Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann/Characters/Mecha
This page is devoted to the various Mecha in Gurren Lagann
For the Main characters, go to the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann page.
For the antagonists, go to the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann page.
The Titular Mecha
- Combining Mecha: With anything.
- Empathic Weapon: Reacts to Spiral Power, and particularly Simon's spiral power. Eventually proven to have a mind of it's own.
- Fastball Special: Lagann has been both the ball and the pitcher.
- Gundamjack: Lagann's primary purpose.
- Mini-Mecha: Its tiny compared to others.
- No Conservation of Energy: Grows as many drills as Simon needs, out of nowhere.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill
- This Is a Drill
- You Will Be Assimilated: A rare heroic example; it grabs enemy mecha and absorbs every part of them into itself.
- Ace Custom: Subverted; it's essentially just a cool-looking mecha without Lagann.
- Badass Normal: Still powerful without special features.
- BFS: Originally wielded a pair of these, but after Kamina captured it, he had them melted down into its signature Cool Shades.
- Combining Mecha: With Lagann.
- Cool Shades: Modeled after Kamina's own.
- Gundamjack: While the majority of the hero-controlled gunmen in the show are implied to have been aquired in the same fashion, this one stands out on the grounds that this was the one that inspired the rest.
- Fastball Special
- Humongous Mecha
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice
- It survived the ordeal well enough to still be usable afterwards. Its pilot at the time, sadly, did not.
- Improbable Weapon User: Uses its Cool Shades either as a sword or a boomerang.
- Out of Focus: After Simon's rebirth, the Gurren doesn't get any more solo action scenes, serving as little more than an extension for Lagann. The only time it actually moved without Lagann was during Viral's Fastball Special during the Final Battle. It has the saddest justification: Kamina has died, and the mecha has now lost its original characterization as Kamina's avatar while fighting. Thus, the focus shifts to purely Simon, who carries on for both of them, with Gurren being a part of Lagann just like Kamina remains a part of him.
The protagonist's main mecha, and the titular mecha in the dub. Formed from Gurren and Lagann, hence the name.
- Combining Mecha: With Arc-Gurren. Then with Cathedral Terra. Then with Team Dai-Gurren
- Cool Shades
- Fastball Special: Involves Gurren's pilot ripping the mecha's head off.
- Fangs Are Evil: On Gurren: Averted.
- Finishing Move! GIGA! DRILL! BREAK!
- Humongous Mecha: You standard issue version. The later ones take it Serial Escalation.
- Incendiary Exponent: In Episode 7, the Man On Fire Blazing Chariot Kick.
- Made of Iron: In episode 7, when the much larger Dai-Gunzan attempts to rip apart the Gurren Lagann, the Gurren Lagann's joints manage to hold off for more than 20 seconds before being saved by Dayakka's cannon.
- Mid-Season Upgrade: Flight.
- No Conservation of Energy: Drills out of every orifice.
- Precision-Guided Boomerang: The Cool Shades can be used as one.
- This Is a Drill: You couldn't get any more literal: it's a walking drill warrior!
- Title Drop: English dub only. The name isn't used in the Japanese dub.
Arc Gurren-Lagann
A combination between Gurren-Lagann and the Arc Lordgenome left for humanity to enter space with. Of the Gurren-Lagann forms, this one shows up the least, but it is notable for winning one of the first unambiguous victories against the Anti-Spirals.
- Combining Mecha: Gurren-Lagann and a Cool Starship...and they're not done yet.
- Cool Shades: Subverted; this is the only form that does not have any cool shades.
- Finishing Move: "Burst...SPINNING...PUNCH!"
- Humongous Mecha: Comparatively tiny compared to some of the future mechs, but towers over other "Space Gunmen." And houses a colony fit for hundreds of thousands of people!
- Megaton Punch: Rather than pulling off a Giga Drill Breaker in its initial battle, it finishes off an Anti-Spiral battleship by punching it so hard it breaks out of space-time before it explodes.
- Serial Escalation: A bigger version of Gurren-Lagann.
Super Galaxy Gurren-Lagann
Our friends' hopes and dreams are etched into its body, transforming the infinite darkness into light! Unmatched in Heaven, and Earth; one machine, equal to the gods! Super Galaxy GURREN LAGANN! ... We're gonna show you the power... of the human race.
