< Tangled (2010 film)

Tangled (2010 film)/Characters



Voiced by: Mandy Moore

The heroine, a princess who was kidnapped and locked in a tower her whole life thanks to her mother ingesting a flower that held an essence of the sun. As a result, her Magic Hair can reverse aging, heal wounds, and bring people back to life. At the start of the film, she is left wondering why thousands of lanterns appear in the sky on her birthday every year, and the movie is set into motion by her desire to see them.

Tropes associated with Rapunzel:

  • Action Duo: With Flynn. Later on they become more of a Battle Couple.
  • Action Girl: With nothing other than hair and a Frying Pan of Doom, no less.
  • Almost Kiss: Twice - The first time was in the rowboat before the Mood Whiplash where Flynn sees the Stabbington brothers, and the second was right before he cuts her hair off.
  • Badass Adorable: Despite being sealed in that tower for nearly her entire life, she's very resourceful when on the outside. And certainly fills the "adorable" side.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Rapunzel runs off to adventure with 70 feet of hair and bare feet. She gets wet but dries off quickly, and at no point are her hair and feet ever seen to get dirty.
    • Well, it is magical. Her hair, that is. Not her feet.
  • Blessed with Suck: Rapunzel briefly alludes to the difficulties of having 70-foot-long hair during her "I Want" Song.

And then I'll brush and brush and brush and brush my hair!

    • Gothel has also made Rapunzel believe that she would be in constant danger outside the tower because selfish people want her healing power for themselves. Along with the actual truth in that statement and the resulting tower imprisonment as well.
    • It's stated in an official "fact book" of Tangled facts that it takes Rapunzel three hours to brush her hair, and six hours to wash it. She hangs it out of the tower to let it dry.
  • Blithe Spirit
  • Brought Down to Normal: After Flynn cuts her hair. It kills Mother Gothel and turns her into a brunette.
  • Bound and Gagged: Mother Gothel ties up Rapunzel for wanting to save Flynn from execution and to lure Flynn into a trap later on.
  • Building Swing: Using her hair.
  • Calling The Old Bag Out
  • Character Development: Rapunzel loses her fear of the outside world and learns to stand up to her abusive adoptive mother.
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • Rapunzel's complete, non-negotiable unwillingness to break her promises greatly informs the film's climax, when she promises to Mother Gothel that, if she lets Rapunzel heal Flynn, Rapunzel will stay with her forever and offer no resistance. Needless to say, it makes the scene pretty tense.
    • The fact that her hair glows helps her and Flynn escape a watery death.
  • Compressed Hair: While touring the kingdom, her 70 feet of hair is compressed into one floor-length braid. Justified as it was braids that were braided to create one big braid.
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: Thanks to her hair. Even beyond this, however, she seems to have a bit of klutziness in general; witness her attempts to get Flynn into her cupboard, the way she accidentally clonks herself with her own frying pan, and so forth.
  • Disney Princess
  • Ditzy Genius: She's incredibly multi-talented and capable of great insights, but also has her moments of (perfectly understandable) naive idiocy.
  • Does Not Like Shoes: Rapunzel is of the youthful innocence variety, plus she's just never needed them due to never leaving her tower. Interestingly, no one in the entire film comments on it, aside from Mother Gothel pointing a mirror down at Rapunzel's bare feet and commenting that she's "underdressed"— causing Rapunzel to immediately cup her fingers over her toes. In the storybook version of Tangled Ever After, she's still barefoot, even at her wedding.
  • Eleventh-Hour Superpower: Her tears.
  • Eureka Moment: When she realizes her identity. Also:


