Street Fighter X Tekken
Street Fighter X Tekken and Tekken X Street Fighter are two crossover games featuring the casts of the Street Fighter and Tekken series fighting against each other. Street Fighter X Tekken will be produced by Capcom and will use the same engine used for Street Fighter IV, while Tekken X Street Fighter will be produced by Namco and use the Tekken 6 engine.
Street Fighter X Tekken

"I know you're listening, Jin. The man you wanted to meet so much is right here."
A mysterious meteorite crashes in the South Pole, and hidden away within the meteorite is an artifact which is given the name "Pandora". Researchers have no clue as to the origins of the cube-like artifact, but they soon discover Pandora causes beings to come into conflict when nearby—and it releases a water-like energy which brings more power to the combatants. Both Shadaloo and the Mishima Zaibatsu want the object for their own purposes, but they'll have to deal with a host of other warriors—all with their own reasons for wanting Pandora and its power—to get to it first.
The characters of the game are the following:
Street Fighter
- From Street Fighter: Ryu, Ken Masters, Sagat
- From Street Fighter II: Chun-Li, Guile, Cammy White, Dhalsim, Zangief, Balrog, Vega, M. Bison, Akuma, Blanka (DLC)
- From Street Fighter Alpha: Sakura Kasugano (DLC))
- From Street Fighter III: Ibuki, Elena (DLC), Dudley (DLC)
- From Street Fighter IV: Abel, Rufus, Juri Han
- From Final Fight: Poison, Hugo Andore, Rolento F. Schugerg, Guy (DLC), Cody Travers (DLC).
- From Tekken: Kazuya Mishima, Nina Williams, Yoshimitsu, Heihachi Mishima, Paul Phoenix, Marshall Law, Jack (known as just "Jack-X", DLC)
- From Tekken 2: Lei Wulong (DLC)
- From Tekken 3: King II (known as just "King"), Julia Chang, Hwoarang, Kuma II (known as just "Kuma"), Ling Xiaoyu, Jin Kazama, Ogre, Bryan Fury (DLC)
- From Tekken 4: Craig Marduk, Steve FOX, Christie Monteiro (DLC)
- From Tekken 5: Raven, Emilie "Lili" de Rochefort, Asuka Kazama
- From Tekken 6: Robert "Bob" Richards, Alisa Boskonovitch (DLC), Lars Alexandersson (DLC)
Guest Fighters (Play Station 3 and Play Station Vita exclusives)
- From inFamous: Cole MacGrath
- From Doko Demo Issho: Toro and Kuro
- From Mega Man: Bad-Box-Art Mega Man (known as just "Mega Man" in-game)
- From Pac-Man: Pac-Man
It has a character sheet.
- Adaptational Attractiveness: By contrast with BBA Mega Man, Roll goes from a young girl to... a total babe.
- Ascended Meme: Bad Box-Art Mega Man's reason for his inclusion.
- M. Bison's taunt is "... but for me, it was a Tuesday."
- For bonus points, the game literally came out on a Tuesday.
- Marduk at one point in Arcade Mode says "Shit just got real!".
- There's this gem in Bryan and Jack's rival cutscene when they scope out Cody and Guy:
- M. Bison's taunt is "... but for me, it was a Tuesday."
Bryan: Hey tin man, how tough are these guys?
Jack-X: (scans Cody and Guy) Calculating the power levels of both fighters...calculation complete. Starting analysis...analysis complete. Both fighters have been positively identified. Both fighters' battle power levels are over 9000.
- All Myths Are True/Literal Genie: In their intros, some characters believe or hear rumors that Pandora does something spectacular. They usually get what they wish for in their ending videos. Hwoarang getting his "wish" to fight a hundred opponents at a time, for example. He certainly didn't count on all 100 opponents being Akuma clones.
- Artifact of Doom: "Pandora" appears to be this. Mainly due to the fact that (at least in-game) you have to sacrifice your partner to achieve its power.
- It also combines elements of a Jackass Genie and Troll in some endings. For example, when Hwoarang says he could fight 100 opponents near Pandora, he gets to fight 100 Akumas or turning Zangief and Rufus into thinner verions of themselves. Also, in Ryu and Ken's ending it makes Ryu disappear, leaving just his headband for Ken.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Pac-Man's ending
- Blessed with Suck: Activating "Pandora" mode allows you to gain strength and unlimited super meter for a limited amount of time. The catch, if you don't beat your opponent within that time limit, you lose the match.
