< Tales of Phantasia

Tales of Phantasia/Characters

Cless/Cress Alvein/Albain/Albane

Cless is an archetypical RPG hero- he's a Hot-Blooded, courageous, Book Dumb, and slightly oblivious country boy with a sword who gets sucked into an adventure he didn't want. He loves justice, and is motivated by wanting to avenge his Doomed Hometown.

Mint Adenade

A Mysterious Waif Cless meets after being captured and thrown in jail. He helps her escape and find the one person who can help them defeat Dhaos. She is an orphan from a long line of healers with a deep connection to the legendary Unicorn.

Klarth/Clark/Claus F. Lester

Shortly after arriving in the past, Cless and Mint seek out Klarth, a researcher who is trying to find a way for humans to use magic. On the way, he ended up rediscovering the lost art of summoning, and is making an effort to resurrect it, much to the scorn of his colleagues. Part Mad Scientist, part Witch Doctor, part Mr. Exposition, and all Cool Old Guy, he acts aloof and vain, but he truly does care for the crazy kids dragging him all over the world. His weapon is a book.

Arche Klaine/Klein

A half-elf from the past, she joins the party because they need someone who can use magic to defeat Dhaos. She is usually immature and easygoing, and a bit of a perv, but she's a powerful addition to the team, and essential at lightening the mood. Her weapon of choice is the flying broom that she rides on.

Chester Barkright/Burklight/Barklight

Cless's childhood friend, an orphan who lost his only family when their Doomed Hometown was destroyed by the army trying to resurrect Dhaos. He's the best archer in town... Or at least, he was, before the town burned down. He's very Hot-Blooded.

Suzu Fujibayashi

Suzu is a ten-year-old ninja girl from the future. In the PSX remake and beyond, the party meets her in Volt's Temple. (In the SNES version, you met her when (if) you managed to find the hidden ninja village, Japoni.) She's next in line for the position of chief of Japoni, since her parents are Brainwashed and Crazy and ran off. In the PSX remake and beyond, she will join your party after a brief sidequest involving fighting in the Euclid coliseum and finding Japoni. She fights with a nintou.


The "Demon Lord," a man from another world who is wreaking havoc on the world and needs to be stopped. Later, it's revealed that his homeworld was dying, and he came to Aselia to prevent the people from destroying their Mana Tree, and get a seed from it so that he can save his homeworld. He has the ability to travel through time.

  • Beam Spam: "DHAOS LASER!!!"
  • Belated Backstory: It wasn't until Narikiri Dungeon that his whole schtick was finally explained.
  • Big Bad: Although his vast knowledge surrounding the World Tree and his fighting prowess also allow him to fill in as his own army's Evil Genius and Brute.
  • Fallen Hero: To quote the Tales wiki; he was relieved when he didn't have to use force to stop a war and began to organize relief efforts for the citizens who were caught in the crossfire. When Dios fired a mana weapon, thus wiping it from the planet, his immediate reaction was to see if anything could be done to save the World Tree. Upon finding that it was too late, he immediately headed to Aselia... And then the plot happened.
  • Fantastic Racism: Against humans. Turns into something of a self-fulfilling prophecy, as the humans end up doing exactly what he was assuming they would... but they only do it trying to stop him from attacking them without explanation. The anime changes things around somewhat (see "Poor Communication Kills").
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters: Subverted. In the sequel to Phantasia, Narikiri Dungeon, it is revealed that when Dhaos came to Earth and saw the state it was in, his heart was filled with malicious intent, which he himself acknowledged as his hidden voice of evil.
  • Memetic Mutation: "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!"
  • Names to Know in Anime: Kaneto Shiozawa was his first voice actor. After Shiozawa's death, Toshiyuki Morikawa voiced Dhaos.
  • Not So Different: Cless realizes that they're both trying to achieve the same thing for their respective worlds and they see each other in the same way.
  • Poor Communication Kills: In the game only. In the OVA, he tried to tell the people that they were about to royally screw themselves over, they just refused to listen and called him a monster.
  • Restored My Faith in Humanity: According to the Tales wiki, his spirit comes to understand that he's Not So Different from humans and that the darkness in both their hearts must not be expelled but, rather, controlled.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: he was sealed away by Cless's, Mint's, and Morrison's ancestors when he first came to Aselia.
  • That One Boss: Especially so. You fight him 3 separate times (including the 3-round final battle where he has two extra forms), and every last one will have you pulling your hair out in frustration.
  • We Could Have Avoided All This
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Not very well done in the game, however. The OVA fixed it by making him much more sympathetic.
  • The Wise King: Until he came to Aselia...
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