Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki
"Repeat after me: Despite what magical girl anime has taught me, the monster does not go down with the first strike."
—Hermod, Messenger of the Gods
Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki is a transformation web comic by Kittyhawk, and is a shameless parody of the Magical Girl genre - namely, the main character has been hit with a Gender Bender and now must fight evil with a phallic-shaped smiting hammer in the hopes of getting his manhood back.
Updates infrequently, but provides a whole 'episode' with each update. Updates news about convention tours and merchandise far more frequently, if you're interested!
Kittyhawk attributes her art style to Japanese mangaka group CLAMP and American cartoonists like Tex Avery.
This ain't no Sailor Moon that's for sure.
It can be read here.
Now has a Character Page.
- Accidental Pervert: And if you believe that...
- A Date with Rosie Palms: Yuuki "test drives" his/her new body pretty early on.
- And Your Reward Is Clothes: After knocking out (and stripping) Otsana, Yuuki's costume grows armbands.
- Animesque: The comic looks surprisingly much like one that actually came from Japan and even has a typical Manga-feeling to it, despite being a parody. Given that parodies and deconstructions of genres are actually everything but rare in the modern Japanese Manga industry, this comic might actually fare rather well if it was published in Japan...
- Art Evolution: In 8 years, Kitty Hawk's art style has improved, while Yuuki improved in... other areas...
- Attractive Bent Gender
- Author Appeal: unashamedly.
- Bad Vibrations: "Note to self: Jiggle = bad stuff"
- Bifauxnen: Averted. Yuuki tried to achieve this effect by binding his breasts and wearing a boy's uniform. It didn't work due to his Most Common Superpower
- Big Bad: Surt
- Big No: When Yuuki discovers he's now a woman full-time.
- Bilingual Bonus: For one thing, those runes on Yuuki's belt? That's a contraceptive spell. Never mentioned or used in the comic. Word of God is this was unintentional but funny - the runes were supposed to signify things about Yuuki corresponding to their associated meanings.
- Black Comedy Rape: Ah Freya. Ripping off Yuki's clothing and putting a finger up his/"her" skirt.
- Black Vikings: Shebi who is the only dark skinned valkyrie
- Bottle Fairy: Otsana and Shebi
- Buffy-Speak: On a scale of one to bad...
- Butch Lesbian: Otsana especially the part where she almost kissed Shebi
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Loki does this once- "Excuse me, but for the sake of the viewers, can we make this battle not last 50 billion pages like the wolves battle?"
- Clothing Damage: Loki's preferred attack.
- Also happens during Yuuki's battle with Freya in this strip, leading to a bit of unwanted contact from Freya, and again much later to Otsana after Yuuki (who is possibly Not Himself at the time) makes the ribbons on his uniform ensnare her and start absorbing her "armor".
- Given that Yuuki doesn't seem to remember the incident, it's pretty much confirmed that he was Not Himself.
- Also happens during Yuuki's battle with Freya in this strip, leading to a bit of unwanted contact from Freya, and again much later to Otsana after Yuuki (who is possibly Not Himself at the time) makes the ribbons on his uniform ensnare her and start absorbing her "armor".
- Deadpan Snarker: Hermod.
- Deus Ex Machina: The "I Can't Go To School Looking Like A Girl!" problem is solved by one. It is then lampshaded by Hermod.
- Dirty Old Man: Loki, a pervert and one of oldest beings in existence, probably qualifies.
- Disappeared Dad: Yuuki, whose father is constantly away on business
- The Ditz: Chiaki.
- Drop the Hammer: Yuuki's weapon. Thor is trying to teach him to use it properly. Otsana uses a club, which is sorta related.
- ET Gave Us Wi-Fi: Okay, not exactly aliens, but Hermod did inspire people to develop better ways of communication, due to being tired from having to run around delivering messages all the time.
- Eyelid-Pull Taunt: Done by Hermod in this page
- Fan Girl, Fan Boy: Chiaki and Yuuki for magical girls, though Yuuki might be a male Fan Girl.
