The Dark Eye/Characters
A list of many of the characters that appear throughout the world of The Dark Eye.
No player characters please.
Gods & their priests
The twelve Gods
All of the main twelve gods have an Evil Counterpart demon lord. They are listed in the order in which their months appear throughout the year, the year stars in the middle of summer by the way. They are said to reside in Alveran an Expy of mount Olympus.
The firstborn god of the sun, justice and aristocracy.
- Bolt of Divine Retribution: A power he grants both his priests and his messengers, the gryphons. It only harms demons and knocks out magic users though.
- Our Gryphons Are Different: They are his divine messengers, with an intense distrust towards and incredible resistance against magic. They look like Opinicus variations of Gryphons.
- Weapon of Choice: His priests wield a mace with a head that looks like a stylized sun.
The secondborn goddess of battle and thunderstorms
- Amazon Brigade: Her chosen people the Amazons.
- Church Militant: To the point that each major cult within her church actually has two sets of heraldry one for peace and one for war. Lately they have been stuck on the war mode.
- Glory Hound: Many of her priests qualify as this.
- Honor Before Reason: Quite a few of her more devout followers, most of her priests and almost all amazons fall into this trope.
- War God: While some people worship her as this, others consider her son Kor to be this.
- Weapon of Choice: Most orders which worship her have these. The average priest of Rondra will wield a specific two handed sword.
The god of the sea and storms, one of the titans and has dominion over two of the six elements, air and water.
- Expy: Of the Greek god Poseidon, right down to the trident that most of his priests use.
- Weapon of Choice: As stated above his priests use a trident, both for fishing and fighting of naval monstrosities.
The goddess of hearth and home as well as faithfulness
The god of death, sleep and forgetting, he also doubles as the god of the night.
- Composite Expy: of the Greek gods Morpheus and Hades.
- Dark Is Not Evil: His temples and priests exemplify this trope, his priests are dressed black and hardly speak and his temples are usually very dark places.
- Don't Fear the Reaper: Boron portrayed as a very gentle god, whose gifts of death and the ability to forget were mercifully bestowed upon the mortal people.
The goddess of wisdom and knowledge, she is also the patron of magic.
- Jerkass Gods: the way the Achaz saw her
The grim god of winter and hunting, he is a titan with dominion over one of the six elements, ice.
- Defrosting Ice King: According to the myth how his daughter, Ifirn was born.
- Jerkass Gods: Some cultures who believe in him do not pray to him because in their belief he would not listen to them anyway.
The young goddess of birth, children and starting new things.
- Actual Pacifist: The vast majority of her priests.
- Jerkass Gods: the way the Achaz saw her
The god of trade, thievery and trickery. Also doubles as the god of the night alongside Boron and guardian of the moon.
- Loveable Rogue: One of the stereotypes of both the god and his priests, at least to some.
The goddess of fertility, growth and healing, she is a titan with dominion over one of the six elements, earth.
- Expy: Of the Norse goddess Freya.
Ingerim / Angrosh
The god of fire and stone as well as craftsmanship, he is a titan with dominion over two of the six elements, fire and stone. According to legend he created the dwarves and the cyclopses.
- The Blacksmith: Both Ingerim himself as the blacksmith of the gods, as well as most of his dwarven priests and many of his human priests.
- Expy: of the Greek god Hephaestus
- Weapon of Choice: A special smiths hammer is carried by his clergy.
The goddess of beauty, love, sex, wine and extacy.
- Composite Expy: of the Greek gods Aphrodite and Bacchus
- Hot Goddess: Quite obvious for the goddess of beauty and love.
- Love Goddess: Naturally.
Demigods and other gods that do not reside in Alveran
The carefree son of Rahja and Phex, patron of adventurers and explorers.
The gentle daughter of Firun, she is the one many people pray to, to get her father to give them mercy.
- Rape as Backstory: Since she did not want to lie with Kor, apparently he took her with force. The daughter she birthed after that incident was evil and tainted because of it.
The son of Rondra and a high dragon, Kor is the god of bloodlust, bloodshed, mercenaries and war.
- Attack! Attack! Attack!: Dying in battle is somewhat a goal for priests of this god.
- Ax Crazy: Seems to be his way
- BFS: Kor was the only god who could wield the largest sword, a female titan, who has now become a mountain range doubles as an Impossibly Cool Weapon.
- Blade on a Stick: The signature weapon of his priests is basically a halberd with nine blades instead of one.
- Blood Knight: Almost a requirement to become a priest of Kor.
- Church Militant: What did you expect from the god of mercenaries?
- Combat Sadomasochist: Some of his priests are this, since only a fight in which they are wounded counts as a good fight.
