, Fell becomes disappointed in him, and casually brushes him aside in favor of Six Stars, despite everything he has done for her. He takes this well enough until Six Stars disappears and Donz destroys the world. Enraged at this betrayal, he and the Blue Guard ascend to the Watcher's perch. When they block his path, he slaughters them. For some reason, instead of continuing onwards to confront Dehl, the Blue Guard returns to the Surface, and takes over what remains of the world.
- Big Bad: Natch.
- A Glass of Chianti
- A God Am I
- Badass Boast:
"Where are your gods now?"
"They never came."
"WRONG! Your god sits here before you now!"
- The Berserker: He doesn't actually have any special skills, and just uses an Attack! Attack! Attack! strategy.
- Black Eyes of Evil: As Chaos Havan.
- Complete Monster: Your Mileage May Vary as to whether or not he was justified in exacting his revenge on the Watchers, but his pre-battle cutscene shows just how twisted and despicable he's become (and also shows he wasn't entirely scrupulous to begin with). Plus there's the fact that he oppressed and devastated the survivors of the apocalypse for no real reason other than Greed.
- Evil All Along / Face Heel Turn
- Final Boss
- The Man Behind the Man: Behind Skint, technically, though they don't really have any relation to one another.
- Motive Rant
- One-Winged Angel: Though it's not his own doing.
- Pet the Dog: The fact that he still cares about Adi and Cort enough to let them share his spoils and Immortality Inducer shows he's not completely rotten, even if it is a very very small glimmer. Could be subverted, though, as their Character Portraits make it look like they've been abused...
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: His quote up there.
- Slasher Smile
- The Unchosen One: Havan is rather pissed off when Fell deems him not worthy to ascend, and begins to consider himself this. However, he is still nothing more than someone who was literally not chosen.
Taru Clapian

"I hope my folks don't find out I've started drinking. They'll disown me!"
A young man "hired" by Rehm's crew in the prologue. He is naive, but quickly grows attached to his new comrades. Unlike others, he is very accepting and sympathetic towards the shra. It is his heroic efforts that stop Pazzato from completely destroying the ship.
After Vasra's death, Taru tries to snap Rehm out of his Heroic BSOD, to no avail. Eventually, Taru snaps and accuses Rehm of abandoning him and the crew, who have always looked up to him as a leader and father figure. Rehm's silence proves to be the final straw, and Taru leaves the crew in both anger and dissapointment.
In the present day, Taru still hasn't gotten over what he perceives as Rehm's "betrayal". Indeed, he has become a bitter, secluded, misanthropic Jerkass who openly despises Shra for being "cowards" and is similarly disdainful of pretty much anyone who crosses his path. As should be obvious from that last paragraph and his surname, he is Tehgonan's father.
- The Chick: Mostly serves this role during the interludes, despite being male. His success varies.
- Fantastic Racism: After the events of Interlude 3, he came to view the shra as a race of cowards.
- Heroic BSOD
- Jerkass: In the present
- Weapon of Choice: Prongs of Poseidon. He also has an Improvised Weapon in the form of a bag of chemicals.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: At first, anyway.
Vasra (real name: Sara)

[to Rehm] "Good luck. Me and Clapian will go pick out a suitable flower arrangement for your grave."
Sara is Rehm's second-in-command. They have apparently known each other for a long time—enough for Rehm to give her a nickname in shra language, "Vasra". It's never explained what the nickname means. Sara tends to be more perceptive and matter-of-fact than the rest of the crew.
When Pazzato attacks and knocks Rehm unconscious, Sara tries to continue the fight. Pazzato responds by flinging her into the ocean. After Rehm regains consciousness, he tries to search for her, but, after hours of searching, realizes it's too late. This drives him into a Heroic BSOD that breaks up the crew.
- Action Girl
- Deadpan Snarker
- Snark-to-Snark Combat: With Rehm, on occasion.
- Disposable Woman: The effects of the trope are inverted, though. Usually, the Disposable Woman's death spurs a hero into action and vengeance. However, Sara's death instead causes Rehm to go into a Heroic BSOD and drives him to suicide.
- Funny Aneurysm Moment: Her quote up there. At first, it just sounds like her usual snark, but after she dies and Rehm gets Driven to Suicide...
- The Lancer: She serves as a down-to-earth counterbalance to Rehm, who doesn't take many things seriously.
- Only Sane Woman: Probably sees herself as this among the crew—her companions are a naive newcomer who's out of his depth and a happy-go-lucky idealist.
- Killed Off for Real
- Stripperiffic / Breast Plate
- Weapon of Choice: Knife Nut