  • Everything's Better with Princesses
  • Expy: Designer Glen Keane designed both Ariel and Rapunzel. The similarity in both appearance and personality certainly shows. Especially interesting since Ariel was inspired by his wife and Rapunzel is inspired by his daughter. Strong Family Resemblance meets Identical Stranger meets animation?
  • Fantastic Light Source: Rapunzel uses her magic hair to find the way out of a flooded cave.
  • Foot Focus: Quite often. Thrice in the tower-exiting scene alone.
  • Fountain of Youth: Her hair.
  • Friend to All Living Things: From horses to thugs to thieves and beyond.
  • Frying Pan of Doom: Her Weapon of Choice.
  • Genki Girl: Mostly thanks to the fact that she's pretty happy to be out of the tower.
  • Girl in the Tower
  • Going to See the Lanterns
  • Graceful Ladies Like Purple: Her dress is purple and lavender with pink touches.
  • Green Eyes: She shares them with her mother. Notable for being one of the few Disney characters (not counting villains) at all to have them.
  • Hair Decorations/Flower in Her Hair: Rapunzel wears as many flowers as her hair can handle when she visits town. They make her look even more adorable and girly.
    • Not to mention that the elaborate braiding makes it easier for her to move around town without tripping over her hair.
  • Hair of Gold: Played with, in that while she is good and innocent, she uses said hair as a badass weapon. Flynn even nicknames her "Goldie". However, at the end she's revealed to be a natural brunette, which is actually foreshadowed by the fact that her eyebrows and eylashes are brown and both of her parents are brown-haired, but most obviously, the fact that her blonde hair lock turned brown when Gothel cut it.
  • Happily Married: To Eugene.
  • Healing Hair
  • Held Gaze: With Flynn.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Tries to do this at the end by sacrificing her freedom for Flynn's life. He beats her to it by sacrificing his life for her freedom.
  • Hilariously Abusive Childhood
  • I Gave My Word: Whenever Rapunzel makes a promise, she intends to keep it, from promising to return Flynn the satchel that has the tiara he stole to promising Mother Gothel that she will go with her willingly only if Flynn can be healed first.
  • I Just Want to Be Free
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: Inverted in that she doesn't want friends (her adoptive Mom and pet chameleon are enough) but still a very friendly girl.
  • "I Want" Song: "When Will My Life Begin?"
  • Important Haircut
  • Improbable Weapon User: Her cast-iron frying pan.
  • The Ingenue: While Rapunzel shares some of these traits (being locked in a tower all her life), Mother Gothel constantly belittles Rapunzel that she's naive, vulnerable, and helpless without her.
  • Instant Knots: She can do this with her hair.
  • Let's Duet: "I See The Light".
  • Love Epiphany: During "I See The Light".
  • Love Hurts: When Rapunzel is led to believe that Flynn betrayed her, the look on her face is heartbreaking.
  • Living MacGuffin/MacGuffin Girl
  • Magic Hair: And how!
  • Mood Swinger: Rapunzel runs around yelling "I'm free!"/"Mother is going to kill me..."/"This is the best day of my life!"/"I'm the worst daughter ever!" Flynn points out, "You seem a little at war with yourself here."
  • Mundane Utility: Rapunzel's 70 feet of hair has magic that can heal grievous wounds and reverse aging. It also serves as a handy blanket to wrap around herself with when she's sleeping outdoors. It even serves as the world's longest flashlight.
  • No Infantile Amnesia: Near the end of the film Rapunzel has an epiphany and realizes that she's been subconsciously painting the symbol of her city-state — a sun — because of dormant memories from infancy. Or it was the magic flower, which just happens to also be the symbol of said city-state, since it was inside her to begin with.
  • Not Distracted by the Sexy: Flynn tries to woo his way out of being Rapunzel's guide, but unfortunately for him, she has absolutely no experience with or understanding of seduction of any kind, and so has absolutely no idea what he's even doing. When she's not amused, he reluctantly agrees.
  • Only Child Syndrome: Made more noticeable by the fact that her parents are hereditary monarchs and, even given Rapunzel's disappearance, would thus presumably need a child to keep the lineage going. Although considering the first pregnancy almost killed mother and child...
  • Parental Abandonment: Inverted, as Rapunzel is kidnapped from them as a baby. Otherwise averted in her case, as in a shocking twist for a Disney movie, the girl has two loving parents to return home to at the end.
  • Pietà Plagiarism: While she holds Flynn after his Heroic Sacrifice.
  • Plucky Girl
  • Poster Gallery Bedroom: Her walls are lined with murals.
  • The Power of the Sun: It's imbued in her hair because of the flower, and it lets her heal.
  • Primal Fear: Claustrophobia and drowning.
  • Princesses Prefer Pink: At the end of the movie.
  • The Promise: See I Gave My Word.
  • Puppy Dog Eyes
  • Rapunzel Hair: Rapunzel's hair is 70 feet long. In this case it is explicitly magical hair, which both explains how it was able to grow that long to begin with and how she can move about without it weighing more than she does.
  • Remembered I Have Magic Hair: In the scene where Rapunzel and Flynn are trapped in a sealed cave while it gets flooded, Flynn fails to find an underwater exit since the cave is pitch-black. It takes a little while to Rapunzel to realize she can get some light with her hair.

