Shin Angyo Onshi/Characters
Main Characters
Voiced by Keiji Fujiwara (Japanese), by Jason Douglas (English)
The primary "hero" of Shin Angyo Onshi and one of the few Angyo Onshi left after the destruction of Jushin. Accompanied with his trusted companions, Bang Ja and Sando, he strives to destroy evil and corruption, along with confronting his arch-nemesis, the one responsible for the destruction of Jushin, Aji Tae.
Tropes associated with Munsu:
- Always Save the Girl: He threw away his principles for a few minutes in the little hope he and Kye Wol Hyang could still live a happy life together. She kills herself so he doesn't do it.
- Anti-Hero: Virtually covers all the bases of the trope. Quite literally, he goes from a Type V to Type II as Character Development progresses.
- A Father to His Men
- Anyone Can Die: Though his death happens final climax of the series, so it's not without significance.
- The Atoner: From his POV, Aji Tae is his fault. Killing him isn't just about revenge.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: He was a general in the past.
- Badass: Understatement of the century:
- Badass Army: His Phantom Soldiers, and earlier the Phantom Brigade.
- Badass Boast: When properly pissed, he will usually give one of these. Expect asses to be kicked.
- Badass Longcoat
- Badass Long Hair: When he was General.
- Badass Normal
- Four-Star Badass: He was once crowned a "Legendary General", one of in a very short list throughout Jushin's time.
- Handicapped Badass: He suffers asthma from hell.
- Break Her Heart To Save Her: Fake his own death as a traitor of his country so Kye Wol Hyang will not feel guilty or try to undo the deal he made to save her that would result in his death.
- Broken Pedestal: He throws away his principles to try to live a happy life with Kye Wol Hyang. She kills herself so he can turn back in the man she loved.
- Cannot Spit It Out: One of his soldiers tell him to basically jump from the confession stage to sex to avoid this problem.
- Catch Phrase: Whenever he's about to do anything heroic:
- Childhood Friend Romance: Kye Wol Hyang's Victorious Childhood Friend, despite him spending years and years of thinking they're just Like Brother and Sister.
- Combat Pragmatist: And holy fucking hell he is... Munsu cheats the shit out of his fights so often he ought to be the poster boy for for this trope...
- Confusion Fu: His battle strategy against an army whose commander can read his thoughts? Determine the course of action by rolling dice.
- Cool Teacher: To Marlene von Lucid, who crossed the ocean just to meet him again.
- Crippling Overspecialisation: His powers only work against humans. It says a lot about the setting that this is a serious problem.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Anytime he's in action, prepare to see a few of these.
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Seeing all of his friends in the afterlife... Sniff!
- Crippling Overspecialisation: His powers only work against humans. It says a lot about the setting that this is a serious problem.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Deal with the Devil: Maybe made a deal with Aji Tae in the past. "Maybe" because both him and Aji Tae had their reasons to lie.
- Death Glare
- Despair Event Horizon: Crosses it when the whole thing with Jushin's downfall happened.
- Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: Frequently does this to Aji Tae.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: He literally beat the living shit out of Aji Tae at once point. Turns out Munsu is the only one capable, thanks to the curse Aji Tae gave him.
- Eye Scream: Aji Tae blows off one of his eyes in the climax, and only don't blows off the other eye because he wants Munsu to see what Aji Tae has still to unleash upon the world.
- The Gunslinger: Not only that, but he easily sports some of the most badass and iconic guns of the anime/manga hero: Dual-wield golden Luger pistols!
- Heartbroken Badass: He isn't just the same after what happened to Kye Wol Hyang, and may be the reason why he acts so harsh towards his Sando aside of his usual jerkiness: he don't wants to be hurt again.
- Incurable Cough of Death: He suffers from Kye Wol Hyang's breathing condition, which was transferred to him by Aji Tae.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Knight in Sour Armor
- Master of Illusion: It's a part of your basic Angyo Onshi package, and a pretty useful one at that.
