< Sym-Bionic Titan

Sym-Bionic Titan/Characters

The characters of Sym-Bionic Titan:

Princess Ilana / Ilana "Lunis"

Voiced by Tara Strong

The princess of the planet Galaluna, Ilana is sent to Earth alongside Lance and Octus for her protection against Modula's forces, disguising themselves as students in Sherman High School. She is compassionate and well-intentioned, but her naivety of human ways causes the student body to label her a "doofus." Ilana and her armor system Corus is the "heart" of the Sym-Bionic Titan.

  • Action Girl: Less aggressive than the guys, but she can and will fight when the situation calls for it.
  • Anime Hair: Seriously, how does her hair manage to stay up like that? And from the looks of her dad, it apparently runs in the family.
    • The one time you actually get to see her hair down is very briefly when the cheerleaders and she fall into the school pool. Cut to the next scene, and her hair is automatically back up again.
    • The hairstyle appears to be a Galalunian cultural thing. Baron in episode 8 has this hairstyle as well, as do several Galalunian background characters.
  • Badass Princess: Kind of a given since she's also an Action Girl.
  • Barrier Warrior: Corus, her armor system, is equipped with force fields.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Strongly averted in Episode 13, then again briefly at the beginning of Episode 16 when she gets herself dirty from climbing down a well.
    • Episode 19 shows that shes doesn't always look so fantastic in the mornings.
  • Body Horror: Happens during episode 13, "The Demon Within". The burns from her injury look gruesome, but the transformation sequences are quite a bit more graphic, going to the point of showing Ilana, still technically thinking and acting as herself, seeing her reflection in a puddle, and discovering that part of her head has opened to reveal her brain.
  • Chest Blaster: Her armor has this weapon.
  • The Chick
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Has a compulsive need to help people in trouble. Sometimes it's a good thing, other times it's not.
  • Closer to Earth: She is quicker to accept human lifestyles and customs than Lance and Octus.
  • Cool Loser: Most of her classmates either ignore her or make fun of her.
  • Daddy's Girl: She loves her father so much that seeing an illusion of him dead causes an emotional breakdown.
  • Enemy Scan: Done in episode 3, "Elephant Logic", on the mysterious, gaseous blob that's destroying everything, then on the dragon monster.
  • Everything's Better with Princesses
  • Fallen Princess
  • Fish Out of Water / No Social Skills
  • Fragile Speedster: Her Corus armor seems to be like this, yet it's sturdy enough to survive a falling building and a stomping from a false Manus unit unscathed.
  • Frickin' Laser Beams: Corus can shoot a beam capable of destroying pretty much anything. This gets shown off in episode 11.
  • Gold Makes Everything Shiny: Her armor.
  • Graceful Ladies Like Purple: Her princess dress.
  • Granola Girl / Hippie Chick: Appears as one because of her overtly friendliness and peace-loving nature.
  • Hair of Gold
  • The Heart: Both metaphorically and literally, since her armor forms the heart of the Titan.
  • The Heroine
  • Love Freak: Resulting in considerable mockery from her classmates.
  • Magic Skirt: Whenever she wears one.
  • Missing Mom: There's been no mention of her mother so far, and the one possible cameo of her is questionable.
  • Plucky Girl
  • The Pollyanna: Definitely the most upbeat and optimistic member of the group.
  • Powered Armor: Her Corus unit is like this and is only slightly larger than an adult human by a foot or so.
  • The President's Daughter: Modula wants Ilana killed so that there is no one in his way to take the Galalunian throne and no one to inspire hope in the people to rebel against him.
  • Princesses Prefer Pink: A fair portion of her outfits consist of either pink or purple. Even the screens inside her armor are pink.
  • Protectorate: Towards Lance and Octus.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: When Galaluna was at peace, she did a lot of diplomatic and humanitarian work, as well as copious rescues of trapped-in-a-well pets.
  • The Spock: Originally The Kirk.
  • Spock Speak: Similar to that of Starfire (even though she's voiced by Raven). This lasts for only the first few episodes, however.
  • Spoiled Sweet: Ilana is obviously used to the finer things in life, but she doesn't let that get in the way of saving the day when evil rears its head oh-so-often.
  • Unlimited Wardrobe: She's worn four different outfits in a single episode.
  • Woman in White: In episode 6.
  • Youthful Freckles
  • Zettai Ryouiki: A marvelous Class B, Class A in other shots.