- Fingore: Part of the initiation into priesthood requires all new priests to cut of their left pinky.
- Good Is Not Nice: The way both he and his priests act can barely be called good, but they do fight any demons they can find.
- Human Sacrifice: His priests sacrifice condemned criminals so that his lust for blood is sated and he will not start a new war. The Maru did and do similar things and many humans who know of this are afraid that the souls of the slain will be sent straight to a demon. Naturally they are wrong, Kor is a god, no matter how brutal.
- Jerkass Gods: The way the Achaz saw him, his other followers, the Leviatanim and Maru actually considered themselves his children and were not as afraid of him
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Most of the names given to him by his followers.
- The Magnificent: For a demigod he has a lot of names, the black prince of chimeras, he who walks across the battlefield laughing, the master of the nine deadly strikes, Rondras executioner, the one with the cold heart, lord of battles, the merciless one, brother of blood... and so on and so forth.
- War God: Somehow obvious isn't it?
The son of Rajah, only worshiped by few regular people and some witches. Unlike many gods he does not empower any priests.
- Beast Man: On some nights he can walk as a man with a rams head.
- Heel Face Revolving Door: Somewhat, he has been tempted by the demonic counterpart of his mother multiple times, the next time might be the last.
- Rape as Backstory: He raped Satuaria, the goddess worshipped by witches but was cursed by her to be turned into a ram.
The Nameless God
The God of Evil, whose followers continually try to overthrow the established order of the twelve gods. His Name was stolen by the other gods in an attempt to limit his power.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Well, sealed evil in the breach between creation and the outlying chaos, which is home to the demons, but still works.
- Self-Harm: Crosses into An Arm and a Leg territory, since according to legend he has torn off his hand, gouged out one of his eyes and even ripped out his tongue in his attempt to free himself. Each of these appendages has become one or several evil beings in the world who try to corrupt everything in their search for his name.
The son of Hesinde and Phex, patron of scholarship and rationalism.
The young daughter of Sumu, mainly worshiped by witches.
- Gaia's Avenger: Some witches set out to be this.
- Rape as Backstory: She was raped by Levthan and cursed him to become a ram, but fell for him later.
The earth giant, she was slain by Los at the dawn of time and is presumed dead by most people, some say that she is dying instead.
- Expy: Quite obvious, but at the same time could be derived of both the Classical Mythology Gaea as well as the Norse Idea that the world is the body of a slain giant.
- Mother Nature: In some beliefs.
The son of Efferd and Rondra to some, others believe him to be his own entity. He is the god of Thorwalians (Viking Expys) and travels the oceans in the form of a giant white whale to fight the spawn of Hrangar, the evil sea serpent.
== Demons ==
The Demon Lords
All demon lords are known for forging pacts with mortals and for being the, not necessarily polar, opposite to one of the twelve gods.
The demon lord of vengeance and tyranny.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Do you have a problem with priests of the nameless one? Just send in someone who has a pact him.
- Evil Counterpart: Some of his most powerful minions are twisted black gryphons sometimes with bat wings, said to be parodies of Praios servants or even fallen gryphons.
- The Magnificent: Lord of Vengeance, Gubernator of Kholak-Kai (his own domain in hell)
- Speak of the Devil: While it is not wise to utter any of the names of the demon lords, calling upon him thrice will make him take a peek and offer up a contract once negotiations are concluded.
The demon lord of bloodlust and cruelty.
- Attack! Attack! Attack!: The general tactic of most of his demons and all those with a pact who have been in it for a long time.
- Blood Knight: All those who form a pact with him will become this eventually.
The demon lord of the depths of the sea and sea monsters as well as the master of demonically twisted water.
- Fallen Angel: According to scrapes of lore found around the world, she fell while trying to take away Agrimoths dominion over the element of water. She did succeed somewhat...
- Giant Squid: All forms are considered her servants.
- Jerkass Gods: While she still was a god that was prayed to by the Achaz, now that she is a demon, things just went from bad to worse for the Achaz, even though they don't know that.
- Kraken and Leviathan: Her most powerful mundane beasts are the Giant Squids and sea serpents. Her most powerful demon servant, the so called son of charptoroth, is a truly gigantic squid worthy of being called a kraken.
- The Magnificent: The merciless drowner, the deep daughter, duchess of the night-blue depths.
- Sea Monster: Almost all of them are considered her servants or even children.
The demon lord of strife and betrayal.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: All those who form a pact with him will become this eventually.
- The Magnificent: The restless, enemy of faithfulness, lord of movement.
The demon lord of undeath and nightmares, she is the most powerful creator of nightmares and dreams.