- Not Distracted by the Sexy: Subverted. It seems he is unaffected by Sando's beautiful wet body, but as soon she can no longer see him, he takes a moment to breath because it was too much.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge
- Smart People Wear Glasses: Invokes this trope on himself so he can claim he is a writer to Pyeonggang.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: Things between him and Kye Wol Hyang get worse as they get closer. Of course, it's already a Foregone Conclusion she dies.
- The Mourning After: To Kye Wol Hyang. The love he still has for her and the sorrow at her death take up a good chunk of his characterization.
- Throwing Down the Gauntlet
- Tear Jerker: His death, as well as the afterlife scene.
- Unwitting Instigator of Doom: The whole tragedy of Jushin started with him bringing Aji Tae to court and introducing him to Hae Mo Su. And he might be the one whose wish unbound Aji Tae's seal in the first place.
Chun Hyang (Sando)
Voiced by Sanae Kobayashi (Japanese), by Nancy Novotny (English)
A beautiful woman with prodigious fighting skill. She acts as Munsu's "Sando", or bodyguard. When she was kidnapped by a corrupt lord who wanted to make her his personal bodyguard, her lover embarked on a futile quest to become an Angyo Onshi. He died in the process, but not before making Munsu aware of her plight. After Munsu frees her, she decides to become his bodyguard in memory of her dead lover, and takes the title "Sando" as her new name. Halfway through the story however, her purpose becomes corrupted by Aji Tae as she is made into his servant.
Tropes associated with Sando:
- Action Girl
- Dark Action Girl later on.
- Badass
- Barehanded Blade Block: When everything else fails, including a head butt that was already a last resort move, she tries to block Marlene's sword with her own hands.
- Bare Your Midriff: Oh yes.
- Battle Butler: In a weird sort of way...she kinda is.
- BFS: That's one hell of a sword she's got! And that...claw....thingy.
- Bodyguard Crush: Has one on Munsu, and later Aji Tae.
- Brainwashed and Crazy Aji Tae subtly puts her under his control to the point she can't even remember Munsu or Bang Ja.
- Break the Cutie: The fact she isn't powerful enough to protect Munsu drives her to a a Face Heel Turn. By the moment she recuperates her senses, she has cut one of the arms of the man she sworn to protect..
- Death Glare: When she sports one of these, you are fucked.
- The Dragon, to Aji Tae.
- Does Not Like Shoes: More like "Does Not Need Shoes", since she's apparently Made of Iron. Justified, she's not even human.
- Face Heel Turn
- Then Heel Face Turn, when she finally kills Aji Tae herself.
- Fetish Fuel
- Foot Focus: Plenty of closeups of her bare feet.
- Fridge Brilliance: If you look closely, the series has been subtly dropping hints about her not being human since the very start. Her lover is a guy who can talk to animal, she doesn't need to eat, she's ridiculously strong for a country girl, no one is turned on by her incredible sexiness.. and the warriors whom she picked fights with spread the rumors that they were fighting some kind of monster.
- Honor Before Reason: Although, Munsu calls her out on her bullshit. She cries.
- Not Quite Human
- Fridge Horror: She was gonna be married to Mong Ryong. Her true nature aside, think for a second what it would look like to people, since Mong Ryong and Munsu are possbily the only two characters who see her as a human.
- Not Quite Human: Mito finally brings up she is some kind of animal to Munsu near of the climax.
- Rapunzel Hair: Her glorious rapunzel hair.
- Stripperiffic: With a hefty dose of Rule of Sexy to 'justify' it. There's no logical reason for her to keep wearing the bondage-esque outfit she was forced into in her introductory chapter. She does so anyway.
- Submissive Badass: She is practically reduced to a little kid when Munsu scorns her. Being a Sando defines her life.
- The Ingenue: Very innocent and certainly virginal.
- The Lost Lenore: Hers is Mongryong, who drives her need to be a Sando.
- The Un-Reveal: Sando's true form appears to be that of some sort of demon, but only Munsu sees it in the end.