The combination of Arc Gurren-Lagann with the Cathedral Terra/Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren.
- Combining Mecha: Well, duh!
- Cool Shades: Two massive pairs of star-shaped shades. Generated after Cathedral Gurren-Lagann is upgraded into Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann.
- Humongous Mecha: Practically the size of the moon, and can handle the impact of planets.
- More Dakka: Its Maelstrom Cannon could best be classified as an anti-universe gun, able to hit targets that were hiding in space-time itself. It's as close as anyone's likely to get to "enough dakka."
- Serial Escalation: A much, much bigger version of Arc Gurren.
- Shout-Out: The way it's introduced is practically identical to how the Gunbuster was first launched: slowly rising up in the Gainax Pose. There are many similarities in their overall shape as well.
- Showy Invincible Hero: Counts as this in its own right, since its entire introduction is a massive Curb Stomp Battle against the previously devastating Anti-Spiral defense force. Even RealityWarpers couldn't stand up to its power.
- That's No Moon: The Cathedral Terra was disguised as the Earth's moon.
- This Is a Drill: Combines the two enormous drills on its shoulders for an epic Giga Drill Breaker, but also can turn its fingers into drills.
- Even its drills had drills!
- The Worf Effect: Promptly skewered by the Granzeboa in both the Final Battle and Lagann-Hen.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Don't underestimate us. We don't care about time, or space or... multi-dimensional whatevers! We don't give a damn about that. Force your way down a path YOU choose to take, and do it all yourself! That's the way Team Dai-Gurren rolls! Even when trapped by karma's cycle, the dreams we left behind will open the door! Even if the universe stands in our way, our seething blood will determine what will be! We'll break through time and space and defy all who would stop us to grab hold of our path! TENGEN TOPPA GURREN LAGANN! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE?
The titular mecha, formed for the final battle and piloted by the entirety of Team Dai-Gurren. Galaxies whimper before it in terms of comparative size.
- All Your Powers Combined: In addition to being piloted by everyone left standing, it can manifest weapons like Viral's swords and Yoko's rifle to attack with.
- An Arm and a Leg: Savagely dismantled by the Granzeboma in Lagann-Hen, spurting out red liquid similar to blood.
- Combining Mecha: Averted. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann breaks the pattern of mecha-piloting-mecha-piloting mecha; instead, it's a manifestation of everyone's Heroic Willpower in the Super-Spiral universe. (It does contain the other Gurren Laganns, but they aren't combined with anything but more power.)
- Cool Shades: This time, they aren't used as weapons, though.
- Dual-Wielding: You know what's better than a Giga Drill Breaker? Two of them.
- Humongous Mecha: Ten million light years in height.
- Hyperspace Arsenal: Literally able to manifest anything its pilots need it to.
- Incendiary Exponent: Wreathed in green flames of pure Spiral power. It's practically the Dai-Gurren insignia come to life!
- Mirror Match: To avoid such an obscenely powerful mecha completely destroying any drama when it appeared, it was matched against an equally powerful Evil Knockoff for its first and only fight.
- Reality Warper: At this point, the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann can do basically anything as long as its pilots feed it willpower.
- Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale: Nobody even bothers trying to make sense of how the human sized protagonists are doing battle with a robot a hundred times the size of the Milky Way. Physics, fortunately, packed its bags and left long ago.
- Justified, however, since it's happening in a pocket universe where thought is given form. Not to mention Spiral Power breaks the laws of physics anyway.
- Serial Escalation: Still bigger, and this is where it gets ridiculous.
- The Worf Effect: Whereas it fights on par with the Granzeboma, in the movie, Lagann-Hen, it's utterly shredded to pieces and DECAPITATED.
- This Is a Drill: Quite a few of them. All of them bigger than the average galaxy.
- Title Drop
Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
The strongest final form of Gurren-Lagann, appearing only in The Movie.
- A God Am I: Not so much a giant robot as it is a god being piloted by one in turn piloted one called equal to the god!
- Not to mention it was created by a Big Bang.
- Apocalypse How: Class X-4- just clashing drills with its Evil Knockoff destroyed the universe they were fighting in.
