Spore Wiki Fiction Universe
Spore Wiki Fiction Universe is the large Science Fiction Shared Universe set in the 29th century, and revolved around the civilisations of the "First Gigaquadrant", a large cluster composed of several galaxies [1]. Originating from the Spore Fan Fiction, the Spore Wiki Fiction Universe eventually became a science fiction world in its own right. It is located here and anyone can join and become a new writer.
Stories there are usually revolved around major wars and conflicts occuring in the universe (which happen all the time). Sometimes, there are "sidestories" tied to the events of said wars. The "war stories" are usually united in the story arcs, which will usually all have the same protagonists (or antagonists, in case of The Great Uprising and the War of Ages). The largest ones so far are:
- The War of Ages, the Space Opera / Science Fantasy setting revolved around battle of mortal civilisations with the Legion of the Deathmarch and the Xhodocto. The very first story in the Spore Wiki Fiction Universe and the largest one. Eventually ended with the Master Kroc and other heroes descending to the Hell and sealing the Kamik'Shi (god of said Legion and Xhodocto) being frozen within their home realm.
- Second Coming, the sequel to the War of Ages. Revolved around the Cult of the Deathmarch and other demonic forces trying to reawaken the Xhodocto and unleash them on the universe again. Eventually, they succeeded, and the Xhodocto have destroyed most of the universe. The current story in the series is the Terminal Point, a post-apocalyptic war of the surviving mortals against the Xhodocto's demons.
- Galaxies at War, the story of the struggle of The Kingdom (Rambo Nation) and The Republic (United Republic of Cyrannus) against various enemies - United Lanat Empire, Imperial Alliance, The Cognatus, and finally Confederacy of Allied Systems. Heavily inspired by Star Wars, though generally following more Science Fiction -ish style that War of Ages.
- Perils of Ottzello, a story of survival of the Ottzello Galaxy's species against various foes, in a similar way to the Galaxies at War.
There are still many more stories in the Spore Wiki, varying in style and size.
- Abnormal Ammo - a lot of. Things shooting chemicals, strange particles, biological creatures, nanorobots, Demonic Energy et cetera. It even has its own page. [dead link]
- Above Good and Evil - While percieved as evil, Kamik'Shi is said to be "neutral" god, as he is incomprehensible to the mortals. Same for Xhodocto and, to lesser extent, other "omnipotent" species such as Spodelings. This also greatly applies to the Ultraterrestrials and on an even larger scale, the One God.
- Action Girl - many. Empress Ramashe (she is called the "warrior princess", after all), Gala Mevri, Keldar, etc. Also, some species (like Radeons) have many females in their military)
- Absolute Xenophobe - Xhodocto (especially early Xhodocto who did not have allies or cultists following them) and, to lesser extent, the Grox.
- Adventure-Friendly World - Well, Adventure Friendly Multiverse
- The Aesthetics of Technology
- Agony Beam - Essences, sometimes.
- Aliens and Monsters - subverted - yes, said aliens and monsters (and sometimes alien monsters) are the antagonists, but they are as likely to be protagonists. Aliens and monsters, in this world, are the good guys. And the bad guys. And everyone else.[2]
- Alien Blood - while most of the alien species have red blood like humans, some of them do not. The best example is (corporeal) Xhodocto, which blood is molten superheavy metal.
- Alien Geometries - Taldar realm, the Sequencium or the Vyronia. They are the fifth-dimensional beings and so is their home.
- The Alliance - Seven Starr/Onuris Alliance is the best example, although there are more examples, like the Cyrandia Alliance, the Ibis Galaxy Alliance, or the villanous example, the Xiivon Council.
- Amusing Alien - FRA Asgord.
- Antimatter - used sometimes as weapons, as in original Spore.
- Apocalypse How - Most nations can inflict X-2 damage, Xhodocto have done X-5 and could potentially do Z now that they've ascended to a different plane of existence.
- Applied Phlebotinum - Shidium for Zazane. A source of energy, a material to make their weapons and technology from, a gas for the grenades... The uses of Shidium are limitless.
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence - The Krassio have became the race of the Omnipotent Four after the Xhodocto have trascended its status. Yep, one race has ascended to a higher plane existence taking the place of another one who has ascended to an even HIGHER plane of existence.
- Author Appeal - Radeons. Oh, Radeons... Also, Zazane and Eirini.