- Bonus Boss: Getting a certain amount of Super Finishes or Cross Finishes scores you a boss fight against Pac-Man for Street Fighter characters or Mega Man for Tekken characters.
- Boss Banter: Similar to the Rival Battles from Street Fighter IV, a lot of trash talking goes on during each round.
- The Cameo: Several, some from other Namco and Capcom franchises.
- NANCY-MI847J (the Bonus Boss of Tekken 6) and a Mishima Zaibatsu soldier hiding under a giant Servbot head have been spotted in the background of the Urban War Zone, with a second NANCY-MI847J fighting in the background.
- The first CG trailer has a Mythology Gag in the form of an 8-bit Pac-Man chasing 8-bit Mega Man.
- Alex from Tekken 2 makes a cameo in the background of the Jurassic Era Research Facility stage based on the Dino Crisis series.
- The Mishima Estate features Kunimitsu from the first Tekken in her Tag 3P costume, as well as Sarai, one of Ibuki's friends. The same stage also plays host to some heavy grunts from the Scenario Campaign mode of Tekken 6.
- The Comic-Con 2011 trailer starts off with Mike Haggar being defeated in a wrestling match by King and Marduk.
- Guy and Cody show up at the end of the same trailer.
- In the Half Pipe stage there's a billboard of El Fuerte's restaurant. There's also a billboard of Alex but it's very hard to spot. On the lower level of the stage you can see Yun skateboarding on the ramp and Yang standing in the background watching the fight while Yun's girlfriend Houmei is running around him in circles.
- The El Fuerte billboard isn't the only one in that stage. Variations also feature Roger. Jr from Tekken 5, The Dolls, and even Ono-san and Harada-san appear dressed as Blanka and Kuma respectively!
- Pit Stop 109 features a group of trucks in the background not unlike the one seen in Sodom's Street Fighter Alpha 2 stage. The likenesses of Blanka (more precisely, the toy that producer Yoshinori Ono uses in his Twitter updates) and E. Honda are pictured on two of the trucks.
- The same truck stage also occasionally has a biker wearing Chuck Greene's yellow jacket from Dead Rising 2 in the same way Keiji Inafune used to wear the same jacket when promoting that game.
- The truck stage also has a night variant, in which a woman who looks very much like Anna Williams can be seen observing the fighting in the foreground.
- True to its name, the Mad Gear Hideout with many Mad Gear members (Damnd, Axl, Abigail, Belger himself, Eddie E. and Grandpa Andore; Sodom joins in during Round 2) in Kabuki attire dancing. After a while (the start of Round 3), Haggar bursts in and ruins their fun. The theme of the stage even changes to numerous notable Final Fight themes throughout each round.
- The Cosmic Elevator stage has Mecha Zangief crawling around outside the windows.
- Dan runs the game's tutorial mode.
- The Blast Furnace stage has Ganryu in the background.
- Broken JACK-6s can be seen in the background of the South Pole stage where Pandora's Box is.
- The comic that comes with the special edition of the game reveals the creator of Pandora's Box is Ingrid.
- Capcom vs. Whatever
- Character Customization: The Gems System, which allows players to equip and swap out up to three gems that alter attributes such as attack, speed, defense, the Cross Gauge, Assists, and more. Ono even hinted that movesets themselves are customizable. This changes up the dynamics of possible Mirror Matches as Ono notes that even the subtlest of changes would make "my Ryu different from your Ryu."
- You can also customize alt colors for your character. At the time of release, there won't be too many options; but they will release DLC that adds in more colors. There are also special costumes that allow a Street Fighter character to wear a Tekken fighter's outfit and vice versa. For example, Chun-Li has a costume resembling Panda while Kazuya has a Dictator outfit.
- Character Exaggeration: In spades, particularly on the Tekken side.
- Ling Xiaoyu has always been close to Jin Kazama, and Tekken 6 all but confirms that she's in love with him, but in this game, she's a borderline Yandere who will do anything and fight anyone to have Jin to herself.
- Lili is even more of a Rich Bitch in this game than she is in the Tekken series, and appears single-mindedly obsessed with style and grace.
- Rolento is single-mindedly driven to start an army, to the point that he considers any Worthy Opponent part of it whether they realize or not.
- Charged Attack: Each character has one chargeable attack, the properties of which change depending on the length of charge. This can result in a meter-free EX Move or Super Combo if the attack is charged for long enough.
- Combination Attack: The Cross Arts.