- Took a Level in Badass: After her training, she can also use ki.
- What Beautiful Eyes!: Mong Ryong certainly feels so.
Bang Ja
An unnamed bang ja which had served two Angyo Onshi, Aria and Munsu. As their bang ja, he acts as their servant. His duties including preparing foods and also helping his masters in their efforts as Angyo Onshi.
Tropes associated with Bang Ja:
- Butt Monkey: He never really gets a break.
- Character Development
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: He actually helped Munsu take down Won Hyo! That's just one example of where his inner badassery can shine through.
- Honor Before Reason: Sometimes he takes his honour go ahead of the capacities of his little body.
- Loveable Sex Maniac
- Took a Level in Badass
- The Scrappy: Most readers just hate this guy, at least in the beginning.
- The Determinator: Goes through hell and back to save Munsu...
- The Woobie:...and almost dies in the process.
Won Sul
See Aji Tae's Forces.
Aji Tae's Forces
Aji Tae
The central antagonist of Shin Angyo Onshi. He is a black-winged demon who was responsible for Jushin's destruction, alongside many other mishaps throughout the series. Leading a band of supernatural fighters, heroes from the past, demons, and powerful black magic practitioners from the western country of Pretinica, he aims to conquer the known land and reshape it to his own bidding.
Tropes associated with Aji Tae:
- Achilles' Heel: The biggest weakness that his omnipotence has is the fact that Munsu received some of it when Aji Tae transferred him Kye Wol Hyang's disease. In short, Munsu is the only person who can utterly beat the senseless fuck out of him without Aji Tae's powers affecting him.
- Adorkable: Part of his cover when seducing people. Including glasses.
- Affably Evil: His sheer charisma and aura is second to none.
- A God I Am: For once, an actual villain whose powers are practically on the realm of gods. Others act haughty and on behalf of ambition, but Aji Tae can actually back up his Hannibal Lectures.
- Arch Enemy: Oh hell yes, Munsu hates him to the core. Emphasis on hell...
- Authority Equals Asskicking: And the inversion.
- Badass
- Badass Bookworm: He really WAS a complete bookworm while he served as Munsu's advisor.
- Badass Longcoat
- Badass Long Hair
- Big Bad: Though far from being the only villain, the climate of social chaos that falls upon Jushin is still his fault.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Back in the days of Jushin, no one really expected the scrawny Aji Tae to be almost like a God.
- Bishounen: Goes from Cute Shotaro Boy to this.
- Body Horror: Some of his powers qualify as this.
- Brought Down to Normal: This is what happens whenever he faces off against Munsu, as long as he still carries the disease with him.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Starts off as this, what with his pet duck and all...
- Complete Monster
- Complexity Addiction: There was little to no point in bringing Sando to his side and training her to become stronger. Though it takes a lot of effort(and Munsu losing one of his arms), she escapes from his control and kills Aji Tae.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Whenever Aji Tae gets into a fight, it isn't even this. It's more like a case of There Is No Kill Like Overkill taken Up to Eleven. With a mere thought he can make any creature, living or dead, explode into mush. That said, if he's not delivering the carnage, he's on the receiving end of it, thanks to his Achilles' Heel.
- Cute Shotaro Boy: In the flashbacks to when he was just a doctor. This guy is some female fantasy.
- Diabolical Mastermind
- Didn't See That Coming: Definitively didn't see Kye Wol Hang's Suicide by Cop messing up the spell he put on Munsu in a way that allows Munsu not only to be immune to his powers but to also allow him to beat up Aji Tae like he was a normal human. His face after it happens in the first time seems like of someone who knows it's about to die. A serious case of Unknown Knowns.
- Drunk with Power: When you're so powerful you can kill people with a thought, it's almost expected. This guy is in the middle on a power-induced euphoria overdose every time he engages on a killing rampage.
- Evil Overlord
- Evil Is Sexy: At least on the outside. When he starts going crazy....not so much...