Rapunzel: I have magic hair that glows when I sing.
Flynn: What?!


  • Required Secondary Powers: Rapunzel's magic hair must also be magically immune to split ends and other problems that would plague normal hair that hasn't been cut for 18 years. Mother Gothel has been using the hair's magic daily, which probably also has the power to heal the hair in ways that no Real Life shampoo can achieve.
  • Romance Genre Heroines: Rapunzel is an interesting mix between The Spunky Kid and The Free Spirit.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: With Flynn.
  • Say My Name: She shouts "Flynn!" and later "Eugene!" a lot.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: Rapunzel is surprisingly capable of having conversations with Pascal, like when she discusses with him whether they can trust Flynn or not. Coincidentally, Pascal was a squirrel in the first draft of the script. But then again, It seems to be an inherent ability of Disney princesses.
  • Spirited Young Lady: She doesn't want to disobey Mother Gothel, but she's determined to get what she wants.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: With her real mother, the queen. Especially at the end, when they're both brunette and the camera frames them reuniting, right down to the huge green eyes. Rapunzel does not need to do anything else to show that she's their daughter, despite having a completely different hair color when she was a baby.
  • Swiss Army Tears: At the very end, though you may see it coming if you're familiar with the fairy tale.
  • Traumatic Haircut: Not only does she get the hair she's been growing out her whole life chopped off, losing it means she can't save Flynn's life.
  • Took a Level in Badass
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: You'd think a girl with 70 feet of hair would get a bit more notice when she first strolls into town.
  • Your Size May Vary: Her hair changes lengths in-between shots.
  • Youthful Freckles

Flynn Rider

Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert

Voiced by: Zachary Levi

The film's Deuteragonist, a career thief on the run for stealing the missing princess's prized tiara who finds himself trying to hide out in her tower. Rapunzel, with no previous knowledge of the outside world, convinces him to accompany her to see the lanterns.

Tropes associated with Flynn:

