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Head this way for the Tatsunoko characters.


"You can talk the talk, but you can't walk the walk yet, loser!"

Voiced by: Hiroki Yasumoto
First appearance: Street Fighter III: The New Generation

The main character of the Street Fighter III series, he's a New York grappler who holds a grudge against Gill, after he'd beaten up Alex's trainer, Tom. After it, he decided to continue fighting and improving his skills against new opponents.

Galactor Soldier: Do you really want to spend the rest of your life chasing after some stupid Japanese street fighter?
Alex: Stupid...?
(cue asskicking)

"You must be an outer space knight. Cuz that getup would never catch on in the Bronx!"

"Ret's rumble!"
"Why we waiting?"
""Right away!""

Gold Lightan: You threw me! You really threw me! Are you really human!?

"Never thought I'd meet you here, Ryu. Guess I should be grateful for this opportunity!"

  • Wrestler in All of Us: His arsenal includes slams and wrestling moves. In this game, he gains a dropkick followup to his "Slash Elbow". Of course, Alex is a grappler. That said, some of his moves are more rooted in kickboxing.



"There's only one rule to fighting: the strong will win."

Voiced by: Nobuyuki Hiyama
First appearance: Rival Schools: United By Fate

The main character of the Rival Schools franchise, Batsu is a Hot-Blooded teen who got transferred to the Taiyo High School, and got involved in many fights going on between his new school and competing education centers.

  • Ascended Extra: Prior to his ascension to playable, he appeared as part of Kyosuke's Level 3 super in Capcom vs. SNK 2.
  • Bootstrapped Theme: The "Taiyo High School Rooftop" theme.
  • Combination Attack: His Level 3 super (carried over from Rival Schools) is a special case as he teams up with his partner to perform one of three suped-up versions of his own specials, the specific attack depending on your choice of characters.
  • Gratuitous English: Mocked in his victory quote against Alex:

"Um... Um... I... don'toh... speaku Engrish! Sankyu! Good-bye!"

  • Hot-Blooded: His attacks are based on his "burning vigor".

Jun The Swan: You think it only takes guts to win? Someone needs a reality check.
Karas: ... You are full of passion... That is something a Karas lacks...

  • Manly Tears: His "Team-Up Technique" hyper move makes use of his partner. If said partner has been KO'd already, not only is it changed so that it's the partner's spirit helping him out and Batsu is crying, but the attack does more damage.
  • Shotoclone: Seems to take Ken's place, with his fiery Guts Uppercut, and weak but still useful fireball
  • Title Drop: His Level 3 Super, where he teams up with his partner, is called "United By Fate".
  • Unskilled but Strong: By his own admission.

""I betcha don't have as much guts as me!""

(after winning against Casshan) "I... I can't take it anymore! I absolutely hate dogs! Sorry, but I've got to get out of here!"


"Even in the air I can still dance all over your face!"

Voiced by: Fumiko Orikasa
First appearance: Street Fighter II: The World Warriors

An Interpol Special Agent who holds a grudge against M. Bison for killing her father.

(after winning a Mirror Match) "After fighting you I can't but wonder... Are my thighs really that thick?"
Tekkaman Blade: Those are some amazing leg muscles. What do you do to work them out? Oh... Sorry. I didn't know you were self-conscious about them.
Zero: Your kicks are impressive for a human. I'd probably lose a couple of parts if you were to land one on me.

Ken The Eagle: I had no idea Interpol had such powerful agents. Science Ninja cannot be remiss in its training!

Frank West

Voiced by: Peter Von Gomm
First appearance: Dead Rising

A freelance journalist who gets into a tip to go to the Willamette Parkmall in the small town of Willamette Co. where he discovers a Zombie Apocalypse covered by the military.

"Oh, look what we have here!"

    • When fighting under-aged girls like Roll and Saki

"Um, a kid like you could get hurt!"

    • And then, there's his winning quote against Jun The Swan.

"Jun, give me the camera back! I told you I deleted the pictures of your underwear!"

  • Cool Helmet: The Servbot helmet he uses in his Level 3 against everyone not named Gold Lightan or PTX-40A.
  • Combat Pragmatist
  • Death From Above: When facing the large robots, his Level 3 is changed. A zombie falls from the sky to where PTX-40A or Gold Lightan is standing. Should it connect, more zombies will body slam the large mecha, giving time to Frank to set up oxygen tanks around the robot and shoot them for a large explosion.
  • Enemy Mine: He's "aided" by zombies in battle. Although they will damage anyone that touches them, including Frank himself.
  • Fighting Clown: He's completely out of place in this game (that's probably the intention). He has deadly moves such as cosplaying as Mega Man, and zombies in shopping carts.

Viewtiful Joe: You... A hero...? I don't think you really belong here, do you?

