< Squid Girl

Squid Girl/Characters

These are the characters from Squid Girl and tropes that are associated with them.

Lemon Beach House

Ika Musume/Squid Girl

Voiced by: Hisako Kanemoto (Japanese) and Christine Marie Cabanos (English)

The protagonist of the series, an anthropomorphic squid-girl who comes ashore to invade the surface world in retaliation for constant human pollution of the seas, only to end up being forced to work as a waitress at the Lemon Beach House restaurant in order to pay for a damaged wall of the restaurant.

  • Alien Hair
  • Anti-Villain: Type IV
  • Applied Phlebotinum: In Seasons 2 episode 2.3 it turns out that Ika Musume can pick up heavy weights with her tentacles because she can manipulate her weight using her bracelets.
  • Brilliant but Lazy: She's shown to be extremely good at math, has mastered several skills that have nothing to do with world domination, and of course there's her extremely powerful tentacles. She could at least be a serious threat, if she wasn't so lazy and easily distracted (and of course, if it weren't for Chizuru.)
  • Card-Carrying Villain
  • Combat Tentacles
  • Comically Missing the Point
  • Cold Turkeys Are Everywhere: After she swears off shrimp. They pop up everywhere.
  • Cry Cute: Every time Chizuru intimidates her into obeying her, or whenever a "comrade" of hers (e.g. Takeru in a squid paper-hat and an umbrella) "dies" (Takeru's hat blown away, the umbrella ran over by a truck).
  • Curtains Match the Window: And the tentacles.
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: Without the use of her tentacles she can barely kick a soccer ball.
  • Cute Squid Girl
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Ika is, in an appropriate and friendly way, friends with many kids of either gender, specifically Takeru and Kiyomi's respective groups of friends. Sanae and Cindy, on the other hand...
    • In season 2 episode 9.1, Ika is asked by Risa to join her play as her husband. Minutes later, Eiko, Sanae, and Kiyomi all join in. They have different roles but they share one similar thing: they LOVE Ika Musume. They even take their roles seriously and act as though they are genuinely in love with her.
  • Face Your Fears: In Season 2, Episode 11.3, she overcomes her fear of Chizuru, accidentally ticks her off again, and gets dragged by her to a room while showing NO signs of fear.

Ika: Oh? About what? (while being dragged by Chizuru to a room)

Ika: "What's a military?"

Eiko Aizawa

Voiced by: Ayumi Fujimura (Japanese) and Heather Pennington (English)

Middle child of the Aizawa siblings and manager of the Lemon Beach House, as well as Ika Musume's principal "handler".

"Pain in the ass bodyguard!"

Chizuru Aizawa

Voiced by: Rie Tanaka (Japanese) and Shelby Lindley (English)

Eldest of the Aizawa siblings.

Takeru Aizawa

Voiced by: Miki Ootani (Japanese) and Amanda C. Miller (English)

Youngest of the Aizawa siblings.

  • Anime Hair
  • Cross Dressing Voice: If you look at his seiyuu's name above, then yes.
  • Cute Shotaro Boy
  • The Generic Guy: Lampshaded when Squid Girl tries to draw the Aizawas using her tentacles (which she explains goes by her mental images of them.) Chizuru gets drawn as an oni, Eiko as a killer robot, and Takeru...is a more photorealistic version of himself.
  • Made of Iron: His very first appearance has him getting thrown around and slammed into the ground by Squid Girl's tentacles, only to get right back up and proclaim "That was so cool!"
  • Not So Above It All: Despite treating Ika like a playmate most of the time, Eiko notices that he's slowly learning to subconsciously control Ika -- which is easy enough, given her immense gullibility.
  • Out of Focus: In Season 2 Episode 10.1, Ika, Eiko, and Chizuru all forget about him while they try to eat as many cuts of meat as they can. Luckily, Chizuru has reserved some cuts (which she intends to eat them herself) for him.

Nagisa Saito

Voiced by: Azusa Kataoka (Japanese) and Cristina Valenzuela (English)

A surfer and part-time worker for Lemon Beach House, and perhaps the only person who sees Ika as a genuine threat to humanity.