- Beauty Is Bad: One of her appearances is said to be a beautiful woman with blood red lips.
- Dem Bones: Her other appearance. One type of her most powerful servant demons can actually improve regular skeletons way past mook status.
- The Magnificent: Preceptor of howling darkness.
- The Undead: Almost all are created by invoking her domain.
The demon lord of magic, insanity and knowledge.
- The Magnificent: Bonus Points for actually being called the magnificient, lord of forbidden knowledge, lord of insanity, the many formed imposter, master of trickery and illusion
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Happens to all who dare forge a pact with him sooner or later.
The demon lord of the demonically twisted element of ice, cruelty during a hunt and the hunting of humans (or rather ones own kind) for sport or food.
- The Archer: Many of those who form a pact with him exemplify this trope...
- Cold Sniper: ...As well as this one, no pun intended.
- Evil Is Deathly Cold: Naturally.
- The Magnificent: the icy hunter, hunter of damnation, he whose arrows always hit, lord of the wild hunt.
The demon lord of chimeras and constant change.
- Body Horror: Quite a few of the chimeras and golems that are created with her power suffer from this.
- The Magnificent: the duchess of the swarming chaos, master of chimeras.
The demon lord of greed
- Greed: Both a reason for forging a pact with this lord and the consequence of forging the pact.
The demon lord of pestilence.
- Body Horror: Eventually very common among those who forge a pact with her.
- The Magnificent: The putrid queen of eternally lingering illness, the master of rats, flies and worms.
The demon lord of craftsmanship, he is also the master of four demonically twisted elements, fire, earth, stone and air.
- The Magnificent: The defiler of elements, subjugater of the wilderness, corrupter of craftsmanship.
The demon lord of rape.
- Depraved Bisexual: Just look at some of its names.
- The Magnificent: Lady of bloody extacy, Lord of the dark rotten passion, the many gendered seducer.
- Squick: What did you expect with a demon queen/lord of rape?
== Non humans ==
coming soon...
== Villains ==
Borbarads Inheritors
Each of these may be a Late Arrival Spoiler, but since the dark eye has an ongoing metaplot, this will always happen.
Dimiona of Zorgan/Oron
The princess of Arania, a powerful witch who chose to join Borbarad because she could never be the queen of her country (custom dictates that the men inherit what their parents own, while their wives will rule...) entered a pact with Belkelel
- The Baroness: Has shades of this.
- Brother-Sister Incest: Well, it's complicated, while it is her mind, it is also his wife's body and he doesn't know.
- Femme Fatale: One of the ways how she (almost) always gets what she wants
- Karma Houdini: She escaped beheading by swapping souls with the wife of her would-be killer just before her body was killed.
- Killed Off for Real: Was beheaded by her own brother towards the end of the thirty five day war.
- she swapped her soul with the soul of his wife just before she was beheaded. She now lives as his wife and finally gets to rule the country almost the way she wanted to.
- Lady in Red: Often described as wearing a skintight, blood red and very revealing dresses.
- Really Gets Around: Though her lovers might not survive or enjoy the encounter.
- The Sociopath: If you look at her track record: tries to kill her brother so she can be queen and gets her Familiar killed in the process, goes insane and is locked up in an asylum for magic users, joins Borbarad and conquers part of her home country, unleashes a unique and powerful demon on the world who can create strange rapist-vampires, does a lot of unspeakable things for fun while she is the queen, and when she does get killed she swaps bodies with her brothers wife and now acts the part and last but not least still supports cults of her demon lord in the supposedly cleansed realm.
Helme Haffax
- The Strategist: is said to be the greatest strategist alive
- Face Heel Turn: pulled one of during the return of Borbarad
- Evil versus Evil: betrayed Dimiona and attacked Xeraan in order to gain a foothold for further expansions.
Gaius Cordovan Eslam Galotta
The former court mage of the middlerealm, sent into exile and became one of the main Big Bads of several canon adventure modules. Has a pact with Blakharaz
- Bald of Evil: Ever since he was kicked out of his position as court mage, after which his head was shaved, tattooed with red ink and he was made to dance barefoot on a hot stone.
- Killed Off for Real: finally brought down by the heroes of the Year of Fire campaign
- Mind Control Device: Used one to rally more than 1000 ogres to attack the middlerealm.
- Reign of Terror: this happens if someone who sold his soul to Blakharaz starts to rule over some territory.
An evil witch who has a pact with Belshirash. She lives well beyond the reach of most mortals far to the north in the so called eternal ice, the region she inhabits is demonically twisted, naturally.
- An Ice Person: Well an un-ice person but basically the same.
