< SpongeBob SquarePants < Recap < S3

SpongeBob SquarePants/Recap/S3/E04 Nasty Patty Idiot Box

Nasty Patty: It was a bright and sunny day, while Mr. Krabs was bathing a pool of his own money. Then suddenly, the health inspector shows up to check the Krusty Krab. Krabs and SpongeBob talk to the health inspector, who says he wants one of everything. Krabs and SpongeBob give the health inspector a smorgasbord. After eating it, the health inspector asks for one Krabby Patty. Krabs and SpongeBob think they are in the clear, when a news report shows up. It says there is a phony "health inspector" on the loose trying to get free food. Mr. Krabs is outraged, so they decide to give him a tainted Krabby Patty, called the Nasty Patty. When attempting to eat this "Nasty Patty," he swallows a bug, and chokes to death (or so Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob believe). Then a another news report shows up. It says that this phony "health inspector" has a distinct look from the inspector reviewing the Krusty Krab. They attempt to bury the real health inspector, but the police show up. They stuff the body inside the poilce officers' car. When they get to the Krusty Krab, they have to hide the body in the freezer through the back door. Unfortunately, the back door is locked, so they have go through the front door, (while SpongeBob tries to hide they body in his hat). The police officers order Krabby Patties. The female one asks for a soda. Mr. Krabs give her one without ice, so she asks for some. They go towards the freezer, but Krabs stops them, saying there is no ice and they has never been any. Krabs and SpongeBob confess, then the health inspector comes out, appearing to be a zombie. The police officers beat up the "zombie," then he passes the Krusty Krab.

Idiot Box: SpongeBob and Patrick are seen waiting for a package. When the package comes, Squidward jokes that it is a lifetime supply of bubble soap, but it turns out to be a giant TV. SpongeBob and Pat throw the TV away, revealing they only ordered it for the box. Squidward asks if they can have his box, and Sponge and Pat eventually say yes, but not before telling him about imagination. Squidward happily watches his new TV, while he notices Sponge and Pat playing games (with realistic noises) in their box. Squid tries to spy on them, and replicate the games. He ignores them and watches TV, but every program features boxes. He finally does get to join Sponge and Pat, but it seems to be the duo just making noises. He goes back to his house, and hears the realistic noises. He cannot take it anymore and plays with the box while Sponge and Pat are sleeping. He pretends to drive a racecar, and it works (because a real car, a dumptruck, is starting ignition). He ends up in the dump.

Nasty Patty contains examples of:

SpongeBob: I call it...the Nasty Patty.

Idiot Box contains examples of:

Squidward: Why won’t this thing turn on? All right, fine. If you don’t want to show me, I don’t care! I've got better things to do than pace the floor wondering how you two work this thing. (Cut to Squidward pacing the length of his living room floor) How do those two work that thing?! There's got to be a secret button or a switch or something!

  • Kids Prefer Boxes: Even though SpongeBob and Patrick aren't kids, but childish adults.
  • Mr. Imagination: SpongeBob and Patrick create a world of scenarios with only a cardboard box, much to Squidward's disbelief.

SpongeBob: "Squidward, you can make this box whatever you want it to be with... *makes rainbow appear from hands* ...imagination!"

Patrick: I hope Squidward isn't too down in the dumps today.

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