- Combos: It's been confirmed that the game will have a chain combo system that's more like the one seen in Darkstalkers than any previous Street Fighter game, since the development team believes this style to be close to Tekken-like combos.
- Tekken characters will have unique combos that resemble those seen in proper Tekken games, as opposed to the Street Fighter roster's target combos. Thanks to the tag-cancelling system, this allows for some pretty crazy mix-ups.
- As a tradeoff to the above, the SF cast's forte is aerial combos.
- Conditional Powers/Equivalent Exchange: To activate "Pandora" during a match, you must sacrifice your teammate, and can only do so when your vitality is below 25% (indicated by your healthbar flashing red)
- Deadly Upgrade/Death or Glory Attack/Desperation Attack: And if you can't win the round before Pandora's effect ends (indicated by a dwindling purple bar above your healthbar), you lose the round instead.
- Comeback Mechanic: In other words, Pandora is not practical unless the user is about to lose. It was designed specifically for a last-second reversal.
- Counter Attack: Features a universal "Alpha Counter" similar to that first seen in Street Fighter Alpha. King, Asuka, Lili, Steve and Heihachi also have Counters as moves in their arsenal.
- Crossover: With the antecedent of the Action RPG Strategy RPG Namco X Capcom (and some In Famous and Doko Demo Issho love being thrown in there as well).
- Curb Stomp Battle: The Comic-Con trailer had King and Marduk overpowering first Haggar, and then both Poison and Hugo, getting in only one attack each (both sneaky attacks) before losing.
- Darker and Edgier: Towards their other Capcom vs. Whatever games. The Pandora feature (sucking your partner's life force in exchange for a brief surge of power) and the fact that Ono has explicitly said that these two universes vindictively hate one another casts a darker shadow over this game than past crossovers.
- Death by Cameo: Dan, at the hands of Kazuya...
- Unexplained Recovery: ...yet somehow he's running this game's tutorial.
- Pandora did it.
- Designated Girl Fight: The only two female teams on the Street Fighter (Chun-Li/Cammy) and Tekken (Asuka/Lili) sides are designated rivals.
- The Dev Team Thinks of Everything: The game has an option for you to make it so that you have to hold Start to pause the game, in order to keep people from accidentally disqualifying themselves in tournament play.
- From a certain perspective, the Tekken characters keeping some of the well-known juggles is one.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Rufus and Bob are fighting! Zangief doesn't even bat an eye. Julia clings onto him. He does a massive Spit Take... twice.
- Drunk with Power: Some of the quotes the characters say when activating Pandora give off this impression.
- Easy Mode Mockery: Some of the Assist Gems make some of the techniques in-game much easier. For example, one gem allows fighters to automatically block attacks. Another one changes the combination for special moves (for example, the Hadoken changes from a quarter-circle-forward punch motion, to a down-forward punch motion to a forward punch motion. The tradeoff is that it reduces the effectiveness of attacks.
- Epic Fail: Capcom releases a patch to fix numerous glitches with the game on May 16, 2012 and ends up creating a new glitch with Rolento that causes the game to crash. See it for yourself here.
- Excuse Plot: An unknown cube crash-lands in the south pole. Researchers find out that the energy of the object is released when people start fighting. Hence, the contenders of the World Warrior and King of Iron Fist Tournaments decide to beat the shit out of each other.
- Taken Up to Eleven with the Downloadable Content costume packs. Each outfit comes with a flimsy excuse to justify why one character is dressed up like another.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Seemingly carried over from SSFIV; characters do multiple flips in the air when launched.
- Fake Crossover: While there is some semblance of a story, seemingly taking place after Street Fighter IV and Tekken6, it's pretty much been confirmed to be non-canon.
- Foot Focus: The teaser trailers all begin with a shot of the teased character's foot/shoe/paw/etc.
- Ogre's intro before his boss battle. Seriously?
- Friendly Enemy: A meta example. SF producer Yoshinori Ono and Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada's constant back-and-forth bantering can be seen as this.
- Before the SFxT reveal at San Diego Comic Con, Harada "interrupts" Ono's Street Fighter IV panel wearing a boxing robe... with Heihachi's signature dogi underneath.
- At later dates, the two were seen competing against one anotherin all sorts of wacky hijinks.
- It became such an efficient marketing tool that it's even being used to promote completely separate games; it's the focal point of the very silly TGS 2011 trailer for Tekken 3D: Prime Edition.