- Badass Cape: Tossed aside as it uses its Giga Drill Breaker... if you can pull off a cape made of pure cosmic energy.
- Caped Mecha: One wonders how many galaxies you could fit inside that gargantuan thing!
- Combining Mecha
- Cool Shades: Has a pair THE SIZE OF A BILLION NEBULAS.
- Energy Being
- Expy: Of Kamina.
- Humongous Mecha: Exaggerated. It is 1.8% the size of the observable universe, or to put this in simpler terms: really, really, really, really flipping big.
- Most of it's head is ten million light years in length.
- Meta Mecha: A robot the size of a universe piloted by one the size of a galaxy piloted by one the size of the moon piloted by one the size of a small country piloted by one the size of a battleship piloted by one the size of a building piloted by one the size of a VW Bug!
- Reincarnation: Of Kamina.
- Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale: Again, the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann formed the head. And not even all of its head.
- Serial Escalation: The obscenely big and powerful Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann above? That forms this one's face.
- The Worf Effect: Its drill fails to break the Anti-Spiral's own; however, a barrage of drills from the weaker Gurren Lagann mechs manage to break the Anti-Spiral drill.
- This troper believes it was more along the lines of each larger form of Gurren-Lagaan was taking more Spiral Energy to work, therefore, as each's drill failed and the "pilot" evacuated, there was more Spiral Energy to work with, hence why Gurren-Lagaan's drill finally worked.
- Actually, this seem to represent that size does not matter... It is the will to keep going forward, mile by mile, meter by meter, inch by inch, the determination... something that the Anti-Spiral King cannot understand and caused him to fail.
- This Is a Drill: A drill large enough that a pocket universe can't withstand its power.
- Up to Eleven: NO! Up to a GOOGOLPLEX!!!!
Mecha: Team Gurren/ Dai-Gurren
King Kittan
Kittan's personal Gunmen, acting as field deputy and squad commander for Team Dai-Gurren. As shown in Kittan Zero, it's revealed that he gained it from a victorious battle against the Beastmen. King Kittan is a star-shaped mecha with thin, pointed limbs that transform into lances, triangular horns doubling as pincers, two large eyes with red pupils, and a very jagged, toothy mouth affixed into a Joker-esque sneer. It used to be a red-colored, custom-model Gunmen piloted by a pig Beastman, but Kittan got the wild idea to hijack it with his bare hands, beating the pilot senseless and fighting a lion Beastman for control over the mecha- and won. The moment he leapt in the cockpit, his immense fighting spirit generated enough Spiral Power to alter the Gunmen into the form seen in the series. Much like Lagann and Gurren, King Kittan has its own combining ability, King Kittan Deluxe, though more of an equipping variety: it can pair up with the Kiyalunga, Kiyal's Gunmen, and use it as a lance and smiley-faced shield. Post-timeskip, King Kittan is retired and put into storage, then given to Makken and Leyte to dismantle. Instead, they outfit it with a Spiral cannon on its right arm and keep it in prime condition. Eventually, King Kittan sits within the much larger Space King Kittan to act as a pilot under Kittan's control. Tragically, Kittan decides to sacrifice himself to destroy the Anti Spiral's Death Spiral Machine and loses Space King Kittan in his initial attack. King Kittan lasts just a little longer, with the help of one of Simon's drills. Then, for the first and final time, Kittan taps into his own Spiral Power and uses a super-sized Giga Drill Break with King Kittan on the machine, destroying it in one blow. Sadly, the explosion vaporizes King Kittan, taking Kittan himself along with it.
- Ace Custom: One-of-a-kind Gunmen designed specifically for full-range combat.
- Attack Pattern Alpha: Forms King Kittan Deluxe with Kiyalunga and rides the Dayyakaiser into battle.
- Charles Atlas Superpower
- Combining Mecha: With Kiyal's Kiyalunga to form King Kittan Deluxe. Only shown once due to Kiyal's aversion toward battle, but Space King Kittan wields a double-edged lance and shield similar to this combination.
- Double Weapon: Uses a two-sided lance in tandem with a shield when Kiyalunga forms its battle gear.
- Dual-Wielding: King Kittan's arms can be turned into twin battle lances.
- Emergency Weapon: Gurren-Lagann's drill, after Space Kittan is crushed heading toward the Death Spiral Machine.