  • Action Duo: With Rapunzel. Later on they become more of a Battle Couple.
  • Almost Kiss: See Rapunzel's entry.
  • Anti-Hero: Falls somewhere in between type II and III.
  • Antiquated Linguistics: When he first meets Rapunzel. "I know not who you are..."
  • Back from the Dead: Rapunzel's tear brought him back to life. Justified, since in the original tale, Rapunzel healed her beloved's eyesight with her tear.
  • Badass Beard: Flynn has a rather swashbuckling goatee.
  • Be Yourself: His character development is kicked off with this from Rapunzel.
  • Butt Monkey: His second most prominent trait. Helps that he seems to be Made of Iron when it comes to physical comedy. Not so resistant to stabbing, though.
  • Character Development: He stops caring only about himself and learns to love, as well as to just be himself.
  • The Charmer: Flynn tries to be this. Smolder, anyone? Unfortunately for him, since Rapunzel has no experience or understanding of seduction of any kind, she's completely immune to his moves (including said Smoulder).
    • In German, the word is "schwachmache", which basically means "weak-maker". As in, "thing that makes you weak at the knees". Oh, Flynn.
  • Chirping Crickets: Flynn gets this when he comments to his lackeys "I can't believe after all we've been through together, you still don't trust me?"
  • Conveniently an Orphan: Part of his backstory.
  • Curtains Match the Window
  • Deadpan Snarker: And how! He takes every opportunity to snark about his current situation. except the 'almost drowning' part, which adds to the drama.
  • Decoy Protagonist: The trailers made it seem like Flynn was the star, even though he is very much the deuteragonist. In-movie, Flynn is the leading narrator, but he quickly denounces himself from being the main character and goes on to tell that yes, this is the story of Rapunzel.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight
  • Dude in Distress: It's always Flynn who has to be rescued by Rapunzel, not the other way round! Even when Rapunzel gets Bound and Gagged toward the end of the film, she's able to save Flynn from his mortal knife wound by working off her gag and begging Mother Gothel to let her heal him, which gives Flynn a chance to pull off his would-be Heroic Sacrifice.
  • Easily Forgiven: Between the start of the movie and the Epilogue, Flynn goes from being wanted for grand theft, to presumably becoming Prince or Prince Consort, and eventually King of the same country. Wow. (Well, given that he did bring back their daughter who had been missing for 18 years, you can see the King and Queen issuing a pardon there).
  • Embarrassing First Name: Eugene.
  • Fail O'Suckyname: Believes this of his real name, Eugene Fitzherbert. Rapunzel doesn't think so.
    • Well, considering it means Eugene, Bastard son of Mr. Herbert who can blame him?
  • Facial Composite Failure:

They just can't get my nose right!

  • Foot Focus: Unlike Rapunzel above, Flynn's feet get no special focus when he loses a boot in both the film and trailer-exclusive scenes. Huh.
  • Flynning
  • Genre Savvy:

"I don't do Backstory."

Flynn: No, no, no, sorry, boys. I don't sing.
(cue swords)
Flynn: (singing) I have dreams like you, no, really! Just much less touchy-feely...