- Friendly Rivalry:
- As noted, the aforementioned comical interactions of Ono and Harada.
- Inverted in-game; Ono has said that, "canonically", the characters of both universes hate each other. This is the reason for its naming convention, as Ono felt that X denotes more of a vicious rivalry as opposed to Vs.
- Zig-Zagged in-game, since there's plenty of rivals that are friendly. Lei & Christie and Dudley & Elena, for example.
- Funny Background Event:
- Continuing on from his Running Gag of mistaking just about anyone with blond hair/in red clothes for Ken Masters, Rufus battles Bob in the TGS 2011 trailer at Marshall Diner, one of Marshall Law's restaurants. During the battle, Rufus is sent flying, showing us a clear shot of the upper level of the restaurant. Conveniently, Rufus flies by none other than Ken himself, trying to enjoy a meal with his buddy Ryu. Neither one notices the commotion down below.
- The Mad Gear Hideout stage has Haggar showing up during Round 3, wrecking a party of the Mad Gear Gang and proceeding to make Sodom run for his life.
- In the Urban War Zone stage, someone is trapped inside of a Servbot head.
- In the same stage, a worker gets trapped in the claws of a damaged NANCY-MI847J robot while a fellow worker tries in vain to free them.
- The Cosmic Elevator stage has Mecha Zangief trying desperately to hold on as the stage flies into space... only to fail.
- He somehow survives and makes it to space. Mecha Zangief is seen in subsequent rounds floating in space with other astronauts while striking a silly pose.
- Game Breaking Bug: In patch 1.04, when Rolento's Stinger knives collide with an enemy's fireball that isn't a kunai or another knife, the game freezes.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: In the Comic-Con Cinematic Trailer, one of the various neon messages around the ring states "WATCH OUT! Sodom is RIGHT Behind you!". Think about that for a moment.
- Impossibly Cool Clothes / Rummage Sale Rejects: The Swap Costumes can count for either, depending on the character.
- Jiggle Physics: Most females (along with Rufus) have a little of it going on during the fights or in the intro vs. screens. Poison's is probably the most blatant with it happening with the slightest movement.
- Launcher Move: The characters all have a technique (heavy punch + heavy kick) that launches their foe into the air and then tags their partner in for a juggle.
- Lazy Artist:
- The returning Street Fighter cast reuses their models and many animations from Super Street Fighter IV with some aesthetic touch ups, and some new animations.
- Ogre's model is heavily based on SFIV's Seth.
- The very first teaser for the game features Ryu's animations in the pre-match dialogue from his rival fight with Sagat in Street Fighter IV, while Kazuya's is a mix of Sagat's animations from that same fight along with some Sagat animations (particularly when he folds his arms) from Sagat's rival fight with Adon in Super Street Fighter IV.
- Limit Break: Each character has one of these in their Super Art. Each team of two also has one of these in their Cross Art, which uses the entire super bar.
- Logic Bomb: Because of Pandora's effect, you can lose by Time Over even if you set the match to infinite time! A Justified Trope, though, to prevent a possible Game Breaker, but still...
- Motif: Similar to the brushed ink effect in Street Fighter IV, SFxTK has a water-based motif, seen in gameplay when a launcher move is performed. It is also very prominent in the CG trailers for the game, usually seen when a character does something important or impressive.
- My Ninjitsu Is Stronger Than Yours: There are 5 characters (Vega, Ibuki, Raven, Yoshimitsu, and in DLC, Guy) who are (or claim to be) Ninjas and they have some choice words about the others in thier victory quotes.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown:
- Dan was on the receiving end of one from Kazuya. Word of God has virtually confirmed that Dan died from said beatdown.
- Scramble Mode essentially turns matches into an all-out frenzy.
- No Kill Like Overkill: In Steve and Hwroang's ending. They face 100 Akumas. 99 of them are Shin Akumas.
- Not Even Bothering with the Accent: An odd hit and miss example. When voiced in English, all of the European Street Fighter characters speak with the appropriate accent for their nationality - Cammy sounds English, Zangief Russian and Vega (Claw) sounds Spanish etc. However, for the Tekken crew, it's more sporadic - Steve Fox does have an English accent, but Lili doesn't sound French (as she should, being Monégasque) and in fact has an American accent, as does Irish Nina Williams. It seems odd that the English voice-work was seemingly quite selective in attributing native accents. Though, in fairness, the English speaking Tekkeners were always like that—at least until Tekken Tag 2, which was in development at the same time...