A strange young man inhabiting a cave in the Mudlands outside of Nal. He is very placid and rather airheaded. Rulian has an incredibly magical talent -- reanimating the dead. Unfortunately, he does not realize that they are terrorizing the town nearby—not because of neglect, but because he doesn't even seem to know there is a town nearby.
Or that the six elements exist, for that matter...
...this is because he has been in that cave for millennia. When Tezkhra crash-landed and lost his +ii emitters, one of them ended up buried in Rulian's cave. Rulian wandered in one day and, not realizing how much time he was in there, never came out. When Six Stars recovers Tezkhra's soul, he is able to resurrect him, though Tezkhra quickly strips him of this power by accident through the alteration capabilities of his Power Fist. In the ending, Tezkhra finds and deactivates the emitter in his cave, allowing him to continue his life normally.
- Necromancer: However, he's not evil or malicious in the slightest, and his powers are sort of accidental.
- Non-Action Guy
- Older Than They Look: He looks like eighteen at most, but he has apparently been alive since before magic was classified into elements.[5]

"It is all scope, Dehl. How far back must you stand before you can see 'everything'?"
Fell is a mysterious old woman who appears to have some sort of precognitive ability, and can see the full truth of everything that's going on. She assists Dehl and his guild by giving him "tests" that can drastically affect the entire world. Her motives and how much she really knows is uncertain, though she claims to take orders from an even higher being known as "The Voice Himself". The other Watchers refer to her as their "mother"—whether this can be taken at face value, is a metaphor, or something else is unknown.
Along with the other Watchers, she is killed by Havan after Six Stars attempts to track down Donz.
The Watchers (Nath, Kott, and Donz)

Nath: [Donz] will not take kindly to knowing his own Watch is flawed, or to be broken.
Kott: Yep. He's pretty serious about being right. He's the only one of us left who still cares.
The three Watchers are Fell's "sons". Whether that can be taken literally, is a metaphor, or something else is unknown. They each watch a different time; Nath is the Watcher of the Past, Kott is the Watcher of the Present, and Donz is the Watcher of the Future. They each share their knowledge with Fell, which is why she seems all-knowing. However, Donz either will not or cannot speak, because, as Fell says, words of the future must not be spoken to anyone.[6]
Nath and Kott appear to be rather uninterested in their duties, as they play a strange board game all day. Kott also says that he does not Watch the chosen ones like he's supposed to, because that would "take the fun out of meeting them in person". Donz appears to be the only one who still takes his duties seriously, though, as Watcher of the Future, that is a difficult job...
Havan kills all of the Watchers when he ascends to confront Six Stars and they block his path. Curiously, it looks like Kott and Nath never moved at all; Kott's corpse is slumped over the game board, and Nath's corpse is still in his chair.
- Elderly Immortal: Nath.
- The Fatalist: All of them. Justified with Donz, who literally can see what's fated to occur.
- Leitmotif: Shared with Fell.
- Non-Action Guy: All three of them.
- Older Than They Look: They're all apparently immortal and have therefore been around for millennia, yet even Nath only looks like he's in his fifties or sixties.
- Sacrificial Lion: All of them.
- Theme Naming: Along with Fell, they all have four-letter names.
- The Voiceless: Donz (though he may actually be The Speechless).
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Kott.
- Back to The Reconstruction
- ↑ Which is fitting, since "cold" is just the absence of heat energy.
- ↑ It literally means "little brother" in Shra, but because si'shra use it to refer to ordinary shra, its slang use is a serious insult
- ↑ in gameplay terms, this allows you to keep a certain percentage of the Chain between battles
- ↑ Under construction. Assistance would be appreciated.
- ↑ Over a millennium according to Ques' glossary.
- ↑ This is why he doesn't have a Character Portrait.