< The Kingkiller Chronicle

The Kingkiller Chronicle/Awesome

  • In Trebon, when Kvothe saves the day by Taking the giant wheel over the church and using magic to crush the draccus.
  • When Kvothe has the entire tow of Trebon treating him like the mysterious Badass he is after the fire.
  • Kvothe's rampage at the end of Book II when, upon realizing that the Ruh troupe is not what it seems. He killed them all. Might qualify for High Octane Nightmare Fuel, too.
  • Kvothe takes on a horde of scraelings single-handedly while simultaneously keeping the Chronicler safe.
  • Kvothe's decoding the Chronicler's shorthand cipher in a matter of a few seconds. The Chronicler is suitably impressed.
  • When Kvothe played the Lay of Sir Savien in the tavern, and continued even when a lute string broke. And then won his Pipes.
  • Kvothe's spur-of-the-moment recreation of the poor Chronicler as a (rather badass-sounding, actually) mythic folk hero on an epic quest that will give local storytellers throughout the region material to create an entire ream of stories, much as they've done with Kvothe himself. Bast jumping in to help only makes it better.
  • Bast grabs the iron talisman off Chronicler and really laying into him, and following it with, "No reason we can't be friends."
  • Kvothe's retaliation against the Maer's court after he lost favor with Meluan and was asked to leave:
    • Selling all the court gossip to a seedy publisher.
    • Distributing the rings he received at a brothel.
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