- Evil Is Deathly Cold: As a woman with a pact with the demon lord of demonic ice this kind of comes with the Territory.
- Grim Up North: While most of the north is not nice, the area she rules is even worse, considering that demons and demonic creatures roam the landscape.
- Orcus on His Throne: Has recently become this, much to the dismay of those who want to bring her to justice, since her throne is kind of far away.
An undead dragon who has a pact with Thargunitoth
- Dracolich: Exemplifies this trope.
- The Dragon: To Borbarad, bonus points for being an actual dragon!
- Giant Flyer: Naturally.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: A rare in world example of this trope, his mere presence causes terrible nightmares.
- Killed Off for Real: well as much as one can kill off a nigh invulnerable being, his soul rests in a jewel among the dwarves but his body has been destroyed.
== Aristocracy: The great houses of Al'Anfa ==
For all of them
- Big Screwed-Up Family: Every house has its fair share of skeletons in the closet and their way of going about political or personal disputes, even within the confies of their own house is often quite... venomous.
- Feuding Families: As long as no outsiders intervene or the poor rise up all of the great houses feud amongst each other, for power and influence.
- Expy: The way the great houses go about their political businesses, they mostly bear a striking resemblance to the great family dynasties in renaissance Italy like the Borgia and the Medici.
- Manipulative Bastard: Everyone of the patriarchs or matriarchs as well as most of their kin, kind of comes with the territory.
- Wicked Cultured: Most of them, the matriarchs and patriarchs definitely count.
House Bonareth
Descendants of slave traders from Khunchom. Because of Rahjadans decadence they have declined in political matters.
Patriarch: Rahjadan Bonareth
House Florios
Descendants of the dark skinned Utulu people, this house has become powerful through slave trading.
Matriarch: Folsina Florios
- Royally Screwed-Up: almost all members of the house are missing half their ring finger on their left hand.
House Karinor
Matriarch: Shantalla Karinor
- Technical Pacifist: both played straight and somewhat subverted, while the members of this house will usually not directly remove someone they despise, they will manipulate someone else to do it for them.
Shantalla Karinor
- Bi the Way: She really doesn't care about her lovers sex.
- Femme Fatale / The Vamp: whether she is one or the other is for you to decide.
- Kissing Cousins: Well kissing and bedding ones uncle, but that is how she became the current matriarch.
- Really Gets Around: One of her favorite pastimes is to find one or more nice men or women to have fun with.
House Kugres
Patriarch: Salix Kugres
House Paligan
Descendants of Aristocracy, they have intermarried with house Gareth, the ruling house of the Middlerealm.
Patriarch: Goldo Paligan
House Ulfhart
Descendants of Aranian buccaneers.
Matriarch: Tsaiane Ulfhart
House Wilmaan
A house slowly descending into political meaninglessness through stagnation.
Matriarch: Sannah Wilmaan
- Evil Matriarch: The former head of the house Mata Al'Sulem.
House Zornbrecht
Descendants of Thorwalian slave traders, well know for being ruthless and not shying away from spilling blood in order to get their way.
Patriarch: Nareb Emano Zornbrecht.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Both the house itself and its patriarch. The quote about him and his house goes along the lines: Zornbrecht? A good man, a great man, now I really have to go!
Nareb Emano Zornbrecht
Patriarch of the house Zornbrecht.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: The houses patriarch is well known for being a superb wrestler, having broken the backs of several Hruruzat (Kung Fu) fighters.
- Badass/BadassNormal: see the point made under Authority Equals Asskicking.
- Bald of Awesome / Bald of Evil: YMMV for which of the two he qualifies, maybe both?
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: See the example given with his house, the quote is about him.
- The Big Guy: Well... he is over six feet tall and quite massive in statue.
== Spellcasters ==
Pyriander Di'Ariarchos
The open minded and fiery speaker, as well as the grandmaster of fire of the council of elements.
- The Bus Came Back: He was absent for a long time and thought dead in world, but now he has returned to his former place and position.
- Playing with Fire: what do you expect from a fire-elementalist?
Rakorium Muntagonus
The brilliant archmage who by now resides in Khunchom, since he left the academy he used to teach in. Despite all his wisdom and power he has started to lose his grip on sanity since he has become the bearer of an ancient book describing the reptile people.
- Properly Paranoid: Since a powerful lizard beast, that is one of Borbarads inheritors, has been creating chimeras on Maraskan, his paranoia about reptile conspiracies aren't that far fetched. Too bad that he seems to believe that they are behind 'everything'.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Whether his madness comes from his power or his responsibilities or whether he went mad from what he read in the Codex Sauris is kind of up for debate.