< Shin Angyo Onshi

Shin Angyo Onshi/YMMV

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Every Villain before the final battle gets one of these, most notably Won Sul (the second time) and Won Hyo
  • Arc Fatigue: Averted. Every arc of the series plays out until it ends, with no arc going on longer than it should. In fact, one of the few complaints of the series is that the final arc was too short.
  • Complete Monster: While any of his core henchmen, ESPECIALLY Lou count big time, Aji Tae is the most triumphant example of this trope. To the extreme.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Almost every character has one. Possibly two. Just way to many to count. One's that need to be mentioned, however, are:
    • Won Sul oneshotting Joy.
    • Bang Ja, Defeating Won Hyo.
    • Don't forget Ondal's death scene, one of the coolest ever created.
    • Also, this page [dead link]
    • Munsu after losing his arm, his other arm, and his eye to a crazy Aji Tae, does this.
    • A few pages later [dead link] , the most badass way to kill your opponent from beyond the grave. With a little side of irony and possibly Narm.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Munsu meeting with everyone after he has died this troper was crying at this point.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: two words: Lightning Penis!!
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Won Sul. *sniff*
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