- Face of an Angel Mind of a Demon: He is a very pretty boy...And literally and metaphorically a demon.
- Fatal Flaw: Extreme overconfidence. Aji Tae don't stops trusting that things will always go his way because of his charisma and power. Things simply don't work that way.
- Faux Affably Evil: Oh boy. He acts friendly even after he discards his cover, but is him a nasty individual.
- Mr. Fanservice: One of the reasons why Sando becomes attracted to him. He's just damn good looking!
- Foe Yay: Naturally, he's shipped with Munsu, given their history.
- For the Evulz: He has no real explanation why he does the terrible things he does. Only that he's a demon who enjoys pain and suffering.
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul: He used glasses in the past, and was just as evil.
- God Is Evil
- Good Hair, Evil Hair: Back when he was "one of the good guys", he sported short brown hair and round glasses. When he made his position known, his hair grew out much longer and wilder, and became white.
- Hannibal Lecture: Loves to lecture Munsu.
- Hoist by His Own Petard:
- If he didn't enter Munsu's dream just to try to make him feel a little more pain, Munsu maybe would never have awakened.
- He made Sando more stronger by making her train with Mujang. She kills him in the end.
- Irony: His grand plan at first to get rid of Munsu was to transfer Kye Wol Hyang's disease to him, and have it slowly eat away at him. He never expected this to be Munsu's immunity to his powers... There's also the fact that it was Sando who killed him, someone whom he put so much effort and manipulation into.
- Kill the Poor: When he impersonates the emperor, he decrees a law where everything that isn't "beautiful" must be destroyed. That includes poor people.
- Ludicrous Gibs: Though we're not sure if it's an implosion or explosion thanks to the limitation of 2D art, he reduces his victims to this most of the time.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Master of Illusion: He can take on the form of anyone.
- Moral Event Horizon: Pretty much everything he's ever done in the entire series crosses it.
- Not So Invincible After All: He is killed by a blade that as far we know have nothing abnormal about it...It only took a few seconds of distraction for him to be hit by his undoing.
- One-Winged Angel: A fairly literal example.
- Person of Mass Destruction: He can explode people with his mind. And when he explodes himself, he creates a giant crater where the palace and good part of the capital of Jushin was.
- Physical God: By Jushin's destruction, he's already become one.
- Strolling Through the Chaos: It helps when he is the guy creating the chaos in first place, and when he isn't, he still a practically invulnerable demon.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- The Caligula: As the emperor of Jushin, he orders the destruction of everything that's not "beautiful". Cues mass massacre after mass massacre.
- The Sociopath: Hell, he is one. He knows no feelings except hate, disgust and fear, the last one when he is finally put in a corner.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: In the present.
- You Cannot Grasp the True Form: His power is so vast that no real mortal can even perceive it.
- Villainous Breakdown: Has two of them: First one, when he realizes his powers don't work on Munsu and promptly gets beat the shit out of him. Second one is after he kills Munsu, but freaks out over the fact that his corpse is still standing and still giving him the Death Glare.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Won Sul
A central character in the series, he first appeared as a primary antagonist early in the series, working directly under Aji Tae as a prison warden, but Won Sul's character is further expanded upon within flashbacks, as well as his role later in the series.
Tropes associated with Won Sul:
- Ambiguously Gay: There are...serious implications he was in love with Munsu by the time they're traveling together.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Aji Tae transforms him in a giant monstrous abomination, apparently just to torture Munsu a little more by making him kill his former comrade.
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Ax Crazy: The guy knows how to let loose...
- Badass: Unbelievably so!
- Badass Normal: At the start.
- Badass Abnormal: After he's turned into a zombie.
- Badass Longcoat: Oh yes.
- Bad Boss: He seemed to enjoy slaughtering his own guards for the hell of it...
- Big Damn Heroes: Cemented his status as this in the Battle of Kaidaten.
