< The Kingkiller Chronicle

The Kingkiller Chronicle/Heartwarming

  • People may hate her, but most of the scenes between Kvothe and Denna are beautiful and sweet.
  • Kvothe's occasional off the hip poetry scene (In the first book, through clever paragraph formatting, it's hard to tell that Kvothe's reply to Deoch's warning about Denna is in verse:

Deoch, my heart is made
Of stronger stuff than glass.
When she strikes she’ll find
it strong as iron-bound brass
Or gold and adamant
together mixed.
Don’t think I’m unaware,
some startled deer to stand transfixed
By hunter’s horns. It’s she who should take care,
for when she strikes
My heart will make a sound
so beautiful and bright
That it can’t help but bring her back
to me in winged flight.

    • And in the second book he does this with a whole conversation!
    • Auri's comforting of Kvothe during his Plum Bob period.
    • Kvothe and Denna singing "The Lay Of Sir Savien."
    • Abenthy's note to Kvothe left in Rhetoric And Logic
    • His comforting of Nina (Girl from Trebon who saw the vase of the chandrian by giving her the charm (carefully making sure that even if she loses it, she won't freak out), and the scenes where he says he first saw the rewards of heroism.
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