Corporal Lance / Lance "Lunis"

Voiced by Kevin Thoms

A Galalunian soldier and Ilana's bodyguard. Lance is labeled as a "bad boy" at school when he unintentionally draws all the girls' attention. He is not one to back out of a fight and is very protective of Ilana, easily mistaking anything as a threat to her. Lance and his armor system Manus is the "body" of the Sym-Bionic Titan.

Teacher: Care to tell the class a little bit about yourself?
Lance: ... No.
[Girls in the class smile in awe]

Ilana: I don't get it.

Octus: Dark hair, bedroom eyes, moody demeanor, I totally get it.

  • Fish Out of Water / No Social Skills: In his own sort of way, especially when he considers anyone who so much as lays a hand on Ilana as an enemy.
  • Geeky Turn On: Mike Chan's car causes his "circuits to pulse."
  • Genre Savvy: He knows that any time Ilana gets excited about something it probably won't end well and in "A Family Crisis" he flat out states that nothing good will come from leaving to rescue Solomon.

"Why is it that everyone agrees that I'm right but we're going anyway?"

Ilana: Why do you think my father chose somebody so...strange?
Octus: Maybe your father sees something in him that none of us do.

  • Hot-Blooded: Complete with Hotblooded Sideburns.
  • Idiot Hair: Far from being an idiot, though.
  • I Will Protect Her: To Ilana. And he takes his job very seriously.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He can be pretty intense when it comes to protecting Ilana, evidently shown in the second episode, but he's well-intentioned and will try to make up for his wrongs -- such as destroying the robot that he accidently led back to the neighborhood and getting Ilana the snow globe she was admiring from the furniture store.
    • Interestingly, Lance often avoids the Conflict Ball with Ilana.
    • As well as the fact that as the episodes go on, Lance is slowly mellowing out (or at least he's not as Hot-Blooded as he used to be).
  • The Lancer: Doubles as Meaningful Name.
  • Le Parkour: Judging by his chasing-down of Ilana when she wanted to go to the mall, he's pretty good at it.
  • The McCoy
  • Meaningful Name: His armor wields a lance and is The Lancer. Reversed, it means an actual rank.
  • Missing Mom: As with Ilana, the issue's never really brought up.
  • Mighty Glacier: Manus, his armor system.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Lance has more than once managed to create quite the mess due to his insensitivity and quick-tempered nature.
  • One-Man Army: Lance, to the point that the Galaluna Military seems to think his mere presence would be enough to turn the tide of the war they've already lost.
  • Self-Made Man: He had some support from the king and General Modula, but other than that he was pretty much on his own.
  • Shirtless Scene: So far, he's had more fanservice than Ilana!
  • Shrinking Violet: If "Disenfranchised" was any indication, he doesn't like being the center of attention very much and even shrinks away at Ilana's accidental announcement of his playing in a band.
    • Of course he my just be Genre Savvy enough to know that once Ilana starts making a big deal out of something it's bound to end in disaster.
  • Sour Supporter: On his worse days.
  • Spock Speak: He averts this more than Ilana and Octus do. Of course, he interacts with people less as well...
  • Tall, Dark and Handsome: 6'0 and 155 lbs, according to his license.
  • Troubled but Cute: A source of popularity at school.
  • When He Smiles: Played straight and Played for Laughs.
  • You're Popular, So You Suck: Invoked; he had a short lived tenure in a band, only to be fired because he was too "mainstream".

Octus / Newton / Mr. Lunis

Voiced by Brian Posehn

A bio-cyberneric robot sent alongside Ilana and Lance. Octus's hologram disguises include "Newton" when he's in Sherman High School; and Ilana's and Lance's "Dad" outside of school. He is intelligent, but is considered a nerd by Sherman High School students. Octus is the "mind" of the Sym-Bionic Titan.