"So that's the "world's strongest lance," huh? Big deal, I'm freelance pal! Ha ha ha! ... Get it?"

Kaijin No Soki

"When my mind and body are one, cutting even the strongest steel is no different than slicing tofu!"

Voiced by: Toshiyuki Kusuda
First appearance: Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams

A powerful warrior clad in a blue armor who stand against the evil Hideyoshi and burn down the "Genma Trees" which are gathered from all Japan.

Tekkaman Blade: Your soul is given over to evil. That path is one all humans fear to tread... I fear that it might be my destiny...

"I am Soki-slayer of demons, destroyer of Darkness! I am the Oni of the Ashes!"

Mega Man Volnutt

"I analyze every possibility, and I never give up. That's the way I live my life as a digger!"

Voiced by: Mayumi Tanaka
First appearance: Mega Man Legends

A digger who, alongside his friends/surrogates Roll and Barrel Caskett, explores the ruins left by the Precursors searching for energy-generating refractors that are more precious than gold in their Scavenger World.

  • Ambidextrous Sprite: Volnutt's buster arm is switched when he switches sides.
  • American Kirby Is Hardcore: He looks hardcore in his Ultimate All-Stars art compared to their Cross Generation of Heroes art.
  • Arm Cannon
  • Beam-O-War: When done with supers, his machine gun will generally win. This is because it has one of the longest durations and will thus hit an opponent immediately after their beam ends, has a firing rate that is equal to beams despite not being an actual beam, has a fast startup even if you enter it in late, and can be done concurrently with the charging of the best non-super projectile in the game.
  • Bootstrapped Theme: "The Flutter vs. Gesellschaft".
  • Button Mashing: His Level 3 hyper does more damage the more you do this.
  • Charged Attack: Gets one in this game.
  • More Dakka: To some extent, his "Machine Gun Sweep" Level 1 super has him shooting a plenty amount of bullets from his Arm Cannon.
  • Swiss Army Appendage: His hand can become an Arm Cannon and a drill.
  • This Is a Drill: Another of his Level 1 supers transforms his Arm Cannon into another drill.

Batsu: I've fought a lot of punks in my time, but none of 'em have ever brought a drill to a fight!

Morrigan Aensland

"I don't really care about what's "good" and what's "bad." I only care about enjoying myself."

Voiced by: Yayoi Jinguji
First appearance: Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors

The daughter of Belial Aensland, she was born with power that rivaled S class high nobles. Fearing that that Morrigan would lose control of that power, Belial split her soul in half, taking part of her power. She spent her days as a Rebellious Princess and generally being the combat-crazy version of Paris Hilton.

(when winning against Roll) "You're a tad young to have fun with, dear. I'll check on you again once you're more developed."

"Such a pure and innocent child... Would you like a little taste of the dark side? Just one little scratch and you'll be in a world of pleasure."

(when winning against Casshan) "I wouldn't move if I were you. It's so difficult trying to find the balance between pleasure and pain."
(when winning against Frank West) "Why use a lens to take me in? Come over here and I'll show you something that you could never hope to capture on film."
(when winning against Gold Lightan) "I find the discrepancy between your physical size and your ambitions to be so disappointing."
(when winning against Karas) "What? You don't want me to see what's inside that armor? That just makes me want to try harder."
(when winning against PTX-40A, referring to it's pilot) "How can you sleep in an iron cage like that? My body would do a better job of keeping you warm."
(when winning against Yatterman-1) "If you're done playing hero now, maybe I can show you how to really have a good time."

Ken The Eagle: Your flirtations will not work on highly trained warriors like us, temptress! You will not hinder us on our mission!
Tekkaman: Sorry, lady, but I'm on a mission for humanity. I don't have time for you or your temptations.
Tekkaman Blade: I'll admit, you are very attractive... But so what?
Viewtiful Joe: Sorry lady, but I've got too many older, bat-guano crazy women in my life as it is!
Yatterman-1: I've seen enough sexy villainesses in my time to know what to expect from you! By the way, you're way hotter than Doronjo, I gotta say.
Zero: I won't be seduced by you, demon. I have friends I need to get back to.


First appearance: Lost Planet: Extreme Condition

One of the Vital Suits from the source game, controlled by an unknown pilot.

Joe The Condor: Your firepower and mobility is most impressive. ...I wonder what Dr. Nambu would make of it.