- Order Versus Chaos: The main theme of the Ryu vs. Kazuya match-up. In the first trailer, Ryu can be seen meditating in a temple while Kazuya just barges in, covered in darkness.
- Public Domain Artifact: A variant on Pandora's Box shows up in the game.
- Power At a Price: As mentioned above, Pandora mode is a risky technique, requiring one of your characters at 25% or less health to be immediately removed from the round, and giving your other powered-up character only 10 seconds to win the round on their own. There's a reason Seth Killian calls it a "high stakes unholy gamble."
- Power Creep, Power Seep: Both sides are somewhat faster and stronger than in their own series. Supposibly, Pandora is strengthening fighters before Pandora mode.
- This isn't even getting into the Guest Fighters which go in both directions.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: When Pandora mode is activated, the powered character's eyes glow red (in contrast to the rest of their body glowing purple).
- Ship Tease: In their ending, Julia and Bob.
- Shoo Out the Clowns: Subverted. According to Ono, the only character the dev team knew they didn't want in from the start was Dan Hibiki. In the reveal trailer shows Dan rolling into the temple after getting the stuffing knocked out of him by Kazuya. Later, Dan not only "returns" as the one who runs the Tutorial, and for the PS version, even more clowns are allowed such as Toro and Kuro, and Bad Box-Art Mega Man. He also appears in Sakura/Blanka's ending, inside of the Pandora box.
- Shout-Out: Check the page.
- Shadow Archetype: An art update added this to the character art in the lead up to reveal of Pandora Mode.
- SNK Boss: Subverted. Akuma and Ogre at the end of Arcade Mode are actually relatively tame compared to monsters such as Gill, Seth, or Hazama. Even so, you only get to fight one of them, depending on who you chose as your first character.
- Sobriquet: Everyone, in two different ways. Not only does Capcom list every character with their own unique title on their website (e.g. Chun-Li = "Legs of Justice"), every "canon" team also has its own nickname as well.
- Tag Team: More in the vein of the Tekken Tag Tournament games, in that the round ends if one character is KO'd.
- With regards to the trailers, except for five characters,[1] the remaining fighters end up forming teams that are somewhat related to the canon of both series (Heihachi and Kuma, King and Marduk, Ryu and Ken, Hugo and Poison).
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Some of the teams' members dislike their partners, such as Raven towards Yoshimitsu, Nina towards Kazuya, Balrog and Vega between each other, and Juri and M. Bison between each other. In some of these endings, Chronic Backstabbing Disorder ensues.
- Thematic Theme Tune:
- Black Tide's "Honest Eyes", the main de facto theme of the game, since one of Kazuya's prominent traits is his single, red, demonic-looking eye and Ryu's eyes glow blue whenever he uses the power of Hadou. Also, one look in their eyes can tell which one is the good guy or the evil psychopath.
- Hollywood Undead's "My Town" for the boys of Metro City.
- Hideyuki Fukusawa's "The Destiny Fight" and Street Drum Corps' "Knock Me Out", for the fighting game girls.
- Jared Evan's "In Love With You" for the showdown between Rufus and Bob. Yes, the title is both ironic and inappropriate.
- Rise Against's "From Heads Unworthy" for the showdown between the head of the Mishima Zaibatsu (Jin, as per the storyline of Tekken 6) and Shadaloo (M. Bison/Dictator).
- Too Soon: BBA Mega Man probably wouldn't have been as controversial if it weren't for everything that happened to the franchise in 2011.[2]
- Translation Convention: A transplant from the Tekken series, press release and officials videos had the fighters speaking English and Japanese to each other without any problems. In the game proper, save for some characters, players can set up for only one common language, avoiding this entirely.
- Tron Lines: With the exception of Heihachi, the characters gain them when activating Pandora, which also dyes their skin pitch black, turns their hair white, has their clothes give off an eerie purple glow, gives them Glowing Eyes of Doom Red Eyes, Take Warning, distorts their voices, and has what appears to be red orbs marked with kanji (specifically, Akuma's signature 天 symbol) orbit around their bodies.
- The Worf Effect: At the start, the Street Fighter cast was curbstomped in every cinematic trailer (according to Word of God, intentionally). This is later subverted as Capcom's side of the cast generally do better each time. In order:
- Kazuya already had Ryu under his boot by the start of the first trailer and later got the better of Ken, not to mention having previously murdered Dan Hibiki in cold blood.
