< Street Fighter X Tekken

Street Fighter X Tekken/YMMV

See also:

  • And Both Fandoms Rejoiced
    • During the press conference unveiling this game, the crowds went bonkers the very moment Ryu called for some assistance from Chun-Li.
    • The fact that they'll release two versions: One with the gameplay of SSFIV (SFxT) and the other with gameplay from Tekken 6 (TxSF).
    • Yoshi getting his (relatively normal) Tekken 3 appearance rather than one of his later, more outlandish forms has gone down well with many fans. To some extent, Ogre appearing as Ogre (as opposed to True Ogre) is considered this as well.
    • Zangief is revealed to be a playable character. Not only does this mean that he will finally get to mix it up with Hugo (his analogue in III) and King (Tekken's premiere pro wrestler), but he now has the chance to either wrestle alongside or against an actual bear (the playable Kuma).
    • Poison finally appearing in a game as a playable character. And then her tag-team partner was reveal to be Hugo. Followed up by the teasers of Cody, Guy, and Rolento. The Final Fight presence in the game has been welcomed by many.
    • Non-character wise, Pandora mode, after more details about it were revealed. Especially well received were the facts that it requires the user to sacrifice its partner and that, if the player can't KO his opponent before it ends, the actual character is KOed as well.
    • And real 2-on-2 Tag Team matches. As in, two people versus two other people, instead of two players controlling two characters each.
    • "Briefing" has garnered praise for its comprehensiveness as a training mode; 2 players can spar against each other, tag against a dummy/CPU opponent, or use it as a lobby for online matches.
    • The fact that Elena, Sakura, Blanka, Dudley, Cody, Guy, Lars, Alisa, Lei, Jack, Bryan and Christie made it into the game. Subverted when they were revealed as default for Vita and DLC (disc-locked content) for other consoles.
  • Broken Base: If you think fans were bitchy with Street Fighter IV and Marvel vs. Capcom 3, that's nothing compared to the flak this game has gotten.
    • Mere days after the Comic Con conference, there were already those who bemoaned the game because it wasn't a straight up Namco vs. Capcom and/or uses the same graphical engine as Street Fighter IV. The first is somewhat understandable for those who missed out on the Japan-only Namco X Capcom. This also has a remarkable parallel to complaints over the first Capcom vs. SNK Millennium Fight 2000 game, due to it being basically "Street Fighter versus King of Fighters."

      Also the graphics of Street Fighter and Tekken are vastly different. Some Tekken fans do not like the Tekken characters being rendered in the Street Fighter style, and the same is sure to be heard in reverse when Tekken X Street Fighter is finally released.
    • On the Namco side of things, fans were cautious about whether on not the game will be released everywhere, based on Namco's tendency to invoke No Export for You on their involvement with games, such as said Namco X Capcom and most games in the Tales (series) series.
    • The teaser of Mega Man had fans enraged. Partially because of the character getting passed over for the roster of Marvel vs. Capcom 3, but mostly because the teaser image was the "Bad International Box-Art" version of the character from the old NES games as opposed to the actual character himself.
    • On the subject of the guest fighters themselves, they attracted a lot of bile:

      First, there were the complaints about how this game wasn't Namco vs. Capcom, yet went the Super Smash Bros.. route with characters belonging to neither Street Fighter nor Tekken, much like the case with Cole and the cats.