  • Hyperspace Arsenal
  • More Dakka: His "Arsenal Barrage" super revolves around this.
  • One Man Party: He can't be paired with anyone due to it's own power.
  • Powered Armor: Though after several hits they would get dizzy.
  • Real Robot
  • Running Gag: Many of the characters mistake it for a sentient robot.
  • Toasted Buns: Many of its normal attacks involve roasting his opponents with his thruster-fire.
  • Transforming Mecha: Changes in its Level 3 Super for a devastating attack.
  • The Voiceless: It only makes robotic noises. It has, however, a nameless pilot who is seen in the ending and says the victory quotes.
  • Weaponized Exhaust: Its various normal moves involve using its thrusters to burn the enemy or to act as a quick escape. It's also one of its bread and butter moves.


"I'll just have to give it my all since my brother isn't here to give me a hand!"

Voiced by: Hiromi Igarashi
First appearance: Mega Man

The third humanoid robot built by Light Labs, and a "sister unit" of sorts to Mega Man and Proto Man.

Saki: Wow, you're way more powerful than you look!

Kaijin No Soki: Ah... If only Jubei had your poise and charm.

  • The Dev Team Thinks of Everything: Her healing move causes a "drop" of light to appear in mid-air and fall on her. If a human character touches the "drop", they take a little damage and interrupt the move, but if a robot character touches it, they get healed.
  • Development Gag: Her ending contains a far obscure one. In it, she awakes both Vector and Huitzil. Huitzil's original design was that of a housekeeper robot.
  • Dialogue Tree: She will mention that Volnutt reminds her of her brother before the fight and calls Viewtiful Joe a "Quickman cosplayer". In turn, Zero comments on what robotic model Roll is, as well as calling her a housekeeping reploid, and Viewtiful Joe will comment on Roll being a cute girl, after defeating her.
  • Flying Broomstick: Used in her dash, and in her appearance in the Mini Game Credits.
  • Glacier Waif
  • Glass Cannon: If you make her sweep her own puddle, she binks, giving her a permanent damage buff for ALL of her attacks. You can sweep up to five puddles, wherein she's about as strong as Tekkaman. And that's not all: you can gain the maximum buff of five puddles while sweeping only one puddle if you use her Sweep Turbo super move!
    • On top of that, one of her specials serves the purpose of granting a damage buff to her next special. So.. Yeah. Really damaging if you play her right. Can't take much punishment, though.
  • Hitbox Dissonance: Her small size makes her a hard target to hit. And with the addition of her broom, a weapon with good reach, this was furthered.
  • Image Song: "Kaze Yo Tsutaete", christened to "When The Wind Blows" in UAS.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Because Capcom wanted the character to be true to her origins, she fights as a house-keeping robot, so she attacks enemies with her broom and bucket of water. Some characters praises her because of that:

Alex: ...This girl is like a hardware shop and an armory all rolled into one!
Frank West: Ah, the simple mop. Not a bad weapon. It will take out your basic zombie. Good durability. You could do worse.
Tekkaman: When one masters a weapon, a person's potential increases accordingly. That being said, that broom is deadly in your hands.

  • Irony: Roll's storyline emphasizes the fact that Roll was not built for combat. Yet she's totally able to put giant robots, superheroes, monsters, street fighters or the lord of darkness himself in their place. Plus, she has made the most appearances in the Capcom vs. Whatever series than any other character from the entire franchise.

(when winning against Frank West) "You say I need to fight more and clean less so you can take a good picture... Sorry, but cleaning is what I do best!"

  • Joke Character: In tier lists, she can be found at the same low tier as Karas in UAS. This doesn't mean that she can't be a...
    • Lethal Joke Character: She has a disjointed hitbox, a Level 1 healing hyper move, and very damaging attacks.

Chun-Li: One of the rules of fighting is to never underestimate your opponent. I should have remembered that...


"Where one goes isn't important. What matters is following your own path!"

Voiced by: Hiroki Takahashi
First appearance: Street Fighter

The face of the Street Fighter series and the Fighting Game character, Ryu is a wandering warrior seeking to improve his own skills while facing opponents in any part of the world.

Chun-Li: You don't change, no matter how much time has passed. I really wish I had your dedication.


PTX-40A pilot: No, no, no. I don't care how much training you have. No one can deflect bullets and dodge missiles!"
Tekkaman Blade: You're good. You're strong. But my strength is fortified by my hate, and that's why I can beat you.

Batsu: Hmm... That's the Shimazu-style karate, isn't it? Seems like everyone's using that these days.

Doronjo: I cannot honestly believe someone as strong as you is so poor! C'est la vie, as they say!
Jun The Swan: I can tell you don't fight for justice or out of some obligation. There's a real purity in your devotion.
Kaijin No Soki: I recognize the look in your eyes, warrior. You are one who has discarded all hesitation and possesses the refined soul of a samurai.
Karas: ... I feel a pleasant breeze... ... emanating from your punches...
Ken The Eagle: I'm the fastest member of my team, and you could still keep up with me! You've forced me to reevaluate my opinion of street fighters!