- King and Marduk go on to beat Poison and Hugo without much trouble at all after taking out Mike Haggar two on one. Worth noting that King hits a freaking Giant Swing on Hugo, not to mention that he doesn't get attacked and beaten down. (To put it into perspective, Marduk gets clotheslined by Hugo and hit with a projectile by Poison; King gets off scot-free and takes his Street Fighter rivals down with ease.)
- While Rufus does get humiliated by Bob and Julia in the TGS 2011 trailer, he put up a far better fight against Bob than the rest of his Street Fighter counterparts, to the point of requiring Julia to jump in. That said, Rufus' humiliation was kind of brought on by his failure to differentiate between Bob and Ken, but still, Bob and Julia do not let Rufus get off easy. Zangief jumps into the battle towards the end, but that's where the trailer cuts off, so it's unknown how he fared against Julia.
- The Asia Game Show Trailer is better about this for the most part. Lili is pretty much shown up by Cammy, and Chun-Li handles Asuka pretty well... until Lili does a So Long, Suckers! by jumping on Asuka's head and leaving them in a confused heap.
- The 1/16/2012 trailer almost subverts the trope. M. Bison and Juri practically walk all over Jin and especially Xiaoyu. Until Jin sees how beat up Xiaoyu is. That's when his Devil Gene slowly kicks in and he nearly crushes Juri's skull, until he restrains himself. It is only at the end of the trailer (after getting slammed into a window with Bison's Psycho Crusher) that his Devil Gene fully activates, surprising everyone in the room.
- The episode 6 cinematic trailer is neutral on this- Akuma is supremely unimpressed with Ogre and doesn't consider the God of Fighting a challenge, but the camera cuts off before we see them fight.
- The Vita Episode 2 trailer reverses this in terms of series with Lei and Christie nearly getting slaugtered by Vega(Claw) and Balrog(Boxer) before Chun-li and Cammy intervene.
- Turns Red: Played literally with Heihachi; rather than actually using Pandora's powers for his Pandora mode, he just gets really angry and his skin turns red.
- The Unexpected: Arguably the whole game. The idea that a 2D fighting game (full of projectiles and all sorts of superhuman tomfoolery) locking fists with a 3D series that is mostly rooted in realism (minus all the Devil Gene stuff and the lengthy juggle combos) is not high on the list of likely crossovers (versus something such as SNK vs. Capcom, which combines two giants of 2D fighting)... yet here we are.
- Once you get past that, there are a few Unexpected characters. Poison, who was never playable prior, and all the Guest Fighter characters in the Playstation versions.
- Variable Mix: The music increases in intensity for each round of a match. In addition, a flange effect coats the music when the player's current character's HP is below 25%.
- Video Game Cruelty Potential: The gist of Pandora. Is sacrificing your partner for all of that power really worth it? Bonus points in that the trailer showcasing the feature has Ryu pull this on Ken.
- Vocal Evolution: Doug Erholtz sounds quite different as Vega compared to SFIV.
- You No Take Candle: For the first time ever, post-Tekken 3 characters will have Japanese seiyuu. The same applies in reverse. While most Tekken characters have been speaking their native language since 5/6/Tag 2, this game marks the first time that most of the Tekken crew (barring King, Kuma and Yoshimitsu) will have English VAs.
- Somewhat averted with some of the characters (Cole, King, Ogre, Kuma, Pac-Man and Yoshimitsu), who only have one voice track (Cole and Pac-Man only speak English, King with his jaguar sounds, Ogre and Yoshimitsu in their alien languages and Kuma with bear sounds.)
- X-Ray Sparks: Each character gets one when hit by an electrical attack.
Tekken X Street Fighter
- Early-Bird Cameo: Some early animations for Chun-Li and Ryu appeared in a gag development video for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (with Young Heihachi and Nina in place of Ryu and Chun-Li) posted by Harada.
- Trolling Creator:
- Namco Bandai producer Katsuhiro Harada once claimed the game wouldn't come out until 2018.
- Harada also made a popularity poll for both Tekken and Street Fighter characters, stating beforehand that it won't influence the developer team's choices, it is just for "research"... and yet some fans are voting like crazy in hope it will get their favorite character in; knowing the MvC3 polls' hype and consequent fiasco, Harada knew what was coming for this poll.
- ↑ Cole, Mega Man, Pac-Man, Akuma/Gouki and Ogre
- ↑ That and the fact that he's yet another Guest Fighter.