- Fan Service: Looooooooaaaaaads of it. Hell, it'd be easier to list what isn't Fanservice. A quick look through indicates a ratio of around three fanservicey pages to one non-fanservicey page.
- First Law of Gender Bending: When Hermod tells Yuuki he can't undo the gender bending.
- Frilly Upgrade:
- lampshaded. This is possibly a reference/in-joke to the fact that Fenris was contained, not by chains (he broke them all), but by a magic ribbon. Therefore, mythology in-joke.
- Foreshadowing: Yuuki's rather squick-y costume manipulation involving his ribbon.
- Fun Size: The giant bull that Yuuki fights in the beginning. Is now a cute little critter, barely bigger than a house cat.
- Fun T-Shirt: Guess which norse god is depicted at one point with a t-shirt saying "Lightning, Fuck yeah!"?
- Fur Bikini
- Gender Bender: One of the main character's primary motivations is reversing the effect of this.
- Gender Blender Name: Yuuki (Courage), while a male name, is very similar to the feminine Yuki (Hope or snow, depending on the characters).
- Genre Savvy: Most of the characters have this to some extent, though they manifest it differently.
- Giant Waist Ribbon
- Godiva Hair: In a sketch.
- Groin Attack: Used on the Auroch
Yuuki: I don't even have those right now, and I felt that!
- "Happy Holidays" Dress: Yuuki and Chaiki wear them as part of a seasonal job in this mini arc.
- Hidden Buxom: Yuuki tries to invoke this, only to realize that tightening one's bindings that much tends to prevent one from inhaling.
- Hikikomori: The man who Otsana and Shebi forced to house them seems to be one of these.
- How Do I Shot Web?: Yuuki zapping Hermod in the fight with the auroch. He did deserve that though, for not telling.
- Human Shield: Yuuki used Otsana as a shield when Shebi attacked Yuuki
- I Would Say If I Could Say
- Japanese Pronouns
- Kid with the Leash: Subverted - it may look like this to a Gunnerkrigg Court reader because Loki can only manifest through a stuffed kitty that Yuuki owns, but Yuuki doesn't really have any control over him.
- Killer Rabbit: A facet of the above - the doll may seem harmless, but it's still Loki...
- The Ladette: Otsana, Otsana, Otsana.
- Le Parkour: Chiaki briefly demonstrates it when she runs toward Yuuki and clears a fence without slowing down.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: Loki, to some degree.
- Magical Girl, of the Magical Girl Warrior variety: Yuuki
- Male Gaze: Lampshaded in a strip where Otsana is wearing only a large t-shirt while ordering around their "host", all the frames from his perspective go up to her shoulders.
- Man, I Feel Like a Woman: See the image on the trope's page. Later taken to extremes.
- Mini-Dress of Power
- Mister Seahorse: In a nod to the original legends, Slepnir always calls Loki 'Mommy', much to the Trickster God's embarrassment.
- Missing Mom: Yuuki never knew his/"her" mother
- Most Common Superpower: Virtually mandatory for a Magical Girl, much to Yuuki's embarassment. And since Kittyhawk draws a lot of fanservice one-offs, it's abundantly clear that Yuuki's breasts are just... plain... enormous. Monica enormous. Power Girl enormous.
- Heck, as of Edda 12, Yuuki may have surpassed both of them.
- Naked Apron: A variant -- a leather blacksmith/engineering apron (instead of a frilly cooking apron). Used in the store to advertise the new DIY USB archives.
- Naughty Tentacles: Of ribbon
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Yuuki attempts to defeat Otsana by using his magic ribbons to snare her club and fling her. Unfortunately, it fails spectacularly. Ouch.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Yuuki turning the attack around on Otsana, then flinging her naked and powerless at Shebi's onslaught of magic missiles.
- Noodle Incident: This.
- Norse Mythology: In case you couldn't guess from the title.
- The Nudifier: It seems that a Valkyrie's power and her costume are one and the same.
