Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li

Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li is the second live action movie attempt based on Capcom's long-running Street Fighter video game series (the 1994 version being the first), and released by FOX. It tells the story of Chun-Li Xiang (Kristin Kreuk) - a young piano/Wushu prodigy who has her young world shatter at age 10, when the crimelord Bison (and his Scary Black Dragon, Balrog) kidnap her father and whisk him off to parts unknown. Seventeen years later, after the death of her mother, concert pianist Chun-Li receives a mysterious scroll telling her to go to Bangkok. There she meets Gen, a former partner of Bison and leader of the mysterious Order Of The Web. Gen offers to train Chun-Li for her inevitable showdown with Bison.
There's also a subplot about Interpol agent Charlie Nash and Bangkok detective Maya Sunee, but they don't really matter until the end (and then mostly as backup for Chun-Li).
- But Not Too Foreign: Chun-Li and Maya being half-white, for a start.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Bison is one. In fact, his master plan to convert a slum area in prime real estate into middle class housing probably wouldn't be too illegal if it weren't for his tactics.
- Disappeared Dad: Or, worse yet, "dragged off before her eyes".
- Dragon Lady: Cantana
- The Dragon: Balrog
- Expy: Maya Sunee is almost certainly a stand in for Crimson Viper. They are law enforcement agents that share a first name.
- Bison is closer to Geese Howard than the actual M. Bison.
- In Name Only: The movie used only the names and basic plot.
- Kamehame Hadoken : Chun-Li uses one to take Bison down.
- Little Boy Blue Note: Chun-Li started as a pianist when she was young.
- Monumental View: The movie starts looking out the window of Chun-Li's first house at a beautiful view of the Golden gate Bridge that would place the house somewhere in the Presidio, which has no homes in it.
- Neck Snap: Bison does this to Chun-Li's father, right in front of her. Irony She eventually returns the favor., right in front of his daughter.
- No Pronunciation Guide:
- When Gen talks about Ryu, he mispronounces his name as "Rai-yu".
- A little less common is Bison's "Shadowlau", right after the caption reading "Shadowloo Headquarters".
- Not Even Bothering with the Accent:
- Everyone in Bangkok speaks perfect English with an American accent.
- Chun-Li even speaks Cantonese with an American accent.
- The Obi-Wan: Gen
- Oddly Small Organization: The Order Of The Web
- Outrun the Fireball
- Psycho for Hire: Vega
- Scary Black Man: Balrog
- Smug Snake: Bison
- The Corrupt Corporate Executive's Beautiful Daughter: Rose
- The Worf Effect: Fen's repeated curb-stompings at Bison's hands
- Three-Point Landing: Used by Chun-Li multiple times
- Villain Ball: Bison has a deathgrip on it.
- You Don't Look Like You:
- M. Bison as a blonde bearded guy in a suit.
- Chun Li is half-white and wears her famous hair buns for only a short time.
- Gen is a guy in his mid 30s.