  • Happily Married: To Rapunzel.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He sacrifices his life for Rapunzel's freedom at the end. He gets better.
  • Hidden Heart of Gold: "You can't tell anyone about this (his real name). My reputation would be totally ruined."
  • Hot Consort: Through marriage to Rapunzel.
  • I Just Want to Be Badass: Why he's a thief in the first place.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Free: In Flynn's last moments of life (as far as he knows), Rapunzel makes a promise to never resist Mother Gothel again so long as she is allowed to save his life. Rather than allow her to save him, Flynn decides to use the last of his strength to cut Rapunzel's hair with a shard of glass, causing it to lose its power and depriving Gothel of the reason Rapunzel was so important to her. In a way, this is a case of this trope going both ways.
  • Ironic Echo: In the trailer, Flynn calling for Rapunzel to let down her hair was humorous. Less so for the single time he uses it in the movie.
  • Land in the Saddle: Flynn is catapulted over a high wall as part of his prison breakout and lands in Maximus' saddle. Thanks to Rule of Cool, nobody gets hurt. He's just as surprised as anyone else about that.
  • Le Parkour: Flynn and the Stabbington brothers use this at times, perhaps most noticeably while climbing on the palace roof in their first scene.
  • Lovable Rogue
  • Love Redeems: Rapunzel's love for Flynn causes him to change his thieving ways and return to bearing his old name Eugene Fitzherbert.
  • Made of Iron: Flynn should at least be bruised from head to toe with many broken bones and concussions from all the abuse he goes through in this movie, but most of it doesn't leave a scratch on him. Though, he's still vulnerable to daggers and pointy rocks.
  • Meaningful Echo:
    • When Flynn and Rapunzel are about to see the lights appear, Rapunzel is worried that it won't be anything she expects it to be after waiting so long. He consoles her by telling her, "Well, that's the good part I guess. You get to go find a new dream." This turns up again later when Eugene has returned to the tower in an attempt to free Rapunzel. Dying, he says, "You were my new dream." Rapunzel responds, in a tear-filled voice, "And you were mine."
    • The first and last times Flynn sees Rapunzel's long hair emerge from her tower are nearly identical, with her golden hair forming a loop as it flies out of the window into the sunlit air as he clings to the wall of the tower. The second time, it's not Rapunzel.
  • "Mission Impossible" Cable Drop: How he steals the crown.
  • Mr. Fanservice: According to an interview, Flynn's design came from the artists having the female staff members writing down all of the celebrities they thought were most good-looking and borrowing from that.
  • Oh, and X Dies: The opening narration starts off with Flynn stating, "This is the story of how I died." It's pretty easy to miss or forget, if you aren't paying attention, however. Additionally, the first-time viewer, after observing his personality, would think he was exaggerating for drama.
  • Oh Crap
  • Parental Abandonment: He's an orphan.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: With Rapunzel.
  • The Southpaw: He fights against Maximus wielding the frying pan with his left hand.
  • Swashbuckler
  • That Man Is Dead: Flynn Rider dies as he begins embracing his true name and personality. So the Tonight Someone Dies warning at the beginning is very true, it is the story of Flynn's death and his rebirth.
  • Too Dumb to Live: You'd think that Flynn, a career thief, would know that the woods alone at night is the last place you ever want to have a hand-off with two violent, untrustworthy thugs who have very good reasons to be mad at you. Though, it could be seen as more proof of his Character Development; he's too concerned with Rapunzel's safety to worry about himself, and he had no way of knowing Gothel was skulking about.
  • Unreliable Narrator: He announces that the story isn't about him, but rather Rapunzel, it's actually about both of them.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Courtesy of Rapunzel: Flynn really starts to grow after Rapunzel tells him that she likes Eugene better. She also takes to calling him by that name as well, a gesture of respect that greatly fosters Flynn's later Character Development.
  • You Have Got to Be Kidding Me!: The only appropriate response to seeing your not-quite girlfriend making friends with the hell-beast of a horse that's been chasing you all over the place.

Mother Gothel

Mother Gothel

Voiced by: Donna Murphy

An old woman who was, prior to the film, the only person who knew of the magic flower that could reverse her aging. When the flower is taken from her and ingested by the queen, Gothel instead kidnaps the queen's daughter, who had the essence of the flower, and raises her as her own. Eighteen years later, Gothel is content with keeping Rapunzel as her personal Fountain of Youth, which is forced to change once Rapunzel decides she wants to see the outside world.

Tropes associated with Mother Gothel:

(looking in the mirror with Rapunzel) Look in that mirror. I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady. Oh look, you're here too. (laughs).