- Badass - Just about all main empires on Spore Wiki.
- Badass Grandpa - Many Spore Wiki species can live for a long time. As such, many characters like Larnus Voltarion may qualify.
- Badass in Charge - Emperor Wormulus II is perhaps the best example, being, well, the God-Emperor. Tyraz Breek, Apollo and Empress Ramashe can also qualify.
- Badass Princess - Ramashe before becoming an empress.
- Badass Preacher - Tadjamad.
- Big Bad - Antediluvian takes this form over the Trucinex War, the Intergalactic War and the Great Cyrannus War. Others are Angazhar, The Xhodocto, The Corruptus and the Apocalypta.
- Beethoven Was an Alien Spy - Kayne West is revealed to be a young specimen of Time Master Energy Beings, Vyro'Narza.
- Brainwashed - Races enslaved by the Gros are always brainwashed with the use of helmets.
- Brainwashed and Crazy - "Set aggression level to...max."
- Butt Monkey - Diplomat Lezia.
- Casual Interstellar Travel - To be expected in a universe where some civilizations span entire galaxies.
- Celestial Paragons and Archangels - Subverted with Obvia'Atra - while angels, they aren't really good.
- Church Militant - The Divinarium, the Dei'Ar Theocracy, the Masaari Crusade...pretty much all Radeon empires.
- Civil War - The DCP Civil War.
- Cool Starship - "The only thing between you and the vacuum of space is six feet of solid style."
- The Corruption - The Corruptus.
- Cult - Cult of the Deathmarch, Komorian Comitatus, Devourer's Chosen...
- Cyborg - Too much to count. The Grox are an entire species of them.
- Demon Lords and Archdevils - the Xhodocto.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu? - Master Kroc literally fought and defeated Satan himself in the dephts of Hell and trapped him in a sword in the end of the War of Ages.
- The Ditz - Diplomat Lezia and Diplomat Avexia.
- Dream Land - Realm of Dreams.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him - The Annihilation dropped a bridge ON THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.
- Duel to the Death - Most wars end like this.
- Earth Is the Centre of The Universe - Due to Earth's importance in the universe, this is actually considered, however, humans are usually not very major.
- The Empire - Including traditional examples like Galactic Empire of Cyrannus or United Lanat Empire, as well as Grimdark Anti-Hero examples, particularily the Delpha Coalition of Planets. Draconid Imperium has some overtones of The Empire as well.
- Enemy Mine - Usually happens with the Grox.
- Evil Counterpart - The Loron and the Loron'Kikra.
- Evil Feels Good - All descended characters have at least one moment of this.
- Evil Tower of Ominousness - The Deathspire, lair of Khazurhal Draguros a.k.a. the Devil himself.
- Evil Versus Evil - The Loron and the Loron'Kikra again.
- Expy - Emperor Wormulus II. A mystical psychic leader of The Empire, immortal and immensely powerful. He have created his clones from his own flesh and blood to help him to rule his empire, but eventually, they have rebelled against him, and only by the sacrifice of the greatest hero of the empire the rebels were defeat. Where we have seen this before?
- Family-Unfriendly Death - The death of Empress Helenia of the FRA.
- Faster-Than-Light Travel - Sometimes not even explained, but needs to exist so the story can move forward.
- The Federation - Confederacy of Allied Systems is the rare (anti-) villainous example of this trope.
- Five-Man Band
- War of Ages:
- The Hero - The Krassio Host
- The Lancer - United Republic of Cyrannus
- The Big Guy - DCP
- The Smart Guy - Shka'Tun Imperium
- The Chick - Rambo Nation
- Sixth Ranger - Masaari Crusade
- Unified Nation of Ottzello Leaders:
- The Hero - Valzo
- The Lancer - Yogtam
- The Big Guy - Zr'Ahgloth
- The Smart Guy - Kralgon Emperor
- The Chick - Feldosia
- The Medic - Tuolog
- Sixth Ranger - Tralkik Commander
- Ibis Galaxy Alliance:
- The Hero - Tyrannar Junta
- The Lancer - Alvarok Empire
- The Big Guy - Tyrannar Junta again
- The Smart Guy - Rillian Cortexa Hive, also Alvaroks in some ways.
