< Sakana


All spoilers are unmarked. Read at your own risk.

  • I Knew It!: Many fans correctly guessed the true identity of "Cashier Girl": Chie Yamamoto, Jiro's Loving Bully from his childhood.
    • It was unanimously agreed by the fanbase that Yuudai was gay even before Mad revealed it in a strip. Also, many people cheered when Mad started to canonize the very popular "TaiDai"(TaiseixYuudai) ship.
  • Incest Yay Shipping: Yes, there are Jiro/Taro shippers. The fact they're canonically very close helps. Same with Taisei/Genkei.
  • Iron Woobie: Jiro. Despite all the bad things that happen to him, he doesn't give up. This is even acknowledged In-Universe as one of ther reasons the Kusagawa twins admire him so much.
  • It Was His Sled: Many things concerning the true identities of some characters, namely "Cashier Girl" (Chie Yamamoto, Jiro's former childhood bully), "Angry Lady" (Chie's sister Mori) and especially "This Guy" (Arata Tasaki, Yuudai's abusive ex). Then there's the I Knew It! entry above.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Yuudai. He's incredibly rude and abrasive to almost everyone he encounters, but this is confirmed to be a defense mechanism due to trust issues thanks to his abusive ex. His status as this gets increasingly clear in later chapters.
    • Mori "Angry Lady" Yamamoto turns out to be this as well. She's quite cold and bitchy, but she used to be a lot sweeter until she caught her fiancĂ© cheating on her, with an awful breakup ensuing and forcing her to live with her younger sister. Her statement that "flowers don't betray you" just drives this further.
    • Genji is a jackass who is frequently fighting with his family, but he has an awful case of No Social Skills and certainly doesn't deserve being screwed over by Nishimura and his gang.
  • Launcher of a Thousand Ships: Both Genkei Tachibana and Arata Tasaki are the most frequent candidates.
  • Love to Hate: Ryoji Nishimura and his Co-Dragons, Endo and Billy, have picked up a fanbase.
    • An even greater example would be Arata Tasaki, whose status as a grades-weapon Knight of Cerebus Hate Sink has made him memorable in many fan circles.
  • Memetic Mutation: Whenever Taisei's eye shows up, things are going to be Serious Business/magical things are going to happen.
  • Mexicans Love Speedy Gonzales: Japanese and Korean people adore Sakana, to the point of having a fan translation circulating through the net, as well as having lots of fanart on Pixiv and Twitter.
  • Misaimed Fandom: Downplayed. Japanese fans tend to see Arata as a handsome Bastard Boyfriend who is shipped with virtually everyone, when canonically, he's a thoroughly disgusting Unsexy Sadist whose creepy vibes just scream Nightmare Fuel. That said, most fanartists are aware of his canon douchebaggery and don't try to deny it or make excuses for him. This is generally averted in the West, though.
  • Moe: Jan. Oh Jan. Just look at him enthusiastically presenting the menu, awkwardly waving with one hand in the background and trying to say Taro's name!
  • Moral Event Horizon: Arata crossed the line In-Universe and out when following a drunken argument, he smashed a bottle into Yuudai's face, which left him with his trademark scar. The fact he acts completely unapologetic about just clinches his status as a completely repulsive character.
  • Narm Charm: Normally, a character with a "This Guy" hat who uses telephone slang and the phrase "Hey, bud" would be very hard to be taken seriously... but Arata Tasaki manages to twist them around and make them genuinely terrifying.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The face Taisei makes in the last panel of this strip is kinda creepy.
    • A much more serious example are the interactions between Yuudai and Arata. Let's be honest here, Arata Tasaki is pretty much Fridge Horror personified.
  • No Yay: Every ship involving Arata. Especially the "Arata/Yuudai" ship. Similar to Frollo, many people start shipping him with everyone in the cast.
  • One True Pairing: Taisei/Yuudai, no doubt about it. Not to mention Jiro/Chie (which is now canon) and Shigeru/Jan.
  • One True Threesome: Taisei/Yuudai/Arata, Jan/Sango/Shigeru and Genji/Endo/Billy are the most frequent.
  • Ship Mates: Take a seat...
    • There's Jiro/Cashier Girl and Taro/Angry Lady (combined with Double In-Law Marriage).
    • Shigeru/Jan serve as this to Taisei/Yuudai. In fact, Shigeru/Jan is a popular Beta Couple for many pairings, since the vast majority take for granted the two are/will become a couple.
    • Then there's the Crack Ship Genkei/Arata, if only to include the latter into the main group.
    • Jiro/Taisei gets along rather well with either Shigeru/Yuudai and Taro/Shigeru. Jiro/Jan is also a popular one.
    • Then there's Jiro/Yuudai and Taro/Taisei.
  • Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: The current story arc has very important ones, all of them revolving around Domestic Abuse.
    • First: LGBT+ people are not exempt of entering abusive relationships. In fact, one could argue they have it even worse than straight couples due to the rampant homophobia/transphobia present.
    • Second: No one deserves to be abused, even if that person was a Jerkass to you, as shown when Jiro defends Yuudai (who at that moment had done nothing but treat him like shit) from his abusive ex.
    • Third: Liking a terrible person doesn't make you terrible, as Jiro states to Yuudai. Moreover, abusive people usually seem nice and likable at first glance (supported by Mad's extra material involving Yuudai meeting Arata), which further supports the point.
  • The Woobie: It's really hard not to see Jiro as this. This makes it all the sweeter when things start going right for him.
    • Let's not get Taro off the hook either. He was a very troubled teen due to his vicious cousin rivalry with Genji and the loss of his parents as a child, and feels really guilty for distancing himself from his brother in those years, trying to make up for it in the present.
    • Then there's poor Jan. Stranded in a foreign country he wasn't supposed to go in the first place, has a hard time communicating and fitting in, and according to Mad, he feels terribly homesick. He does have the Sakana cast as his friends, but damn...

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