- Large Ham: Effectively a megaphone for Kittan's boisterous attitude.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Kiyalunga becomes a bulletproof shield for King Kittan: with a smiley face, no less!
- Heel Face Turn: Technically switched sides when Kittan took control over it, complete with metamorphosis from "bad guy mech" into "good guy mech."
- Heroic Sacrifice: Kittan sends it crashing into the Death Spiral Machine with a Giga Drill. Both he and the Gunmen are turned to ashes in the following massive explosion.
- Made of Iron: Withstood tremendous amounts of gravity before crashing into the Death Spiral Machine. The actual explosion is what destroyed it.
- Hyperspace Arsenal: Apparently totes several unseen gun turrets on its body, shown in sphere form in Kittan Zero.
- Mid-Season Upgrade: First gets the power to fly from a thruster reverse-engineered from Dai-Gunten's specs, then Anti-Spiral weaponry on its arm after the time-skip.
- More Dakka: Used an arsenal of guns in Kittan Zero.
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: Actually, it's a tooth-shaped hatch, but it has the shape of a cocky sneer, well-fitting to Kittan's personality.
- This Is a Drill: First, Leite adapts Space King Kittan to transform into a drill bullet to cleave through the gravity of the Death Spiral Machine. When this mech crumples from the pressure, Kittan ejects his King Kittan, jams a broken drill onto its arm, and rockets toward the Death Spiral Machine to deliver the final blow.
- The Power of the Sun: Space King Kittan's Space Sunbeam lance attack.
- Slice-and-Dice Swordsmanship
- Suicide Mission: Its final mission.
- Super Strength: Ferociously powerful, and somehow managed to hold a gigantic Giga Drill over its head and then guide it straight into the Death Spiral Machine!
- Transforming Mecha: Demonstrated the ability to transform from a rocket-propelled sphere into Gunmen form in Kittan Zero. This is never demonstrated again after Kittan takes control of it. The larger Space King Kittan, however, gets modified by Leite to transform into a bullet-shaped drill moments before Kittan undertakes his Suicide Mission.
- Weapon of Choice:
- Jousting Lance: Uses a short, double-edge lance as King Kittan Deluxe and later, a much larger, standard jousting lance as Space King Kittan.
- Wrecked Weapon: Inverted: King Kittan uses a broken drill from Gurren Lagann in its final attack, but Kittan's Spiral Power causes the drill to repair itself and firmly attach to his Gunmen's right arm, turning into a Giga Drill far bigger than King Kittan itself!
Mecha: Beastmen
Viral's Gunmen throughout the first arc. It has three forms, each with a unique feature that the others lack. It sports a variety of weapons such as missles, gunmen-scaled swords, barriers, axes, and particle beams, and is also skilled at hand-to-hand combat. It debuts with a samurai-style helmet that fires a particle beam, but it gets torn off in its first battle with the newly-formed Gurren-Lagann and taken by Kamina as a trophy. Viral re-stylizes Enki into Enkidu, a slightly modified Enki with an axe-shaped crest on its head, complete with a backup supply of crests, in place of its lost helmet, which Viral consistently demands back. After Enkidu suffers defeat several times on end, Viral discards the axe weapon and fits Enkidu with a second pair of arms and swords, turning it into Enkidudu. However, this mecha fails to hold up for mere seconds against Gurren-Lagann. Eventually, after seven years of abuse since Lordgenome's defeat, it suffers damage beyond repair as Viral tries to fight off the Grapearl squadron that has him pinned down in the desert, and shuts down permanently. Enkidudu is most likely scrapped after his capture.
- BFG: Enki's particle beam.
- BFS: Enki's swords, Enkidu's axe, and Enkidudu's four swords. Sixteen if you count Tengen Toppa Enki Dulga.
- Can't Catch Up: A formidable enemy when its introduced but becomes less so as the episodes pass. Not so with Tengen Toppa Enki Durga in Lagann-Hen: every sense of might it brought on gets pushed back up to its former glory.
- Carry a Big Stick: Tengen Toppa Enki Durga wields a single kanabō along with it's fifteen swords. He's never actually shown using it though.