- Panty Shot: Yuuki, who knows it's inevitable because he's become a magical girl but isn't terribly happy about it.
- Parental Abandonment: Yuuki, in the classic anime/manga tradition of totally unsupervised adolescence.
- Pixellation: The latest comics have been using this for Otsana. However this Trope is averted at the same time as there is an option available to get rid of it.
- Pretty Freeloader: Parodied in filler comics starring Otsana and Shebi. Also provides the page image.
- Public Domain Character: When the Norse gods and their animal friends show up, so does this trope.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Yuuki does this in the chapter Game Changer in a way reminiscent of a Split Personality Takeover. Or indeed in a way reminiscent to Freya's eyes when she was trying to kill Yuuki directly.
- Running Gag: The Otaku in the Christmas specials.
- Sacred First Kiss: "My first kiss was a guy in a stuffed animal body!!"
- Sacred Hospitality for Pretty Freeloaders: Thor, Hermod, and Loki moving into Yuuki's house. And valkyries Otsana and Shebi who barge into some random Japanese guy's apartment. In both cases, the host refuses until the requests are backed up with sheer terror.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Chiaki, at least until proven otherwise.
- Schedule Slip
- Sexy Discretion Shot: averted in rather brutal fashion when Yuuki tears Otsana's (already minimal) costume off.
- Share the Male Pain: Ouch.
- Shout-Out: Keep an eye out for anime characters in the background. For examble, within three consequtive pages, we have Kamina on a poster, and Tomo and Osaka.
- And naturally, there are plenty to Norse Mythology.
- Ship Tease: Everyone.
- Skinship Grope: The entirety of the appropriately-named chapter "Rub-a-Dub-Dub"
- Sleep Mode Size: the Auroch turns into a doll-sized calf when it isn't rampaging.
- Standard Female Grab Area: No Transformation for you! Until...
- Stealth Mentor: Odin, who sent the Auroch, Slepnir, and his ravens after her as tests
- Stripperiffic: Freya. Every valkyrie frankly. Shebi in particular seems to have taken the Chun-Li skirt to a new level.
- Super Gender Bender: The entire premise. Also provides the page image.
- Suppressed Mammaries: Defied--Yuuki tries this, and can't breathe as a result.
- Team Pet:
- Hermod, also a Talking Animal.
- Auroch, or Myu-Myu Chan.
- Thanks for the Mammary: They might not be cantaloupe, but they certainly found some melons...
- Training from Hell: Thor subjects Yuuki to this.
- Transformation Sequence: Also inevitable. And Fanservice-y. Eventually things calm down. After the first few transformations, the fanfare subsides. Temporarily.
- The Unintelligible: Myu-Myu-chan can only say "Myu", but the Norse gods are perfectly able to understand what he's saying. The humans in the cast, though, have absolutely no idea.
- Unsound Effect: Non-squish, non-squish and many others.
- Unstoppable Rage: Freya, to the point that the gods decide to hide Yuuki for a few weeks and train him to a level Freya finds acceptable rather than face her head-on.
- Victor Gains Loser's Powers: Yuuki is able to steal power from Otsana and Shebi
- Weak but Skilled: Yuuki continually impresses Thor and Hermod by quickly mastering abilities other Valkries never even knew they had, but since everyone else s/he fights is either a legendary hero, a mythological monster, part-god, or some combination thereof, s/he's always outclassed in terms of strength. (However, the fact that Yuuki is a gender-bent male does lead to some Unfortunate Implications regarding power vs. skill.) Lampshaded by Yuuki. "Why is everybody I meet stronger than me!?" indeed.
- Weirdness Censor: Mundanes seeing valkyries fighting tend to look for the camera crew, expecting that someone is making a film.
- Word Salad Title: Parodying the use of this trope in anime, of course.
- Wrong Genre Savvy:
- Yuuki, on occasion thinks s/he is in a Magical Girl work.
- Poor Haruki even more so. He thinks he's fallen into a harem anime.