Saki Omokane

"No need to worry! The Earth Defense Squad is on the job!"

Voiced by: Youko Honna
First appearance: Quiz Nanairo DREAMS

A 16-year-old girl who's member of the Earth Defense Force.

Viewtiful Joe

"Who's the most viewtiful hero around? That's right, yours truly!"

Voiced by: Shinji Kawada
First appearance: Viewtiful Joe

A film fan who's brought to Movie Land when his girlfriend gets kidnapped by the Big Bad. He fights for truth and justice using the time altering powers of his V-watch, which is activated by the magical phrase "Henshin."

  • Ascended Fanboy: So much that his victory quotes and ending involve him swooning over Tatsunoko superheroes. It's only appropriate that he's both here and in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, since he's such a huge dork about this stuff.

(after winning against Ken The Eagle) "Hey, if you guys have an opening, ring me up! Whether it's a horned owl, a swallow or heck, even a condor, I'd fit the bill!"
(after winning against Polimar) "Whoa, the real Polimar!? H-O-T! Hey, hey, can you sign my helmet!? Make it out to "Joe, my No. 1 fan"!"
(after winning against Tekkaman) "Y-Y-You're Tekkaman!? Really!? Sweet! I see you all the time when they show reruns!"

(when winning against Jun The Swan) "Wooow A perfect mix of shy and sexy! You're really something! (Man, Silvia could learn a thing or two from her...)"
(when winning against Roll) "A cute robot girl that's also a maid? You know, there is such a thing as overkill."
(when winning against Yatterman-2) "Now that's how a heroine's gotta be! Maybe you and Sylvia can swap places? ...No? Dang."


"Checkmate. You're all out of moves."

Voiced by: Ryotaro Okiayu
First appearance: Mega Man X

A robot with a strangely similar capability to X, despite being created by the evil Dr. Wily, Zero fights for good and righteous causes throughout his robotic existence.


Frank West: You're one fast robot! I could barely keep you in frame, even with my high-speed lens.

    • Glass Cannon: Another interpretation of him, true to form. Expert players can whip out positively mammoth strings of heavy damage, but he can't exactly take a hit either. There's a reason he's been christened as a spiritual successor to Akuma.

Tekkaman: Your offensive abilities are good, but you have no defense.

Batsu: That sword's like something outta a sci-fi flick! I have no idea how it works, but it's freakin' cool!

Chun-Li: You've got really great hair for a robot... What shampoo and conditioner do you use?

Final boss


First appearance: Okami

The Big Bad of Okami. In this game, he's behind the disruption of the reality, and everyone has to fight him in order to stop him.

  • Big Bad
  • Blow You Away: One of his third form's specials creates a tornado.
  • Collision Damage: One of his supers. The whole combo does 58 hits!!!
  • Dark Is Evil: And screws reality.
  • Drop the Hammer: In his first form.
  • Eldritch Abomination
  • Flash of Pain: Because he doesn't flinch when damaged, he needs confirmation that the hits are landing which are more obvious than just their health bar.
  • Giant Hand Of Doom: His third form. His grab is extremely damaging.
  • Giant Space Flea From Nowhere:
    • In CGoH. Sure, it's an arcade mode, but did anyone expect him to appear? And after you defeat him, as the ending shows up, a completely different event is happening, with the characters not mentioning the battle ever. You'd think defeating the lord of darkness would be something to talk about. Some characters do point out that they defeated a monster like Viewtiful Joe and Roll. But having him in the game itself is surprising, despite being "teased" in the Cross Generations of Heroes opening (he shows up right after the logo fades from the opening movie).
    • Totally averted in UAS, since most of the endings refer him as the manipulator of reality.
  • Ground Pound: One of his third form's specials.
  • Mechanical Lifeforms
  • One-Winged Angel
  • Playing with Fire: His third form super uses a Frickin' Laser Beams engulfed in fire.
  • Powered Armor
  • Power Glows: Each time he activates a super, he glows in red and black.
  • Saw Good: In his first form.
  • Sequential Boss
  • Shock and Awe: One of his third form's specials involves him throwing a huge Energy Ball composed of electricity.
  • SNK Boss: His third form is particularly hard, primarily because it has a grab move with a damage rivaling a level 3 hyper combo! That being said, long-range specialists work wonderfully against it - it's close-up fighters like Polymar who really feel the heat.[1]
  • Theme Music Power-Up: When you face his last form in the final battle, "The Sun Rises" starts playing.
  • Transforming Mecha: After you defeat one of his forms, he'll change to the next one.
  • Tron Lines
  • Victory Fakeout: Like Abyss before him, he does this twice after beating his first two forms. The only difference is that there is a loading screen between forms and the fact that your health is restored.
  • The Voiceless

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  1. or the giant characters for that matter
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