- Cool Helmet: Has one in its debut, but seconds after Simon and Kamina for Gurren Lagann, Kamina tears the helmet clean off Enki and places atop Lagann's head.
- Dual-Wielding: Swords. Later, four of them, and in the movie, a breathtaking fifteen![1]
- Humongous Mecha
- Hyperspace Arsenal: Enkidu is somehow able to fit at least a dozen axe-like crests in some hidden compartment in its head, with new ones popping out at will.
- Meaningful Name: Each time Viral gets a new mech (They are all just slightly stronger versions of the original), another du is added at the end.
- Enkidu was a 1/3 man, 2/3 beast from The Epic of Gilgamesh, who was created by the god Enki to defeat Gilgamesh but ending up becoming his best friend and fighting alongside him.
- Meteor Move: Attempts one on Gurren Lagann in episode 7 with its swords after hurling it into the air, but fails, and has its swords broken.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: The Enkidudu, which can wield four swords at once. Even more so for Tengen Toppa Enki Durga- it has sixteen arms!
- Nice Hat: Enki's head-like helmet, which doubles as a BFG. Gurren Lagann takes it and puts it on Lagann after smashing it off, and wears it the rest of the series. The Enkidu has one in the form of a strange curved blade atop its head, which can be removed and used as a massive axe/hooksword. Tengen Toppa Enki Durga has a more stylized version of Enki's helmet.
- Throwing Your Axe Always Works: Subverted. It doesn't work at all.
- The Worf Effect: After Simon snaps out of his Heroic Blue Screen of Death, The Enkidu becomes less and less able to contend with Gurren Lagann. Eventually, When the Enkidudu challenges Gurren Lagann in episode 15, it is Curb Stomped with one hand in under 20 seconds. Finally, in episode 17, the Grapearls finish it off permanently and it gets scrapped.
Thymilph's gigantic flagship. Essentialy a massive Gunmen with a battleship for a lower torso, loaded with extreme degress of firepower, immensly strong arms that can peel apart victimized Gunmen- or chuck them miles away, and a detchable knife anchor prow. However... some people might think the ship's torso has a more phallic meaning. Kamina was so stunned at Dai-Gunzan's might he decided to concoct a hare-brained plan to hijack it using Simon's Lagann- which succeeds as planned. Unfortunately, he didn't think of the possibility that Thymiph might have a backup Gunmen on call- which becomes the worst mistake of his life. Thymilph angrily responds to the hijacking of his ship by spearing Kamina, causing fatal injuries. Kamina manages to hang on long enough to finish Thymilph, but then dies from his wounds, never getting to pilot the ship. Afterward, the flagship is renamed the 'Dai-Gurren, repainted, and given a new tower to replace the one destroyed by Simon's Lagann in the inital takeover. Dai-Gunzan goes through two upgrades- sea and flight adaptions- before it finally gets outfoxed by Dekabutsu and pushed to its limits. The body of the Gunmen is forced to eject from the ship components and gets damaged to the point of no return. Post time-skip, it's scrapped and cannibalized to help build Kamina City, but in the second movie, it gets a Tenga Toppa Gunmen paying tribute to it.
- Ace Custom: A glorified version of a mass-produced warship in the Beastman army, as evidence by Parallel Works 8 and the arrival of a Redshirt Army in episode 14.
- BFS: The knife anchor prow- effectively a mountain-sized battering ram. Even more devastating when ejected and thrust into the enemy.
- BFG: Loaded with loads of cannons!!
- Combining Mecha: Implied to do so with the other generals' ships.
- Conspicuous CG: At least one brief instance pops up in Episode 8 when its arms are slyly replaced with 3D models.
- Emerging From the Shadows: In Episode 7, as daylight begins to put it into full view.
- Fastball Special: You know Gurren's varation of it with Lagann? This one is takenUpToEleven- it flings Gurren Lagann and other mecha far away into the skyline to fight enemies.
- Gag Penis: The battleship body just had to be where its crotch is. Leeron even seems turned on by it.
- Made even worse by the fact that when it ejects from its ship components, there's a big, naked pelvis where they used to be. So in a sense... it's been emasculated!
- Groin Attack: Episode 12 has a scene where a hole punctures the underbelly of the ship right where the you-know-whats would be and creates an increase in pressure. Every male member of the crew aside from Leeron grabs their groin in agony. Sight gag, indeed.