- Cool Sword: His sword, the Saruhyondo is actually nothing but a dragon-shaped hilt. His killing intent is what manifests an invisible, shape shifting sword. When he's revived as a zombie, he loses this ability, and instead has a normal blade fitted onto the Saruhyondo.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Pretty much no one is capable of taking him on in a fair fight other than Sando. His fight against Insu and Joy is reduced to pretty much this.
- Conflicting Loyalty: The biggest part of his character is where his loyalty lies: For Munsu out of admiration, or Aji Tae out of fear.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Face Heel Turn <---> Heel Face Turn
- Might as well just call it a Heel Face Revolving Door and be done with it.
- Failure Knight: Is practically torn inside-out over what happened between Munsu and Aji Tae, and somewhere deep down also blames himself for ultimately siding with Aji Tae.
- Immortality: Type V. He can take a lot of punishment and still can stand up and fight. The scars and wounds remain though.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Lightning Bruiser: Moves fast and hits pretty hard.
- Mercy Kill: At his end, he's nothing more of a watcher connected to a body who Aji Tae controls. Munsu has no option but order his destruction.
- Perpetual Frowner: Nope, don't shows a lot of emotion through that face.
- Sword Beam: Essentially what the Saruhyondo is.
- Took a Level in Badass: In the war against Kaidaten, the moment he got the Saruhyondo, he decapitated Kaidaten and ended the whole war.
- Tranquil Fury: In battle, he's either Ax Crazy, or this. If it's this, you are Deader Than Dead.
- Our Zombies Are Different: When he's revived by Aji Tae, he's a poster boy of a zombie on the outside. However, he still retains his memories, reasoning, and intelligence.
- Wave Motion Sword
- The Woobie
A group of martial arts specialists who work as Robin Hood-like bandits, taking money from the rich so that they can provide for the poor. Most members of the group utilize a technique called Hap-ki, which allows them to focus their ki for offensive use. It's lead by a mysterious young woman who calls herself "Kye Wol Hyang", the name of Munsu's supposedly dead lover, who seeks to avenge her "death" by killing Munsu.
Kye Wol Hyang/Hong Gil Dong
- A Mother To Her Men: Dorso even calls her "mama" when considering that she will forgive him when gets in a situation where he can't fulfill his mission. Not to mention that she takes the burden of her group's lives as her fault as well.
- Angsty Surviving Twin: Well, not exactly twin, as Gildong and Wol Hyang are merely identical stepsisters.
- Break the Haughty: Gets one, when Munsu tells her that her deeds, while apparently righteous, are still criminal.
- Dead Person Impersonation: When she talks to Munsu, she takes over the identity of her dead sister Kye Wol Hyang. Munsu realizes it pretty much right away though.
- Driven to Suicide
- Determinator
- Knight Templar Big Sister: For Kye Wol Hyang.
- Redemption Equals Death
- Heroic Bastard: Born of a illegitimate relationship between Kye Wol Hyang's father and her mother.
- Revenge: The whole business between her and Munsu, the reason being the circumstances that surround her "death" actually her sister's, Kye Wol Hyang's death.
- Revenge Before Reason:.. and boy does she go out of her ways to even the score with Munsu. It does not end well for her.
- Stoic Woobie: She got mistreated due to being an illegitimate child while Kye Wol Hyang was pampered, but never held any resentment towards her sister or the world, and has a strong desire to help people.
- The Heart: What she doesn't have in strength or even in intelligence, she makes it up in kindness and will.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Starts off as this; she genuinely wants to help other people and her determination is why ki attacks don't have any effect on her. When Munsu points out how far off the deep end she's gone, she goes completely nuts.
Bae Ryong
- Anti-Villain: He really doesn't want to hurt people. They just don't listen.
- Badass Long Hair
- Beauty Mark
- Bodyguard Crush: To Kye Wol Hyang a.k.a Hong Gildong, which she reciprocates.
- Killed Off for Real
- One-Man Army: He is very, very powerful....
- Person of Mass Destruction: Because his balls of ki can obliterate an entire ship.
