< The Kingkiller Chronicle

The Kingkiller Chronicle/YMMV

  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Kote was a caravan guard until he took an arrow to the knee.
  • Unfortunate Implications: The Adem people have so much sex that they are not aware that it (or the father) has anything to do with reproduction. The Adem leadership, however, probably knows the truth, and they would have to take drastic steps in order to maintain the illusion. This means that all women, and most horrifyingly, young women of newly reproductive age, would be coerced into participating in sex whether they want to or not; otherwise, people would notice that women who don't have sex never conceive. One hopes that the method of coercion they use is something like peer pressure rather than physical violence, but would that work for everyone? Kvothe spends a lot of time fighting the ten-year-old girl Celean, but if she had been a couple years older she could have been having sex with him, and what's worse, she could have been forced to. How would Kvothe have reacted to that?
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