  • Adorkable
  • Awesomeness By Analysis: In a mundane way. He's able to out-chug and out-belch Meat simply by observing how Meat did it and one-upping him.
  • Badass Bookworm
  • Big Eater: Just how many of those Popsicles did he eat in one sitting?
  • Brains and Brawn: Brains to Lance's Brawn.
  • Came Back Strong: Is brought back to life by the head of G3 in the series finale. Not only can Titan be formed again, its power increased greatly along with having gained the ability to fire powerful energy beams from its limbs.
  • The Comically Serious: He manages to pull off a lot of witty one-liners without even seeming to try. And when he actually does try to make jokes, they're so nerdy that no one else gets them. And if he's in a bad mood, he can become a Deadpan Snarker.
  • Do-Anything Robot: So far, Octus has been very versatile. He can even generate solid cash (and other objects) by apparently converting it directly from energy. This may be the same matter-replicators used to make the Titan's weapons.
  • Emergent Human: He's definitely not a human but, he's not just a robot either. This is examined in "I Am Octus".
  • Flying Brick: Not only can he fly, he can get hit by a truck on the freeway without being hurt. The truck crumbles from the impact, while Octus doesn't even flinch.
  • Genius Bruiser: He could probably beat Lance in a fight if he wanted to.
  • Heroes Want Redheads: With Kimmy, though she seemed to be attracted to him first.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: The end of episode 18. Though he recovers.
  • Hollywood Nerd: His high school disguise. He actually subverts this because he actually ends up with a Jock friend and Kimmy as a girlfriend.
    • He seems to be growing in popularity off-screen, too - his contacts list in "Shaman of Fear" has at least 10 names on it besides "Ilana" and "LANCE".
  • Ho Yay: With Meat at the end of Episode 7. (Though as a robot, this is a potentially ambiguous distinction.)
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: He's a lot bigger than Kimmy.
  • I Will Protect Her: Most fans seem to forget that he has the same bodyguard mission as Lance, he's just more calm about it. May also extend to his girlfriend Kimmy.
  • The Kirk: Originally started out as The Spock until he later gained emotions.
  • Let's Get Dangerous: The gloves are off when he sheds his disguise.
  • Lightning Bruiser: In addition to being able to move faster than the human eye can see, Octus is also strong enough to punch monsters through walls with relative ease.
  • The Masquerade Will Kill Your Dating Life: In "Under the Three Moons" it did.
  • Master of Disguise: But he frankly doesn't put that much effort into it when we know for a fact he could. Aside from the fact that his bulk never changes, his "dad" persona is essentially his "student" aged up appropriately. He's shown the ability to alter his appearance into a much thinner form, so apparently he just doesn't feel like it.
  • Mundane Utility: Octus is super-strong and super-fast, and will use all his might and skill to... throw snowballs.
  • Mysterious Past: Exactly how he came to be isn't entirely clear. We at least know Ilana's father was doing some touch-up work just prior to the invasion, but that's it.
  • Not Distracted by the Sexy: Kimmy's dance in "Lessons in Love" fails to convince Newton to do her homework for her.
  • Opposites Attract: Newton developed a completely unexpected romance with the not-so-ditzy sexpot cheerleader, Kimmy.
  • Papa Wolf: To Lance and Ilana.
  • Protagonist-Centered Morality: Octus is the most guilty of this out of the three, which makes sense because his programming dictates Ilana be protected first and foremost. He doesn't want Lance stopping crimes only because it attracts undue attention, and was perfectly fine with Lance driving a car without a license (and would have made him one if asked).
    • By the events of "A Family Crisis" he seems to have moved past this mindset, agreeing with Ilana to respond to Solomon's distress call as it is the right thing to do, much to Lance's annoyance.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Literally. He wears a pink apron and matching oven mitts when he cooks.
  • Ridiculously-Human Robots: Octus has made the point several times that he's not an average robot whenever this issue comes up.
  • Robot Buddy: Although Ilana and Lance don't seem to see him like this.
  • Secret Identity: He has TWO of them; Newton and 'Dad' Lunis. How Newton fits into the Lunis family is highly ambiguous.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend: He says this exact line when Lance teases him about Kimmy in "Lessons in Love". Then he ends up kissing her and they've been dating ever since.
  • Sizeshifter: An extension of his shapeshifting ability, allowing him to grow to giant proportions. The team probably couldn't form Titan if he didn't have this power.
  • The Smart Guy
  • Spock Speak: He gradually begins to take on human speech affections, to varying levels of success.

