Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki/Characters
Yuuki is a magical fan. Thanks to Hermod's magic, Yuuki now transforms into a magical girl. Yuuki is the new valkyrie and is charged with protecting Midgard and Asgard from the forces of the fire giant Surt.
- Action Girl: though he used to be a guy.
- Ascended Fanboy: parodied and deconstructed; despite being a Magical Girl fan, Yuuki isn't really happy to have been forcefully turned into a woman and hired as a Walkyrie.
- Chick and Dude Magnet: Chiaki, Taki, Loki, Freya... the scary thing is, she seems to attract even more girls since her genderbent.
- First Law of Gender Bending: When Hermod tells Yuuki he can't undo the gender bending.
- Foreshadowing: Yuuki's rather squick-y costume manipulation involving the ribbon.
- Gender Bender
- Gender Blender Name: Yuuki (Courage), while a male name, is very similar to the feminine Yuki (Hope or snow, depending on the characters).
- Giant Waist Ribbon
- I Just Want to Be Normal: well, more like I just want to be a guy again, but still.
- Magical Girl: of the Magical Girl Warrior variety
- Man, I Feel Like a Woman
- Naughty Tentacles: Of ribbon
- Power Parasite: Yuuki is able to steal power from Otsana and Shebi
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Yuuki does this in the chapter Game Changer in a way reminiscent of a Split Personality Takeover. Or indeed in a way reminiscent to Freya's eyes when she was trying to kill Yuuki directly.
- Super Gender Bender
- Transformation Sequence
- Weak but Skilled: Yuuki continually impresses Thor and Hermod by quickly mastering abilities other Valkries never even knew they had, but since everyone else s/he fights is either a legendary hero, a mythological monster, part-god, or some combination thereof, s/he's always outclassed in terms of strength. (However, the fact that Yuuki is a gender-bent male does lead to some Unfortunate Implications regarding power vs. skill.) Lampshaded by Yuuki. "Why is everybody I meet stronger than me!?" indeed.
The Goddess of War and Beauty, and leader of all Valkyries and is the first and most powerful of The Valkyries. She has conflicting feelings towards Yuuki, wanting to kill Yuuki for being a weak Valkyrie, yet desiring to engage in a physical relationship with her. Although Loki thwarted her initial attempts to the former, Freya has since resurrected two Valkyries from ancient times to find Yuuki
- Action Girl: she led an entire faction of them.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: the leader of the Walkyries and the most powerful amongst them.
- Badass
- Black Comedy Rape: Ah Freya. Ripping off Yuki's clothing and putting a finger up his/her skirt.
- Blade on a Stick: her Weapon of Choice.
- Brother-Sister Incest: With Freyr.
- Depraved Bisexual
- Hair-Trigger Temper: which Loki gladfully exploited to trick her.
- Jerkass Godess
- Most Common Superpower: most female characters in this webcomic have this, but she takes it Up to Eleven.
- Slasher Smile
- Stripperiffic: o gosh... she hardly even wears anything to hide her panties.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: she is attempting to save the Eight Realms by recruiting powerful Walkyries. The problem is: she is willing to kill those she considers weak and unworthy.
- You Have Failed Me...: threatened Otsana and Sheby with this.
Former Valkyries
Hilda was the valkyrie before Yuuki. She quit to marry her fiance, but probably just used marriage as an excuse. even though she's no longer a valkyrie, she still wants to keep in touch with the Aesir.
- Bottle Fairy
- Butch Lesbian
- Fur Bikini
- Hot Amazon
- The Ladette
- Male Gaze: Lampshaded in a strip where Otsana is wearing only a large t-shirt while ordering around their "host", all the frames from his perspective go up to her shoulders.
Norse Gods
Hermod is the god of messengers in the Norse pantheon. He sides with the Aesir, which is lead by Odin. Hermod was sent to Midgard (the mortal realm) to find the new valkyrie. He decided that disguising himself as a magical girl DVD was the best way to find one.
- Baleful Polymorph: courtesy of Loki, he is forced to assume the form of a cat-like pet.
- Deadpan Snarker
- The Mentor: initially, to Yuuki. Though he sucks at it, and Thor quickly takes over.
- Talking Animal
Loki was a giant who was found by Odin and his brothers. Despite their hatred of giants, they thought he was awesome, so Odin made Loki a blood brother, thus making him one of the Aesir.currently Loki is chained under the earth with a snake dripping poison into his eyes because of the whole Balder incident. Loki's whole take on the incident was the that "the little snot had it coming to him." This defense didn't help him.Loki is able to project himself into the body of a stuffed white cat, so he is able once again wander Midgard. The knife he carries is for "little children and dogs that have the stones to pick [him] up."