- Heel Face Turn: Hijacked by Team Dai-Gurren using the power of Lagann- but Kamina never gets to command it.
- Humongous Mecha: Daunting in size compared to all other previous Gunmen seen up until its debut. And then we get to see it's not the biggest dog in the pound...
- Incendiary Exponent: Firey cannons of death all around!
- Informed Ability: Apparently could combine with the other generals' warships, but because it was stolen, this ability is never properly utilized- but Viral replaces the missing Gunmen with his own.
- Mid-Season Upgrade: First aquatic capabilities (a big set of oars, really), then a thruster device stolen from Dai-Gunten that allows it to fly.
- More Dakka: Overflowing with artillery cannons and loads of other weaponry all over.
- Super Toughness A frontrunner of it, but arguably, its Crowning Moment of Awesome is the final charge it takes into Lorgenome's Dekabutsu.
- This Is a Drill: [SubvertedTrope: Subverted]: It's one of the few especially strong Gunmen that doesn't use a drill. However, it's mass-produced counterparts are equipped with drills in Parallel Works 8.
- The Worf Effect: In full swing against its equally-powerful sister battleships, and then outright blocked by Dekabutsu.
- Tragic Keepsake: While not necessarily one at first, its the ensuing battle that makes it so. Capturing it costs Kamina his life, but the team remembers him with the ship under their control at last.
- Wrecked Weapon: To the worst degree in the climactic battle with Lordgenome. However, in its final moments, the ship pulls off an epic Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- Evil Tower of Ominousness: Serves as one up until Teppelin collapses and reveals its true form.
- Humongous Mecha: The first major example: This one magnificently dwarfs even the biggest Gunmen around at the time!
Lordgenome's personal mecha, Lazengann is the equivalent of Gurren Lagann- a small Gunmen united with a larger body, similar drill-based powers, and equally destructive. It was able to overpower and defeat Gurren Lagann with only a shredded hand to show for it. It is defeated and most likely destroyed by the Lagann by losing a gigantic drill clash. It is later revived as a piece of the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and used by Lordgenome in the final battle with the Anti Spirals. It fights using hand to hand combat, as well as an truckload of drill tendrils from dozens of ports that cover its body, and is capable of flight with no added jetpack.
- An Arm and a Leg: Loses both of its arms in episode 15. The forearm of one is destroyed by a surprise drill attack by Gurren Lagann after it gets up with Heroic Resolve. The other one is destroyed when Lordgenome detonates it to prevent Lagann from Gundamjacking it after it cripples Gurren with tendrils.
- Badass Arm-Fold: Lordgenome is fond of this pose, so he has Lazengann do it whenever it's not fighting.
- Bare-Fisted Monk: Despite being more powerful than Gurren Lagann, it is of a much simpler design. It mainly uses its obscene strength and speed to fight, with its Combat Tentacles used as long range weapon, or to shred opponents with a surprise attack.
- Combat Tentacles: More like Combat Drill Tendrils, but they still count.
- Combining Mecha: It is a Gurren Lagann type, meaning it was formed from the same kind of combination that created Gurren Lagann.
- Evil Counterpart: To Gurren Lagann.
- Expressive Mask: Probably the only Gunman to avert this.
- Expy: Of Unit 01.
- Humongous Mecha
- Limit Break: Two. First is the Giga Drill Crusher used against Lagann in episode 15, which involves wrapping every single one of its tendrils around each other, forming a massive dirll that covers most of its body. Second is the Lazengann Overload, in which it unleashes every last one of its tendrils against A FUCKING BIG BANG, and holds it off for a while until it completely disintegrates.
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: In its stomach.
- Prehensile Tail
- Punny Name: Lazengann means "spiral face" (an intentional parallel to Gurren Lagann, whose name means "crimson face"). However, it sounds near-identical to rasengan (yeah, that one), the word for "whirlwind" or "swirl".
- This Is a Drill: The only example in the show - and probably the only example in anime - to use the "realistic drill bit" kind.
- Except for the Granzeboma, who uses drill tentacles at the end of the Final Battle.
