< Squid Girl

Squid Girl/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced -- There WILL be a second season!
    • And some OAVs! And they're all in the North American Blu-ray set!
  • Awesomeness Withdrawal -- With only 13 episodes, some fans can't find the same kind of amusement when watching the anime shows in the Winter 2011 and beyond that they found in Ika Musume.
  • Crazy Awesome: Chizuru.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse -- Mini-Ika went over so well with viewers that she will star in a few mini episodes on the DVD release!
  • Fridge Brilliance: When Squid Girl goes on a hypnosis rampage with an MIT-built hypnosis coin, Chizuru is the only one who isn't affected. Aside from her natural badassedry, there's also the fact that she's the only one who's eyes are usually closed.
  • Fridge Logic -- The store is destroyed and rebuilt by the American research team in episode 9. And yet the patched hole in the wall can clearly be seen in later episodes. So what, they rebuilt the wall, complete with patch?
    • Knowing the Americans, this is exactly what they would have done.
    • Chizuru might have requested (rather, demanded) this specifically, considering how she wants Ika to continue working at Lemon.
    • Was Cindy just yanking Eiko's chain in episode S2 4.1 when she seemed to suddenly forget Japanese?
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment -- Chapter 39 of the manga, which was not adapted for the first season of the TV series and probably won't be for the second. Jokes about earthquakes don't seem quite so funny ever since 11 March 2011.
    • The real knife-twist is that said chapter even mentions Tsunami.
  • Genius Bonus -- Apart from the Shout Out listed below, the American scientists also yell "I shall return!", which will only make sense to those familiar with World War II.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel -- Johnny & Depp.
  • Les Yay: Sanae really likes Ika... and likes, uh, dressing her up suggestively.
    • Cindy really likes Ika too, thanks to her "alien heritage." At least for Ika though, she's not as creepy as Sanae.
    • Also, Eiko and Ayumi, the latter being bashful around the former.
    • Season 2, Episode 9.1 (Chapter 69 in the manga). See it for yourself.

Eiko: You were 90 percent serious.
Sanae: That's a lie! I was 100 percent serious!

    • Ika and Eiko can be (hardly) counted as one, especially with the finales of Season 1 and 2.
  • Memetic Badass -- Chizuru, and rightly so.
  • Moe: Ika and Mini-Ika.
  • Narm -- Those dogs in the first DVD special are far more funny than they are threatening.
  • Paranoia Fuel -- Ika. Not for the viewers, but for Nagisa.
  • Shipping Goggles - In-Universe: In episode 9, Sanae assumes Eiko's relationship with Ika is more intimate than it really is by recalling past events out of context.
  • Tear Jerker -- The end of The entirety of "Won't You Keep It?". What the hell, man.
    • Ika Model One! You were a real hero!
    • And the paper hat in the first episode. ...you know what, Ika can form a friendship with a rock and manage to make us tear up!
      • You had to say that! Episode 4-3, Season 2.
    • Let's just have a moment of silence for Ika's umbrella, alright?
    • Though she kinda deserves it for being so creepily obsessed, it was heartbreaking to see Sanae's increasing breakdown as she tries to give up her Ika-chan, culminating in her deleting all of her pics and burning the costumes from episode 2, while tearfully saying goodbye to her unrequited love.
  • Too Good to Last: Thankfully averted, as it's getting a second season. Additionally, the original manga is still ongoing.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Sanae being in love with Ikamusume is a mistake.
    • Though even Eiko notes at the end that that isn't right.
  • The Woobie: Chizuru of all people. Even her own siblings are afraid of the sight of her with her eyes open, which leads her to stop wearing contact lenses. In Season 2 Episode 11.3 she seems hurt by the fact that Ika doesn't think she's human.

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