Mountain Time
It's sort of true...
Oh dear lord, what have I gotten myself into?
Mountain Time is a very strange Stick Figure Comic by Isto Combs. It consists mainly of non sequiturs, deriving much of its humour from such bizarre events as a man removing his heart and turning into macaroni salad, a woman sleeping with Burkina Faso, and a man with a statement allergy. The comic is often completely incomprehensible, but the author claims that it always has a symbolic meaning. He's probably making it up. We hope.
Tropes used in Mountain Time include:
- Audience Participation: The author regularly responds to comments... in ways that make as much sense as the comic itself.
- Fate Worse Than Death: Dave tricks someone into trapping himself in the five (but not fifth) dimension, where he faces a very long and cruel punishment.
- Fauxlosophic Narration: Any time the snailbear appears.
- Literal-Minded: The guy who isn't Dave in the very first comic.
- Mind Screw: Quite often, really, but especially here.
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: Dave, who seems to have a new power every time he appears.
- Ninja: The onions. Yes, literally.
- Split Personality: Donna the Bears. Her personalities are all bears.
- Surreal Humor: Basically the whole point. Heck, the comic's tagline is "surreal comics for real people."
- X Days Since...: Being a supervillain.
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