  • Evil Is Hammy: Subverted. Gothel definitely counts as a ham in the beginning when she pretends to be a mother figure to Rapunzel, but later in the film when she decides to become "the bad guy", she's basically all evil and no ham.
  • Evil Matriarch
  • Expy:
    • Mother Gothel looks very similar to the way Bernadette Peters portrayed the character in Into the Woods. They even have the exact same motive for locking Rapunzel in the tower (protection from the outside world). There's also the young and old forms both take, the arrogant insistence of being right, and the awesome singing voices. However, the former fills in the blanks with much darker reasons to the point of being a Deconstruction of the latter.
    • Her eternal youth shtick might also be something of a surviving trait of the original concept of Yzma. Further evidence of this one comes from the fact that The Emperors New Groove started life as a much more standard Disney flick under the working title Kingdom of the Sun. Note the motif of the kingdom in Tangled. The key difference here is that Proto-Yzma believed that the sun itself was what robbed her of her youth and beauty, while Mother Gothel actually gains hers from the essence of sunlight.
    • Her over-protectiveness and passive-aggressive emotional manipulation also call to mind Frollo from Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame. The song "Mother Knows Best" and Frollo's part of "Out There" are, lyrically, uncannily similar.
    • When she wears her black hooded cape in her old form, she kind of looks like the evil witch from Disney's Snow White.
    • She also looks kind of like Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix Lestrange.
  • Fantasy-Forbidding Mother
  • Faux Affably Evil: After Rapunzel calls her out and she decides to be "the bad guy".
  • Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!: Mother Gothel. Of course, she looks much younger and sexier thanks to the magic of Rapunzel's hair. But the scenes of her as an old lady before having her youth restored, avert this trope.
  • Gray Eyes
  • Immortal Immaturity: Mother Gothel acts immature for how old she looks, let alone her actual age.
  • Immortality Seeker
  • In the Back: Mother Gothel does this to Flynn/Eugene when she fatally stabs him in the back with her dagger, unseen, while he's trying to save Rapunzel (though, of course, Gothel may or may not be a Dirty Coward, yet she does fight dirty). Guess he should have seen that one coming.
  • Jerkass: Mother Gothel is an explicable one to Rapunzel from beginning to end it appears and makes little attempts to hide it.
  • Jewish Mother: Implied in the second verse of "Mother Knows Best".
  • Knife Nut: Gothel's preferred method of combat, when she's not using her hundreds of years of cunning. She doesn't get around to actually stabbing anyone. Until the end, where she really makes it count.
  • Lady in Red
  • Large Ham: And how. "Mooooottheerrrr Knows BBEEEEESSSSTTT!"
  • Manipulative Bitch: What she does to Rapunzel for 18 years and how she recruits the Stabbington Brothers.
  • Marshmallow Hell: Mother Gothel does this a couple of times...or manipulates Rapunzel into running into it, which is basically the same.
  • Meaningful Echo: Mother Gothel's weary proclaim that she looks like "the bad guy" after an argument with Rapunzel in the beginning of the film. The second time she says it, she decides to take the role much more literally.
  • My Beloved Smother
  • No Immortal Inertia: The immortality granted by Rapunzel's hair is immediately revoked if her hair is cut, causing anyone surviving in such a way to age rapidly if they touch the hair while it is losing its powers.
  • Oh Crap: Mother Gothel when she sees Maximus; she quickly deduces Rapunzel is gone, fearing the royal guard have found her at last. And again when Mother Gothel returns Rapunzel to the tower after her adventure. As she checks up on her, Rapunzel walks out of her room in a daze and says, "I'm the lost princess." You know Gothel can't think anything but this!
  • Rapid Aging: Happens to Mother Gothel when she no longer has the power of Rapunzel's hair to maintain her longer-than-normal youth. Definitely doubles as Accidental Nightmare Fuel, as it appears to be pretty damn painful. It happens throughout the rest of the movie too, only more slowly; in only two days away from Rapunzel, she already looks pretty aged by the time they go back to the tower.
  • Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
  • Really 700 Years Old
  • Shiny Midnight Black
  • Statuesque Stunner: "Somebody get me a glass, 'cause I found a tall drink o' water!"
  • Then Let Me Be Evil: "You want me to be the bad guy? Fine — now I'm the bad guy..."
  • Third Person Person: Mother Gothel while singing "Mother Knows Best" and its Dark Reprise.
  • Villain Song: "Mother Knows Best".
  • Wicked Stepmother: Technically.
  • Yandere: For Rapunzel's hair.
  • You Are Grounded:

You are not leaving this tower! Ever!



Rapunzel's pet chameleon and constant companion.

Tropes associated with Pascal:



The Captain of the Guard's horse, who is unfortunately more competent than the captain himself. At the beginning of the movie, he dedicates himself to hunting Flynn down for getting the tiara.

Tropes associated with Maximus:

The Snuggly Duckling Thugs

The Snuggly Duckling Thugs

Voiced by: Brad Garrett (Hook Hand Thug); Jeffrey Tambor (Big-Nose Thug), Paul Tompkins (Short Thug)

Regulars at the Snuggly Duckling Bar, these guys seem like your typical tough nuts who wouldn't hesitate to beat the living daylights out of you...until you find out what they're really like.