      Then is the fact that the Play Station 3 and PS Vita owners will be the only ones getting guest characters had Xbox 360 fans in an uproar (again), since they are getting zilch, something further compounded by the fact that the 360 version lacks any exclusive characters whatsoever. And, after the release, hackers discovered that all the exclusive Sony stuff is on 360 disks. Xbox owners feel spat on.
    • The 360 version does not have pair play, despite being described as having it in the manual, and Capcom has no plans on patching it. This is also true for PC owners.
    • Mega Man. When he was teased, people were at once excited and weary, as his silhouette was far more humanoid than usual. Then they revealed that it was basically the Mega Man from the infamous cover of the NES original, with a description disturbingly similar to MegaMan Volnutt. Fans were either amused or insulted.
    • With the DLC characters, lack of features, and many other things, rumors have started going down that when Microsoft failed to capitalize on things like pair play and having Master Chief or Marcus Fenix as potential exclusives, Sony decided to take advantage and screwed not only 360 owners, but their own Play Station 3 base as well out of the aforementioned features just so they could promote the Vita.
    • Capcom Europe posted some heinous info regarding the game: it was released at basically 70% completion. That's right, Capcom rushed the game out just so they could make their fiscal year. The post, unsurprisingly, was taken down a while later.
      • It just keeps on going... As of Patch 1.04, when they fixed all the infinites and bugs from before, they added in a new glitch involving Rolento that freezes the game whenever his Stinger knives collide with another projectile. The obvious jokes have already been made.
  • Dude, Not Funny: Bad Box Art Mega Man to many, especially on the heels of two Mega Man games being cancelled and Mega Man himself being given the shaft twice over for Marvel vs. Capcom 3. This article describes it as a joke with extremely poor timing.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: King. He was, according to one report, the most played character behind Ryu and Kazuya (surpassing even Ken) during the Captivate 2011 play-testing, and is seemingly popular enough to account for his buddy Marduk as well.
  • Fan Dumb: People loudly complained when M. Bison/Dictator got teased in a leaked picture. Despite the fact that one of the storyline points is the Mishima Zaibatsu competing with Shadaloo for Pandora.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: Dan getting smacked through the door of Ryu's temple by Kazuya in the trailer has become one as Dan's been confirmed to have died at Kazuya's hands from said beating.
    • Bad Boxart Mega Man was apparently suggested by Inafune himself, but his unveiling came right off the heels of Inafune leaving, two cancelled Mega Man games, and Mega Man getting shafted twice in MvC3 (he did make an appearance in the form of a cameo however). What could have been a good-natured riff on the character was made rather unfunny due to the preceding events, which puts this squarely into this category.
  • "Grand Theft Auto" Effect: Plenty of examples:
  • Harsher in Hindsight: The use of Rise Against's "From Heads Unworthy" for the final trailer, where Jin finally receives Kazuya's message about Ryu from the first cinematic trailer. The song was released in 2008, and the first lines sound like a summary of the very, very strained relationship between Kazuya and his son:

We are the children you reject and disregard.
These aching cries come from the bottom of our hearts.
You can't shoot us down, we are your own flesh and blood.
And we don't disappear just because your eyes are shut.

  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
  • I Knew It!: Asuka was teased back in June, in a cinematic shot where she was obscured, so it was simply a matter of when they would announce her.
  • Internet Backdraft: Whilst fans were pleased when it was revealed that Elena, Sakura, Blanka, Dudley, Cody, Guy, Lars, Alisa, Lei, Jack, Bryan and Christie made it into the game, this reaction died down once it was learnt that they would be DLC on the home consoles. And then the fandom exploded in outrage after early copies of the Xbox 360 version of the game were hacked & it was learnt that all 12 characters were already fully completed and on the disc for release (with Mega Man and Pac-Man also being on the 360 disc) and Capcom had locked them out to charge for them once the Vita port (which has all 12 unlocked out of the box as a selling point) was released... in the fall.
    • Don't even get to the backdraft that 360 owners have been doing, with having no exclusive characters to begin with (despite the fact that both Mega Man and Pac-Man are on the 360 disc), and a lack of local four-player support.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • The Pandora's Box stage, more specifically the "2nd round" version. The corpses of Mishima Zaibatsu soldiers flying around and glowing? A Pandora-infused Tyrannosaurus Rex, accompanied with the Pandora-infused wooly mammoth from the "Antarctica" stage? The fact that you're fighting Akuma or Ogre on this stage in arcade mode, and you're probably going to have to use a lot of continues and see this creepy stage again? Oh, sweet jesus.
    • The Antarctica stage. You are facing a pair of Pandora-infused characters while the aformentioned Pandora-infused wooly mammoth is chasing the hovercraft you are fighting inside. To add on top of that, some of the dialogue from the opposing team is downright disturbing, like Xiaoyu willingly giving in to Pandora to help Jin.
    • Everything about Pac-Man. His intro makes him sound like an embodiment of Horror Hunger, his confrontation with rival Mega Man has him giving the latter a rather creepy stare, giggling when his ally sacrifices themself to power Pandora Mode and his ending has him almost mindlessly devouring trees in a city after growing several feet tall!
  • The Scrappy: Rufus. When he was revealed at the 2011 New York Comic Con, he was outright partially booed by part of the audience. They also booed him because he was confirmed as Zangief's tag partner, which upset a lot of people, particularly the R. Mika camp.
    • Also, Bad Boxart Mega Man.
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