- The Chick - Ryordaan Empire
- Five-Bad Band:
- Main villains:
- Big Bad - Kamik'Shi.
- The Dragon - Khazurhal Angazhar
- The Brute - Shu'ulathoi
- Evil Genius - Emperor Zargoth/Antediluvian
- Dark Chick - Dark Lord Antediluvian
- Second War of Black Fog-age Corruptus:
- Big Bad - Shu'ulathoi
- The Dragon - Shu'wokerama
- The Brute - Shu'suvreca
- Evil Genius - Kolossus
- Dark Chick - AC
- Galactic Empire of Cyrannus
- Big Bad - Emperor Antediluvian
- The Dragon - Apocalyptan Acolytes
- The Brute - Zillum and Tyrant
- Evil Genius - Imperator Tyrannus
- Dark Chick - Mortikran and Agnassana
- Angazhar's servants can qualify, except without the Evil Genius.
- Big Bad - Khazurhal Angazhar
- The Dragon - Hez'Kalka
- The Brute - Kitoruka
- Dark Chick - Hellhuntress Telfinne
- Sixth Ranger - Janzeviz
- Main villains:
- War of Ages:
- For the Evulz - The Loron.
- Frickin' Laser Beams - Quite common, even portraited as the very first weapon in Spore.
- Friendly Enemy - Zr'Ahgloth and Dark Zr'Ahgloth during the Second War of Black Fog.
- Funetik Aksent - The Loron.
- God of Evil - Kamik'Shi.
- Green-Skinned Space Babe - Subverted - there are almost none Rubber Forehead Aliens in the universe. However, some species like Alavar, Rambo Pantorilisea, and sometimes Radeons can qualify.
- Interspecies Romance - The notable being being Diplomat Lezia of the Asgord and Tyraz Breek of the Zazane.
- Hive Mind - The Junction.
- Heroic Sacrifice - Warlord Kilnok in the Descension.
- Horny Devils - Mentioned in the lore but never appearing in the stories.
- Humanoid Abomination - The Xhodocto have taken human forms occasionally. Horny Devils mentioned above qualify as well
- Humans Are Morons - A human tribe awakened the Xhodocto from their slumber, unleashing them into the universe once more.
- Humans Are Special -Averted:Humans play a vaery small role on the wiki.
- I'm a Humanitarian - Lorons.
- Insectoid Aliens - Iteok, Tralor, Mantisorac, Nosisan, Alvarok(Although their not true insectoids, they just look a lot like insects).
- Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy - Da Loronz.
- The Kingdom - Rambo Nation.
- Legions of Hell - Xhodocto were this during the War of Ages, later giving that title to Legion of the Deathmarch due to becoming Demon Lords and Archdevils.
- Magic by Any Other Name - Essence is this. It is explained and is generally working under some rules, but still. Gyronic and Ultraterrestrials' powers can also qualify:
- Elemental Energy - one of the most common essences, used by many species. Tropes: Life Energy, Green Thumb, Petal Power, Holy Hand Grenade, Mind Before Matter
- Mana Energy -
- Chaos - Power of the Void, Reality Warper
- Demonic Energy - Black Magic, Playing with Fire, The Dark Side
- Entropic Energy - Black Magic, The Necromancer, The Virus, Demonic Possession
- Descension Energy - Bad Powers, Good People, Magma Man, Unstoppable Rage
- Celestial - White Magic, Holy Hand Grenade, Brainwashing for the Greater Good, Jedi Mind Trick, Light'Em Up
- Mystic - White Magic
- Psionic Energy - Mind Before Matter, Psychic Powers, Shock and Awe
- Gyronic (not an Essence, but works like one) - Time Master, Gravity Master
- Dark Gyronic - Power of the Void, The Dark Side
- Pure Essence - The Force
- Elemental Energy - one of the most common essences, used by many species. Tropes: Life Energy, Green Thumb, Petal Power, Holy Hand Grenade, Mind Before Matter
- The Republic - The United Republic of Cyrannus basically personifies this.
- Reference Overdosed - The Galaxies at War saga has countless references to Star Wars, to the point that the ending of the Great Cyrannus War felt familiar.
- Rule of Cool - This universe exists because of it.
- Verbal Tic - Peem.
- Xanatos Gambit - Antediluvian's involvement in the Great Cyrannus War. Whichever side won, he would have control of Cyrannus.