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: He does this once- "Excuse me, but for the sake of the viewers, can we make this battle not last 50 billion pages like the wolves battle?"
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: he may looks like a mere pervert stuffed animal who acts goofy all the time, but he is able to match Freya in a fight.
- Dirty Old Man: he is one of the oldest beings in the universe, and yet one of the biggest perverts ever. According to himself, however, he looks quite handsome in his real form.
- Heel Face Turn: sort of; as expetable from the God of Trickery, his position tends to be... unclear.
- I Shall Taunt You
- Kid with the Leash: Subverted - it may look like this to a Gunnerkrigg Court reader because Loki can only manifest through a stuffed kitty that Yuuki owns, but Yuuki doesn't really have any control over him.
- Killer Rabbit: A facet of the above - the doll may seem harmless, but it's still Loki...
- Knife Nut
- Lovable Sex Maniac
- Mister Seahorse: In a nod to the original legends, Slepnir always calls Loki 'Mommy', much to the Trickster God's embarrassment.
- The Trickster
The King of The Norse Gods
- Badass Beard
- Badass Grandpa
- Big Good: presumably.
- Stealth Mentor: He sent the Auroch, Slepnir, and his ravens after Yuuki as tests
Thor is an easy going sort who enjoys a good fight and loves to party. He used to hang out with Loki back in the day, but the whole "Balder incident" puts a damper on that. Though with Loki's current freedom, that may change.
- Badass Long Hair
- Boisterous Bruiser: As with most depictions of Thor.
- Drop the Hammer: well it's Thor after all.
- Fun T-Shirt: His says "Lightning! Fuck Yeah!"
- Gender Bender: Not in the comic itself, but he references an event from Norse mythology.
Thor: Loki said I was cute...
Freyr: Loki sleeps with monsters, Thor.
- The Mentor: to Yuuki.
- Training from Hell: He subjects Yuuki to this.
- Shipper on Deck: ships Yuuki/Chiaki
- Shock and Awe
Heimdall works his boring job of watching Bifrost. He wants to be doing something else, but he's stuck there forever, at least till the end of the world
Tyr has nothing better to do with his time these days than to torment the giants, which is pretty fun. He's missing a hand because of his stupid stunt with Fenrir. Though you have to admit, that was pretty cool.
Freya's twin brother and her complete opposite, Freyr opts for giving Yuuki a chance to become stronger. He allows Yuuki to stay in Alfheim where s/he can finish his/her training.
- Bi the Way
- Bishonen
- Brother-Sister Incest: With Freya
Surt is the leader of the fire giants and Muspellheim. He hates the Aesir for hunting his kind and forcing them to live on the fringes of the universe. He wants to get revenge and waits patiently from the edge of Muspellheim for his chance.
Shuzaya Chiaki
Shuzaya Chiaki has only one want in life: to be in a magical girl story. While this may seem silly, magical girls are everything to Chiaki. She believes that there are magical girls in this world. There just has to be. She doesn't know how right she is though.
- Childhood Friend Romance: seems like this with Yuuki.
- The Ditz
- Damsel in Distress: during the fight with the Crows and a short dream sequence.
- Genki Girl
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: played with; she has an obvious crush for Yuuki, but is the only Muggle to know she was initially a boy. Yuuki did noticed she was more interested in him since he had become a Magical Girl, still.
- Stood Up: Yuuki accidentally did this to her.
Myu Myu-chan/The Auroch
Myu Myu-chan the Auroch is the first beast that Yuuki faces. He is not so much dumb, but easily confused. As the large bull auroch, he is capable of destroying city blocks in a matter of seconds. But as a small "lawn-cow," he is capable of being run over by cars.
- Sleep Mode Size: He turns into a doll-sized calf when he isn't rampaging.
- The Unintelligible: Myu-Myu-chan can only say "Myu", but the Norse gods are perfectly able to understand what he's saying. The humans in the cast, though, have absolutely no idea.
Himuro Taki
Himuro Taki is a student at Montrose Academy East, where he is a office worker some of the time. Taki likes Montrose Academy East because of its strange and varied curriculum (meaning he can study Norse mythology with no problem). He also likes girls who are strong and have something unique about them.
- Hikikomori: He seems to be one of these.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: He thinks he's fallen into a harem anime.
Blue Angel Jessie
The Otaku
- No Name Given
- Otaku: Duh
Joe/Top-Hatted Cape Man
- Shout-Out: He did one of Tuxedo Mask