Mecha: (SPOILER WARNING) Anti-Spiral
The Anti-Spiral's Evil Knockoff of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, this is the final and most powerful weapon Team Dai-Gurren faces. It resembles a ghastly cosmic grim reaper. Granzeboma utilizes galaxies as casual weaponry, and even triggers a big bang as its finishing attack. It ultimately gets destroyed when Simon strikes down the Anti-Spiral.
- Apocalypse How: EVERY ATTACK IT CAN MUSTER. It hijacks the galaxies themselves as weapons and can even mash them together to make a new universe with a big bang.
- Combat Tentacles: Double as swords. Uses several to pin down every single Gurren Lagann mech after Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann dissipates, but fails to stop Lagann itself.
- Dem Bones: A hulking demonic skeletal form.
- Evil Counterpart: Anti-Spiral's polar opposite to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
- Evil Knockoff: Also designed to mock said mecha in terms of might and sheer disgust toward the humans piloting it.
- Eyes of Gold / Prophet Eyes: Waivers between the two, until...
- Glowing Eyes of Doom Glowing Red Eyes of Doom: Granzemboa's eyes turn a hellish red as it launches its final offensive against Team Dai-Gurren. In Lagann-Hen, its eyes are white- unless the same footage was reused and doctored to make it appear to be the Super Granzeboma.
- Finishing Move: "INFINITY... BIG BANG... STOOORRM!!!"
- Grim Reaper: Natural, given that the Anti-Spiral are harbringers of death and despair.
- Impossibly Cool Weapon: GALAXIES. Yes, you read right.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: Flings two galaxies as impossibly large shuriken- effortlessly!
- Incendiary Exponent: Wreathed in ghostly purple flames as opposed to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann's green.
- Mirror Match: Created specifically to counter the power of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
- More Dakka: Armed with dozens of stellar-powered, probability-altering energy blasts.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous
- Reality Warper: Alters the laws of reality to fight!
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Granzemboa's eyes turn a searing blood red as all the Gurren Lagann mecha rush toward it in a final charge.
- Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale: Equally as big as Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
- Slap-On-The-Wrist Nuke: Make that tactical BIG BANG.
- Super Mode: The Super Granzeboma in Lagann-Hen.
- That's No Moon: Disturbingly Inverted: Yoko discovers the Anti-Spiral have placed their homeworld on top of Granzemboa's head like a crown- after clipping half the armor around it with a intergalactic-sized version of her rifle.
- This Is a Drill: Uses rounded, spinning lances that have a more reverse and more sinister spiral shape than Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann's drills. Appropriate, given the Anti-Spiral loathe anything pertaining to Spiral Power.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Specifically designed to outclass Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. When that doesn't work, it resorts to using power that forges universes.
- Wave Motion Gun: It wads up two galaxies to trigger a massive big bang that spits out a new universe on impact!
Mecha: Movie-Exclusive Mecha
The combined form of the Beastmen general flagships.
- Anticlimax Boss: Fires one admittedly fairly epic Macross Missile Massacre... which makes a pretty explosion and leaves the Dai-Gurren largely unharmed, then it gets Giga-Drilled.
- Combining Mecha: A combination of Dai-Gundo, Dai-Gunten, Dai-Gunkai, and Dai-Gunzan.
- Macross Missile Massacre: Its only shown attack.
Tengen Toppa Solvernia
Nia's personal mecha in the fight against the Anti-Spiral.
- This Is a Drill: Well, naturally. This one's mounted on the end of a lance, though.
- Waif Fu: It's quite small for a Tengen Toppa, and spends most of its time acrobatically jumping around.
Tengen Toppa Enkidulga
Viral's personal mecha in the fight against the Anti-Spiral.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: sixteen arms, all with katanas... and one with a club for no apparent reason.
Tengen Toppa Yoko W Tank
Yoko's personal mecha in the fight against the Anti-Spiral.
- More Dakka: Think Yoko was scary with one rifle? How about with six of them?
- Torpedo Tits
Tengen Toppa Dai-Gurren
A galaxy-sixed version of Dai-Gurren summoned for the fight against the Anti-Spiral.
- Humongous Mecha: Utterly dwarfs the Granzeboma, yet is still only the third-largest mech in the movie.
- More Dakka: Well, it does have Attenborough as its gunner...
- ↑ Along with a kanabō in the final arm