
A Comedy with a side of Slice of Life, Sakana, created by Madeline Rupert, is one of the more popular webcomics hosted on Smack Jeeves. It follows the lifes of two awkward Japanese brothers working at the Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo. Taro, the older brother, while a Nice Guy and very protective of his younger brother, is kind of a psychopath, and the younger brother, Jiro, is a talented register worker, but terribly afraid of girls. Other important characters are their friends, family and co-workers, especially Taisei, the slightly silly and always cheerful best friend of Jiro, and Yuudai, the gruff and snarky primary register worker, who bears a constant grudge against Jiro for being better at selling fish than he is.

The plot revolves mainly around the awkward, yet hilarious situations the brothers encounter, such as Jiro's misadventures with girls, but is not afraid to delve into more serious matters.

Start here!

You can find more art and info at Mad's Deviant ART account here and at her Tumblr here.

Tropes used in Sakana include:

"Cashier Girl": No! You haven't done anything wrong! I'm the monster here! I've felt guilty for so long I just have to say it! I'm sorry, Jiro Sakana. I'll never forgive myself for what I did in preschool.

    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.