The futuristic story begins in the land of Clonus, a society that seems endlessly happy. That is, until you see the armed guards that surround them. They strive to be happy, so they can reach a certain status that grants them access to America, where the promise of an even happier, more fulfilling life awaits. These citizens are designated by tags on their ears, and when Richard (Tim Donnelly) and Lena (Paulette Breen) meet, they realize that their tags match. Despite the menacing looks they get from the guards, Richard and Lena become close and are soon in love.
Richard, meanwhile, is starting to have doubts about his seemingly utopian world. In a nearby river, Richard finds an Old Milwaukee beer can, and when he asks about the strange object at "confessional" and an unseen voice dismisses the discovery, Richard begins openly questioning whether that the leaders of Clonus are telling them the truth about the outside world, eventually uncovering Clonus' dark secret and his own sinister destiny. Peter Graves and Dick Sargent round out the cast and take up most of the budget.
Also known as Parts: The Clonus Horror and just The Clonus Horror, Clonus is a 1979 film made on a shoestring budget. Director Robert S. Fiveson brought a copyright infringement suit against the makers of The Island (2005). The lawsuit cited 89 points of similarity between Clonus and The Island, and the court ruled that Fiveson made a prima facie case for infringement. Before the case could go to trial, DreamWorks settled with the plaintiffs for an undisclosed amount. It's been rumored that's a seven figure sum.
For the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version, please go to the episode recap page.
- B-Movie: The budget for this film was $270,000. Most of that went to pay Dick Sargent and Peter Graves.
- Big Brother Is Watching: Once Richard starts suspecting things aren't as they seem he fakes a seizure or heart attack (or something) to find out if they're watching him (and implicitly the other clones) around the clock. They are.
- The Cameo: Inadvertent. The guard Richard punches out when he escapes Clonus is the director Robert S. Fiveson himself. This wasn't planned, but they didn't have any other extras at the time. The knowledge that Richard knocked out the director almost makes this movie all worth it, though.
- Can't Stop the Signal: Jake Noble is murdered, but gets a tape exposing the Clonus project to the media.
- City in a Bottle: The Clonus facility, which looks more like a junior college (and indeed, the scenes set there were filmed in one).
- Cloning Blues: To the movie's somewhat credit it was pretty ahead of the curve when it came to clone fiction.
- Cold Opening: Consisting of frozen clones in body bags and Jeffrey Knight's president-elect speech.
- Cool Old Guy/Retired Badass: Jake Noble.
- Deadly Euphemism: "Going to America."
- Downer Ending: And how.
- Although consdering the Can't Stop the Signal aspect noted above, it also qualifies as a Bittersweet Ending. [1]
- Executive Meddling: The title was originally to be Clonus. The distributor wanted to change the title to "Parts" and then decided to combine the titles. The DVD of this movie calls this Clonus now.
- Eyepatch of Power: George Walker.
- Eye Scream: Walker wears an eyepatch because he just got a transplant from his clone - Richard's wrestling buddy from the start of the movie.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Dick Sargent, Peter Graves, Frank Ashmore (Victor Basta from Airplane!, Martin/Philip from V), and Keenan Wynn.
- Failed a Spot Check: A guard doesn't notice Richard hiding behind the glass-paned door he (the guard) just used.
- Godwin's Law: Old Richard compares Jeff and Clonus to the Nazis almost immediately after learning his brother's involvement.
- Hollywood Darkness: Check.
- I Never Said It Was Poison: The original Richard knows something's up when he talks to his brother about Clonus -- and Jeff asks about a tape completely unprompted.
- Intrepid Reporter: Jake Noble, retired, still acts like one.
- Lottery of Doom: Just an excuse for the clones' sake, the real determining factor is which Clonus client needs a new eye this month.
- No Sex Allowed
- One-Woman Wail: Plays over a scene depicting exactly what happens when the clones "go to America".
- People Farms: With an actual farm for the clones to work on.
- People Jars: Clones are bagged for freshness.
- Product Placement: Huffy Bikes, Adidas clothing, Dr. Pepper, and Old Milwaukee Beer
- The Promised Land: America
- Pyrrhic Victory: Although Clonus is exposed, most people that helped Richard are dead and Lena had a lobotomy. Richard, well he's on ice.
- Released to Elsewhere: To America
- One interviewer asked why Robert S. Fiveson chose to have America be the "Elsewhere". The answer, exact words: "This was post-'60s fuck you-ism."
- Shirtless Scene
- Smoking Hot Sex: Richard and Lena's post-coital cuddle takes place in front of a campfire, the smoke of which seems to be emanating from Richard's nether regions.
- Stock Sound Effect: That alarm in the Clonus facility sounds familiar.
- The Illuminati: You can just barely see the pyramid insignia on the eye-patched Boss's golden ring. If the The Illuminati are involved then it explains a lot about Clonus.
- Too Dumb to Live: Most of the clones, but this is by design. Some clones are just unaltered, like Richard.
- ↑ Of course, this is assuming that Clonus doesn't have plans in place for just this contingency. Due to the rather abrupt coda, we never find out.