Tae Yu
- Action Survivor
- An Arm and a Leg
- Badass Long Hair
- Enemy Mine: Teams up with Munsu, the one responsible for the fall of Hwalbindang, to fight against Aji Tae.
- Is It Something You Eat?: His first assumption is that "Aji Tae" is "some sort of food".
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: He also loves Hong Gildong, but supports her relationship with Bae Ryong, his best friend.
- Master Swordsman: Strangely, he himself admits that he isn't the strongest member of Hwalbindang.
- The Quiet One
- Took a Level in Badass: After trainings under Mito, he can use very high-level magic.
Supporting Characters
Hae Mo Su
The emperor of Jushin and Munsu's best friend. He gave Munsu the three-horse Amenosa medallion and appointed him as an Angyo Onshi. In the flashback, it's revealed that Aji Tae killed and impersonated him, causing the decline and eventual destruction of Jushin.
- Be Careful What You Wish For: Maybe thanks to conflicting and unreliable narrators, but accord to Aji Tae, he wished to become Emperor to the demon when he was just a child. He got his wish...and Aji Tae eat him after he became one.
- Bishonen
- Dogged Nice Guy: He's also in love with Kye Wol Hyang, but mostly respects her feelings for Munsu and gives them chance to be with each other.
- Killed Off for Real: Right at the moment he met Aji Tae for the first time.
- Posthumous Character: In fact, he dies earlier than the audience expects, since his murder is offscreen.
- Power Trio: With Kye Wol Hyang and Munsu in their childhood. He's The Smart Guy to Kye Wol Hyang's The Chick and Munsu's The Big Guy.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Knight Templar Emperor: When Aji Tae impersonated him.
- The Good King: Up until he inevitably dies. It's not exactly a spoiler he dies.
- The Power of Friendship: Once invoked this to save Munsu from ruining his life as a bandit.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend
Kye Wol Hyang
Munsu's dead lover, who appears to be the source of his illness. She allegedly committed suicide with Munsu's sword. Her older twin sisterHong Gildong blames her death on Munsu.
She actually died as a result of Aji Tae's machination. Ironically, her death caused the spell Aji Tae was using on her and Munsu to screw up and give Munsu the power to resist Aji Tae.
- Bishoujo Genre
- Break the Cutie: And how. Goddamn it, Aji Tae.
- Dead Little Sister: To Hong Gildong.
- Face Death with Dignity: Cruelly subverted. After being soiled by Aji Tae, she wanted to die as a dignified queen, only to realize (after going through the mess of putting a bullet into her own head) that she was by then a zombie, thus she couldn't even die. When she ran herself through Munsu's sword, the Despair Event Horizon had already been crossed.
- Fate Worse Than Death: Like many, many things on this page already showed you, Aji Tae makes her near immortal and rapes her, but don't kills her, solely to make Munsu suffer.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: To Munsu, even after she's dead! It helped him get over his Heroic BSOD and gave him the courage to face Aji Tae.
- Heroic Sacrifice: By killing herself and not Munsu as per Aji Tae's advice (which supposedly would restore her body's original condition... but Aji Tae was probably lying anyway), she screwed up Aji Tae's spell in its entirety, causing Munsu to be immune to Aji Tae's exploding magic.
- Ill Girl: And apparently incurable.
- Posthumous Character: As her other character sheet says, she is supposedly dead. The twist in the Hwalbindang arc is that she is really dead and that the other Kye Wol Hyang is actually her half-sister impersonating her to attract Munsu.
- Rape as Drama: By Hae Mo Su, who's actually Aji Tae in disguise.
- Silk Hiding Steel
- Spanner in the Works
- Suicide by Cop
- The Lost Lenore: Munsu can't just let go of her. May be one of the possible reasons he and Sando can't even walk the first step despite clear mutual attraction.
- The Ojou: And a Spirited Young Lady by nature.
- Together in Death: Munsu goes to where she and the others are, after his death.
- Back to Shin Angyo Onshi