  • Beneath the Mask: It's revealed that they've all got dreams they want to do.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Hilariously inverted, then played straight.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Their busting Flynn/Eugene out of prison.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The hilarious song "I've Got A Dream", performed by the Pub Thugs, illustrates all their most cherished dreams. Later, these dreams come in handy when they band together to rescue Flynn from execution, thanks in part to Maximus. Combined with Chekhov's Skill, especially in the case of the mime.
    • The first big clue to their Big Damn Heroes moment was when Flynn spots a ceramic unicorn in the room.
  • Foot Focus: The six-toes belonging to the Big Nose thug.
  • Fluffy the Terrible: The Snuggly Duckling sounds a very fitting name for a bar whose main patrons are a bunch of scary-looking rogues. Subverted since said rogues are actually nice guys.
  • Gag Nose: Big-Nose Thug.
  • Hidden Heart of Gold
  • Hook Hand: The thug who dreams of being a pianist.
  • "I Want" Song: Their commemorative musical number of the light-heart, upbeat and comically lampshading "I've Got A Dream". They're aware they're not the nicest group of fellows, but they still have dreams.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: Big-Nose Thug.
  • Large Ham
  • Misfit Mobilization Moment: When Maximus recruits them to bust Flynn out of prison.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname
  • Serious Business: Singing, apparently.

Hook-handed Thug: (after all the thug have sung their parts) What about you?
Flynn: I'm sorry, ME?

Big-nosed Thug: What's your dream? (helps him down from being suspended)

Flynn: NO, no no, sorry boys. I don't sing. (over two dozen swords are directed towards his face) I have dreams like you, no really! Just much less, touchy-feely...

  • Real Men Wear Pink: All of the pub thugs at the Snuggly Duckling. Some of their dreams include: floral arrangements, interior design, miming, baking cupcakes, knitting, puppet shows, and collecting ceramic unicorns.

The Stabbington Brothers

The Stabbington Brothers

Voiced by: Ron Perlman

Flynn's partners-in-crime at the beginning of the film, whom he leaves at the mercy of the kingdom guards to save his own ass. They're clearly not happy about it, and partner up with Mother Gothel to get him.

Other Residents of Corona

Other Residents of Corona

Other people who live in The Kingdom of Corona.

  • Dance Line: Rapunzel initiates one while touring the kingdom.
  • Frying Pan of Doom: The Royal Guard at the end.
  • The Guards Must Be Crazy: With the exception of Maximus the horse, Corona's guards are incredibly incompetent. First they couldn't catch an old lady running and carrying a baby or find the nearby tower where she hid. Then they couldn't catch Flynn until he was literally tied up and handed to them, despite the fact that he was dancing around town in plain sight and they knew he was accompanied by a girl who really stands out in a crowd. They leave their wimpiest guy alone with two humongous brutes, and he turns out about as effective as you would expect. And it was laughably easy for Flynn to swipe the tiara in the first place.
  • Hot Mom: Rapunzel's mother, the Queen.
  • 100% Adoration Rating: The king and queen are implied to have this, or something very close to it.
  • Ill Girl: The Queen in the opening narration, which prompted the soldiers to search out the flower.
  • The Kingdom
  • The Royal Guard Is Useless: It says a lot that the most competent, efficient and devoted member of the guards is the guard leader's horse. Who ends up getting the guard leader's job.
    • For his part, the Captain of the Guard has shown an incredible amount of devotion (how many guys can immediately resume chasing a thief after getting knocked unconscious?) and his heart's certainly in the right place. Unfortunately, he's let down by his poor decision-making, his men, his lack of intelligence and his tendency to get knocked out at the worst possible time.
  • The Voiceless: The King and Queen never speak on-screen. The fact that these two characters have three of the most emotionally charged scenes in the entire movie is a testament to the animation quality of the movie.

Those were my grandmother's wedding rings!

  • Yamato Nadeshiko: The Queen. She is more emotionally resilient, or at least better at looking the part. She's also the one who literally pulls Eugene into the group hug at the end, when he hesitates.
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