Ayumi Tokita

Voiced by: Ayako Kawasumi (Japanese) and Sarah Williams (English)

Daughter of the manager of Southern Winds, Lemon Beach House's rival restaurant from a neighboring town. She sometimes works part-time at the Lemon Beach House.

  • Antenna Hair
  • Beautiful All Along: Without those creepy "Fake Ika Musume" kigurumi masks her father has her wear.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: After episode 10.2, you better show some manners while talking to her, as her father finds out after she throws him down. Though that one is an accident.
    • She learns self-defense from Chizuru. Yes, that CHIZURU!
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Her father tells Eiko, Chizuru, and Ika that ever since she started working with them, her sociability has been improved. She's still afraid of men though.
  • Dude Magnet
  • The Faceless: Not exactly with her appearance (she's even actually quite the looker), but she's this personality-wise; as her father told Eiko, she cannot actively interact with people outside her masks.
  • Fridge Horror: Her father tried to trade her to the Lemon Beach House in exchange for the original Ika Musume. Behavior like this is probably why she's so insecure to begin with.
  • Les Yay: Implied with her bashfulness around Eiko.
  • Meido: In Chapter 162 (Season 2, Episode 2.2 in the anime), she is this while working at the store and while wearing bladed brass knuckles! Needless to say, male customers are petrified at the unusual sight.
  • Not Good with People: Chapter 210 reveals she can speak normally with Ika, because she doesn't consider her human. The matching anime scene indicates this is why she can speak with Chizuru normally, too.
  • The Quiet One
  • Shrinking Violet


Goro Arashiyama

Voiced by: Yuuichi Nakamura (Japanese) and Jason Wishnov (English)

A lifeguard and Eiko's childhood friend, who has his sights for Chizuru.

Sanae Nagatsuki

Voiced by: Kanae Ito (Japanese) and Xanthe Huynh (English)

Eiko's neighborhood friend (and classmate, in the anime) who has taken an obsessive liking to Ika.

Cindy Campbell

Voiced by: Hitomi Nabatame (Japanese) and Laura Post (English)

An American alien researcher who comes to Japan to investigate Ika.

Mr. Tokita

Voiced by: Rikiya Koyama (Japanese) and Tony Oliver (English)

Ayumi's father whose first name is unknown. He is the Southern Wind's owner. He is fond of making creepy kigurumi based on Ika.

Harris, Clark and Martin

Voiced by: Seiji Sasaki, Anri Katsu, and Tetsuo Goto (Japanese), and Phineas, Tony Oliver, Jonathan Meza (English)

A trio of American Mad Scientists and MIT graduates (each of whom graduated at the top of his class) who, together with Cindy, investigate Ika.

  • Eagle Land
  • Geek Physiques: Harris is a little skinny, Clark is very skinny, and Martin is fat.
    • When Ika is gone in episode 12.1, they become depressed -- Harris and Clark gain a ton of weight, while Martin loses quite a bit.
  • Gratuitous English: Humorously, a few of their Gratuitous English lines go unaltered in the English dub. "You're a god, man! We are god men!"
  • Mad Scientist
  • Reed Richards Is Useless: In their zeal to discover Ika's "alien" heritage, they conveniently overlook their other, far more important discoveries: a universal language translator and a cure for cancer. Being that we actually learn this from them, they appear to have some faint awareness of the fact that they're squandering their talents and discoveries
  • Small Name, Big Ego: They never pass up a chance to remind people that each of them graduated at the top of his class at MIT. (Cindy graduated at the top of her class at MIT, as well, but we only hear her mention that once during the entire anime.)
  • Villain Team-Up: While they are not really villainous, the trio and Ayumi's father join forces in Season 2, Episode 11.2 to build a Mecha-Ika Musume. This Mecha-Ika has almost all of the original's powers as well as the ability to speak.

Kiyomi Sakura

Voiced by: Kokoro Kikuchi (Japanese) and Carrie Savage (English)

A middle-school student who Ika befriends after a prank gone wrong.

Tatsuo Isozaki

Voiced by: Shinzou Miyasaka

Goro's friend and fellow lifeguard who tries to flirt with Ayumi.

Kozue Tanabe

Voiced by: Akemi Kanda (Japanese) and Erika Harlacher (English)

A gentle girl implied to be an anthropomorphic "tako musume" (octopus girl). She never gives her name in the anime.

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