Octus: "I know, right?" (said without any intonation)

  • Sugar and Ice Personality
  • Super Speed: Octus displays this in Episode 6, going fast enough to be invisible to the naked eye and whip up a strong breeze, yet not fast enough to cause a sonic boom. He doesn't even have to move his upper-body to boot.
  • Team Chef: He seems to be the only one in the group who knows how to cook.
  • Team Dad: In the literal sense, as he disguises himself as the team's father at home. Plays the trope straight, too.
  • Tin Man: In "I Am Octus." It was inevitable, really.
  • Unexplained Recovery: After spending episode 19 dead, he's brought back to life by the head of G3 in episode 20 and this is pretty much his explaination.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Overlaps with Master of Disguise and Sizeshifter.
  • What Is This Thing You Call Love?: Subverted - he understands the concept but doesn't feel it with Kimmy (initially, at least). Instead, he feels 'happy' around her (sounding more like an unusually self-aware teenager than a robot).

General Modula

Voiced by Don Leslie

The driving force that caused Lance, Ilana, and Octus to flee Galaluna, Modula is a sort of dictator who controls a group of aliens called the Mutraddi. Because he is too busy conquering Galaluna for himself, Modula sends a giant monster every so often to kill the princess and stop any possibility of rebellion against him.


Voiced by Tim Russ

An enigmatic individual affiliated with a group known as the Galactic Guardians. His ambitions, motivation, and alignment remain to be seen, although to date he has typically served only to play as the voice of reason against the heavy-handed tactics of General Steel. Both his fighting style and the technology he uses are Galalunian in origin, a mystery that has yet to be explained.

General Julius Steel

Voiced by John Dimaggio

A decorated military officer whose unit is the first to encounter Ilana and Lance after their decent to Earth. He has deep contempt for the Titan once it becomes known, and openly encourages people to assume it to be a menace. He's also stubborn as a mule, refuses to listen to the advice of his subordinates, and never takes responsibility for his mistakes. Openly detests Solomon.

  • BFG: His mecha is armed with a large number of these. But the one it uses as a Finishing Move is connected to its arm and can completely vaporize a giant monster in one blast.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: His speech during the televised debate over whether the Titan is a friend or a menace hints that part of the reason he so strongly detests the Titan is that people consider it a hero, and not people like him.
  • Expy: Arguably of General Thaddeus E. "Thunderbolt" Ross from The Incredible Hulk.
  • General Ripper: Steel's violent obsession to stop any aliens tends to endanger his men and everyone around him.
    • Shows during his mecha's first battle. His fighting style is far more agressive than the Titan's and tends to cause a great deal of damage.
  • Good Is Not Nice: He's not really evil, and takes his job as a soldier seriously... but he's probably the least pleasant earthling we've seen in the series so far.
  • Harmless Villain: Starting to fall into this, especially compared to Solomon and Modula.
    • Not So Harmless: Not anymore, he finally decided to even the playing field and get himself his own giant robot, The Hammer.
  • Heel Face Turn
  • Jerkass: The way he treats subordinates who disagree with him is a little less than reasonable, he also acts this way toward Solomon.
  • Large Ham: When the H.M.E.R first appears, he chews up more scenery than the monster he's fighting.
  • More Dakka: His solution to most problems is finding a bigger gun to fire at it. This has come back to bite him on the butt at least once so far.
    • His own personal mecha, the H.M.E.R, is this trope. It's packed with an ungodly amount of guns and weapons.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: His actions are what result in episode 3's Monster of the Week.
  • Took a Level In Badass: Once he gets a giant robot of his own.


Voiced by Kari Wahlgren

The captain of Sherman High's cheer squad. When she is first introduced she behaves like a stereotypical mean and shallow popular girl, but it's really all just an act. She first reveals her true nature to Newton and, to everyone's surprise, falls in love with him. The two have been dating ever since and so far she has no idea that he's really a robot. She is similarly oblivious to Lance and Ilana's secret identities, though their behavior makes her suspicious at times.

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