< The Kingkiller Chronicle

The Kingkiller Chronicle/Funny

  • Almost everything that comes out of Elodin's mouth:
    • Tricking Kvothe into helping him trash Master Hemme's room. "I live here, what's your excuse"
    • "Wow. Uresh. Your next assignment is to have sex. If you do not know how to do this, see me after class."
    • "Master Kvothe, I am trying to wake your sleeping mind to the subtle language the world is whispering. I am trying to seduce you into understanding. I am trying to teach you. Quit grabbing at my tits."
    • Getting himself and Kvothe trapped on the roof of the building, in the middle of a storm. Completely naked. The key was in his pants, you see.
    • The name of Elodin's class: Introduction to Not Being a Stupid Jackass. Before that, Elodin told him it was "the name of the class".
    • During Kvothe's hearing to discipline him for writing "Jackass, Jackass" to insult Ambrose, Elodin undermines the Chancellor's admonishments for Kvothe's inappropriate behavior by humming the song the entire time. And then actually singing the lyrics as Ambrose starts to leave the room.
  • Wilem getting in on the action:
    • "Good job, Ambrose. You caught him. He stole your fire." Said to Ambrose by Wilem after Kvothe saves some of Ambrose's things from a fire... that he started.
      • One of the people in the street adds, "Yeah, make him put it back!"
    • Also most Siaru idioms/Cusses: "Shit In God's Beard!" and "Don't put a spoon in your eye over it"
  • Ah screw it, ANYTHING a Funny Foreigner says. "Why is the Maer looking at hairy balls?"
  • The Adem view on fatherhood. Namely, it doesn't exist, as men don't impact reproduction.
    • Even though it's dangerous, Kvothe's immediate reaction to the drug Ambose gave him is rather amusing.

Sim: Which is worse, stealing a pie or killing Ambrose?
Kvothe: A meat pie, or a fruit pie?

  • "His ass fell off." Best ending ever. Totally deadpan.
  • And then there is the "It's all energy" thing from Sim in WMF, compounded by Denna at the end of the scene.
  • Most of the Bonfire Scene (the one before they get Denna's Ring back
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